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Last active April 10, 2024 06:30
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  • Save IISResetMe/399a75cfccabc1a17d0cc3b5ae29f3aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Dictionary to hold superclass names
$superClass = @{}
# List to hold class names that inherit from container and are allowed to live under computer object
$vulnerableSchemas = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
# Resolve schema naming context
$schemaNC = (Get-ADRootDSE).schemaNamingContext
# Enumerate all class schemas
$classSchemas = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter '(objectClass=classSchema)' -SearchBase $schemaNC -Properties lDAPDisplayName,subClassOf,possSuperiors
# Enumerate all class schemas that computer is allowed to contain
$computerInferiors = $classSchemas |Where-Object possSuperiors -eq 'computer'
# Populate superclass table
$classSchemas |ForEach-Object {
$superClass[$_.lDAPDisplayName] = $_.subClassOf
# Resolve class inheritance for computer inferiors
$computerInferiors |ForEach-Object {
$class = $cursor = $_.lDAPDisplayName
while($superClass[$cursor] -notin 'top'){
if($superClass[$cursor] -eq 'container'){
$cursor = $superClass[$cursor]
# Outpupt list of vulnerable class schemas
if(-not $Force){
Write-Warning "This will cripple Exchange-related schema entries"
Write-Warning "DO NOT run this if you have an active Exchange organization in the current forest"
Write-Warning "Instead, apply the latest Exchange Server CU from Microsoft"
Write-Warning "If you've already removed all Exchange Server installations from the forest, go ahead and run this script with '-Force'"
# Discover schema NC
$rootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE
$schemaNC = $rootDSE.schemaNamingContext
# Discover schema master
$schemaMaster = Get-ADObject $schemaNC -Properties fSMORoleOwner | Get-ADDomainController -Identity { $_.fSMORoleOwner }
# Re-bind against RootDSE on schema master
$rootDSE = [ADSI]::new("LDAP://$($schemaMaster.HostName)/RootDSE")
# Prepare to refresh the schema!!!
$schemaRefresh = {
$rootDSE.Put("schemaUpdateNow", 1)
# Fetch msExchStorageGroup schema object
$schemaObject = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter '(&(objectClass=classSchema)(lDAPDisplayName=msExchStorageGroup))' -SearchBase $schemaNC
# Update schema object
Set-ADObject -Identity $schemaObject.distinguishedName -Remove @{possSuperiors = 'computer'} -Server $schemaMaster
# Refresh schema
& $schemaRefresh
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@billylepandaroux No, this shouldn't affect AADSync at all :)

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@browolf you need membership of Schema Admins (RID 518) in the forest root domain to modify schema objects

I am Schema Admins but still get the error Set-ADObject : Insufficient access rights to perform the operation

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natiT commented Jan 12, 2024


on Update-msExchStorageGroupSchema.ps1 Line 18 I get the error that Get-ADDomainController does not accept pipeline inputs.

Runned this on PSVersion 7.1.0 maybe that was the Problem but well it's an easy fix.

$fsmoRoleOwner = (Get-ADObject $schemaNC -Properties fSMORoleOwner).fSMORoleOwner
$schemaMaster = Get-ADDomainController -Identity $fsmoRoleOwner

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