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safer enums in c++
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
// The default enumeration category. Conversion is equivalent to static_cast.
// Unspecialized enumeration traits use this category.
struct enum_default { };
// The standard-layout enumeration category. Values outside the given range are
// mapped to a given none-element. Requires that:
// - If both EnumT::min and EnumT::max are given, then EnumT::min <= EnumT::max
// - EnumT::none must be given, and !(EnumT::min <= EnumT::none <= EnumT::max)
// EnumT::min and EnumT::max default to the minimum / maximum representable
// value of the underlying type if not given.
// Linear enum class types additionally support operator!.
struct enum_standard { };
// The linear enumeration category. Values not equal to the given none-element
// are clipped to the given range. Requires that:
// - If both EnumT::min and EnumT::max are given, then EnumT::min <= EnumT::max
// - EnumT::none must be given, and !(EnumT::min <= EnumT::none <= EnumT::max)
// EnumT::min and EnumT::max default to the minimum / maximum representable
// value of the underlying type respectively if not given.
// Linear enum class types additionally support !, ++, and --.
struct enum_linear { };
// The bitmask enumeration category. Bits common to the given range limits are
// kept constant. Requires that:
// - If both EnumT::min and EnumT::max are given, then all of the set bits of
// EnumT::min must also be set in EnumT::max
// - The underlying type of EnumT must be unsigned
// EnumT::min and EnumT::max default to the minimum / maximum representable
// value of the underlying type respectively if not given.
// Bitmask enum class types additionally support &, &=, |, |=, ^, ^=, and ~.
struct enum_bitmask { };
// The discrete enumeration category. Values not equal to any of the given
// template parameters are mapped to the given none-element.
// zero. Requires that:
// - EnumT::none must be given, and Vals... must not contain EnumT::none
// Discrete enum class types additionally support operator!.
template <typename EnumT, EnumT... Vals>
struct enum_discrete { };
// The enumeration traits class template. Contains only one member typedef:
// - category: The enumeration category to use for this enumeration type
// User-defined enumeration types may specialize this template.
template <typename EnumT>
struct enum_traits {
using category = enum_default;
// The enumeration category traits class template. Contains:
// - typedef CatT category;
// - template <typename EnumT> static bool valid()
// Checks during compile-time whether the given enumeration type satisfies
// the category's constraints. (will become a concept bool later)
// - template <typename EnumT, typename ValT> static EnumT enum_cast(ValT x)
// Maps a given value to the enumeration type.
template <typename CatT>
struct enum_category_traits;
namespace details {
template <typename EnumT>
constexpr bool is_scoped_enum_f(std::false_type) noexcept {
return false;
template <typename EnumT>
constexpr bool is_scoped_enum_f(std::true_type) noexcept {
return !std::is_convertible_v<EnumT, std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>;
template <typename EnumT>
struct is_scoped_enum : std::integral_constant<bool, is_scoped_enum_f<EnumT>(std::is_enum<EnumT>())> { };
template <typename EnumT>
inline constexpr bool is_scoped_enum_v = is_scoped_enum<EnumT>::value;
template <typename EnumT>
constexpr std::underlying_type_t<EnumT> value_cast_impl(EnumT x) noexcept {
return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(x);
template <typename CatT>
struct is_enum_category_discrete : std::false_type { };
template <typename EnumT, EnumT... Vals>
struct is_enum_category_discrete<enum_discrete<EnumT, Vals...>> : std::true_type { };
template <typename CatT, typename = void>
struct is_enum_category : std::false_type { };
template <typename CatT>
struct is_enum_category<CatT, std::void_t<
typename enum_category_traits<CatT>::category>> : std::true_type { };
template <typename EnumT, typename = void>
struct get_enum_category {
using type = enum_default;
template <typename EnumT>
struct get_enum_category<EnumT, std::void_t<typename enum_traits<EnumT>::category>> {
using T2 = typename enum_traits<EnumT>::category;
using type = std::conditional_t<is_enum_category<T2>::value, T2, enum_default>;
} // namespace details
template <typename CatT>
using is_enum_category = details::is_enum_category<CatT>;
// Checks if a given type is an enumeration category type.
