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Created November 25, 2022 05:44
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dmd c compile test
$ v password.v -o password.c
$ dmd password.c -ofpassword
test.c(610): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `*A` of type `ulong` to `__uint128_t`
test.c(610): Error: `r` is not a scalar, it is a `__uint128_t`
test.c(614): Error: cannot cast expression `r` of type `__uint128_t` to `ulong`
test.c(614): Error: `r` is not of integral type, it is a `__uint128_t`
test.c(3125): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(3286): Error: `[first_bigrams][0]` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
test.c(3286): Error: `[bigram][0]` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
test.c(3286): Error: `[first_bigrams][0]` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
test.c(3292): Error: `[first_bigrams][0]` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
test.c(3292): Error: `[bigram][0]` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
test.c(3292): Error: `[first_bigrams][0]` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified
test.c(3663): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(3675): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(3679): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(5438): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(5476): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(6422): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(6437): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(6794): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
test.c(6825): Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable`
module main
import os
fn main() {
original_password := os.input_password('Enter your password : ')!
repeated_password := os.input_password('Confirm password : ')!
if original_password == repeated_password {
println('Password confirmed! You entered: ${original_password} .')
} else {
println('Passwords do not match .')
#define V_COMMIT_HASH "4aa4af4"
#define V_CURRENT_COMMIT_HASH "4aa4af4"
#define V_USE_SIGNAL_H
// V comptime_definitions:
// V compile time defines by -d or -define flags:
// All custom defines : gcboehm,gcboehm_full,gcboehm_opt
// Turned ON custom defines: gcboehm,gcboehm_full,gcboehm_opt
#define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm
#define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_full
#define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_opt
#define _VGCBOEHM (1)
#define _VAUTOFREE (0)
// V typedefs:
typedef struct IError IError;
typedef struct none none;
// BEGIN_multi_return_typedefs
typedef struct multi_return_u32_u32 multi_return_u32_u32;
typedef struct multi_return_int_int multi_return_int_int;
typedef struct multi_return_u32_u32_u32 multi_return_u32_u32_u32;
typedef struct multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber;
typedef struct multi_return_u64_int multi_return_u64_int;
typedef struct multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_string_int multi_return_string_int;
typedef struct multi_return_int_bool multi_return_int_bool;
typedef struct multi_return_u64_u64 multi_return_u64_u64;
typedef struct multi_return_f64_int multi_return_f64_int;
// END_multi_return_typedefs
typedef struct strconv__BF_param strconv__BF_param;
typedef struct strconv__PrepNumber strconv__PrepNumber;
typedef struct strconv__Dec32 strconv__Dec32;
typedef struct strconv__Dec64 strconv__Dec64;
typedef struct strconv__Uint128 strconv__Uint128;
typedef union strconv__Uf32 strconv__Uf32;
typedef union strconv__Uf64 strconv__Uf64;
typedef union strconv__Float64u strconv__Float64u;
typedef union strconv__Float32u strconv__Float32u;
typedef struct array array;
typedef struct VCastTypeIndexName VCastTypeIndexName;
typedef struct VAssertMetaInfo VAssertMetaInfo;
typedef struct MethodArgs MethodArgs;
typedef struct FunctionData FunctionData;
typedef struct FieldData FieldData;
typedef struct StructAttribute StructAttribute;
typedef struct DenseArray DenseArray;
typedef struct map map;
typedef struct Error Error;
typedef struct MessageError MessageError;
typedef struct None__ None__;
typedef struct Option Option;
typedef struct _option _option;
typedef struct _result _result;
typedef struct SortedMap SortedMap;
typedef struct mapnode mapnode;
typedef struct string string;
typedef struct RepIndex RepIndex;
typedef union StrIntpMem StrIntpMem;
typedef struct StrIntpCgenData StrIntpCgenData;
typedef struct StrIntpData StrIntpData;
typedef struct strings__textscanner__TextScanner strings__textscanner__TextScanner;
typedef struct os__Eof os__Eof;
typedef struct os__NotExpected os__NotExpected;
typedef struct os__File os__File;
typedef struct os__FileInfo os__FileInfo;
typedef struct os__FileNotOpenedError os__FileNotOpenedError;
typedef struct os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error;
typedef struct os__FilePermission os__FilePermission;
typedef struct os__FileMode os__FileMode;
typedef struct os__PathKind os__PathKind;
typedef struct os__Result os__Result;
typedef struct os__Command os__Command;
typedef struct os__ExecutableNotFoundError os__ExecutableNotFoundError;
typedef struct os__MkdirParams os__MkdirParams;
typedef struct os__Uname os__Uname;
typedef struct os__Process os__Process;
typedef struct _result_int _result_int;
typedef struct _result_f64 _result_f64;
typedef struct _result_u64 _result_u64;
typedef struct _result_i64 _result_i64;
typedef struct _result_os__File _result_os__File;
typedef struct _result_FILE_ptr _result_FILE_ptr;
typedef struct _result_void _result_void;
typedef struct _result_Array_u8 _result_Array_u8;
typedef struct _result_strings__Builder _result_strings__Builder;
typedef struct _result_string _result_string;
typedef struct _result_Array_string _result_Array_string;
typedef struct _result_bool _result_bool;
typedef struct _result_os__SignalHandler _result_os__SignalHandler;
typedef struct _option_rune _option_rune;
typedef struct _option_string _option_string;
typedef struct _option_int _option_int;
typedef struct _option_u8 _option_u8;
// V preincludes:
#if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include)
// tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely
#undef __has_include
// V cheaders:
// Generated by the V compiler
#if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include)
// tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely
#undef __has_include
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<inttypes.h>)
#include <inttypes.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE The C compiler can not find <inttypes.h>. Please install build-essentials
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<stddef.h>)
#include <stddef.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE The C compiler can not find <stddef.h>. Please install build-essentials
#include <stddef.h>
//================================== builtin types ================================*/
typedef int64_t i64;
typedef int16_t i16;
typedef int8_t i8;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef u8 byte;
typedef int i32;
typedef uint32_t rune;
typedef size_t usize;
typedef ptrdiff_t isize;
#ifndef VNOFLOAT
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
typedef int32_t f32;
typedef int64_t f64;
typedef int64_t int_literal;
#ifndef VNOFLOAT
typedef double float_literal;
typedef int64_t float_literal;
typedef unsigned char* byteptr;
typedef void* voidptr;
typedef char* charptr;
typedef u8 array_fixed_byte_300 [300];
typedef struct sync__Channel* chan;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#ifndef bool
#ifdef CUSTOM_DEFINE_4bytebool
typedef int bool;
typedef u8 bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0
typedef u64 (*MapHashFn)(voidptr);
typedef bool (*MapEqFn)(voidptr, voidptr);
typedef void (*MapCloneFn)(voidptr, voidptr);
typedef void (*MapFreeFn)(voidptr);
//============================== HELPER C MACROS =============================*/
// _SLIT0 is used as NULL string for literal arguments
// `"" s` is used to enforce a string literal argument
#define _SLIT0 (string){.str=(byteptr)(""), .len=0, .is_lit=1}
#define _SLIT(s) ((string){.str=(byteptr)("" s), .len=(sizeof(s)-1), .is_lit=1})
#define _SLEN(s, n) ((string){.str=(byteptr)("" s), .len=n, .is_lit=1})
// take the address of an rvalue
#define ADDR(type, expr) (&((type[]){expr}[0]))
// copy something to the heap
#define HEAP(type, expr) ((type*)memdup((void*)&((type[]){expr}[0]), sizeof(type)))
#define HEAP_noscan(type, expr) ((type*)memdup_noscan((void*)&((type[]){expr}[0]), sizeof(type)))
#define _PUSH_MANY(arr, val, tmp, tmp_typ) {tmp_typ tmp = (val); array_push_many(arr,, tmp.len);}
#define _PUSH_MANY_noscan(arr, val, tmp, tmp_typ) {tmp_typ tmp = (val); array_push_many_noscan(arr,, tmp.len);}
// unsigned/signed comparisons
static inline bool _us32_gt(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a > INT32_MAX || (int32_t)a > b; }
static inline bool _us32_ge(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a >= INT32_MAX || (int32_t)a >= b; }
static inline bool _us32_eq(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a <= INT32_MAX && (int32_t)a == b; }
static inline bool _us32_ne(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a > INT32_MAX || (int32_t)a != b; }
static inline bool _us32_le(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a <= INT32_MAX && (int32_t)a <= b; }
static inline bool _us32_lt(uint32_t a, int32_t b) { return a < INT32_MAX && (int32_t)a < b; }
static inline bool _us64_gt(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a > INT64_MAX || (int64_t)a > b; }
static inline bool _us64_ge(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a >= INT64_MAX || (int64_t)a >= b; }
static inline bool _us64_eq(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a <= INT64_MAX && (int64_t)a == b; }
static inline bool _us64_ne(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a > INT64_MAX || (int64_t)a != b; }
static inline bool _us64_le(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a <= INT64_MAX && (int64_t)a <= b; }
static inline bool _us64_lt(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a < INT64_MAX && (int64_t)a < b; }
#define EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION voidptr _dummy_pad
// Due to a tcc bug, the length of an array needs to be specified, but GCC crashes if it is...
