I highly recommed that you read this before using the bot
<arc> -- This means that this argument is REQUIRED.
[arc] -- this means that NOT REQUIRED
(<arc>) -- Required, but only that text.
([arc]) -- Not required, but only that text
(<arc|arc2>) -- Required, but the | means that have you to choose one of them.
([arc|arc2]) -- Not Required, but the | means that have you to choose one of them.
^ -- This means that the bot command requires some sort of admin permission.
^^ -- This means that it requires server owner.
^^^ -- This means that it requires bot admin.
^^^^ -- This means bot owner ONLY.
Important: DO NOT Include the <>, [], (), ^, when writing your command. This bot doesn't interact with any bots. Any bot that tried to interact with me is gonna be ignored.
Custom Permissions:
BOT_OWNER - Only BOT_OWNER can access this command
BOT_ADMIN - Only BOT_ADMIN can access this command
Invite Bot: https://urls.ziad87.net/8SjwND
Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/EYt579b
j.help - List of commands
j.ping - Pong!
j.feedback <text> - Give us feedback!
[disabled] j.privatefeedback <text> - Give us feedback (Private)
j.news - Something new about the bot
j.invite - Invite to our server and our bot.
j.test - test the bot commands
j.servercount - Tells you how many servers that this bot is in
j.reacttest - Test the reactions
j.emojitest - Test Emojis
j.about - About our bot
j.uptime - tells you how long the bot has been running for.
j.qr <text> - Create a qr code.]
j.undertale <text> ([<text>=<text>]) - Make a undertale text box! For adjusting its properties, please visit this site https://urls.ziad87.net/pRlJD0 (Warning: Its pretty confusing), for other help on the api, https://urls.ziad87.net/eBYq4 If image doesnt appear, but the link does, Open the link to see the image, or try again. j.tw <text> - Typewriter font!
j.inspirobot - Get a quote from Inspirobot
j.xperror <text> - make an windows xp error
j.95error <text> - make an windows 95 error
j.steamemote <steam emote name> - get a steam emote. when it shows a link instead of image, it means the emote doesn't exist.
[disabled] j.invert <attachment/@mention> - Invert image. WIP.
j.pinktext <text> - Generate pink text
j.ban^ <@user> [reason] - Forces a user to leave but cant join back
j.kick^ <@user> - Forces a user to leave
j.purge^ <number> - purges the number of messages that is inputed in.
j.purgecia^ - The contents of this command are classified. (Purges Everything. Not everything, though)
j.purgecus^ <@text> - Just like j.purgcia, but with a custom message.
[disabled] j.purgev2^^ <text> - THIS DELETES ALL MESSAGES, CHANNELS, ETC, AND REMAKES THEM. But, its broken, so.. :P
j.slowmode^ <#> - Set the slowmode on the channel.
j.setnsfw^ <(on|off)> - Turn NSFW on or off
j.veriflvl^ <(none|low|medium|high|highest|0|1|2|3|4)> - Change the verification level
j.hackban^ <id> - Ban someone outside of your server
[disabled] j.unban^ <@user> - unban a user.
j.softban^ <user> - Bans, then unbans the iser
"Couldn't figure out what to call these commands."
j.uppercase <text> - Changes all text to caps (aliases: j.uc)
j.lowercase <text> -changes all text to lowercase (aliases: j.ls)
j.say <text> - Makes the bot say something
j.nsay <text> - Makes the bot say something, then deletes your message afterwards
j.scramble <text> - Scrambles the text.
[disabled] j.thot <text> - BEGONE THOT!
j.vaporwave <text> - Spaces your text on every character. l i k e t h i s.
j.claptext <text> - Writes👏your👏text👏like👏this.
j.cowsay <text> - Make a cow say something
j.reverse <text> - Reverse your text
j.figlet <text> - makes some cool text art
j.binarytotext <text> - Translate binary to english
j.texttobinary <text> - Translate english to binary
j.rl - Random letter
"Some roleplay commands that I put for no reason"
[disabled] j.fuck <user or something> - Just... Dont...
j.hug <user or something> - Hug someone!
j.snuggle <someone or idk> - Snuggle Someone!
j.kill <user or something> - Kill someone... oh boi.
j.slap <user or something> - Slap Someone!
j.angry/j.mad - ARE YA ANGRY?!
j.sad - Boo Hoo...
j.happy - Cheerful, Lighthearted, Emotion!
j.nuzzle <text> - Nuzzle Someone!
j.microwave <text> - Throw someone in the microwave!
j.revive <text> - Revive someone!
j.distract <text> - Distract Someone!
"Shows cute photos of animals. For some reason some of them are broken :("
[disabled] j.dog - Gets a dog photo
[disabled] j.cat - Gets a cat photo
[disabled] j.fox - Gets a random fox boi
[disabled] j.honk - Gets a desktop goose meme.
[disabled] j.bird - Gets a bird photo
[disabled] j.lizard - Gets a lizard
[disabled] j.tiger - Gets a random tiger boi.
