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Last active January 23, 2019 21:09
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My CSGO autoexec
alias "+bombf" "+use; gameinstructor_enable 1"
alias "-bombf" "-use; gameinstructor_enable 0"
bind "e" "+bombf"
// Radio binds
bind "z" "radio1"
bind x "radio2;slot12"
bind "c" "radio3"
// source
alias prac exec "practicecfg"
cl_forcepreload 0
sv_cheats "1" // Enable cheat commands on private servers
con_enable "1" // Enables console without requiring -console in launch options
fps_max "999" // 999 is better than 0 for some loading times, sometimes
cl_righthand "1" // Right-handed viewmodel (0 for left)
cl_disablefreezecam "1" // Disables freezecam
cl_autowepswitch "0" // Disables auto switching to weapons you pick up
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0" // Disables E opening buy menu
cl_timeout "30" // Time allowed disconnected before timeout (max 30)
cl_disablehtmlmotd "1" // Disables advertisements/videos/stuff on community servers
cl_join_advertise "2" // Allows friends to click your name and join your server
cl_showloadout "1" // Always show your items on screen (bottom right)
hud_showtargetid "1" // Shows enemy name when you aim at them
r_drawtracers_firstperson "0" // Removes tracers coming from your own weapon (careful, it helps with spray)
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice "1" // Shows team tag in death messages
snd_mute_losefocus "0" // Enables game volume to play when alt-tabbed
net_client_steamdatagram_enable_override "1" // Force Steam datagram relay on (recommended)
snd_hwcompat "0" // 0 = Turns on HRTF and Sound Occlusion. Change to 1 to turn HRTF off.
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "100" // Max ping for MM servers you join (set low)
mm_csgo_community_search_players_min "7" // Minimum amount of actual players on servers Valve connects you to (no more joining servers full of bots!)
cl_hud_healthammo_style "0" // Enables healthbar next to your health and ammo
cl_hud_playercount_pos "0" // Sets the players-alive count to top (For bottom use 1)
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "0" // Shows the avatar and healthbars of players alive (For number only use 1)
cl_teamid_overhead_always 2 // Shows you where teammates are through walls
// network options
rate 786432
cl_cmdrate 128
cl_updaterate 128
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
// If your connection is VERY bad and unstable, use cl_interp_ratio 2\
// mouse acceleration
m_mousespeed "0" // Disables mouse acceleration
m_customaccel "0" // Disables mouse acceleration
m_rawinput "1" // Enables 1:1 raw mouse input (no acceleration)
sensitivity "2"
// Sound commands
snd_musicvolume "0.3" // Master music volume level
snd_deathcamera_volume "0" // Music in deathcamera
snd_mapobjective_volume "0" // Music that starts when bomb is planted
snd_menumusic_volume "0" // Music in main menu
snd_roundend_volume "0" // Music when round ends
snd_roundstart_volume "0" // Music when round starts
snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.2" // 10 Second bomb music timer (actually 9.7 seconds) (recommended on)
// sound2
windows_speaker_config 0 // def. -1 - -1=Automatic 0=Headset/Headphones 2=StereoSpeakers 4=QuadSurroundSound 5=5.1SurroundSound.
snd_hwcompat 0 // def. 0 - 0 = Advanced 3D Audio Processing Enabled 1 = Advanced 3D Audio Processing disabled for compatibility with audio hardware.
snd_hrtf_distance_behind 100 // def. 100 - HRTF calculations will calculate the player as being this far behind the camera.
dsp_enhance_stereo 0 // def. 0 - Enhanced (Software 3D) Stereo Sound.
snd_mixahead 0.025 // def. .025- Soundbuffer size/length (raise value if sound is "crackling").
snd_mix_async 1 // def. 1 - Sets sound to get mixed asynchronously on a different thread.
//Show netgraph when checking scoreboard
net_graph "1"
net_graphheight "9999"
alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0"
alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999"
bind "TAB" "+scorenet"
// jumpthrow bind
alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack;-attack2"
alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
bind "mouse4" "+jumpthrow"
//NADETHROW crosshair
bind capslock "toggle cl_crosshairsize 3 500"
// Display damage (toggle bind)
alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on"
alias displaydamage_on "con_filter_text Damage Given To; con_filter_text_out Player:; con_filter_enable 2; developer 1; playvol buttons\blip1 0.5; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_off""
alias displaydamage_off "con_filter_enable 0; developer 0; playvol buttons\blip2 0.5; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on""
bind "f5" "displaydamage"
// celownik
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1.000000"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1.000000"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1"
cl_crosshair_t "0.000000"
cl_crosshairalpha "999.000000"
cl_crosshaircolor "2.000000"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "0.000000"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "0.000000"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "250.000000"
cl_crosshairdot "0.000000"
cl_crosshairgap "0.000000"
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
cl_crosshairscale "600"
cl_crosshairsize "3.000000"
cl_crosshairstyle "4.000000"
cl_crosshairthickness "0.000000"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "-10"
// Main PRACTICE config
// Server config
sv_cheats 1 // Enables cheat commands
mp_limitteams 0 // No player limit in teams
mp_autoteambalance 0 // No player balancing
mp_roundtime 60 // 60 minute round-timer
mp_roundtime_defuse 60 // 60 minute round-timer for de_ maps
mp_maxmoney 60000 // Money, max allowed
mp_startmoney 60000 // Money, starting amount
mp_freezetime 0 // Disables freezetime
mp_buytime 9999 // Buy anytime
mp_buy_anywhere 1 // Buy anywhere
sv_enablebunnyhopping 1 // Bhop: Enabled
sv_autobunnyhopping 1 // Bhop: Auto-bhop enabled
sv_airaccelerate 1000 // Bhop: Allows FAST air strafing
sv_infinite_ammo 1 // Ammo: infinite
ammo_grenade_limit_total 5 // Ammo: Allows you to hold all types of grenades
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 // Grenade trajectory visible
sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10 // Grenade trajectory time visible
sv_showimpacts 1 // Bullet impacts visible
sv_showimpacts_time 10 // Bullet impacts time visible
mp_ct_default_grenades "weapon_flashbang weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_decoy weapon_incgrenade" // Gives CT all grenades
mp_t_default_grenades "weapon_flashbang weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_decoy weapon_molotov" // Gives T all grenades
bot_kick // Kicks bots
mp_warmup_end // Ends warmup
mp_restartgame 1 // Restarts the game
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