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rm -r /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports
mkdir -v /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports
cp -r /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/Stickers /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports
mkdir /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports/Avatars
mkdir /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports/AvatarsThumbnail
cp /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/Avatars/* /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports/AvatarsThumbnail
cp /data/data/com.whatsapp/cache/Profile\ Pictures/* /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports/Avatars
cp /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/me.jpg /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports/Avatars
cp /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/status /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports/status.txt
cp /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/statistics.json /storage/emulated/0/whatsapp_exports
probonopd /
Last active July 22, 2024 07:26
Think twice about Wayland. It breaks everything!

Think twice before abandoning Xorg. Wayland breaks everything!

Hence, if you are interested in existing applications to "just work" without the need for adjustments, then you may be better off avoiding Wayland.

Wayland solves no issues I have but breaks almost everything I need. Even the most basic, most simple things (like xkill) - in this case with no obvious replacement. And usually it stays broken, because the Wayland folks mostly seem to care about Automotive, Gnome, maybe KDE - and alienating everyone else (e.g., people using just an X11 window manager or something like GNUstep) in the process.

The Wayland project seems to operate like they were starting a greenfield project, whereas at the same time they try to position Wayland as "the X11 successor", which would clearly require a lot of thought about not breaking, or at least providing a smooth upgrade path for, existing software.

In fact, it is merely an incompatible alternative, and not e

gmolveau /
Last active July 10, 2024 18:08
Firefox dark background / theme for new tab and loading screen

Firefox Dark Background

  • How to change the background on Firefox to a dark one on new tab / loading screen ?


  • Type about:config in the URL bar
  • Search toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets and double-click the field to set it to true
  • Type about:support in the URL bar
  • Look for Profile folder field and click on the open button next to it.
davispuh / steam_console_params.txt
Last active July 20, 2024 16:55
Steam client parameters, consoles commands and variables
-480p - Run tenfoot in 480p rather than 1080p
-720p - Run tenfoot in 720p rather than 1080p
-accesscode -
-all_languages - show longest loc string from any language
-batterytestmode - rapidly cycle battery percentages for testing
-bigpicture - Start in Steam Big Picture mode
-blefw -
-cafeapplaunch - Launch apps in a cyber cafe context
-candidates - Show libjingle candidates for local connection as they are processed
-ccsyntax - Spew details about the localized strings we load
jnaskali / firewall_block.reg
Last active May 18, 2024 06:40
Block/Unblock exe in Windows Firewall using right-click menu (updated thanks to ghjbnm's comment below)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Windows Firewall"