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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save InfiniteAmmoInc/9352467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save InfiniteAmmoInc/9352467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
InputX for Unity by Alec Holowka
WARNING: Work-in-progress! - @infinite_ammo
Note: use this code in an editor script to initialize the InputManager asset for use by InputX
[MenuItem("X/Setup InputManager Asset")]
static void SetupInputManagerAsset()
var inputManagerAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath("ProjectSettings/InputManager.asset")[0];
var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(inputManagerAsset);
var axisArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Axes");
axisArray.arraySize = 100;
int axisIndex = 0;
for (int joystick = 1; joystick <= 10; joystick++)
for (int analog = 0; analog <= 9; analog++)
var axis = axisArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(axisIndex++);
GetChildProperty(axis, "m_Name").stringValue = string.Format("joystick {0} analog {1}", joystick, analog);
GetChildProperty(axis, "descriptiveName").stringValue = "";
GetChildProperty(axis, "descriptiveNegativeName").stringValue = "";
GetChildProperty(axis, "negativeButton").stringValue = "";
GetChildProperty(axis, "positiveButton").stringValue = "";
GetChildProperty(axis, "altNegativeButton").stringValue = "";
GetChildProperty(axis, "altPositiveButton").stringValue = "";
GetChildProperty(axis, "gravity").floatValue = 10.0f;
GetChildProperty(axis, "dead").floatValue = 0.001f;
GetChildProperty(axis, "sensitivity").floatValue = 1.0f;
GetChildProperty(axis, "snap").boolValue = false;
GetChildProperty(axis, "invert").boolValue = false;
GetChildProperty(axis, "type").intValue = 2;
GetChildProperty(axis, "axis").intValue = analog;
GetChildProperty(axis, "joyNum").intValue = joystick;
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Success", "InputManager asset has been initialized.", "OK");
static SerializedProperty GetChildProperty(SerializedProperty parent, string name)
SerializedProperty child = parent.Copy();
if ( == name)
return child;
while (child.Next(false));
return null;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class InputX : MonoBehaviour
public enum ButtonCode
FaceA, // PS4: Square Xbox360: X
FaceB, // PS4: X XBox360: B
FaceX, // PS4: Cricle XBox360: A
FaceY, // PS4: Triangle XBox360: Y
public enum AxisCode
public class ButtonEntry
public string name;
public ButtonCode[] buttonCodes;
public KeyCode[] keyCodes;
public class AxisEntry
public string name;
public AxisCode[] axisCodes;
public KeyCode[] keyCodes;
public bool diagnosticMode;
public bool invertY;
public float deadZone;
public ButtonEntry[] buttonEntries;
public AxisEntry[] axisEntries;
static InputX instance;
enum Platform
static Platform platform;
static KeyCode faceAKeyCode;
static KeyCode faceBKeyCode;
static KeyCode faceXKeyCode;
static KeyCode faceYKeyCode;
static KeyCode leftBumperKeyCode;
static KeyCode rightBumperKeyCode;
static KeyCode leftStickButtonKeyCode;
static KeyCode rightStickButtonKeyCode;
static KeyCode startKeyCode;
static string leftStickXName;
static string leftStickYName;
static string rightStickXName;
static string rightStickYName;
static string triggerLeftName;
static string triggerRightName;
static string dPadXName;
static string dPadYName;
public enum ControllerType
void Awake()
if (instance)
instance = this;
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer)
platform = Platform.Mac;
ControllerType controllerType = ControllerType.XBox360;
string[] names = Input.GetJoystickNames();
foreach (string name in names)
Debug.Log("joystick name: " + name);
if (name == "Sony Computer Entertainment Wireless Controller")
controllerType = ControllerType.PS4;
else if (name.IndexOf("USB,2-axis 8-button gamepad") != -1)
controllerType = ControllerType.SNESBuffalo;
switch (controllerType)
case ControllerType.SNESBuffalo:
faceAKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton1;
faceBKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton0;
faceXKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton3;
faceYKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton2;
leftBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton4;
rightBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton5;
leftStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton11;
rightStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton12;
case ControllerType.PS4:
faceAKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton1;
faceBKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton2;
faceXKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton0;
faceYKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton3;
leftBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton4;
rightBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton5;
leftStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton11;
rightStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton12;
startKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton13;
case ControllerType.XBox360:
faceAKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton16;
faceBKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton17;
faceXKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton18;
faceYKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton19;
leftBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton13;
rightBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton14;
leftStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton11;
rightStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton12;
startKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton9;
leftStickXName = "joystick 1 analog 0";
leftStickYName = "joystick 1 analog 1";
rightStickXName = "joystick 1 analog 2";
rightStickYName = "joystick 1 analog 3";
triggerLeftName = "joystick 1 analog 4";
triggerRightName = "joystick 1 analog 5";
dPadXName = "joystick 1 analog 6";
dPadYName = "joystick 1 analog 7";
else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)
platform = Platform.Windows;
faceAKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton0;
faceBKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton1;
faceXKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton2;
faceYKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton3;
leftBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton4;
rightBumperKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton5;
leftStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton8;
rightStickButtonKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton9;
startKeyCode = KeyCode.JoystickButton7;
leftStickXName = "joystick 1 analog 0";
leftStickYName = "joystick 1 analog 1";
rightStickXName = "joystick 1 analog 3";
rightStickYName = "joystick 1 analog 4";
triggerLeftName = "joystick 1 analog 2";
triggerRightName = "joystick 1 analog 2";
dPadXName = "joystick 1 analog 6";
dPadYName = "joystick 1 analog 7";
public static bool GetButton(ButtonCode buttonCode)
switch (buttonCode)
case ButtonCode.FaceA:
return Input.GetKey(faceAKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceB:
return Input.GetKey(faceBKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceX:
return Input.GetKey(faceXKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceY:
return Input.GetKey(faceYKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.LeftBumper:
return Input.GetKey(leftBumperKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.RightBumper:
return Input.GetKey(rightBumperKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.LeftStickButton:
return Input.GetKey(leftStickButtonKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.RightStickButton:
return Input.GetKey(rightStickButtonKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.Start:
return Input.GetKey(startKeyCode);
return false;
public static bool GetButtonDown(ButtonCode buttonCode)
switch (buttonCode)
case ButtonCode.FaceA:
return Input.GetKeyDown(faceAKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceB:
return Input.GetKeyDown(faceBKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceX:
return Input.GetKeyDown(faceXKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceY:
return Input.GetKeyDown(faceYKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.LeftBumper:
return Input.GetKeyDown(leftBumperKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.RightBumper:
return Input.GetKeyDown(rightBumperKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.LeftStickButton:
return Input.GetKeyDown(leftStickButtonKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.RightStickButton:
return Input.GetKeyDown(rightStickButtonKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.Start:
