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A working script for calibrating and undistorting/dewarping the distortion from any regular or fisheye camera. Takes care of resizing and rescaling the FOV appropriately to get rid of the empty black space on both the sides (which is observed in case of high FOV fisheye lenses).
Modified version of the original script from
import cv2
import numpy as np
import glob
def calibrate(folder, rows=6, cols=9, save_file='calibrationdata.npz'):
Calibrates the camera to get the undistortion parameters. Capture a few images of the chessboard pattern
with your camera and store them in `folder`. This function obtains the undistortion parameters and saves
them in `save_file`.
`folder`: String, required
The folder where the images of the chessboard pattern are stored.
`rows`, `cols`: Integers, optional
The number of horizontal and vertical lines on your chessboard.
`save_file`: String, optional
Path to save the undistortion parameters.
# Stop / decision criteria for the algorithm
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 30, 0.001)
# Required Variables
objectPoints = np.zeros((rows * cols, 3), np.float32)
objectPoints[:, :2] = np.mgrid[0:rows, 0:cols].T.reshape(-1, 2)
objectPointsArray = []
imgPointsArray = []
img_paths = glob.glob(f'{folder.rstrip("/")}/*.png')
found = 0
# Repeat n times until successful calibration is done.
for img_path in img_paths:
# Read the next image and convert to grayscale
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Find the corners of the chessboard within the frame
isSucces, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (rows, cols), None)
# If the corners were found succesfully
if isSucces:
If the number of rows and columns we specified is correctly determined
With the cornerSubPix () method, the sub-pixel of the corners or radial spine points,
it repeats itself to find the correct position.
corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corners, (11, 11), (-1, -1), criteria)
# Save the points we just achieved
found += 1
print(f'{found} usable images found in {folder}.')
# Save the K and D values obtained as an npz archive
ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objectPointsArray, imgPointsArray, gray.shape[::-1], None, None)
np.savez(save_file, mtx=mtx, dist=dist, rvecs=rvecs, tvecs=tvecs)
return mtx, dist
def undistort(img, mtx, dist):
Utilizes the undistortion parameters obtained via calibration to undistort other images taken from the same
`img`: Numpy Array, Required
The image to be undistorted.
`mtx`, `dist`: Numpy Arrays, Required
The undistortion parameters obtained via calibration.
h, w = img.shape[:2]
newCameraMtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx, dist, (w, h), 1, (w, h))
undistortedImg = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, newCameraMtx)
return undistortedImg
if __name__ == '__main__':
folder = './calibration'
rows = 6
cols = 9
save_file= 'calibrationdata.npz'
# Calibrate
mtx, dist = calibrate(
# Test undistortion on a sample image
img_path = glob.glob(f'{folder.rstrip("/")}/*.png')[0]
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
undistorted = undistort(img, mtx, dist)
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