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Forked from tsk-arh/junior1
Created January 29, 2024 18:21
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ЗАДАНИЕ Brave new world narcobeta
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp4
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
char[,] map = new char[25, 100];
Random random = new Random();
int mapGameTerritoryPositionMiniumumY = 1;
int mapGameTerritoryPositionMaximumY = map.GetLength(0);
int mapGameTerritoryPositionMiniumumX = 1;
int mapGameTerritoryPositionMaximumX = map.GetLength(1);
int cursorPositionX = random.Next(mapGameTerritoryPositionMiniumumX, mapGameTerritoryPositionMaximumX);
int cursorPositionY = random.Next(mapGameTerritoryPositionMiniumumY, mapGameTerritoryPositionMaximumY);
int quantytyBonus = 0;
bool isPaintWallMode = true;
bool isGameModeOn = true;
bool isRuning = true;
ConsoleColor defoultBackgroundColor = Console.BackgroundColor;
Console.BackgroundColor = defoultBackgroundColor;
Console.CursorVisible = false;
RefreshMap(out int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod, map);
while (isRuning)
ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = default;
if (Console.KeyAvailable)
pressedKey = Console.ReadKey();
EnterSetUpKeyFromUser(map, pressedKey, ref isPaintWallMode, ref isGameModeOn, ref bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod, ref quantytyBonus, ref isRuning);
TryMoove(ref cursorPositionX, ref cursorPositionY, map, pressedKey, ref isGameModeOn, ref quantytyBonus, isPaintWallMode);
WritePlayer(cursorPositionX, cursorPositionY, map);
int wallMetres = 0;
int quantityBonusLeft = 0;
int[,] randomArray = new int[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)];
int[,] randomColorArray = new int[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)];
int randomColorArrayMaximum = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < randomArray.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < randomArray.GetLength(1); j++)
randomArray[i, j] = random.Next(bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod);
randomColorArray[i, j] = random.Next(randomColorArrayMaximum + 1);
map = UpdateAllMap(ref cursorPositionX, ref cursorPositionY, map, randomArray, ref quantytyBonus, ref wallMetres, ref quantityBonusLeft, randomColorArray);
private static char[,] UpdateAllMap(ref int cursorPositionX, ref int cursorPositionY, char[,] map, int[,] randomArray, ref int quantytyBonus, ref int wallMetres, ref int quantityBonusLeft, int[,] rndColorMassive)
char mapWall = 'X';
char spaceMap = ' ';
WritePlayer(cursorPositionX, cursorPositionY, map);
for (int i = 0; i < map.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map.GetLength(1); j++)
ChoseRandomMapColor(rndColorMassive, i, j);
WritePrimeterWall(map, i, j);
if (map[i, j] == mapWall)
Console.SetCursorPosition(j, i);
if (map[i, j] == spaceMap)
Console.SetCursorPosition(j, i);
WriteBonuses(map, ref randomArray, ref quantityBonusLeft, i, j);
WriteLegend(map, wallMetres, quantytyBonus, quantityBonusLeft);
return map;
private static void WritePlayer(int cursorPositionX, int cursorPositionY, char[,] map)
char player = 'i';
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
map[cursorPositionY, cursorPositionX] = player;
Console.SetCursorPosition(cursorPositionX, cursorPositionY);
private static void WriteBonuses(char[,] map, ref int[,] randomArray, ref int quantityBonusLeft, int coordinateY, int coordinateX)
char bonus = '@';
int bonusWriteRandomArrayNumber = 20;
if (map[coordinateY, coordinateX] == ' ' && randomArray[coordinateY, coordinateX] == bonusWriteRandomArrayNumber)
map[coordinateY, coordinateX] = bonus;
if (map[coordinateY, coordinateX] == bonus)
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateX, coordinateY);
private static void WritePrimeterWall(char[,] map, int coordinateY, int coordinateX)
char mapWall = 'X';
int[] mapWallIndexes = { 0, map.GetLength(1) - 1 };
int coordinatWallY = map.GetLength(0) - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < mapWallIndexes.Length; k++)
if (coordinateY == mapWallIndexes[k] || coordinateX == mapWallIndexes[k])
map[coordinateY, coordinateX] = mapWall;
if (coordinateY == coordinatWallY)
map[coordinateY, coordinateX] = mapWall;
private static void ChoseRandomMapColor(int[,] rndColorMassive, int coordinateY, int coordinateX)
int colorForegroundRedWriteArray = 10;
int colorForegroundMagentaWriteArray = 12;
int[] colorForegroundGreen = { 14, 15 };
if (rndColorMassive[coordinateY, coordinateX] == colorForegroundRedWriteArray)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
if (rndColorMassive[coordinateY, coordinateX] == colorForegroundMagentaWriteArray)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
for (int k = 0; k < colorForegroundGreen.Length; k++)
if (rndColorMassive[coordinateY, coordinateX] == colorForegroundGreen[k])
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
private static void WriteLegend(char[,] map, int wallMetres, int quantytyBonus, int quantityBonusLeft)
int countVerticalWall = 2;
int countHorisontalWall = 2;
int corners = 4;
