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Created September 10, 2016 00:29
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Prefix: '&7[&bUHC&7] ' #Plugin Prefix
BungeeMode: false #checks if BungeeCord is enabled
BungeeServer: lobby #sets the Server too which the player will be send
Reset World: true #checks if the world will been reseted at the end of the game
size: 3000 #Bordersize
getCloser: true #checks if border getting closer
movingBlocks: 500 #sets blockamount which border will pass
moving after min: 10 #sets after which time border will move
damage: 2 #sets the dealed damage of border
lobby: 60 #sets lobbytime in seconds
graceperiod: 60 #sets graceperiod in seconds
no PvP period in minutes: 5 #sets period where damage is on but PvP not in minutes
minimum_Player_Count: 2 #required players
maximum_Player_Count: 24 #maximum players
enabled: true #checks if there will be a deathmatch
begins after min: 30 #sets time after which the deathmatch will start in minutes
time before pvp in seconds: 30 #sets time before pvp in deathmatch will be enabled
healthboost: 3 #sets soup regenration [0 = disabled]
MySQL: false #checks MySQL BackUp
Kits: true #checks if kits are enabled
item: chest #sets the item to choose kits
name: '&aKits' #sets name of the item
TeamMode: true #checks if teams are able to join
Item: blaze_rod #sets the item to choose team
Name: '&bTeams' #sets name of this item
Title: '&7-=X &bTeams &7X=-' #sets title of the Teams GUI
Block: stained_clay #sets blocks which will be inside the GUI
Spawnradius: 20 #sets the radius in which players will spawn around the spawn
region: false #checks if players can leave a lobby or not
createTool: gold_axe #sets the material for the lobbycreation
asSchematic: false #checks if the lobby will be a schematic and disappear after the lobbyperiod ends
give startitem: true #check if players with the permission 'uhc.start' get a item to short the timer to 10 seconds
Startitem: nether_star #sets the material to shorten the timer
Startitemname: '&5Start UHC' #sets the name of the item
give leaveitem: true #checks if players get item to leave
Leaveitem: redstone #sets the material of the leaveitem
Leaveitemname: '&cLeave' #sets the name of the leaveitem
give Compass: true #checks if you recive a compass on start of UHC
Compassitem: compass #sets the material of the compassitem
Compassitemname: '&aPlayertracker' #sets the name of the compassitem
Status Motd: true #checks if the Motd will change when a new State is reached inside the Game
Item: magma_cream #sets the item to open the Spectator Inventory
Itemname: '&aPlayer Teleporter' #sets name of this item
Title: '&7-=X &cSpectator &7X=-' #sets title of the Spectator GUI
on End: true #checks if a command is executed on the end of the game
to execute:
on End: coins add 100 [player] #sets the command to be executed at the end of the game
on Death: coins add 5 [player] #sets the command to be executed at a death of a player
on Death: true #checks if a command is executed on death of a player
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