#define EMPTY_ARRAY_OF_ELEMS(x,n) (x[])
#define TCCSKIP(x) x
#define __NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
#define __IRQHANDLER __attribute__((interrupt))
#define __V_architecture 0
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_AMD64)
#define __V_amd64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 1
#if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__arm64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
#define __V_arm64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 2
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM)
#define __V_arm32 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 3
#if defined(__riscv) && __riscv_xlen == 64
#define __V_rv64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 4
#if defined(__riscv) && __riscv_xlen == 32
#define __V_rv32 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 5
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
#define __V_x86 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 6
// Using just __GNUC__ for detecting gcc, is not reliable because other compilers define it too:
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define __V_GCC__
#ifdef __TINYC__
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef __cplusplus
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef __clang__
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#undef __V_GCC__
#ifdef __TINYC__
#define _Atomic volatile
#define EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION voidptr _dummy_pad
#define EMPTY_ARRAY_OF_ELEMS(x,n) (x[n])
#undef __NOINLINE
// tcc does not support inlining at all
#define __NOINLINE
#define __IRQHANDLER
#undef TCCSKIP
#define TCCSKIP(x)
// #include <byteswap.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <execinfo.h>
int tcc_backtrace(const char *fmt, ...);
// Use __offsetof_ptr instead of __offset_of, when you *do* have a valid pointer, to avoid UB:
#ifndef __offsetof_ptr
#define __offsetof_ptr(ptr,PTYPE,FIELDNAME) ((size_t)((byte *)&((PTYPE *)ptr)->FIELDNAME - (byte *)ptr))
// for __offset_of
#ifndef __offsetof
#define __offsetof(PTYPE,FIELDNAME) ((size_t)((char *)&((PTYPE *)0)->FIELDNAME - (char *)0))
#define OPTION_CAST(x) (x)
#ifdef PRIx64
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%"PRIx64
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%I64x"
#elif defined(__linux__) && defined(__LP64__)
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%lx"
#define V64_PRINTFORMAT "0x%llx"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern __declspec(dllexport)
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL static
// 4 < gcc < 5 is used by some older Ubuntu LTS and Centos versions,
// and does not support __has_attribute(visibility) ...
#ifndef __has_attribute
#define __has_attribute(x) 0 // Compatibility with non-clang compilers.
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) || (defined(__clang__) && __has_attribute(visibility))
#ifdef ARM
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern __attribute__((externally_visible,visibility("default")))
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#if defined(__clang__) && (defined(_VUSECACHE) || defined(_VBUILDMODULE))
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL static
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
#define VV_EXPORTED_SYMBOL extern
#define VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL static
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <utility>
#define _MOV std::move
#define _MOV
// tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely
#if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include)
#undef __has_include
#if !defined(VWEAK)
#define VWEAK __attribute__((weak))
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#undef VWEAK
#define VWEAK
#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
#undef VWEAK
#define VWEAK
#if !defined(VNORETURN)
#if defined(__TINYC__)
#include <stdnoreturn.h>
#define VNORETURN noreturn
# if !defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
# define VNORETURN _Noreturn
# elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2
# define VNORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
# endif
#if !defined(VUNREACHABLE)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
#define V_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000L + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100L + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
#if (V_GCC_VERSION >= 40500L)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { __builtin_unreachable(); } while (0)
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__has_builtin)
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { __builtin_unreachable(); } while (0)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { } while (0)
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(__TINYC__)
#define VUNREACHABLE() do { } while (0)
//likely and unlikely macros
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
#define _likely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,1)
#define _unlikely_(x) __builtin_expect(x,0)
#define _likely_(x) (x)
#define _unlikely_(x) (x)
// c_headers
typedef int (*qsort_callback_func)(const void*, const void*);
#include <stdio.h> // TODO remove all these includes, define all function signatures and types manually
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#if defined __has_include
#if __has_include (<execinfo.h>)
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_list
//================================== GLOBALS =================================*/
int load_so(byteptr);
void _vinit(int ___argc, voidptr ___argv);
void _vcleanup(void);
#define sigaction_size sizeof(sigaction);
#define _ARR_LEN(a) ( (sizeof(a)) / (sizeof(a[0])) )
void v_free(voidptr ptr);
voidptr memdup(voidptr src, int sz);
#define TARGET_IS_32BIT 1
#define TARGET_IS_64BIT 1
#error "The environment is not 32 or 64-bit."
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ || defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN || defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEB__) || defined(__THUMBEB__) || defined(__AARCH64EB__) || defined(_MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB__)
#elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ || defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEL__) || defined(__THUMBEL__) || defined(__AARCH64EL__) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)
#error "Unknown architecture endianness"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale.h> // tolower
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
extern char **environ;
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(_WIN32)
#error Cygwin is not supported, please use MinGW or Visual Studio.
