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Created June 7, 2017 01:11
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function Get-NonstandardService {
Returns services where the associated binaries are either not signed, or are
signed by an issuer not matching 'Microsoft'.
Author: Will Schroeder (@harmj0y)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
function CloneObject($Object) {
$NewObj = New-Object PsObject
$Object.psobject.Properties | ForEach-Object { Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $NewObj -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value }
function Get-BinaryBasePath {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Alias('PathName', 'FilePath')]
if ($Path -and ($Path -match '^\W*(?<ServicePath>[a-z]:\\.+?(\.exe|\.dll|\.sys))\W*')) {
else {
Write-Warning "Regex failed for the following path: $Path"
function Get-PEMetaData {
try {
$FullPath = Resolve-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
try {
$Null = [Reflection.AssemblyName]::GetAssemblyName($FullPath)
$IsDotNet = $True
catch {
$IsDotNet = $False
$Signature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $FullPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($Signature -and ($Signature.Status -eq 'NotSigned')) {
$Signed = $False
$Issuer = $Null
else {
$Signed = $True
$Issuer = $Signature.SignerCertificate.Issuer
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Path' $FullPath
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Signed' $Signed
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Issuer' $Issuer
$Out | Add-Member Noteproperty 'IsDotNet' $IsDotNet
catch {
Write-Warning "Unable to resolve path: $Path"
$MetadataCache = @{}
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Service -Property Name,PathName,StartMode,State,ProcessID | Where-Object { $_.PathName } | ForEach-Object {
$BasePath = Get-BinaryBasePath -Path $_.PathName
$ServiceName = $_.Name
Write-Verbose "[Get-NonstandardService] Service $ServiceName : $BasePath"
if ($MetadataCache[$BasePath]) {
$Metadata = $MetadataCache[$BasePath]
else {
$Metadata = Get-PEMetaData -Path $BasePath
$MetadataCache[$BasePath] = $Metadata
$ObjectMetadata = CloneObject $Metadata
$ObjectMetadata | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Name' $ServiceName
$ObjectMetadata | Add-Member Noteproperty 'PathName' $_.PathName
$ObjectMetadata | Add-Member Noteproperty 'StartMode' $_.StartMode
$ObjectMetadata | Add-Member Noteproperty 'State' $_.State
$ObjectMetadata | Add-Member Noteproperty 'ProcessID' $_.ProcessID
} | Where-Object {(-not $_.Signed) -or ($_.Issuer -notmatch 'Microsoft')}
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Doesnt seem to return any results for me. Does this mean there are none? I feel like there should be on my machine but not figured this one. Very much a beginner with PS

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