[disabled] j.owl - Gets a random owl boi! OwOl
[disabled] j.shiba - gets a shiba
[disabled] j.redpanda - gets a red panda
[disabled] j.panda - gets a panda
[disabled] j.penguin - gets a penguin
"I guess i'm useful after all."
j.calc <your math problem> - Calculates your math.
j.time - Tells you the time.
j.date - Tells you the date.
j.itc <#> - Converts inches to centimeters, I think?
j.ctf <#> - C degrees to F degrees
j.ftc <#> - F degrees to C degrees
j.guildid - View the guild id.
[disabled] j.msgsent - see how much messages u sent
[disabled] j.wiki <search> - Search on wikipedia
j.unixtime - Whats the unix time?
j.at - Advanced date and time
[disabled] j.wolfram <question> - Ask Wolfram a question!
j.weather <location> - Tells you the weather.
j.suicide - You are not alone
j.cl <text> - count letters and words.
j.cdtray^^^^ <(open|close)> - Open the cd drive
"Commands that are fun"
j.8ball [whatever u want] - Shake the magic 8ball!
[disabled] j.9ball [question] - just an old version of the 8ball. nothing really special.
j.69ball [question] - Lws funny ball!!1111
j.yesno [question] - Only ask a yes or no question, just like the 8ball
j.lol - Says Haha Funny!
j.retrojbot - Thats me!
j.hi - Says hello. (aliases: j.hello)
j.oof - I am pissed.
[disabled] j.countsa - See how much there is in the commuity counter
[disabled] j.addsac - Add +1 to the community counter.
j.donothing - A command that doesn't do anything
j.emojitest - Test emojis on the bot
j.ss <message> - Send a message to our server. If you post any nsfw, you will be banned from using j.ss without any warning (aliases: j.serversend)
j.dice [number] - Roll the dice! (aliases: j.roll)
j.coinflip [(tails|heads)] - Tails or heads?
j.d20 - Rolls a d20.
[disabled] j.s1 <add more shit to make it more chaos> - generates random shit to make nonsense
j.gay <anything you want> - how gay are you?
j.rate <anything> - Let me rate something!
j.winxp - WINDOWS XD. This command was from 12bot. Sadly, they didnt have it on 01337, and its now here for nostalgia.
j.shrek - I AM SHREK. This command was from 12bot. Sadly, they didnt have it on 01337, and its now here for nostalgia
j.cook <text> - Cook something.
j.td [(true|dare)] - Truth or dare?
j.cards - Get a random card
j.donut - Have a donut!
j.42 - Just another old command from 12bot.
j.fact - Get a useful/useless fact. Learn something new.
j.manifesto - Get a windows 93 manifesto.
j.joke - Get a random joke.
j.pokemon <pokemon_name> - Gets a info about a Pokémon.
j.whatif - get a random what if meme.
[disabled] j.owo - OwO? j.fortune - Don't have a fortune cookie? Already have one? or maybe you were bored. Either way, this will give you a random fortune
j.yesno [question] - 8ball, but simplified
j.format - format your hard drive (not)
j.hack <text> - hack... something.
j.uselessweb - Generate a random useless website
j.sswave -- Hello on the other side!
j.lenny -- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
j.wiserock -- Wiserock from omori
Games that should keep you busy.
j.cp0 (<heads|tails>) - j.coinflip, but you have to guess it.
j.fish - just fish, i guess
j.slots - Play a game of slots
j.rps (<rock|paper|sissors>) - Play a game of rock paper sissors
These Commands are currently WIP. Please play music by pasting a link from yt. not by keyword.
[disabled] j.play <youtube url> - Play Music
[disabled] j.stop - Stop Music
j.swoc - Sell me something weird or confusing
[disabled] j.stock <symbol> - Tells you the latest stock prices
j.eval^^^ <js> - Evalate code on bot
j.req - Check to see if you have admin.
j.die ^^^ - Kills the bot
j.sban <id> ^^^ - Ban someone off of ss
[disabled] j.live - T-Turns on the bot?
[disabled] j.bogrant <id>^^^ - Grant a user bot admin
[disabled] j.sas (<on|off>)^^^ - Stops all services. This will prevent from users using j.ss and j.feedback!
[disabled] j.boadin^^^ - View confidential info regarding the bot. Bot admin info.
[disabled] j.recovermode^^^^ (<yes|no>) - set the bot to recover mode.
j.changestatus^^^ (<online|invisible|idle|dnd>) - Change the online status
j.frozestatus^^^ (<yes|no>) - Stop the status from changing itself.
j.sfs <text>^^^ - Server Force Send. it allows you to send a message to ss without any ping filters or a cooldown
j.block <id>^^^ - Block a user from using the bot
j.unblock <id>^^^ - Unblock a user.
j.sunban <id>^^^ - unblock a user from ss
j.exec <text>^^^ - Execute shell command to the computer (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)