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**Intro: Keeping connected with your Kids
Time is limited.
Especially once you start Turing!
It is important to find RnR time for yourself
It is also important to keep connected with your kids!
make 'ME' time into family time and still feel sane
**My strategy: Boardgames!
The sacrifices e.g. Candyland (the Gateway dru... boardgame)
Encourage progressing quickly to the harder stuff, more complex thinking during the game
I'm going to be teaching myself Swift as an additional language. Come learn with me!
Its hard to set aside time to learn new things when I already feel strapped for time, so here I am using it during school time!
Swift is developed and backed by Apple.
It is intended to be released as open source later this year? This year is running out apple!
They wanted a more user friendly language in order to program future iOS apps
It is intended to replace Objective C. It is completely backwards compatible because you can run straight Objective C right next to your Swift code!
Because it was written by programmers from multiple different programming backgrounds, it utilizes many ideas and strengths from other languages
There are many times when real dialogue becomes essential in working toward the (real) outcomes you desire.
What is a *crucial conversation*?
*opposing opinions
*strong emotions
*high stakes
Start with Heart!
*know yourself
*check yourself
OmniAuth Identity
Awesome gem! But is starting to become outdated.
Some simple changes that would make it more user friendly
have not been applied despite being talked about in a
rails cast over a year ago.
So I decided to try to do something about it
1. Breakdown each element you want to change
1) dependancy on bcrypt not built in (Someone beat me to this)
2) User Unfriendly Login
3) Validation errors do not show on creation or login

I can explain the difference between function declarations and function expressions.

  • yes 3

I can explain what the value of this is in a normal function.

  • yes 2

I can explain what the value of this is when called from the context of an object.

  • yes 2

I can explain how to explicitly set the value of this in a function.

**Step One**: Watch [Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript](
**Step Two**: Fork this gist.
**Step Three**: Respond to this question in your fork: "What are some of the balances and trade offs between different sorting algoritms?"
* ECMA doesn't have a standart for what sorting alogorithm a browser uses
* .sort() -- 10 < 7
* .sort( function (a,b) { return a-b }); -- decending
* .sort( function (a,b) { return b-a }); -- ascending

Step One: Watch Mary Rose Cook Live Codes Space Invaders from Front-Trends. (The second worst conference name ever?)

Step Two: Fork this gist.

Step Three: Respond to this question in your fork: What is one approach you can take from this Mary's code and implement in your project?

Step Four: Totally Optional: take a look at some of the other forks and comment if the spirit moves you.

Step One: Watch Writing Testable JavaScript - Rebecca Murphey from Full Frontal 2012 (award for worst conference name ever?)

Step Two: Fork this gist.

Step Three: Respond to this question in your fork: Consider the four responsibilities that Rebecca lists for client side code (hint: they're color coded). Respond below with your thoughts. Did any of the responsibilities that she lists surprise you? Do you feel like you mentally split your client side code in IdeaBox and other past projects into these responsibilities?

Step Four: Totally Optional: take a look at some of the other forks and comment if the spirit moves you.