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A Command list for retrojbot

RetroJBOT Command list

Command Arguments

I highly recommed that you read this before using the bot

<arc> -- This means that this argument is REQUIRED.

[arc] -- this means that NOT REQUIRED

(<arc>) -- Required, but only that text.

([arc]) -- Not required, but only that text

(<arc|arc2>) -- Required, but the | means that have you to choose one of them.

([arc|arc2]) -- Not Required, but the | means that have you to choose one of them.

^ -- This means that the bot command requires some sort of admin permission.

^^ -- This means that it requires server owner.

^^^ -- This means that it requires bot admin.

^^^^ -- This means bot owner ONLY.

Important: DO NOT Include the <>, [], (), ^, when writing your command. This bot doesn't interact with any bots. Any bot that tried to interact with me is gonna be ignored.

Custom Permissions:

BOT_OWNER - Only BOT_OWNER can access this command

BOT_ADMIN - Only BOT_ADMIN can access this command

Invite Bot:

Join my discord server:

General Commands - List of commands - Pong! <text> - Give us feedback!

[disabled] j.privatefeedback <text> - Give us feedback (Private) - Something new about the bot

j.invite - Invite to our server and our bot.

j.test - test the bot commands

j.servercount - Tells you how many servers that this bot is in

j.reacttest - Test the reactions

j.emojitest - Test Emojis

j.about - About our bot

j.uptime - tells you how long the bot has been running for.

Image commands

j.qr <text> - Create a qr code.]

j.undertale <text> ([<text>=<text>]) - Make a undertale text box! For adjusting its properties, please visit this site (Warning: Its pretty confusing), for other help on the api, If image doesnt appear, but the link does, Open the link to see the image, or try again. <text> - Typewriter font!

j.inspirobot - Get a quote from Inspirobot

j.xperror <text> - make an windows xp error

j.95error <text> - make an windows 95 error

j.steamemote <steam emote name> - get a steam emote. when it shows a link instead of image, it means the emote doesn't exist.

[disabled] j.invert <attachment/@mention> - Invert image. WIP.

j.pinktext <text> - Generate pink text

Moderation Commands

j.ban^ <@user> [reason] - Forces a user to leave but cant join back

j.kick^ <@user> - Forces a user to leave

j.purge^ <number> - purges the number of messages that is inputed in.

j.purgecia^ - The contents of this command are classified. (Purges Everything. Not everything, though)

j.purgecus^ <@text> - Just like j.purgcia, but with a custom message.

[disabled] j.purgev2^^ <text> - THIS DELETES ALL MESSAGES, CHANNELS, ETC, AND REMAKES THEM. But, its broken, so.. :P

j.slowmode^ <#> - Set the slowmode on the channel.

j.setnsfw^ <(on|off)> - Turn NSFW on or off

j.veriflvl^ <(none|low|medium|high|highest|0|1|2|3|4)> - Change the verification level

j.hackban^ <id> - Ban someone outside of your server

[disabled] j.unban^ <@user> - unban a user.

j.softban^ <user> - Bans, then unbans the iser

Acsii Art Commands

"Couldn't figure out what to call these commands."

j.uppercase <text> - Changes all text to caps (aliases: j.uc)

j.lowercase <text> -changes all text to lowercase (aliases:

j.say <text> - Makes the bot say something

j.nsay <text> - Makes the bot say something, then deletes your message afterwards

j.scramble <text> - Scrambles the text.

[disabled] j.thot <text> - BEGONE THOT!

j.vaporwave <text> - Spaces your text on every character. l i k e t h i s.

j.claptext <text> - Writes👏your👏text👏like👏this.

j.cowsay <text> - Make a cow say something

j.reverse <text> - Reverse your text

j.figlet <text> - makes some cool text art

j.binarytotext <text> - Translate binary to english

j.texttobinary <text> - Translate english to binary

j.rl - Random letter

Roleplay commands

"Some roleplay commands that I put for no reason"

[disabled] j.fuck <user or something> - Just... Dont...

j.hug <user or something> - Hug someone!

j.snuggle <someone or idk> - Snuggle Someone!

j.kill <user or something> - Kill someone... oh boi.

j.slap <user or something> - Slap Someone!

j.angry/j.mad - ARE YA ANGRY?!

j.sad - Boo Hoo...

j.happy - Cheerful, Lighthearted, Emotion!

j.nuzzle <text> - Nuzzle Someone!

j.microwave <text> - Throw someone in the microwave!

j.revive <text> - Revive someone!

j.distract <text> - Distract Someone!

Animal Commands


"Shows cute photos of animals. For some reason some of them are broken :("

[disabled] - Gets a dog photo

[disabled] - Gets a cat photo

[disabled] - Gets a random fox boi

[disabled] j.honk - Gets a desktop goose meme.

[disabled] j.bird - Gets a bird photo

[disabled] j.lizard - Gets a lizard

[disabled] j.tiger - Gets a random tiger boi.