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__vinix__) || defined(__serenity__) || defined(__sun)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h> // os__wait uses wait on nix
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/wait.h> // os__wait uses wait on nix
#ifdef __NetBSD__
#include <sys/wait.h> // os__wait uses wait on nix
#ifdef _WIN32
#define WINVER 0x0600
#ifdef _WIN32_WINNT
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
#ifndef WIN32_FULL
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h> // _waccess
#include <direct.h> // _wgetcwd
#include <signal.h> // signal and SIGSEGV for segmentation fault handler
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// On MSVC these are the same (as long as /volatile:ms is passed)
#define _Atomic volatile
// MSVC cannot parse some things properly
#define EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION voidptr _dummy_pad
#define OPTION_CAST(x)
#undef __NOINLINE
#define __NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
#define __IRQHANDLER __declspec(naked)
#include <dbghelp.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Dbghelp")
#include <pthread.h>
// musl does not have that
#define pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np(a, b)
// g_live_info is used by
static void* g_live_info = NULL;
#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__) || (defined(_WIN32) && defined(__TINYC__))
#undef PRId64
#undef PRIi64
#undef PRIo64
#undef PRIu64
#undef PRIx64
#undef PRIX64
#define PRId64 "lld"
#define PRIi64 "lli"
#define PRIo64 "llo"
#define PRIu64 "llu"
#define PRIx64 "llx"
#define PRIX64 "llX"
// ============== wyhash ==============
#ifndef wyhash_final_version_3
#define wyhash_final_version_3
// protections that produce different results:
// 1: normal valid behavior
// 2: extra protection against entropy loss (probability=2^-63), aka. "blind multiplication"
#ifndef WYHASH_32BIT_MUM
// 0: normal version, slow on 32 bit systems
// 1: faster on 32 bit systems but produces different results, incompatible with wy2u0k function
#define WYHASH_32BIT_MUM 0
// includes
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
// 128bit multiply function
static inline uint64_t _wyrot(uint64_t x) { return (x>>32)|(x<<32); }
static inline void _wymum(uint64_t *A, uint64_t *B){
uint64_t hh=(*A>>32)*(*B>>32), hl=(*A>>32)*(uint32_t)*B, lh=(uint32_t)*A*(*B>>32), ll=(uint64_t)(uint32_t)*A*(uint32_t)*B;
*A^=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B^=_wyrot(lh)^ll;
*A=_wyrot(hl)^hh; *B=_wyrot(lh)^ll;
#elif defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && !defined(VWASM)
__uint128_t r=*A; r*=*B;
*A^=(uint64_t)r; *B^=(uint64_t)(r>>64);
*A=(uint64_t)r; *B=(uint64_t)(r>>64);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
uint64_t a, b;
*A^=a; *B^=b;
uint64_t ha=*A>>32, hb=*B>>32, la=(uint32_t)*A, lb=(uint32_t)*B, hi, lo;
uint64_t rh=ha*hb, rm0=ha*lb, rm1=hb*la, rl=la*lb, t=rl+(rm0<<32), c=t<rl;
lo=t+(rm1<<32); c+=lo<t; hi=rh+(rm0>>32)+(rm1>>32)+c;
*A^=lo; *B^=hi;
*A=lo; *B=hi;
// multiply and xor mix function, aka MUM
static inline uint64_t _wymix(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ _wymum(&A,&B); return A^B; }
// endian macros
// read functions
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return v;}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return v;}
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return __builtin_bswap64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return __builtin_bswap32(v);}
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return _byteswap_uint64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return _byteswap_ulong(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) {
uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8);
return (((v >> 56) & 0xff)| ((v >> 40) & 0xff00)| ((v >> 24) & 0xff0000)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff000000)| ((v << 8) & 0xff00000000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff0000000000)| ((v << 40) & 0xff000000000000)| ((v << 56) & 0xff00000000000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) {
uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4);
return (((v >> 24) & 0xff)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff00)| ((v << 8) & 0xff0000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr3(const uint8_t *p, size_t k) { return (((uint64_t)p[0])<<16)|(((uint64_t)p[k>>1])<<8)|p[k-1];}
// wyhash main function
static inline uint64_t wyhash(const void *key, size_t len, uint64_t seed, const uint64_t *secret){
const uint8_t *p=(const uint8_t *)key; seed^=*secret; uint64_t a, b;
if (_likely_(len<=16)) {
if (_likely_(len>=4)) { a=(_wyr4(p)<<32)|_wyr4(p+((len>>3)<<2)); b=(_wyr4(p+len-4)<<32)|_wyr4(p+len-4-((len>>3)<<2)); }
else if (_likely_(len>0)) { a=_wyr3(p,len); b=0; }
else a=b=0;
} else {
size_t i=len;
if (_unlikely_(i>48)) {
uint64_t see1=seed, see2=seed;
do {
p+=48; i-=48;
} while(_likely_(i>48));
while(_unlikely_(i>16)) { seed=_wymix(_wyr8(p)^secret[1],_wyr8(p+8)^seed); i-=16; p+=16; }
a=_wyr8(p+i-16); b=_wyr8(p+i-8);
return _wymix(secret[1]^len,_wymix(a^secret[1],b^seed));
// the default secret parameters
static const uint64_t _wyp[4] = {0xa0761d6478bd642full, 0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull, 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3ull, 0x589965cc75374cc3ull};
// a useful 64bit-64bit mix function to produce deterministic pseudo random numbers that can pass BigCrush and PractRand
static inline uint64_t wyhash64(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ A^=0xa0761d6478bd642full; B^=0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull; _wymum(&A,&B); return _wymix(A^0xa0761d6478bd642full,B^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);}
// the wyrand PRNG that pass BigCrush and PractRand
static inline uint64_t wyrand(uint64_t *seed){ *seed+=0xa0761d6478bd642full; return _wymix(*seed,*seed^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);}
#ifndef __vinix__
// convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to uniform distribution [0,1). It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline double wy2u01(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<52); return (r>>12)*_wynorm;}
// convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to APPROXIMATE Gaussian distribution. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline double wy2gau(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<20); return ((r&0x1fffff)+((r>>21)&0x1fffff)+((r>>42)&0x1fffff))*_wynorm-3.0;}
// fast range integer random number generation on [0,k) credit to Daniel Lemire. May not work when WYHASH_32BIT_MUM=1. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline uint64_t wy2u0k(uint64_t r, uint64_t k){ _wymum(&r,&k); return k; }
#define _IN_MAP(val, m) map_exists(m, val)
// V includes:
#if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include)
// tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely
#undef __has_include
// added by module `builtin`, file: builtin_d_gcboehm.c.v:98:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<gc.h>)
#include <gc.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <gc.h>, needed for module `builtin` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <gc.h>
// added by module `builtin`, file: float.c.v:9:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<float.h>)
#include <float.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <float.h>, needed for module `builtin` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <float.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os.c.v:5:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<sys/stat.h>)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <sys/stat.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <sys/stat.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os.c.v:6:
#include <errno.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_nix.c.v:5:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<dirent.h>)
#include <dirent.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <dirent.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <dirent.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_nix.c.v:6:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<unistd.h>)
#include <unistd.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <unistd.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <unistd.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_nix.c.v:7:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<fcntl.h>)
#include <fcntl.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <fcntl.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <fcntl.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_nix.c.v:8:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<sys/utsname.h>)
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <sys/utsname.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <sys/utsname.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_nix.c.v:9:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<sys/types.h>)
#include <sys/types.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <sys/types.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <sys/types.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_nix.c.v:10:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<utime.h>)
#include <utime.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <utime.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <utime.h>
// added by module `os`, file: os_nix.c.v:12:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<sys/ptrace.h>)
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <sys/ptrace.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
// added by module `os`, file: password_nix.c.v:3:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<termios.h>)
#include <termios.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <termios.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <termios.h>
// added by module `os`, file: signal.c.v:3:
#if defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<signal.h>)
#include <signal.h>
#error VERROR_MESSAGE Header file <signal.h>, needed for module `os` was not found. Please install the corresponding development headers.
