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Last active February 8, 2024 12:36
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Yamaha-CMU Off-Road Dataset Converter to ADE20K Format
import glob
import pdb
import os
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
import cv2
import numpy as np
LABEL_TO_COLOR = OrderedDict({
"background": [255, 255, 255],
"high_vegetation": [40, 80, 0],
"traversable_grass": [128, 255, 0],
"smooth_trail": [178, 176, 153],
"obstacle": [255, 0, 0],
"sky": [1, 88, 255],
"rough_trial": [156, 76, 30],
"puddle": [255, 0, 128],
"non_traversable_low_vegetation": [0, 160, 0]
PALETTE = list(LABEL_TO_COLOR.values())
def main():
print("Palette: ", PALETTE)
print("Classes: ", CLASSES)
print("New label value for class:")
for idx, cls in enumerate(CLASSES):
def convert_structure():
for old_split, new_split in zip(["train", "valid"], ["training", "validation"]):
img_dir = f"yamaha/images/{new_split}"
ann_dir = f"yamaha/annotations/{new_split}"
os.makedirs(img_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(ann_dir, exist_ok=True)
dirs = glob.glob(f"yamaha/{old_split}/*")
dirs = sorted([d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(d)])
for idx, d in enumerate(dirs):
lp = os.path.join(d, "labels.png")
imp = os.path.join(d, "rgb.jpg")
shutil.copy2(imp, os.path.join(img_dir, f"YCOR_{idx:08d}.jpg"))
shutil.copy2(lp, os.path.join(ann_dir, f"YCOR_{idx:08d}.png"))
def convert_labels():
for split in ["training", "validation"]:
path = f"yamaha/annotations/{split}/*"
names = glob.glob(path)
for idx, n in enumerate(sorted(names)):
print(f"Split {split}:{idx}/{len(names)}", end="\r")
img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(n), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
h, w = img.shape[:2]
img = img.reshape(-1, 3)
new_img = np.empty_like(img[:, 0])
for idx, c in enumerate(PALETTE):
matching = np.all(img == c, axis=1)
new_img[matching] = idx
if 255 in np.unique(new_img):
cv2.imwrite(n, new_img.reshape(h, w))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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