[disabled] j.owl - Gets a random owl boi! OwOl

[disabled] j.shiba - gets a shiba

[disabled] j.redpanda - gets a red panda

[disabled] j.panda - gets a panda

[disabled] j.penguin - gets a penguin

Utilities commands

"I guess i'm useful after all."

j.calc <your math problem> - Calculates your math.

j.time - Tells you the time. - Tells you the date.

j.itc <#> - Converts inches to centimeters, I think?

j.ctf <#> - C degrees to F degrees

j.ftc <#> - F degrees to C degrees

j.guildid - View the guild id.

[disabled] j.msgsent - see how much messages u sent

[disabled] <search> - Search on wikipedia

j.unixtime - Whats the unix time? - Advanced date and time

[disabled] j.wolfram <question> - Ask Wolfram a question! <location> - Tells you the weather.

j.suicide - You are not alone <text> - count letters and words.

j.cdtray^^^^ <(open|close)> - Open the cd drive

Fun Commands

"Commands that are fun"

j.8ball [whatever u want] - Shake the magic 8ball!

[disabled] j.9ball [question] - just an old version of the 8ball. nothing really special.

j.69ball [question] - Lws funny ball!!1111

j.yesno [question] - Only ask a yes or no question, just like the 8ball - Says Haha Funny!

j.retrojbot - Thats me!

j.hi - Says hello. (aliases: j.hello)

j.oof - I am pissed.

[disabled] j.countsa - See how much there is in the commuity counter

[disabled] j.addsac - Add +1 to the community counter.

j.donothing - A command that doesn't do anything

j.emojitest - Test emojis on the bot <message> - Send a message to our server. If you post any nsfw, you will be banned from using without any warning (aliases: j.serversend)

j.dice [number] - Roll the dice! (aliases: j.roll)

j.coinflip [(tails|heads)] - Tails or heads?

j.d20 - Rolls a d20.

[disabled] j.s1 <add more shit to make it more chaos> - generates random shit to make nonsense <anything you want> - how gay are you?

j.rate <anything> - Let me rate something!


j.winxp - WINDOWS XD. This command was from 12bot. Sadly, they didnt have it on 01337, and its now here for nostalgia.

j.shrek - I AM SHREK. This command was from 12bot. Sadly, they didnt have it on 01337, and its now here for nostalgia

j.cook <text> - Cook something. [(true|dare)] - Truth or dare? - Get a random card

j.donut - Have a donut!

j.42 - Just another old command from 12bot.

j.fact - Get a useful/useless fact. Learn something new.

j.manifesto - Get a windows 93 manifesto.

j.joke - Get a random joke.

j.pokemon <pokemon_name> - Gets a info about a Pokémon.

j.whatif - get a random what if meme.

[disabled] j.owo - OwO? j.fortune - Don't have a fortune cookie? Already have one? or maybe you were bored. Either way, this will give you a random fortune

j.yesno [question] - 8ball, but simplified

j.format - format your hard drive (not)

j.hack <text> - hack... something.

j.uselessweb - Generate a random useless website

j.sswave -- Hello on the other side!

j.lenny -- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

j.wiserock -- Wiserock from omori

Game Commands

Games that should keep you busy.

j.cp0 (<heads|tails>) - j.coinflip, but you have to guess it. - just fish, i guess

j.slots - Play a game of slots

j.rps (<rock|paper|sissors>) - Play a game of rock paper sissors

Music commands

These Commands are currently WIP. Please play music by pasting a link from yt. not by keyword.

[disabled] <youtube url> - Play Music

[disabled] j.stop - Stop Music

Shopping and Finance commands

j.swoc - Sell me something weird or confusing

[disabled] j.stock <symbol> - Tells you the latest stock prices

Admin Commands

j.eval^^^ <js> - Evalate code on bot

j.req - Check to see if you have admin.

j.die ^^^ - Kills the bot

j.sban <id> ^^^ - Ban someone off of ss

[disabled] - T-Turns on the bot?

[disabled] j.bogrant <id>^^^ - Grant a user bot admin

[disabled] (<on|off>)^^^ - Stops all services. This will prevent from users using and!

[disabled] j.boadin^^^ - View confidential info regarding the bot. Bot admin info.

[disabled] j.recovermode^^^^ (<yes|no>) - set the bot to recover mode.

j.changestatus^^^ (<online|invisible|idle|dnd>) - Change the online status

j.frozestatus^^^ (<yes|no>) - Stop the status from changing itself.

j.sfs <text>^^^ - Server Force Send. it allows you to send a message to ss without any ping filters or a cooldown

j.block <id>^^^ - Block a user from using the bot

j.unblock <id>^^^ - Unblock a user.

j.sunban <id>^^^ - unblock a user from ss

j.exec <text>^^^ - Execute shell command to the computer (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)

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GlitchyZorua commented Feb 23, 2021

If you need help, unfortunately, the comments probably won't help you.

Instead, Join our discord and we can give you support there.

Here is the link:

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