#include <signal.h>
// Enum definitions:
typedef enum {
strconv__ParserState__ok, //
strconv__ParserState__pzero, // +1
strconv__ParserState__mzero, // +2
strconv__ParserState__pinf, // +3
strconv__ParserState__minf, // +4
strconv__ParserState__invalid_number, // +5
} strconv__ParserState;
typedef enum {
strconv__Align_text__right = 0, // 0
strconv__Align_text__left, // 0+1
strconv__Align_text__center, // 0+2
} strconv__Align_text;
typedef enum {
strconv__Char_parse_state__start, //
strconv__Char_parse_state__norm_char, // +1
strconv__Char_parse_state__field_char, // +2
strconv__Char_parse_state__pad_ch, // +3
strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_start, // +4
strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_in, // +5
strconv__Char_parse_state__check_type, // +6
strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float, // +7
strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float_in, // +8
strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params, // +9
} strconv__Char_parse_state;
typedef enum {
ArrayFlags__noslices = 1, // 1 << 0
ArrayFlags__noshrink = 2, // 1 << 1
} ArrayFlags;
typedef enum {
AttributeKind__plain, //
AttributeKind__string, // +1
AttributeKind__number, // +2
AttributeKind__comptime_define, // +3
} AttributeKind;
typedef enum {
ChanState__success, //
ChanState__not_ready, // +1
ChanState__closed, // +2
} ChanState;
typedef enum {
StrIntpType__si_no_str = 0, // 0
StrIntpType__si_c, // 0+1
StrIntpType__si_u8, // 0+2
StrIntpType__si_i8, // 0+3
StrIntpType__si_u16, // 0+4
StrIntpType__si_i16, // 0+5
StrIntpType__si_u32, // 0+6
StrIntpType__si_i32, // 0+7
StrIntpType__si_u64, // 0+8
StrIntpType__si_i64, // 0+9
StrIntpType__si_e32, // 0+10
StrIntpType__si_e64, // 0+11
StrIntpType__si_f32, // 0+12
StrIntpType__si_f64, // 0+13
StrIntpType__si_g32, // 0+14
StrIntpType__si_g64, // 0+15
StrIntpType__si_s, // 0+16
StrIntpType__si_p, // 0+17
StrIntpType__si_vp, // 0+18
} StrIntpType;
typedef enum {
os__SeekMode__start, //
os__SeekMode__current, // +1
os__SeekMode__end, // +2
} os__SeekMode;
typedef enum {
os__FileType__regular, //
os__FileType__directory, // +1
os__FileType__character_device, // +2
os__FileType__block_device, // +3
os__FileType__fifo, // +4
os__FileType__symbolic_link, // +5
os__FileType__socket, // +6
} os__FileType;
typedef enum {
os__GlobMatch__exact, //
os__GlobMatch__ends_with, // +1
os__GlobMatch__starts_with, // +2
os__GlobMatch__start_and_ends_with, // +3
os__GlobMatch__contains, // +4
os__GlobMatch__any, // +5
} os__GlobMatch;
typedef enum {
os__ProcessState__not_started, //
os__ProcessState__running, // +1
os__ProcessState__stopped, // +2
os__ProcessState__exited, // +3
os__ProcessState__aborted, // +4
os__ProcessState__closed, // +5
} os__ProcessState;
typedef enum {
os__Signal__hup = 1, // 1
os__Signal__int = 2, // 2
os__Signal__quit = 3, // 3
os__Signal__ill = 4, // 4
os__Signal__trap = 5, // 5
os__Signal__abrt = 6, // 6
os__Signal__bus = 7, // 7
os__Signal__fpe = 8, // 8
os__Signal__kill = 9, // 9
os__Signal__usr1 = 10, // 10
os__Signal__segv = 11, // 11
os__Signal__usr2 = 12, // 12
os__Signal__pipe = 13, // 13
os__Signal__alrm = 14, // 14
os__Signal__term = 15, // 15
os__Signal__stkflt = 16, // 16
os__Signal__chld = 17, // 17
os__Signal__cont = 18, // 18
os__Signal__stop = 19, // 19
os__Signal__tstp = 20, // 20
os__Signal__ttin = 21, // 21
os__Signal__ttou = 22, // 22
os__Signal__urg = 23, // 23
os__Signal__xcpu = 24, // 24
os__Signal__xfsz = 25, // 25
os__Signal__vtalrm = 26, // 26
os__Signal__prof = 27, // 27
os__Signal__winch = 28, // 28
os__Signal__poll = 29, // 29
os__Signal__pwr = 30, // 30
os__Signal__sys = 31, // 31
} os__Signal;
// Thread definitions:
typedef pthread_t __v_thread;
// V type definitions:
struct IError {
union {
void* _object;
None__* _None__;
Error* _Error;
MessageError* _MessageError;
os__Eof* _os__Eof;
os__NotExpected* _os__NotExpected;
os__FileNotOpenedError* _os__FileNotOpenedError;
os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error* _os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error;
os__ExecutableNotFoundError* _os__ExecutableNotFoundError;
int _typ;
string* msg;
int* code;
struct string {
u8* str;
int len;
int is_lit;
struct array {
int element_size;
voidptr data;
int offset;
int len;
int cap;
ArrayFlags flags;
struct DenseArray {
int key_bytes;
int value_bytes;
int cap;
int len;
u32 deletes;
u8* all_deleted;
u8* keys;
u8* values;
struct map {
int key_bytes;
int value_bytes;
u32 even_index;
u8 cached_hashbits;
u8 shift;
DenseArray key_values;
u32* metas;
u32 extra_metas;
bool has_string_keys;
MapHashFn hash_fn;
MapEqFn key_eq_fn;
MapCloneFn clone_fn;
MapFreeFn free_fn;
int len;
struct Error {
struct _option {
u8 state;
IError err;
struct _result {
bool is_error;
IError err;
typedef array Array_string;
typedef array Array_u8;
typedef array Array_int;
typedef array Array_voidptr;
typedef array Array_VCastTypeIndexName;
typedef array Array_MethodArgs;
typedef array Array_u8_ptr;
typedef array Array_rune;
typedef string Array_fixed_string_11 [11];
typedef voidptr Array_fixed_voidptr_11 [11];
typedef array Array_RepIndex;
typedef map Map_string_int;
typedef map Map_string_string;
typedef array Array_char_ptr;
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_20 [20];
typedef int Array_fixed_int_3 [3];
typedef char Array_fixed_char_256 [256];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_5 [5];
typedef array Array_u64;
typedef array Array_u32;
typedef array Array_strconv__Uint128;
typedef array Array_f64;
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_32 [32];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_26 [26];
typedef voidptr Array_fixed_voidptr_100 [100];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_1000 [1000];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_17 [17];
typedef array Array_StrIntpType;
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_4096 [4096];
typedef u8 Array_fixed_u8_1024 [1024];
typedef array Array_os__ProcessState;
typedef int Array_fixed_int_6 [6];
typedef Array_u8 strings__Builder;
typedef bool (*anon_fn_voidptr__bool)(voidptr);
typedef voidptr (*anon_fn_voidptr__voidptr)(voidptr);
typedef int (*anon_fn_voidptr_voidptr__int)(voidptr,voidptr);
typedef int (*anon_fn_int_int__int)(int,int);
typedef void (*FnExitCb)();
typedef int (*FnSortCB)(voidptr,voidptr);
typedef void (*anon_fn_string)(string);
typedef void (*os__FnWalkContextCB)(voidptr,string);
typedef void (*os__SignalHandler)(os__Signal);
typedef void (*os__FN_SA_Handler)(int);
// #start sorted_symbols
struct none {
struct None__ {
Error Error;
struct StrIntpCgenData {
string str;
string fmt;
string d;
struct os__Eof {
Error Error;
struct os__FileNotOpenedError {
Error Error;
struct os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error {
Error Error;
struct os__ExecutableNotFoundError {
Error Error;
struct os__Uname {
string sysname;
string nodename;
string release;
string version;
string machine;
struct VCastTypeIndexName {
int tindex;
string tname;
struct VAssertMetaInfo {
string fpath;
int line_nr;
string fn_name;
string src;
string op;
string llabel;
string rlabel;
string lvalue;
string rvalue;
string message;
bool has_msg;
struct MethodArgs {
int typ;
string name;
struct FunctionData {
string name;
Array_string attrs;
Array_MethodArgs args;
int return_type;
int typ;
struct FieldData {
string name;
Array_string attrs;
bool is_pub;
bool is_mut;
bool is_shared;
int typ;
struct StructAttribute {
string name;
bool has_arg;
string arg;
AttributeKind kind;
union strconv__Float64u {
f64 f;
u64 u;
union strconv__Float32u {
f32 f;
u32 u;
struct MessageError {
string msg;
int code;
struct Option {
u8 state;
IError err;
struct SortedMap {
int value_bytes;
mapnode* root;
int len;
struct RepIndex {
int idx;
int val_idx;
union StrIntpMem {
u32 d_c;
byte d_u8;
i8 d_i8;
u16 d_u16;
i16 d_i16;
u32 d_u32;
int d_i32;
u64 d_u64;
i64 d_i64;
f32 d_f32;
f64 d_f64;
string d_s;
voidptr d_p;
voidptr d_vp;
struct strconv__BF_param {
u8 pad_ch;
int len0;
int len1;
bool positive;
bool sign_flag;
strconv__Align_text allign;
bool rm_tail_zero;
struct strconv__PrepNumber {
bool negative;
int exponent;
u64 mantissa;
struct strconv__Dec32 {
u32 m;
int e;
union strconv__Uf32 {
f32 f;
u32 u;
struct strconv__Dec64 {
u64 m;
int e;
union strconv__Uf64 {
f64 f;
u64 u;
struct strconv__Uint128 {
u64 lo;
u64 hi;
struct os__NotExpected {
string cause;
int code;
struct os__File {
voidptr cfile;
int fd;
bool is_opened;
struct os__FileInfo {
string name;
int size;
struct os__FilePermission {
bool read;
bool write;
bool execute;
struct os__PathKind {
bool is_dir;
bool is_link;
struct os__Result {
int exit_code;
string output;
struct os__Command {
voidptr f;
bool eof;
int exit_code;
string path;
bool redirect_stdout;
struct os__MkdirParams {
u32 mode;
struct strings__textscanner__TextScanner {
string input;
int ilen;
int pos;
struct mapnode {
voidptr* children;
int len;
Array_fixed_string_11 keys;
Array_fixed_voidptr_11 values;
struct StrIntpData {
string str;
u32 fmt;
StrIntpMem d;
struct os__FileMode {
os__FileType typ;
os__FilePermission owner;
os__FilePermission group;
os__FilePermission others;
struct os__Process {
string filename;
int pid;
int code;
