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Created August 24, 2022 17:03
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// Experimental sketches of specifying abi-checker tests with kdl.
// See:
// Basically we generate source code for different languages (c, rust, ...)
// from these abstract type/function definitions and then have them call eachother
// and check that the values didn't get corrupted along the way.
// Custom type definitions we want to pass across the ABI/convention of interest.
// By default type definitions/attributes are intended to be language agnostic.
// AbiImpl Backends (rustc, cc, cxx, swiftc, ...) is responsible for lowering the
// agnostic definition to its own concepts (or say "I don't support this").
// e.g. u32 => uint32_t for the cc/cxx backends, Uint32 in swiftc
// The agnostic form is often psuedo-rust because it has good type names/syntax.
// Because we're interested in FFI, type definitions default to #[repr(C)].
// Backends may support an opt-out for this like `attr lang="rust" #[repr(rust)]`
types {
MyStruct {
// Backends should emit a packed attribute for this struct
attr "packed"
decl "struct" {
x "u32"
y "u8"
z "i16"
// A struct with a trailing empty array
MyTrailingStruct {
decl "struct" {
// decls can reference other decls (backend's problem to handle ordering)
header "Header"
// Rust array syntax, can nest, can reference types
buf "[u64; 0]"
Header {
decl "struct" {
len "usize"
cap "usize"
is_magic "bool"
// typedef my_u32 = u32
MyU32 {
decl "alias" "u32"
// Here we demonstrate ability to specify different lowerings for different
// languages. In this case a transparent newtype in rust, a simple typedef in C.
// Both "attr" and "decl" can be prefixed with either lang="$LANG" or "impl=$COMPILER"
// to specify that they only apply in certain cases. The exact merging/fallback behaviour
// is tbd.
// Example langs: "rust", "c", "c++"
// Example impls: "rustc", "cc", "gcc", "g++", ..
// 💭 Possible lang families?: "~c" (c, c++, obj-c, ...)
U64Meters {
attr lang="rust" "#[repr(transparent)]"
decl lang="rust" "struct" {
// Fields can be named `_`, implying they should be position or autonamed
// In the case of rust, this could lower to a tuple struct.
_ u64
decl lang="c" "alias" "u64"
// Typical union
MyUnion {
decl "union" {
x "u32"
y "u8"
// C-style enum
MyEnum {
// You can specify that the tag should have a specific backing type
// which lowers to things like `#[repr(u8)]` or `enum class my_enum: uint8_t`
attr "tag" "u8"
decl "enum" {
// Rust-style tagged union
// As previously stated, this will default to `#[repr(C)]` in rust, which is the
// "obvious" externally-tagged layout with a c-enum-sized tag as defined in
// This is the worst layout, the better one is `#[repr(rust)]` + `#[repr(u8)]`
// (also spec'd in RFC, internally tagged).
MyTaggedUnion {
decl "tagged" {
y "bool"
// Function decls, which are the actual tests that will run.
// We will, for each AbiImpl x AbiImpl x CallingConvention:
// * generate the callee and caller with the two AbiImpls and spec'd CallingConvention (fastcall::rustc_calls_cc)
// * compile them to static libs
// * link them into a harness dll/exe that calls each of the callers, which calls its paired callee
// * have each side report the bytes of each arg/subfield
// * compare the two reports for equality
funcs {
// A function that passes a u32 and my_struct (defined in `types`) by-value.
// By default functions are assumed valid for all conventions/impls/langs.
// By default values will be "byte grafitti", containing the logical field and byte index.
// The high nibble contains the field index, the low nibble the byte index. For instance,
// In the following decl we will have:
// ```
// a = 0x00_01_02_03
// b = MyStruct {
// x = 0x10_11_12_13
// y = 0x20
// z = 0x30_31
// }
// ```
// When ABI mismatches do happen, we will dump the offending bytes, and this tagging
// scheme makes it easier to identify where different bytes came from in the caller.
// (What this looks like for things with forbidden values is TBD but presumably we'll
// do some kind of modulo cycling through the vals.)
// outs are return values, passed back by the callee.
func "simple" {
args {
a "u32"
b "MyStruct"
outs {
_ "bool"
// Varargs can be declared by having an arg with the name "..."
// Arguments that follow "..." are not part of the declared interface,
// but will be passed by the caller and expected by the callee.
func "varargs" {
args {
_ "u8"
_ "bool"
_ "u32"
// Explicit values can be provided if desired
func "explicit_vals" {
conventions "c" "fastcall"
args {
_ "u8" 0x69
b "MyUnion" {
x 12
// Args and outputs can be made "by reference", which means they will be
// passed as a pointer, but the pointee is the logical value that will be
// checked. This is in contrast to the builtin "ptr" value which is treated like spicy usize.
// Return values that are by-ref will be lowered to out-params.
func "by_ref" {
args {
_ "&MyEnum"
_ "&MyEnum"
outs {
_ "&bool"
_ "u32"
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