return Input.GetKeyDown(startKeyCode);
return false;
public static bool GetButtonUp(ButtonCode buttonCode)
switch (buttonCode)
case ButtonCode.FaceA:
return Input.GetKeyUp(faceAKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceB:
return Input.GetKeyUp(faceBKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceX:
return Input.GetKeyUp(faceXKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.FaceY:
return Input.GetKeyUp(faceYKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.LeftBumper:
return Input.GetKeyUp(leftBumperKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.RightBumper:
return Input.GetKeyUp(rightBumperKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.LeftStickButton:
return Input.GetKeyUp(leftStickButtonKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.RightStickButton:
return Input.GetKeyUp(rightStickButtonKeyCode);
case ButtonCode.Start:
return Input.GetKeyUp(startKeyCode);
return false;
public static float GetAxis(AxisCode axisCode)
switch (axisCode)
case AxisCode.LeftStickX:
return Input.GetAxis(leftStickXName);
case AxisCode.LeftStickY:
return Input.GetAxis(leftStickYName) * (instance.invertY?-1f:1f);
case AxisCode.RightStickX:
return Input.GetAxis(rightStickXName);
case AxisCode.RightStickY:
return Input.GetAxis(rightStickYName) * (instance.invertY?-1f:1f);
case AxisCode.LeftTrigger:
if (platform == Platform.Mac)
return (Input.GetAxis(triggerLeftName) + 1f) / 2f;
else if (platform == Platform.Windows)
float v = Input.GetAxis(triggerLeftName);
if (v > 0f)
return v;
return Input.GetAxis(triggerLeftName);
case AxisCode.RightTrigger:
if (platform == Platform.Mac)
return (Input.GetAxis(triggerRightName) + 1f) / 2f;
else if (platform == Platform.Windows)
float v = Input.GetAxis(triggerRightName);
if (v < 0f)
return -v;
return Input.GetAxis(triggerRightName);
case AxisCode.DPadX:
return Input.GetAxis(dPadXName);
case AxisCode.DPadY:
return Input.GetAxis(dPadYName) * (instance.invertY?-1f:1f);
return 0f;
public static bool GetButtonDown(string buttonName)
ButtonEntry buttonEntry = instance.GetButtonEntryByName(buttonName);
if (buttonEntry != null)
foreach (KeyCode keyCode in buttonEntry.keyCodes)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode))
return true;
foreach (ButtonCode buttonCode in buttonEntry.buttonCodes)
if (GetButtonDown(buttonCode))
return true;
return false;
public static bool GetButtonUp(string buttonName)
ButtonEntry buttonEntry = instance.GetButtonEntryByName(buttonName);
if (buttonEntry != null)
foreach (KeyCode keyCode in buttonEntry.keyCodes)
if (Input.GetKeyUp(keyCode))
return true;
foreach (ButtonCode buttonCode in buttonEntry.buttonCodes)
if (GetButtonUp(buttonCode))
return true;
return false;
public static bool GetButton(string buttonName)
ButtonEntry buttonEntry = instance.GetButtonEntryByName(buttonName);
if (buttonEntry != null)
foreach (KeyCode keyCode in buttonEntry.keyCodes)
if (Input.GetKey(keyCode))
return true;
foreach (ButtonCode buttonCode in buttonEntry.buttonCodes)
if (GetButton(buttonCode))
return true;
return false;
public static float GetAxis(string axisName)
float axisValue = 0f;
AxisEntry axisEntry = instance.GetAxisEntryByName(axisName);
if (axisEntry != null)
foreach (AxisCode axisCode in axisEntry.axisCodes)
axisValue += GetAxis(axisCode);
for (int i = 0; i < axisEntry.keyCodes.Length; i++)
if (Input.GetKey(axisEntry.keyCodes[i]))
axisValue += ((i % 2 == 0)?-1f:1f);
if (Mathf.Abs(axisValue) < instance.deadZone)
axisValue = 0f;
return axisValue;
public static float GetAxisRaw(string axisName)
return GetAxis(axisName);
ButtonEntry GetButtonEntryByName(string name)
foreach (ButtonEntry buttonEntry in buttonEntries)
if ( == name)
return buttonEntry;
Debug.Log("Could not find ButtonEntry named: " + name);
return null;
AxisEntry GetAxisEntryByName(string name)
foreach (AxisEntry axisEntry in axisEntries)
if ( == name)
return axisEntry;
Debug.Log("Could not find AxisEntry named: " + name);
return null;
void Update()
if (diagnosticMode)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)((int)KeyCode.JoystickButton0 + i)))
Debug.Log ("Button " + i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
float axisValue = Input.GetAxisRaw("joystick 1 analog " + i);
if (Mathf.Abs(axisValue) > .1f)
Debug.LogWarning("joystick 1 analog " + i + ": " + axisValue);
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