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IliaMManolov /
Last active January 30, 2024 02:52
This script can download and update the text editor in Linux on x64 systems. You might need to have an `Applications` folder inside your `$HOME` to work. This is very unstable and can break at any time if the Cursor devs change the download links of some stuff.
readonly RED_COLOR="\e[31m"
readonly GREEN_COLOR="\e[32m"
readonly YELLOW_COLOR="\e[33m"
readonly RESET_COLOR="\e[0m"
readonly APP_DIR="$HOME/Applications"
readonly ICON_DIR="$HOME/.local/share/icons"
readonly ICON_URL=""
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"Hello world!"<<endl;
return 0;
IliaMManolov / gist:88db5990bccc9395d0285f76c14fa5ca
Last active June 10, 2018 11:41
SaveYourInternteEU Bulgarian sample email
Title: Не позволявайте на интернетът да стане ‘Filter-net’: Молба за премахване на Член 13
Уважаеми евродепутат,
Вие, вашето семейство и близки използвате Интернета, за откриване, споделяне и създаване на нова информация. Това важи за всички потребители в цифровото пространство, но скоро това няма да бъде възможно ако не спрете новия член 13 от Директивата за авторското право в единния цифров пазар. Това не е проблем с авторски права или интелектуална собственост, а става въпрос за правата ни онлайн!
Член 13 трябва да бъде заличен, тъй като ще отнеме всички ползи и възможности, които Интернета ни е предоставил последните две десетилетия. По новата регулация, интернет платформите ще бъдат принудени да ползват автоматични филтри, които временно премахват всичко, което потребител качи онлайн преди да бъде публикувано. Това няма да е филтър само за защита на авторско право, а ще филтрира всичката информация онлайн и застрашава свободата ни на слово.
Разчитам на вас да защитите интернета от това прекомерно и с
Post number 10:
I don't believe in private property anyway, so by using your milk without asking I'm really engaging in an act of radical social activism to pursue the ideals of a communist utopia in our kitchen
id: 117373032144331_232827613932205
Reaction count: 397
Post number 9:
import facebook
import requests
import time
start_time = time.time()
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token="your token here", version="2.7")
# Gets the number of reacts on a post with id post_id
def getReactCount(post_id):
IliaMManolov / Firefox Habitica Errors
Created January 6, 2018 17:03
Firefox Habitica Errors Full

Webconsole context has changed The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol. background.html Unchecked lastError value: Error: The storage API will not work with a temporary addon ID. Please add an explicit addon ID to your manifest. For more information see ExtensionCommon.jsm:407 The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol. options.html Unchecked lastError value: Error: The storage API will not work with a temporary addon ID. Please add an explicit addon ID to your manifest.

Unchecked lastError value: Error: The storage API will not work with a temporary addon ID. Please add an explicit addon ID to your manifest. For more information see

TypeError: can't access dead object[Learn More] background.js:85:17

` error occurred while processing 'sources: TypeError: can't access dead object Stack: createNonSourceMappedActor@resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js -> resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/TabSources.js:299:1 createSourceActors/<@resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js -> resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/TabSources.js:387:19 process@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:922:23 walkerLoop@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:806:7