os__ProcessState status;
string err;
Array_string args;
bool env_is_custom;
Array_string env;
bool use_stdio_ctl;
bool use_pgroup;
Array_fixed_int_3 stdio_fd;
voidptr wdata;
// #end sorted_symbols
// BEGIN_multi_return_structs
struct multi_return_u32_u32 {
u32 arg0;
u32 arg1;
struct multi_return_int_int {
int arg0;
int arg1;
struct multi_return_u32_u32_u32 {
u32 arg0;
u32 arg1;
u32 arg2;
struct multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber {
strconv__ParserState arg0;
strconv__PrepNumber arg1;
struct multi_return_u64_int {
u64 arg0;
int arg1;
struct multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool {
strconv__Dec32 arg0;
bool arg1;
struct multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool {
strconv__Dec64 arg0;
bool arg1;
struct multi_return_string_int {
string arg0;
int arg1;
struct multi_return_int_bool {
int arg0;
bool arg1;
struct multi_return_u64_u64 {
u64 arg0;
u64 arg1;
struct multi_return_f64_int {
f64 arg0;
int arg1;
// END_multi_return_structs
static bool Array_u8_contains(Array_u8 a, u8 v); // auto
static bool Array_string_contains(Array_string a, string v); // auto
// V alias definitions:
// V shared types:
// V Option_xxx definitions:
struct _option_rune {
byte state;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(rune) > 1 ? sizeof(rune) : 1];
struct _option_string {
byte state;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(string) > 1 ? sizeof(string) : 1];
struct _option_int {
byte state;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(int) > 1 ? sizeof(int) : 1];
struct _option_u8 {
byte state;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(u8) > 1 ? sizeof(u8) : 1];
// V result_xxx definitions:
struct _result_int {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(int) > 1 ? sizeof(int) : 1];
struct _result_f64 {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(f64) > 1 ? sizeof(f64) : 1];
struct _result_u64 {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(u64) > 1 ? sizeof(u64) : 1];
struct _result_i64 {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(i64) > 1 ? sizeof(i64) : 1];
struct _result_os__File {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(os__File) > 1 ? sizeof(os__File) : 1];
struct _result_FILE_ptr {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(FILE*) > 1 ? sizeof(FILE*) : 1];
struct _result_void {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(u8) > 1 ? sizeof(u8) : 1];
struct _result_Array_u8 {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(Array_u8) > 1 ? sizeof(Array_u8) : 1];
struct _result_strings__Builder {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(strings__Builder) > 1 ? sizeof(strings__Builder) : 1];
struct _result_string {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(string) > 1 ? sizeof(string) : 1];
struct _result_Array_string {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(Array_string) > 1 ? sizeof(Array_string) : 1];
struct _result_bool {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(bool) > 1 ? sizeof(bool) : 1];
struct _result_os__SignalHandler {
bool is_error;
IError err;
byte data[sizeof(os__SignalHandler) > 1 ? sizeof(os__SignalHandler) : 1];
// V json forward decls:
// V definitions:
static char * v_typeof_interface_IError(int sidx);
// end of definitions #endif
strings__Builder strings__new_builder(int initial_size);
Array_u8 strings__Builder_reuse_as_plain_u8_array(strings__Builder* b);
void strings__Builder_write_ptr(strings__Builder* b, u8* ptr, int len);
void strings__Builder_write_rune(strings__Builder* b, rune r);
void strings__Builder_write_runes(strings__Builder* b, Array_rune runes);
void strings__Builder_clear(strings__Builder* b);
void strings__Builder_write_u8(strings__Builder* b, u8 data);
void strings__Builder_write_byte(strings__Builder* b, byte data);
_result_int strings__Builder_write(strings__Builder* b, Array_u8 data);
void strings__Builder_drain_builder(strings__Builder* b, strings__Builder* other, int other_new_cap);
u8 strings__Builder_byte_at(strings__Builder* b, int n);
void strings__Builder_write_string(strings__Builder* b, string s);
void strings__Builder_go_back(strings__Builder* b, int n);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strings__Builder_spart(strings__Builder* b, int start_pos, int n);
string strings__Builder_cut_last(strings__Builder* b, int n);
string strings__Builder_cut_to(strings__Builder* b, int pos);
void strings__Builder_go_back_to(strings__Builder* b, int pos);
void strings__Builder_writeln(strings__Builder* b, string s);
string strings__Builder_last_n(strings__Builder* b, int n);
string strings__Builder_after(strings__Builder* b, int n);
string strings__Builder_str(strings__Builder* b);
void strings__Builder_ensure_cap(strings__Builder* b, int n);
void strings__Builder_free(strings__Builder* b);
int strings__levenshtein_distance(string a, string b);
f32 strings__levenshtein_distance_percentage(string a, string b);
f32 strings__dice_coefficient(string s1, string s2);
string strings__repeat(u8 c, int n);
string strings__repeat_string(string s, int n);
string strings__find_between_pair_u8(string input, u8 start, u8 end);
string strings__find_between_pair_rune(string input, rune start, rune end);
string strings__find_between_pair_string(string input, string start, string end);
Array_string strings__split_capital(string s);
int math__bits__leading_zeros_8(u8 x);
int math__bits__leading_zeros_16(u16 x);
int math__bits__leading_zeros_32(u32 x);
int math__bits__leading_zeros_64(u64 x);
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_8(u8 x);
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_16(u16 x);
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_32(u32 x);
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_64(u64 x);
int math__bits__ones_count_8(u8 x);
int math__bits__ones_count_16(u16 x);
int math__bits__ones_count_32(u32 x);
int math__bits__ones_count_64(u64 x);
u8 math__bits__rotate_left_8(u8 x, int k);
u16 math__bits__rotate_left_16(u16 x, int k);
u32 math__bits__rotate_left_32(u32 x, int k);
u64 math__bits__rotate_left_64(u64 x, int k);
u8 math__bits__reverse_8(u8 x);
u16 math__bits__reverse_16(u16 x);
u32 math__bits__reverse_32(u32 x);
u64 math__bits__reverse_64(u64 x);
u16 math__bits__reverse_bytes_16(u16 x);
u32 math__bits__reverse_bytes_32(u32 x);
u64 math__bits__reverse_bytes_64(u64 x);
int math__bits__len_8(u8 x);
int math__bits__len_16(u16 x);
int math__bits__len_32(u32 x);
int math__bits__len_64(u64 x);
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__add_32(u32 x, u32 y, u32 carry);
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__add_64(u64 x, u64 y, u64 carry);
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__sub_32(u32 x, u32 y, u32 borrow);
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__sub_64(u64 x, u64 y, u64 borrow);
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__mul_32(u32 x, u32 y);
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__mul_64(u64 x, u64 y);
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__div_32(u32 hi, u32 lo, u32 y);
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__div_64(u64 hi, u64 lo, u64 y1);
u32 math__bits__rem_32(u32 hi, u32 lo, u32 y);
u64 math__bits__rem_64(u64 hi, u64 lo, u64 y);
multi_return_f64_int math__bits__normalize(f64 x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__lsr96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__lsl96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__add96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0, u32 d2, u32 d1, u32 d0);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__sub96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0, u32 d2, u32 d1, u32 d0);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__is_digit(u8 x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__is_space(u8 x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__is_exp(u8 x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber strconv__parser(string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__converter(strconv__PrepNumber* pn);
_result_f64 strconv__atof64(string s);
f64 strconv__atof_quick(string s);
u8 strconv__byte_to_lower(u8 c);
_result_u64 strconv__common_parse_uint(string s, int _base, int _bit_size, bool error_on_non_digit, bool error_on_high_digit);
multi_return_u64_int strconv__common_parse_uint2(string s, int _base, int _bit_size);
_result_u64 strconv__parse_uint(string s, int _base, int _bit_size);
_result_i64 strconv__common_parse_int(string _s, int base, int _bit_size, bool error_on_non_digit, bool error_on_high_digit);
_result_i64 strconv__parse_int(string _s, int base, int _bit_size);
_result_int strconv__atoi(string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__underscore_ok(string s);
string strconv__Dec32_get_string_32(strconv__Dec32 d, bool neg, int i_n_digit, int i_pad_digit);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool strconv__f32_to_decimal_exact_int(u32 i_mant, u32 exp);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL strconv__Dec32 strconv__f32_to_decimal(u32 mant, u32 exp);
string strconv__f32_to_str(f32 f, int n_digit);
