Save GitMurf/ec35c81003b172ce01044993d9849505 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<%* | |
const editor = app.workspace.activeLeaf.view.editor; | |
if(editor.somethingSelected() === true) { | |
let selectedText = editor.getSelection(); | |
let splitLines = selectedText.split('\n'); | |
let finalOutput = ''; | |
let listItem = false; | |
let codeBlock = false; | |
splitLines.forEach(eachLine => { | |
let lnOutput = eachLine; | |
const listMatch = lnOutput.match(/^[ \t]*[\-\*] /); | |
if(listItem === false) { | |
if(listMatch) { | |
listItem = true; | |
finalOutput = `${finalOutput}<ul>`; | |
} | |
} else { | |
if(!listMatch) { | |
listItem = false; | |
finalOutput = `${finalOutput}</ul>`; | |
} | |
} | |
//remove tags | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/#[^\s\#]+/g, ''); | |
//replace a [ ] task checkbox | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\[ \]/g, '<span style="background-color: #FFFF00"><strong>ACTION ITEM:</strong></span>'); | |
//Parse out alias from wiki links | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\[\[[^\[\]]+\|([^\[\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1'); | |
//Parse out regular wiki bracket links | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\[\[([^\[\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1'); | |
//Parse out markdown style URLs | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\[([^\[\]]*)\]\(([^ ]+)\)/g, '<a href="$2">$1</a>'); | |
//Bold asterisk | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*/g, '<strong>$1</strong>'); | |
//Bold underscore | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\_\_([^\_]+)\_\_/g, '<strong>$1</strong>'); | |
//Italics asterisk | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\*([^\*]+)\*/g, '<em>$1</em>'); | |
//Italics underscore | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\_([^\_]+)\_/g, '<em>$1</em>'); | |
//Highlights | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\=\=([^\=]+)\=\=/g, '<span style="background-color: #FFFF00">$1</span>'); | |
//Strikethrough | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/\~\~([^\~]+)\~\~/g, '<strike>$1</strike>'); | |
//Inline code | |
let backTickChar = "`"; | |
let regExpStr = `${backTickChar}+([^${backTickChar}]+)${backTickChar}+`; | |
let regReplace = new RegExp(regExpStr, "g"); | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(regReplace, '<code>$1</code>'); | |
//Full code blocks | |
if(lnOutput.indexOf("```") > -1) { | |
let backTickChar = "`"; | |
let regExpStr = `${backTickChar}+[^${backTickChar}]*`; | |
let regReplace = new RegExp(regExpStr, "g"); | |
if(codeBlock === false) { | |
codeBlock = true; | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(regReplace, '<code>'); | |
} else { | |
codeBlock = false; | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(regReplace, '</code>'); | |
} | |
} | |
//H1 | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^\# (.*)/, '<h1>$1</h1>'); | |
//H2 | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^\## (.*)/, '<h2>$1</h2>'); | |
//H3 | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^\### (.*)/, '<h3>$1</h3>'); | |
//H4 | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^\#### (.*)/, '<h4>$1</h4>'); | |
//H5 | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^\##### (.*)/, '<h5>$1</h5>'); | |
//H6 | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^\###### (.*)/, '<h6>$1</h6>'); | |
//Remove extra whitespace | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/(\S)[ ]+/g, '$1 '); | |
//Formatting for paste into tools like Microsoft Word, OneNote, Outlook to match their bullet styles | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^[\-\*] (.*)/, '<li>$1</li>'); | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^( |\t)[\-\*] (.*)/, '<ul><li>$2</li></ul>'); | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^( |\t\t)[\-\*] (.*)/, '<ul><ul><li>$2</li></ul></ul>'); | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^( |\t\t\t)[\-\*] (.*)/, '<ul><ul><ul><li>$2</li></ul></ul></ul>'); | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^( |\t\t\t\t)[\-\*] (.*)/, '<ul><ul><ul><ul><li>$2</li></ul></ul></ul></ul>'); | |
