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Created October 6, 2021 13:02
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  • Save IISResetMe/3060c1c1f4e88e7e5fb6b1cbef95bda6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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function target {
param($Caller = $((Get-PSCallStack)[0].Command))
"'$Caller' called!"
function volunteerID {
target -Caller $MyInvocation.MyCommand
function callstackID {
$volunteerMeasure = Measure-Command {
1..10000 |ForEach-Object { volunteerID }
Write-Host "Caller passes ID explicitly: " -Foreground Cyan
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $volunteerMeasure)
$callstackMeasure = Measure-Command {
1..10000 |ForEach-Object { callstackID }
Write-Host "Callee unwinds callstack: " -Foreground Cyan
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $callstackMeasure)
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