template <typename CatT>
inline constexpr bool is_enum_category_v = is_enum_category<CatT>::value;
template <typename EnumT>
using get_enum_category = details::get_enum_category<EnumT>;
// Obtains the category for a given enumeration type, defaulting to enum_default
// if a valid category cannot be found.
template <typename EnumT>
using get_enum_category_t = typename get_enum_category<EnumT>::type;
namespace details {
template <typename T>
constexpr T clamp(T x, T lo, T hi) noexcept {
return x < lo ? lo : (x > hi ? hi : x);
template <typename T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<std::decay_t<T>>>>
constexpr T bitwise_clamp(T x, T lo, T hi) noexcept {
return (x & hi) | lo;
template <typename EnumT, typename = void>
struct enum_has_none_member : std::false_type { };
template <typename EnumT>
struct enum_has_none_member<EnumT, std::void_t<decltype(EnumT::none)>> : std::true_type { };
template <typename EnumT, typename = void>
struct enum_has_min_member : std::false_type { };
template <typename EnumT>
struct enum_has_min_member<EnumT, std::void_t<decltype(EnumT::min)>> : std::true_type { };
template <typename EnumT, typename = void>
struct enum_has_max_member : std::false_type { };
template <typename EnumT>
struct enum_has_max_member<EnumT, std::void_t<decltype(EnumT::max)>> : std::true_type { };
} // namespace details
// Checks whether the given enumeration type has a none-element.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT>>>
constexpr bool enum_has_none() noexcept {
return details::enum_has_none_member<EnumT>::value;
// Obtains the none-element of a given enumeration type.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT> && enum_has_none<EnumT>()>>
constexpr EnumT enum_none() noexcept {
if constexpr (details::enum_has_none_member<EnumT>::value)
return EnumT::none;
// Checks whether the given enumeration type has a minimum element.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT>>>
constexpr bool enum_has_min() noexcept {
return !details::is_enum_category_discrete<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>>::value;
// Obtains the minimum element of a given enumeration type.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT> && enum_has_min<EnumT>()>>
constexpr EnumT enum_min() noexcept {
if constexpr (details::enum_has_min_member<EnumT>::value)
return EnumT::min;
if constexpr (!details::is_enum_category_discrete<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>>::value)
return EnumT {std::numeric_limits<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>::min()};
// Checks whether the given enumeration type has a maximum element.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT>>>
constexpr bool enum_has_max() noexcept {
return !details::is_enum_category_discrete<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>>::value;
// Obtains the maximum element of a given enumeration type.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT> && enum_has_max<EnumT>()>>
constexpr EnumT enum_max() noexcept {
if constexpr (details::enum_has_max_member<EnumT>::value)
return EnumT::max;
if constexpr (!details::is_enum_category_discrete<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>>::value)
return EnumT {std::numeric_limits<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>::max()};
// Casts an enumeration value to its underlying type.
template <typename EnumT,
typename CatTraits = enum_category_traits<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT>>>
constexpr std::underlying_type_t<EnumT> value_cast(EnumT x) noexcept {
static_assert(CatTraits::template valid<EnumT>());
return details::value_cast_impl(x);
// Casts a value to the given enumeration type.
template <typename EnumT, typename ValT,
typename CatTraits = enum_category_traits<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<ValT, std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>>>
constexpr EnumT enum_cast(ValT x) noexcept {
static_assert(CatTraits::template valid<EnumT>());
return CatTraits::template enum_cast<EnumT>(x);
// Constrains a given value by the given enumeration type, as if by casting it
// to and from the enumeration type.