string strconv__f32_to_str_pad(f32 f, int n_digit);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__Dec64_get_string_64(strconv__Dec64 d, bool neg, int i_n_digit, int i_pad_digit);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool strconv__f64_to_decimal_exact_int(u64 i_mant, u64 exp);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL strconv__Dec64 strconv__f64_to_decimal(u64 mant, u64 exp);
string strconv__f64_to_str(f64 f, int n_digit);
string strconv__f64_to_str_pad(f64 f, int n_digit);
string strconv__format_str(string s, strconv__BF_param p);
void strconv__format_str_sb(string s, strconv__BF_param p, strings__Builder* sb);
void strconv__format_dec_sb(u64 d, strconv__BF_param p, strings__Builder* res);
string strconv__f64_to_str_lnd1(f64 f, int dec_digit);
string strconv__format_fl(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p);
string strconv__format_es(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p);
string strconv__remove_tail_zeros(string s);
string strconv__ftoa_64(f64 f);
string strconv__ftoa_long_64(f64 f);
string strconv__ftoa_32(f32 f);
string strconv__ftoa_long_32(f32 f);
string strconv__format_int(i64 n, int radix);
string strconv__format_uint(u64 n, int radix);
string strconv__f32_to_str_l(f32 f);
string strconv__f32_to_str_l_with_dot(f32 f);
string strconv__f64_to_str_l(f64 f);
string strconv__f64_to_str_l_with_dot(f64 f);
string strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse(string s);
string strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse_with_dot(string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int strconv__bool_to_int(bool b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__bool_to_u32(bool b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__bool_to_u64(bool b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__get_string_special(bool neg, bool expZero, bool mantZero);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__mul_shift_32(u32 m, u64 mul, int ishift);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(u32 m, u32 q, int j);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__mul_pow5_div_pow2(u32 m, u32 i, int j);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__pow5_factor_32(u32 i_v);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_32(u32 v, u32 p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_two_32(u32 v, u32 p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__log10_pow2(int e);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__log10_pow5(int e);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int strconv__pow5_bits(int e);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__shift_right_128(strconv__Uint128 v, int shift);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__mul_shift_64(u64 m, strconv__Uint128 mul, int shift);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__pow5_factor_64(u64 v_i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_64(u64 v, u32 p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_two_64(u64 v, u32 p);
int strconv__dec_digits(u64 n);
void strconv__v_printf(string str, Array_voidptr pt);
string strconv__v_sprintf(string str, Array_voidptr pt);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void strconv__v_sprintf_panic(int idx, int len);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 strconv__fabs(f64 x);
string strconv__format_fl_old(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__format_es_old(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__remove_tail_zeros_old(string s);
string strconv__format_dec_old(u64 d, strconv__BF_param p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_default(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_array_default(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, array val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_map_default(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, map val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array new_array_from_c_array(int len, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr c_array);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array new_array_from_c_array_no_alloc(int len, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr c_array);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_ensure_cap(array* a, int required);
array array_repeat(array a, int count);
array array_repeat_to_depth(array a, int count, int depth);
void array_insert(array* a, int i, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_insert_many(array* a, int i, voidptr val, int size);
void array_prepend(array* a, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_prepend_many(array* a, voidptr val, int size);
void array_delete(array* a, int i);
void array_delete_many(array* a, int i, int size);
void array_clear(array* a);
void array_trim(array* a, int index);
void array_drop(array* a, int num);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_get_unsafe(array a, int i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_get(array a, int i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_get_with_check(array a, int i);
voidptr array_first(array a);
voidptr array_last(array a);
voidptr array_pop(array* a);
void array_delete_last(array* a);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_slice(array a, int start, int _end);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_slice_ni(array a, int _start, int _end);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_slice2(array a, int start, int _end, bool end_max);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_clone_static_to_depth(array a, int depth);
array array_clone(array* a);
array array_clone_to_depth(array* a, int depth);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_set_unsafe(array* a, int i, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_set(array* a, int i, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_push(array* a, voidptr val);
void array_push_many(array* a3, voidptr val, int size);
void array_reverse_in_place(array* a);
array array_reverse(array a);
void array_free(array* a);
array array_filter(array a, bool (*predicate)(voidptr ));
bool array_any(array a, bool (*predicate)(voidptr ));
bool array_all(array a, bool (*predicate)(voidptr ));
array array_map(array a, voidptr (*callback)(voidptr ));
void array_sort(array* a, int (*callback)(voidptr , voidptr ));
void array_sort_with_compare(array* a, int (*callback)(voidptr , voidptr ));
bool array_contains(array a, voidptr value);
int array_index(array a, voidptr value);
void Array_string_free(Array_string* a);
string Array_string_str(Array_string a);
string Array_u8_hex(Array_u8 b);
int copy(Array_u8* dst, Array_u8 src);
int Array_int_reduce(Array_int a, int (*iter)(int , int ), int accum_start);
void array_grow_cap(array* a, int amount);
void array_grow_len(array* a, int amount);
Array_voidptr array_pointers(array a);
Array_u8 voidptr_vbytes(voidptr data, int len);
Array_u8 u8_vbytes(u8* data, int len);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_noscan(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_default_noscan(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_array_default_noscan(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, array val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array new_array_from_c_array_noscan(int len, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr c_array);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_ensure_cap_noscan(array* a, int required);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_repeat_to_depth_noscan(array a, int count, int depth);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_insert_noscan(array* a, int i, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_insert_many_noscan(array* a, int i, voidptr val, int size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_prepend_noscan(array* a, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_prepend_many_noscan(array* a, voidptr val, int size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_pop_noscan(array* a);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_clone_static_to_depth_noscan(array a, int depth);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_clone_to_depth_noscan(array* a, int depth);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_push_noscan(array* a, voidptr val);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_push_many_noscan(array* a3, voidptr val, int size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_reverse_noscan(array a);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_grow_cap_noscan(array* a, int amount);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_grow_len_noscan(array* a, int amount);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void vhalt(void);
void _v_exit(int code);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string vcommithash(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void panic_debug(int line_no, string file, string mod, string fn_name, string s);
void panic_optional_not_set(string s);
void panic_result_not_set(string s);
void _v_panic(string s);
string c_error_number_str(int errnum);
void panic_error_number(string basestr, int errnum);
void eprintln(string s);
void eprint(string s);
void flush_stdout(void);
void flush_stderr(void);
void print(string s);