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/^( |\t\t\t\t\t)[\-\*] (.*)/, '<ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>$2</li></ul></ul></ul></ul></ul>'); | |
if(listItem === false) { | |
finalOutput = `${finalOutput}<br>${lnOutput}` | |
} else { | |
finalOutput = `${finalOutput}${lnOutput}` | |
} | |
}) | |
if(listItem === true) { | |
finalOutput = `${finalOutput}</ul>`; | |
} | |
let newString = finalOutput.trim(); | |
newString = newString.replace(/\<\/ul\>(\<br\>)+/g, '</ul>'); | |
newString = newString.replace(/\<\/h([123456])\>(\<br\>)+/g, '</h$1>'); | |
//This was keeping the previous clipboard item in the plaintext of the clipboard | |
//No longer using this as kind of confusing | |
//const plainText = await navigator.clipboard.readText(); | |
const plainText = newString; | |
const blobPlain = new Blob([plainText], { type: "text/plain" }); | |
const blobHtml = new Blob([`${newString}`], { type: "text/html" }); | |
let data = [new ClipboardItem({ | |
[blobPlain.type]: blobPlain, | |
[blobHtml.type]: blobHtml, | |
})]; | |
await navigator.clipboard.write(data); | |
new Notice("Copied the cleaned and formatted text to your Clipboard for pasting into Outlook / Word!", 15000); | |
new Notice("Make sure you do a regular 'Full' paste and NOT paste as plain text!", 15000); | |
} else { | |
new Notice("Doing NOTHING because no text was selected!", 15000); | |
} | |
//By doing a return then it will not try to replace the selected text / apply the tR variable | |
return; | |
%> |
@dcoales can you please show a screenshot of both? The link thing I am literally just pasting the url so am not creating a link at all. It’s just the text. Whatever you paste it into should handle allowing it to be clickable. I’m not doing anything special.
Here is the source text
## Heading
### Sub Heading
This is some text with _Italilcs using underscore_ plus ==Highlighight== plus *italics using asterisks* plus __bold using underscore__ plus **bold using asterisks**
This is a link to [Google](www.google.co.uk)
- And here are some bullets
- And a nested bullet followed by a line separator
This renders as shown in the attached screenshot. It looks as though using underscores for bold and italic is the problem. If I use asterisks then it works fine.
With regards to the link - maybe an option to leaving it with the alias format rather than stripping out the part in the round brackets would work ?
In obsidian it appears as
@dcoales please test it now. The following should be implemented:
- bold using underscores
- italics using underscores
[markdown links](URL)
now using HTML stylea href
element so link should be clickable and with alias still in MS products
Please confirm everything is now working as you hope?
This is amazing! A couple suggestions:
- Change double-colons (for in-line DV metadata) to single colons
- If there are headings in a list, try to apply same styling, else, simply delete the #s
This is SOOOO good.
I just added this and it works:
//Remove double colons
lnOutput = lnOutput.replace(/::/g, ':')
The second bullet suggestion is beyond my skills.
A few more suggestions after using it to draft a client email:
- Ordered lists!
- Support for block quotes
@GitMurf That's perfect for me. Thank you so much for doing this I really appreciate it.
@apoc527 i tried block quotes but Word and Outlook weren’t interpreting the html for it so I didn’t add it.
For the ordered lists do you just mean handle numbered lists?
Yea numbered lists is what I meant. Thanks!
That's much better thank you.
I'm creating italics using foo but this is coming through unchanged i.e. not in italics. Am I doing it wrong.
I also added Google which came through as www.google.co.uk but wasn't clickable. Is there any chance of making this a clickable link. Sorry to be a pain :-)
Out of interest I checked out the plugin CopyToHtml which does create a clickable link using the the alias - but doesn't generate highlighted text properly so your script has the edge :-)