template <typename EnumT, typename ValT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<ValT, std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>>>
constexpr std::underlying_type_t<EnumT> value_cast(ValT x) noexcept {
return value_cast(enum_cast<EnumT>(x));
// Constrains the given enumeration type, as if by casting it to and from its
// underlying type.
template <typename EnumT,
typename CatTraits = enum_category_traits<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumT>>>
constexpr EnumT enum_cast(EnumT x) noexcept {
return enum_cast<EnumT>(value_cast(x));
inline namespace enum_operators {
// Returns true if lhs is equal to EnumT::none. Only supports enum class types
// that have a none-element.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<enum_has_none<EnumT>()>>
constexpr bool operator!(const EnumT &lhs) noexcept {
return lhs == enum_none<EnumT>();
// Pre-increments lhs if it is equal to neither the none-element nor the maximum
// element. Only supports linear enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_linear>>>
constexpr EnumT &operator++(EnumT &lhs) noexcept {
if (!(!lhs || lhs == enum_max<EnumT>()))
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(value_cast(lhs) + 1);
return lhs;
// Post-increments lhs if it is equal to neither the none-element nor the
// maximum element. Only supports linear enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_linear>>>
constexpr EnumT operator++(const EnumT &lhs, int) noexcept {
EnumT ret = lhs;
return ret;
// Pre-decrements lhs if it is equal to neither the none-element nor the maximum
// element. Only supports linear enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_linear>>>
constexpr EnumT &operator--(EnumT &lhs) noexcept {
if (!(!lhs || lhs == enum_min<EnumT>()))
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(value_cast(lhs) - 1);
return lhs;
// Post-decrements lhs if it is equal to neither the none-element nor the
// maximum element. Only supports linear enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_linear>>>
constexpr EnumT operator--(const EnumT &lhs, int) noexcept {
EnumT ret = lhs;
return ret;
// If neither operand is EnumT::None, returns the union of the two bit masks.
// Otherwise returns EnumT::None. Only supports bitmask enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_bitmask>>>
constexpr EnumT operator|(const EnumT &lhs, const EnumT &rhs) noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>())
if (!lhs || !rhs)
return enum_none<EnumT>();
return enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) | value_cast(rhs)));
// If neither operand is EnumT::None, assigns (lhs | rhs) to lhs. The operands
// are not interchangeable because (lhs |= EnumT::None) != (lhs | EnumT::None).
// Only supports bitmask enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_bitmask>>>
constexpr EnumT &operator|=(EnumT &lhs, const EnumT &rhs) noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>()) {
if (!(!lhs || !rhs))
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) | value_cast(rhs)));
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) | value_cast(rhs)));
return lhs;
// If neither operand is EnumT::None, returns the intersection of the two bit
// masks. Otherwise returns EnumT::None. Only supports bitmask enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_bitmask>>>
constexpr EnumT operator&(const EnumT &lhs, const EnumT &rhs) noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>())
if (!lhs || !rhs)
return enum_none<EnumT>();
return enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) & value_cast(rhs)));
// If neither operand is EnumT::None, assigns (lhs & rhs) to lhs. The operands
// are not interchangeable because (lhs &= EnumT::None) != (lhs & EnumT::None).
// Only supports bitmask enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_bitmask>>>
constexpr EnumT &operator&=(EnumT &lhs, const EnumT &rhs) noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>()) {
if (!(!lhs || !rhs))
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) & value_cast(rhs)));
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) & value_cast(rhs)));
return lhs;
// If neither operand is EnumT::None, returns the symmetric difference of the
// two bit masks. Otherwise returns EnumT::None. Only supports bitmask enum
// class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_bitmask>>>
constexpr EnumT operator^(const EnumT &lhs, const EnumT &rhs) noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>())
if (!lhs || !rhs)
return enum_none<EnumT>();
return enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) ^ value_cast(rhs)));
// If neither operand is EnumT::None, assigns (lhs ^ rhs) to lhs. The operands
// are not interchangeable because (lhs ^= EnumT::None) != (lhs ^ EnumT::None).