void println(string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _writeln_to_fd(int fd, string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _write_buf_to_fd(int fd, u8* buf, int buf_len);
u8* _v_malloc(isize n);
u8* malloc_noscan(isize n);
u8* malloc_uncollectable(isize n);
u8* v_realloc(u8* b, isize n);
u8* realloc_data(u8* old_data, int old_size, int new_size);
u8* vcalloc(isize n);
u8* vcalloc_noscan(isize n);
void _v_free(voidptr ptr);
voidptr memdup(voidptr src, int sz);
voidptr memdup_noscan(voidptr src, int sz);
voidptr memdup_uncollectable(voidptr src, int sz);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int v_fixed_index(int i, int len);
void print_backtrace(void);
bool isnil(voidptr v);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr __as_cast(voidptr obj, int obj_type, int expected_type);
void VAssertMetaInfo_free(VAssertMetaInfo* ami);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void __print_assert_failure(VAssertMetaInfo* i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void v_segmentation_fault_handler(int signal);
void gc_check_leaks(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void builtin_init(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames(int xskipframes);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_bsd(int skipframes);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_linux(int skipframes);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void break_if_debugger_attached(void);
string winapi_lasterr_str(void);
void panic_lasterr(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void print_libbacktrace(int frames_to_skip);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void eprint_libbacktrace(int frames_to_skip);
int proc_pidpath(int , voidptr , int );
int vstrlen(byte* s);
int vstrlen_char(char* s);
voidptr vmemcpy(voidptr dest, const voidptr const_src, isize n);
voidptr vmemmove(voidptr dest, const voidptr const_src, isize n);
int vmemcmp(const voidptr const_s1, const voidptr const_s2, isize n);
voidptr vmemset(voidptr s, int c, isize n);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void vqsort(voidptr base, usize nmemb, usize size, int (*sort_cb)(const voidptr const_a, const voidptr const_b));
void chan_close(chan ch);
ChanState chan_try_pop(chan ch, voidptr obj);
ChanState chan_try_push(chan ch, voidptr obj);
string f64_str(f64 x);
string f64_strg(f64 x);
string float_literal_str(float_literal d);
string f64_strsci(f64 x, int digit_num);
string f64_strlong(f64 x);
string f32_str(f32 x);
string f32_strg(f32 x);
string f32_strsci(f32 x, int digit_num);
string f32_strlong(f32 x);
f32 f32_abs(f32 a);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 f64_abs(f64 a);
f32 f32_max(f32 a, f32 b);
f32 f32_min(f32 a, f32 b);
f64 f64_max(f64 a, f64 b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 f64_min(f64 a, f64 b);
bool f32_eq_epsilon(f32 a, f32 b);
bool f64_eq_epsilon(f64 a, f64 b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void float_test(void);
string ptr_str(voidptr ptr);
string isize_str(isize x);
string usize_str(usize x);
string char_str(char* cptr);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string int_str_l(int nn, int max);
string i8_str(i8 n);
string i16_str(i16 n);
string u16_str(u16 n);
string int_str(int n);
string u32_str(u32 nn);
string int_literal_str(int_literal n);
string i64_str(i64 nn);
string u64_str(u64 nn);
string bool_str(bool b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string u64_to_hex(u64 nn, u8 len);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string u64_to_hex_no_leading_zeros(u64 nn, u8 len);
string u8_hex(u8 nn);
string i8_hex(i8 nn);
string u16_hex(u16 nn);
string i16_hex(i16 nn);
string u32_hex(u32 nn);
string int_hex(int nn);
string int_hex2(int n);
string u64_hex(u64 nn);
string i64_hex(i64 nn);
string int_literal_hex(int_literal nn);
string voidptr_str(voidptr nn);
string byteptr_str(byteptr nn);
string charptr_str(charptr nn);
string u8_hex_full(u8 nn);
string i8_hex_full(i8 nn);
string u16_hex_full(u16 nn);
string i16_hex_full(i16 nn);
string u32_hex_full(u32 nn);
string int_hex_full(int nn);
string i64_hex_full(i64 nn);
string voidptr_hex_full(voidptr nn);
string int_literal_hex_full(int_literal nn);
string u64_hex_full(u64 nn);
string u8_str(u8 b);
string u8_ascii_str(u8 b);
string u8_str_escaped(u8 b);
bool u8_is_capital(u8 c);
Array_u8 Array_u8_clone(Array_u8 b);
string Array_u8_bytestr(Array_u8 b);
_option_rune Array_u8_byterune(Array_u8 b);
string u8_repeat(u8 b, int count);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string _Atomic__int_str(int x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool fast_string_eq(string a, string b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_string(voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_1(voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_2(voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_4(voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_8(voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void DenseArray_zeros_to_end(DenseArray* d);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL DenseArray new_dense_array(int key_bytes, int value_bytes);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr DenseArray_key(DenseArray* d, int i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr DenseArray_value(DenseArray* d, int i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool DenseArray_has_index(DenseArray* d, int i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int DenseArray_expand(DenseArray* d);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_string(voidptr a, voidptr b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_1(voidptr a, voidptr b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_2(voidptr a, voidptr b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_4(voidptr a, voidptr b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_8(voidptr a, voidptr b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_string(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_1(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_2(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_4(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_8(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_free_string(voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_free_nop(voidptr _d1);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values);
map map_move(map* m);
void map_clear(map* m);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32 map_key_to_index(map* m, voidptr pkey);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32 map_meta_less(map* m, u32 _index, u32 _metas);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_meta_greater(map* m, u32 _index, u32 _metas, u32 kvi);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_ensure_extra_metas(map* m, u32 probe_count);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_set(map* m, voidptr key, voidptr value);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_expand(map* m);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_rehash(map* m);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_cached_rehash(map* m, u32 old_cap);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr map_get_and_set(map* m, voidptr key, voidptr zero);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr map_get(map* m, voidptr key, voidptr zero);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr map_get_check(map* m, voidptr key);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_exists(map* m, voidptr key);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void DenseArray_delete(DenseArray* d, int i);
void map_delete(map* m, voidptr key);
array map_keys(map* m);
array map_values(map* m);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL DenseArray DenseArray_clone(DenseArray* d);
map map_clone(map* m);
void map_free(map* m);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL DenseArray new_dense_array_noscan(int key_bytes, bool key_noscan, int value_bytes, bool value_noscan);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_noscan_key(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_noscan_value(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_noscan_key_value(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init_noscan_key(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init_noscan_value(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init_noscan_key_value(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values);
void IError_free(IError* ie);
string IError_str(IError err);
string Error_msg(Error err);
int Error_code(Error err);
string MessageError_msg(MessageError err);
int MessageError_code(MessageError err);
void MessageError_free(MessageError* err);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string None___str(None__ _d1);
IError _v_error(string message);
IError error_with_code(string message, int code);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _option_ok(voidptr data, _option* option, int size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _result_ok(voidptr data, _result* res, int size);
string none_str(none _d2);
