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Created January 30, 2017 11:55
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FamiTracker compatibility

FamiTracker Compatibility

This file is targeted for 0CC-FamiTracker

This special file lists all known sources of incompatibilities between FamiTracker 0.4.6 modules and 0CC-FamiTracker modules. Some sources for 0.5.0 beta are also included below; the remaining can be found here. Items in boldface can lead to undefined behaviour in the vanilla builds. (The vanilla builds do not perform sufficient cleanup after they invalidate modules, so simply trying to read a rejected module might crash FamiTracker nonetheless.)


  • The N163 chip will steal FDS/VRC7/5B channels to maximize its channel count in the vanilla builds, when fewer than 8 are used.
  • Modules that enable all expansion chips are rejected by the vanilla builds.
  • The global tuning setting will fail to load in 0.5.0 beta once modules are saved in 0CC-FamiTracker.
  • The linear pitch flag is ignored by the vanilla builds.


  • 0CC-FamiTracker may interpret the channel identifiers saved in this block in the future.


  • N163 instruments support up to 64 waveforms. The vanilla builds only allow 16.


  • The vanilla builds will crash if more than 128 VRC6 sequences are defined.
  • Arpeggio schemes do not work in vanilla builds and they will crash the instrument editor.
  • 2A03 sweep pitch sequences will crash the instrument editor in 0.5.0 beta.
  • 5B duty / noise sequences use an extra bit to store the envelope output flag; this flag is ignored by the vanilla builds.


  • Up to 256 frames can be included in each song. Only 128 are allowed for the vanilla builds.
  • Up to 256 patterns can be used in each channel. Only 128 are allowed for the vanilla builds.


  • Although 0CC-FamiTracker can read pattern effects introduced in 0.5.0 beta, they cannot be read again by 0.5.0 beta once saved.
  • Pattern effects exclusive to 0CC-FamiTracker do nothing in 0.4.6 and before. They may be treated as other pattern effects in 0.5.0 beta.


  • Detune tables are ignored by the vanilla builds.


  • Grooves and use-groove flags are ignored by the vanilla builds.
  • Some vanilla builds will reject songs using fixed tempo since it is internally represented as zero tempo.
  • If a module uses groove 0 as the default groove in any song, that module will fail to open in the vanilla builds.


  • Bookmarks are ignored by the vanilla builds.
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