// Only supports bitmask enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_bitmask>>>
constexpr EnumT &operator^=(EnumT &lhs, const EnumT &rhs) noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>()) {
if (!(!lhs || !rhs))
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) ^ value_cast(rhs)));
lhs = enum_cast<EnumT>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>>(value_cast(lhs) ^ value_cast(rhs)));
return lhs;
// If lhs is not equal to EnumT::None, toggles all bits in lhs. Otherwise
// returns EnumT::None. Only supports bitmask enum class types.
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<details::is_scoped_enum_v<EnumT>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, enum_bitmask>>>
constexpr EnumT operator~(const EnumT &lhs) noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>())
if (!lhs)
return enum_none<EnumT>();
return enum_cast<EnumT>(~value_cast(lhs));
} // inline namespace enum_operators
template <>
struct enum_category_traits<enum_default> {
using category = enum_default;
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr bool valid() noexcept {
return true;
template <typename EnumT, typename ValT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr EnumT enum_cast(ValT x) noexcept {
return static_cast<EnumT>(x);
template <>
struct enum_category_traits<enum_standard> {
using category = enum_standard;
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr bool valid() noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>()) {
constexpr auto xnone = details::value_cast_impl(enum_none<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmin = details::value_cast_impl(enum_min<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmax = details::value_cast_impl(enum_max<EnumT>());
return xmin <= xmax && xnone != details::clamp(xnone, xmin, xmax);
return false;
template <typename EnumT, typename ValT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr EnumT enum_cast(ValT x) noexcept {
constexpr auto xnone = details::value_cast_impl(enum_none<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmin = details::value_cast_impl(enum_min<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmax = details::value_cast_impl(enum_max<EnumT>());
return static_cast<EnumT>(x == details::clamp(x, xmin, xmax) ? x : xnone);
template <>
struct enum_category_traits<enum_linear> {
using category = enum_linear;
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr bool valid() noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>()) {
constexpr auto xnone = details::value_cast_impl(enum_none<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmin = details::value_cast_impl(enum_min<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmax = details::value_cast_impl(enum_max<EnumT>());
return xmin <= xmax && xnone != details::clamp(xnone, xmin, xmax);
return false;
template <typename EnumT, typename ValT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr EnumT enum_cast(ValT x) noexcept {
constexpr auto xnone = details::value_cast_impl(enum_none<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmin = details::value_cast_impl(enum_min<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmax = details::value_cast_impl(enum_max<EnumT>());
return static_cast<EnumT>(x == xnone ? xnone : details::clamp(x, xmin, xmax));
template <>
struct enum_category_traits<enum_bitmask> {
using category = enum_bitmask;
template <typename EnumT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr bool valid() noexcept {
constexpr auto xmin = details::value_cast_impl(enum_min<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmax = details::value_cast_impl(enum_max<EnumT>());
if constexpr (std::is_unsigned_v<std::underlying_type_t<EnumT>> && (xmin & xmax) == xmin) {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT>()) {
constexpr auto xnone = details::value_cast_impl(enum_none<EnumT>());
return xnone != details::bitwise_clamp(xnone, xmin, xmax);
return true;
return false;
template <typename EnumT, typename ValT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT>, category>>>
static constexpr EnumT enum_cast(ValT x) noexcept {
constexpr auto xmin = details::value_cast_impl(enum_min<EnumT>());
constexpr auto xmax = details::value_cast_impl(enum_max<EnumT>());
if constexpr (!enum_has_none<EnumT>())
return static_cast<EnumT>(details::bitwise_clamp(x, xmin, xmax));
else {
constexpr auto xnone = details::value_cast_impl(enum_none<EnumT>());
return static_cast<EnumT>(x == xnone ? xnone : details::bitwise_clamp(x, xmin, xmax));
template <typename EnumT, EnumT... Vals>
struct enum_category_traits<enum_discrete<EnumT, Vals...>> {
using category = enum_discrete<EnumT, Vals...>;
template <typename EnumT_,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT_>, category>>>
static constexpr bool valid() noexcept {
if constexpr (enum_has_none<EnumT_>())
return std::is_same_v<EnumT_, EnumT> && !(... || (Vals == EnumT_::none));
return false;
template <typename EnumT_, typename ValT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<get_enum_category_t<EnumT_>, category>>,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<EnumT_, EnumT>>>
static constexpr EnumT enum_cast(ValT x) noexcept {
if ((... || (details::value_cast_impl(Vals) == x)))
return static_cast<EnumT>(x);
return EnumT::none;
enum class NAME : TYPE; \
template <> \
struct enum_traits<NAME> { using category = CATEGORY; }; \
enum class NAME : TYPE
// Defines a standard-layout enum class as by:
// enum class NAME : TYPE
// with a specialization of enum_traits<NAME>.
