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Max Hertel HelixOW

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public class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
private static MySQLDatabase database;
public void onEnable() {
for (MySQLAPI api : MySQLAPI.getMysqlDBs()) {
database = new MySQLDatabase("Example", api.getDatabase());
database.create(database.createColumn("UUID", MySQLAPI.MySQLDataType.VARCHAR, 50),
HelixOW / Storage Systems
Last active May 17, 2017 17:26
Shows how the Storage system in AlphaLibary can be used!
//init your yml file storage here
private static YamlStorage yamlStorage = new YamlStorage("plugins/AlphaLibary", "config.yml");
//init your json file storage here
private static JsonStorage jsonStorage = new JsonStorage("plugins/AlphaLibary", "example.json");
//init your mysql storage here
private static MySQLStorage mySQLStorage = new MySQLStorage(new MySQLDatabase("Your table", "Your database"));
//adding some values
public static void setDefaultYAML() {
public void onEnable() {
Arena played = Arena.getArena("SG22"); //Needs the name of the map inside the arenas.yml file
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("The map " + played.getName() + " is played");
* Copyright (C) <2016> <AlphaHelixDev>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
HelixOW / FakePlayerstuff
Created December 19, 2016 22:23
See the for all Util classes and it's methods
public class JoinListener implements Listener {
public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
PlayerUtil.spawnPlayerForPlayer(e.getPlayer(), e.getPlayer().getLocation(), e.getPlayer(), "Hello " + e.getPlayer().getName());
//if player looks at a FakeEntity it disappears
PlayerUtil.removePlayerForPlayer(e.getPlayer(), FakeAPI.getFakePlayerInRange(p, 4).getNmsEntity());
//or it follows him
PlayerUtil.followPlayerForPlayer(e.getPlayer(), e.getPlayer(), FakeAPI.getFakePlayerInRange(e.getPlayer(), 4).getNmsEntity());
1/2 Ores - For every 2 ores you mine, 1 drops. Every single ore is seperate from one and another.
3x Arrows - When you shoot with your bow, not one, but three arrows get shot out.
Monsters Inc - If you place a door on the map, go through it and there's 2 or more doors on the map, you will be teleported to one of those doors.
AppleFamine - Apples do not drop from trees.
Armor v Health - For every half Armor Point you add to your Armor bar, half a Health Point will be taken away from your Health. Any health lost to armor will not be healed back.
Backpacks - Players have extra inventory space(the backpack), that they can access using a command. When a player dies the "backpack" drops as a chest.
Bald_Chicken - Chickens do not drop feathers on death, instead, skeletons drop an amount between 4 and 8 arrows on death.
Barebones - The Nether is disabled, and iron is the highest tier you can obtain through gearing up. When a player dies, they will drop 1 diamond, 1 golden apple, 32 arrows, and 2 string. You cannot c
show: true //checks if the whole Scoreboard is shown
title: '&7-=X &bUHC &7X=-' //sets the Title of the Lobby Scoreboard
show: true //checks if this will be shown
message: '&7Your &cKills&7: &c[kills]' //sets what will be shown in the Scoreboard
show: true
message: '&7Your &cDeaths&7: &c[deaths]'
enabled: true //checks if you can mine this ore
drop: coal:2 //first argument is the Material the second after the ":" is the amount which will be dropped when you mine it
enabled: true
drop: iron_ingot:2
enabled: true
name: Red //Teamname which will be shown to player
color: red //color of the team
maxSize : 2 //sets the max. amount of player that can join this team
name: Yellow
color: yellow
maxSize : 2
Prefix: '&7[&bUHC&7] ' #Plugin Prefix
BungeeMode: false #checks if BungeeCord is enabled
BungeeServer: lobby #sets the Server too which the player will be send
Reset World: true #checks if the world will been reseted at the end of the game
size: 3000 #Bordersize
getCloser: true #checks if border getting closer
movingBlocks: 500 #sets blockamount which border will pass
moving after min: 10 #sets after which time border will move
damage: 2 #sets the dealed damage of border