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Working from cave

Hugh Hartigan HartiganHM

Working from cave
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HartiganHM /
Last active August 15, 2017 03:26

Tracking Prework Progress for Turing Front-end Class 1708

Prior to Initial Sit Down

  • Familiarized self with new Mac laptop, installed new programs and set-up basic user necessities (ie new browser, email, programs, etc.)
  • Skimmed prework requirements and completed a few typing speed tests and did some Computer Science Warmups

Day 1 (7/31/17)

  • Started with three typing speed tests: average WPM was around 34-36; need to work on efficiency to get around <10-15% error; also completed a few logic games in Computer Science Warmups
HartiganHM /
Last active August 3, 2017 17:32
Turing Career Development Pre-Work

Turing Career Development Pre-Work

29 Behaviors That Will Make You and Unstoppable Programmer Reflection

In reading the above article, it's pretty obvious that there are a lot of technical proficiencies that you need to have as a programmer. However, what stood out to me most were some of the intagible, fringe behaviors that you wouldn't initially think would make a good programmer. First and foremost, I think taking responsibility of your mistakes stood out to me because, even outside of coding, it's an honorable characteristic to have, but incredibly hard to develop. No one wants to raise their hand when they're put on the spot and an issue surfaces. However, if you're able to do this, you will not only develop trust with your team, but respect, which is beyond important. Speaking of your team, I liked the point about pair programming with people that have more experience than you do. While it can be nerve wracking to admit you don't know how to do something (which is often difficult for me per

HartiganHM /
Last active August 16, 2017 00:27
Career Development Curriculum - Hugh Hartigan

Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

Read Through Your Theme Definitions

  1. What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?
  • For my strengths test I received Learner, Achiever, Strategic, Intellection, and Input. The parts that stood out to me most were the concepts of seeking knowledge on a deeper level and constant intellectual growth. Learner, in particular said "you are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence." I think what resonates about this phrase is the idea of steady comprehension and growth, whether it be through leaps and bounds or slow, incremental steps that lead to a bigger success. While the end result is satisfying, the process is what makes it interesting.
  • The Achiver strength seemed almost like a two-edged sword in that the primary drive behind it is a sense of discontent. The phrase that stuck out the most to me was "...if the day passes without some form of achi
HartiganHM /
Last active August 27, 2017 18:13
Mod 1 Warmups and Challenges

Mod 1 Warmups and Challenges

Week 2

Challenge 1

For this challenge, the first step I took was to set-up a base template with the initial HTML structure and CSS styling. I saved this pen in CodePen and can now fork from it for each individual challenge. From here, I started Challenge 1 by introducing the third div element with the same characteristics as the other two. I floated div1 to the left and div2/div3 to the right in order to get the base arrangement. However, div2 was touching the right-most side of the broswer, and the challenge called for div3 to be there. In order to swap them, I moved the HTML for div3 above that of div2. The last step was to add a 5px margin on the left side of div3 to add a gap between both boxes. Challenge complete.

Challenge 1

HartiganHM /
Last active August 30, 2017 16:50
DTR Link List - Jeff Bender and Hugh Hartigan

DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are your learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Hugh Learning more fundamentals of JS, using paired strengths to collaborate effectively.

Jeff Learn more fundamentals of JS and learn how to utilize pair's strengths to collaborate effectively.

HartiganHM /
Last active September 9, 2017 00:08
IdeaBox - Hugh Hartigan and Brandon Farestad-Rittel

DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are your learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

    Hugh My learning goals for this project are to increase my speed and adaptability with HTML and CSS, as well as to increase my proficiency and understanding with JQ/JS. I feel comfortable with Git/GitHub, but want to become more organized and regimented with my branches, commits, etc.

HartiganHM /
Last active September 14, 2017 21:42
Hugh Hartigan - Strengths & Storytelling

Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines

Build on your professional story by thinking about how you're progressing at Turing. Answer the questions below in your own gist to use your StrengthsFinder themes to add to your story:

  • Write 1-2 paragraphs about your StrengthsFinder themes: How have you seen yourself using these strengths at Turing? Has your understanding of these strengths changed since you first reflected on them? If so, how?

    I think one of the strengths that I've found myself using the most since being at Turing has been the Input strength. Since being here I have rediscovered my ability to take and organize notes. I've been writing down almost everything I hear, registering it in the process, but also knowing that, should I need to revisit that information, I'll know exactly where to find it. I've also started hoarding book marks for various sources and categorizing them appropriately, so I'll know where to find them if I ever need a particular resource.

The *Lear

HartiganHM /
Last active November 6, 2017 02:34
Agile Practices in Mod 2

Agile Practices in Mod 2

  • How you've used agile as a process at Turing and what kind of project management tools you utilized. Address these questions:

    • What were you already doing?

    I think a piece of agile practices that I was already doing was trying to break the project out into smaller pieces and tackle that issue to completion before moving on. While I would always try to make a note to revisit finished features after application for refactor, breaking everything down to it's smallest piece with my partner and delegating responsibility is something that I feel very comfortable with and is the aspect of agile practices that I identify most with.

    • What did you put into place in Module Two?

In Mod 2 I went into it with the mindset that I was going to try and corroborate with other mores consistently and try and to establish 'group-think' mentality. I feel as though most of my classmates had a desire for this as well as we worked much more collaboratively this mod than

HartiganHM /
Created November 6, 2017 02:41
Feedback II Reflection: Hugh Hartigan

Feedback II Reflection

  • Date of feedback conversation: 10/14/17

  • How did you prepare for the conversation?

    Getting ready to do my feedback talk with Patrick was pretty easy as I felt the pairing went really well. I think he and I had already established a familiar rapport heading into the project and working with him on something that was fun, yet challenging, only deepened this familiarity. I made some mental notes of particular things I wanted to talk about, but didn't feel as though I needed to heavily prepare.

  • How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?

HartiganHM /
Last active November 6, 2017 03:06
Professional Story: Hugh Hartigan (draft)

I've always had a creative itch. When I was young, I loved drawing, music, collecting things. This lead to pursuing a studio arts degree in college, but even with that, I never saw being creative as something I could do professionally. Studying art was always coupled with something else that was more of a 'real' job: medicine, law, psychology, etc. Out of college, I started law school, but was forced to drop out when my mom lost her job. I started waiting tables and founded my own small business on the side making neckties as a creative outlet. Before I knew it, my partner and I were working events all around the city, making new products, and were even featured in a couple of magazines. Suffice to say, I started to feel like being creative could really lead to a satisfying career.

However, finding out exactly how to do that was a little more difficult. Every designer job required further education or coding knowledge, neither of which I had at the time. Eventually, I stumbled into a creative role and