// Defines a linear enum class as by:
// enum class NAME : TYPE
// with a specialization of enum_traits<NAME>.
// Defines a bitmask enum class as by:
// enum class NAME : TYPE
// with a specialization of enum_traits<NAME>.
#include "enum_traits.hpp"
enum StructDefault : int { Default0, Default1, Default2 };
value_cast(Default0); // (int)0
enum_cast<StructDefault>(0); // Default0
enum_cast<StructDefault>(3); // (StructDefault)3
ENUM_CLASS_STANDARD(StructStandard, unsigned) {
s0, s1, s2, s3,
none = (unsigned)-1,
min = s0, max = s3,
value_cast(StructStandard::s0); // (unsigned)0
enum_cast<StructStandard>(1u); // StructStandard::s1
enum_cast<StructStandard>((unsigned)-1); // StructStandard::none
enum_cast<StructStandard>(4u); // StructStandard::none
value_cast<StructStandard>(4u); // (unsigned)-1
enum_cast(StructStandard {4u}); // StructStandard::none
ENUM_CLASS_LINEAR(StructLinear, int) {
l0, l1, l2, l3,
none = -1,
min = l0, max = l3,
enum_cast<StructLinear>(0); // StructLinear::l0
enum_cast<StructLinear>(-1); // StructLinear::none
enum_cast<StructLinear>(3); // StructLinear::l3
enum_cast<StructLinear>(4); // StructLinear::l3
enum_cast<StructLinear>(-128); // StructLinear::l0
auto l = StructLinear::l2;
++l; // StructLinear::l3
++l; // StructLinear::l3
--l; --l; --l; --l; // StructLinear::l0
ENUM_CLASS_BITMASK(StructBitmask, unsigned) {
b0 = 1, b1 = 2, b3 = 8,
min = 0, max = b0|b1|b3,
enum_cast<StructBitmask>(0); // StructBitmask::min
enum_cast<StructBitmask>(2); // StructBitmask::b1
enum_cast<StructBitmask>(4); // StructBitmask::min
enum_cast<StructBitmask>(13); // StructBitmask::b0 | StructBitmask::b3
auto b = ~StructBitmask::b0; // StructBitmask::b1 | StructBitmask::b3
b ^= StructBitmask::max; // StructBitmask::b0
enum class StructDiscrete {
d0 = 123,
d1 = 456,
d2 = 789,
none = -1,
template <>
struct enum_traits<StructDiscrete> {
using category = enum_discrete<StructDiscrete,
StructDiscrete::d0, StructDiscrete::d1, StructDiscrete::d2>;
enum_cast<StructDiscrete>(0); // StructDiscrete::none
enum_cast<StructDiscrete>(123); // StructDiscrete::d0
enum_cast<StructDiscrete>(456); // StructDiscrete::d1
enum_cast<StructDiscrete>(789); // StructDiscrete::d2
enum_cast<StructDiscrete>(788); // StructDiscrete::none
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