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Last active October 29, 2023 10:55
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Gauche の fast lock (spin lock) 実装のテスト (MSYS2/MinGW-w64)
@rem set GOSH=C:\Gauche\Gauche-mingw-dist\Gauche-i686\bin\gosh.exe
set GOSH=C:\Gauche\Gauche-mingw-dist\Gauche-x86_64\bin\gosh.exe
@rem set GOSH=C:\Gauche\Gauche-mingw-dist\Gauche-x86_64_2_mutexlock\bin\gosh.exe
%GOSH% test_0001_open.scm
(use gauche.time)
(define-syntax print-time
(syntax-rules ()
((_ msg n body ...)
(print msg (time-this n (lambda () body ...))))))
(define n 10000000)
(print-time "open-output-string : " n (open-output-string))
;; fast lock
;; open-output-string : #<time-result 10000000 times/ 7.810 real/ 6.922 user/ 0.906 sys>
;; mutex lock
;; open-output-string : #<time-result 10000000 times/ 42.673 real/ 29.015 user/ 13.625 sys>
@rem set GOSH=C:\Gauche\Gauche-mingw-dist\Gauche-i686\bin\gosh.exe
set GOSH=C:\Gauche\Gauche-mingw-dist\Gauche-x86_64\bin\gosh.exe
@rem set GOSH=C:\Gauche\Gauche-mingw-dist\Gauche-x86_64_2_mutexlock\bin\gosh.exe
%GOSH% test_0002_write.scm
(use gauche.threads)
(use gauche.time)
(define-syntax print-time
(syntax-rules ()
((_ msg n body ...)
(print msg (time-this n (lambda () body ...))))))
(define n 1)
(define threads 100)
(define len 100000)
(print-time "port write test : " n
(define result #f)
(define p (open-output-string))
(define ths (make-vector threads))
(dotimes (i threads)
(set! (~ ths i) (make-thread
(lambda ()
(let loop ((i2 len))
(write (modulo i 10) p)
(when (> i2 1) (loop (- i2 1))))))))
(dotimes (i threads)
(thread-start! (~ ths i)))
(dotimes (i threads)
(thread-join! (~ ths i)))
(set! result (get-output-string p))
;(print result)
(unless (= (string-length result) (* threads len))
(print "Error occured!"))
;; fast lock
;; port write test : #<time-result 1 times/ 11.036 real/ 17.984 user/ 48.187 sys>
;; mutex lock
;; port write test : #<time-result 1 times/ 40.738 real/ 22.016 user/ 22.891 sys>
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