int wallAllBasePerimetrLenght = map.GetLength(0) * countVerticalWall + map.GetLength(1) * countHorisontalWall - corners;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartOne = 40;
int coordinateYgamelegendPartOne = map.GetLength(0);
int coodrdinateXgameLegendPartTwo = 10;
int coordinateYgameLegendPartTwo = map.GetLength(0) + 1;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartThree = 10;
int coodrdinateYgameLegendPartThree = map.GetLength(0) + 2;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartFour = 10;
int coordinateYgameLegendPartFour = map.GetLength(0) + 3;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartFive = 10;
int coordinateYgameLegendPartFive = map.GetLength(0) + 4;
string gameLegendPartOne = $"!Brave NEW world!";
string gameLegendPartTwo = $"X - стена space - начать или перестать строить стену с - выход";
string gameLegendPartThree = $"{wallMetres - wallAllBasePerimetrLenght} метров стены построено g - перестать считать собранные плюшки";
string gameLegendPartFour = $"M - очистить карту i - игрок q/w - меньше/больше плюшек ";
string gameLegendPartFive = $"<- | -> Стрелки - управление @ - плюшки собрано: {quantytyBonus} не собрано: {quantityBonusLeft}";
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartOne, coordinateYgamelegendPartOne);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.SetCursorPosition(coodrdinateXgameLegendPartTwo, coordinateYgameLegendPartTwo);
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartThree, coodrdinateYgameLegendPartThree);
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartFour, coordinateYgameLegendPartFour);
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartFive, coordinateYgameLegendPartFive);
private static void EnterSetUpKeyFromUser(char[,] map, ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, ref bool isPaintWallMode, ref bool isGameModeOn, ref int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod, ref int quantytyBonus, ref bool isRunning)
int zeroBonusCountGameModeFalse = 0;
char keyExit = 'c';
char keyBunusAllMap = 'm';
char keyGameMode = 'g';
ConsoleKey spaceBar = ConsoleKey.Spacebar;
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyExit)
isRunning = false;
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyGameMode)
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyGameMode && isGameModeOn)
quantytyBonus = zeroBonusCountGameModeFalse;
isGameModeOn = false;
isGameModeOn = true;
else if (pressedKey.Key == spaceBar)
if (pressedKey.Key == spaceBar && isPaintWallMode)
isPaintWallMode = false;
isPaintWallMode = true;
else if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyBunusAllMap)
RefreshMap(out bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod, map);
ChangeRangeSpawnPeriod(pressedKey, ref bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod);
private static void ChangeRangeSpawnPeriod(ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, ref int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod)
char bonusSpawnPediodUp = 'q';
char bonusSpawnPeriodDown = 'w';
int bonusUpRange = 1000;
int bonusDownRange = -500;
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == bonusSpawnPediodUp)
bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod += bonusUpRange;
else if (pressedKey.KeyChar == bonusSpawnPeriodDown)
if (bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod > bonusUpRange)
bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod += bonusDownRange;
private static void RefreshMap(out int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod, char[,] map)
char spaceMap = ' ';
bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod = 30000;
for (int i = 0; i < map.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map.GetLength(1); j++)
map[i, j] = spaceMap;
private static char GetDirection(ref int cursorPositionX, ref int cursorPositionY, char[,] map, ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, out int cursorPositionChangeX, out int cursorPositionChangeY)
cursorPositionChangeX = 0;
cursorPositionChangeY = 0;
ConsoleKey upArrow = ConsoleKey.UpArrow;
ConsoleKey downArrow = ConsoleKey.DownArrow;
ConsoleKey leftArrow = ConsoleKey.LeftArrow;
ConsoleKey rightArrow = ConsoleKey.RightArrow;
if (pressedKey.Key == upArrow)
else if (pressedKey.Key == downArrow)
else if (pressedKey.Key == leftArrow)
else if (pressedKey.Key == rightArrow)
return map[cursorPositionY + cursorPositionChangeY, cursorPositionX + cursorPositionChangeX];
private static void TryMoove(ref int cursorPositionX, ref int cursorPositionY, char[,] map, ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, ref bool isGameModeOn, ref int quantytyBonus, bool isPaintWallMode)
char mapWall = 'X';
char bonus = '@';
char locationContent = GetDirection(ref cursorPositionX, ref cursorPositionY, map, pressedKey, out int cursorPositionChangeX, out int cursorPositionChangeY);
if (isGameModeOn == true && locationContent == bonus)
if (locationContent != mapWall)
char spaceMap = ' ';
if (isPaintWallMode == true)
map[cursorPositionY, cursorPositionX] = mapWall;
map[cursorPositionY, cursorPositionX] = spaceMap;
cursorPositionY += cursorPositionChangeY;
cursorPositionX += cursorPositionChangeX;
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