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Created August 18, 2019 03:50
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Pokemon Showdown & JavaScript Class Post-Stream Assignment - Day 7
* Pokemon Route Simulation
* The goal of this assignment is to simulate a player walking through tall grass/a cave/surfing on water
* in a location in a pokemon game. This assignment is focused on Objects, Methods (Functions stored in an Object), and Arrays.
* Requirements [READ CAREFULLY]:
* You must have an object to contain information about the route/location that contains the following:
* - A name property that holds the location's name.
* - A property called grass OR cave OR water that contains an object.
* - - This object should have pokemon names as properties (the pokemon that can appear in this type of encounter)
* - - The property's values should be an array with the 0th index being the min level the pokemon species can
* - - appear at, and the 1st index being the max level the pokemon species can appear at.
* - - - All encounters should have a range of AT LEAST 3 levels inclusive (ex: 3-5, 18-20, 98-100).
* - A method (function) that should be run each time the simulated player takes a step.
* - - This method should take an argument which has the type of encounter the player would get if they get a pokemon ('grass', 'cave' or 'water').
* - - A percent of the time of your choosing, an encounter should occur. If one is going to occur, call the method that handles running encounters (see below).
* - Another method (function) that should be called when the method that is run when the player takes a step determines a pokemon appeared
* - - This method should take an argument which has the type of encounter the player is about to experience ('grass', 'cave' or 'water').
* - - This method should randomly determine which pokemon appears, and at what level.
* - - Log what pokemon appeared, at what level, and the encounter type to the console.
* - - After logging the above, try to catch the pokemon with a single pokeball throw. Use a new method for this (see below).
* - - If the pokeball throwing method returns true, log that the pokemon was caught.
* - - If not log that the pokemon broke out and fled.
* - A third method called when a pokeball is thrown.
* - - This method takes no arguments, and returns true if the pokemon is caught and false if not.
* - - Simply return true a percent of the time of your choosing.
* The simulated player should take 500 steps though the route, each of which can spawn a pokemon.
* You should keep track of how many pokemon the player encountered, and how many they caught.
* At the start of the script, log that the player is entering the location (use the name property when logging this).
* At the end log that the player left the location (use the name property when logging this),
* and then log how many pokemon were enountered, and how many were caught.
* BONUS 1: For 50 steps, have the encounter type change from whatever one type to another.
* - ex: steps 1-250: grass, steps 250-299: water, steps 300-500: grass.
* - The encounter types and levels should change as a result of this
* BONUS 2: Make it possible to encounter shiny pokemon, and record how many were encountered/caught.
* - The base shiny rate in gen 7 is 1/8092, feel free to use the shiny charm rate of 1/4096 if you want.
* - At the end of the script, also log how many shiny pokemon were encountered & caught.
* - Math.round(NUMBER) - Rounds NUMBER to the nearest integer using normal rounding rules (0-4 down, 5-9 up).
* - Math.floor(NUMBER) - Rounds NUMBER down to the nearest integer (ex: 4.99999 will become 4).
* - Math.ceil(NUMBER) - Rounds NUMBER up to the nearest integer (ex: 4.0000001 will become 5).
* - Math.random() - Returns a number between 0 and 1 (almost always not an integer) including 0 but not including 1.
* - If you put \n in a string, it acts like a line break, allowing you to space out content as you log to the console.
* - DRY (Don't repeat yourself)
* - Take your time and plan what you need to do, then turn it into code, then write the code. After that test, debug, and improve your code.
* - You will need to make use of the tools above to calculate levels and other things for this (along with math).
* - Arrays are Zero-Indexed, meaning that in ['hello', 'world'], 'hello' is located at index 0 and 'world' is at index 1.
* If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me for help.
'use strict';
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