string rune_str(rune c);
string Array_rune_string(Array_rune ra);
string rune_repeat(rune c, int count);
Array_u8 rune_bytes(rune c);
int rune_length_in_bytes(rune c);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL SortedMap new_sorted_map(int n, int value_bytes);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL SortedMap new_sorted_map_init(int n, int value_bytes, string* keys, voidptr values);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL mapnode* new_node(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void SortedMap_set(SortedMap* m, string key, voidptr value);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_split_child(mapnode* n, int child_index, mapnode* y);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool SortedMap_get(SortedMap m, string key, voidptr out);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool SortedMap_exists(SortedMap m, string key);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int mapnode_find_key(mapnode* n, string k);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool mapnode_remove_key(mapnode* n, string k);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_remove_from_leaf(mapnode* n, int idx);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_remove_from_non_leaf(mapnode* n, int idx);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_fill(mapnode* n, int idx);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_borrow_from_prev(mapnode* n, int idx);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_borrow_from_next(mapnode* n, int idx);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_merge(mapnode* n, int idx);
void SortedMap_delete(SortedMap* m, string key);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int mapnode_subkeys(mapnode* n, Array_string* keys, int at);
Array_string SortedMap_keys(SortedMap* m);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_free(mapnode* n);
void SortedMap_free(SortedMap* m);
void SortedMap_print(SortedMap m);
Array_rune string_runes(string s);
string cstring_to_vstring(char* s);
string tos_clone(u8* s);
string tos(u8* s, int len);
string tos2(u8* s);
string tos3(char* s);
string tos4(u8* s);
string tos5(char* s);
string u8_vstring(u8* bp);
string u8_vstring_with_len(u8* bp, int len);
string char_vstring(char* cp);
string char_vstring_with_len(char* cp, int len);
string u8_vstring_literal(u8* bp);
string u8_vstring_literal_with_len(u8* bp, int len);
string char_vstring_literal(char* cp);
string char_vstring_literal_with_len(char* cp, int len);
int string_len_utf8(string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string string_clone_static(string a);
string string_clone(string a);
string string_replace_once(string s, string rep, string with);
string string_replace(string s, string rep, string with);
string string_replace_each(string s, Array_string vals);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int compare_1537617845924824018_RepIndex_by_idx(RepIndex* a, RepIndex* b) {
if (a->idx < b->idx) return -1;
else return 1;
string string_replace_char(string s, u8 rep, u8 with, int repeat);
string string_normalize_tabs(string s, int tab_len);
bool string_bool(string s);
int string_int(string s);
i64 string_i64(string s);
i8 string_i8(string s);
i16 string_i16(string s);
f32 string_f32(string s);
f64 string_f64(string s);
u8 string_u8(string s);
u16 string_u16(string s);
u32 string_u32(string s);
u64 string_u64(string s);
_result_u64 string_parse_uint(string s, int _base, int _bit_size);
_result_i64 string_parse_int(string s, int _base, int _bit_size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool string__eq(string s, string a);
int string_compare(string s, string a);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool string__lt(string s, string a);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string string__plus(string s, string a);
Array_string string_split_any(string s, string delim);
Array_string string_split(string s, string delim);
Array_string string_split_nth(string s, string delim, int nth);
Array_string string_split_into_lines(string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string string_substr2(string s, int start, int _end, bool end_max);
string string_substr(string s, int start, int end);
_option_string string_substr_with_check(string s, int start, int end);
string string_substr_ni(string s, int _start, int _end);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int string_index_(string s, string p);
_option_int string_index(string s, string p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int string_index_kmp(string s, string p);
int string_index_any(string s, string chars);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int string_last_index_(string s, string p);
_option_int string_last_index(string s, string p);
int string_index_after(string s, string p, int start);
int string_index_u8(string s, u8 c);
int string_last_index_u8(string s, u8 c);
int string_count(string s, string substr);
bool string_contains(string s, string substr);
bool string_contains_any(string s, string chars);
bool string_contains_only(string s, string chars);
bool string_contains_any_substr(string s, Array_string substrs);
bool string_starts_with(string s, string p);
bool string_ends_with(string s, string p);
string string_to_lower(string s);
bool string_is_lower(string s);
string string_to_upper(string s);
bool string_is_upper(string s);
string string_capitalize(string s);
bool string_is_capital(string s);
bool string_starts_with_capital(string s);
string string_title(string s);
bool string_is_title(string s);
string string_find_between(string s, string start, string end);
string string_trim_space(string s);
string string_trim(string s, string cutset);
multi_return_int_int string_trim_indexes(string s, string cutset);
string string_trim_left(string s, string cutset);
string string_trim_right(string s, string cutset);
string string_trim_string_left(string s, string str);
string string_trim_string_right(string s, string str);
string string_trim_prefix(string s, string str);
string string_trim_suffix(string s, string str);
int compare_strings(string* a, string* b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int compare_strings_by_len(string* a, string* b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int compare_lower_strings(string* a, string* b);
void Array_string_sort_ignore_case(Array_string* s);
void Array_string_sort_by_len(Array_string* s);
string string_str(string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL byte string_at(string s, int idx);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _option_u8 string_at_with_check(string s, int idx);
bool u8_is_space(u8 c);
bool u8_is_digit(u8 c);
bool u8_is_hex_digit(u8 c);
bool u8_is_oct_digit(u8 c);
bool u8_is_bin_digit(u8 c);
bool u8_is_letter(u8 c);
bool u8_is_alnum(u8 c);
void string_free(string* s);
string string_before(string s, string sub);
string string_all_before(string s, string sub);
string string_all_before_last(string s, string sub);
string string_all_after(string s, string sub);
string string_all_after_last(string s, string sub);
string string_all_after_first(string s, string sub);
string string_after(string s, string sub);
string string_after_char(string s, u8 sub);
string Array_string_join(Array_string a, string sep);
string Array_string_join_lines(Array_string s);
string string_reverse(string s);
string string_limit(string s, int max);
int string_hash(string s);
Array_u8 string_bytes(string s);
string string_repeat(string s, int count);
Array_string string_fields(string s);
string string_strip_margin(string s);
string string_strip_margin_custom(string s, u8 del);
bool string_match_glob(string name, string pattern);
bool string_is_ascii(string s);
Array_u8 byteptr_vbytes(byteptr data, int len);
string byteptr_vstring(byteptr bp);
string byteptr_vstring_with_len(byteptr bp, int len);
string charptr_vstring(charptr cp);
string charptr_vstring_with_len(charptr cp, int len);
string byteptr_vstring_literal(byteptr bp);
string byteptr_vstring_literal_with_len(byteptr bp, int len);
string charptr_vstring_literal(charptr cp);
string charptr_vstring_literal_with_len(charptr cp, int len);
string StrIntpType_str(StrIntpType x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f32 fabs32(f32 x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 fabs64(f64 x);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 abs64(i64 x);
u64 get_str_intp_u64_format(StrIntpType fmt_type, int in_width, int in_precision, bool in_tail_zeros, bool in_sign, byte in_pad_ch, int in_base, bool in_upper_case);
u32 get_str_intp_u32_format(StrIntpType fmt_type, int in_width, int in_precision, bool in_tail_zeros, bool in_sign, byte in_pad_ch, int in_base, bool in_upper_case);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void StrIntpData_process_str_intp_data(StrIntpData* data, strings__Builder* sb);
string str_intp(int data_len, voidptr in_data);
string str_intp_sq(string in_str);
string str_intp_rune(string in_str);
string str_intp_g32(string in_str);
string str_intp_g64(string in_str);
string str_intp_sub(string base_str, string in_str);
u16* string_to_wide(string _str);
string string_from_wide(u16* _wstr);
string string_from_wide2(u16* _wstr, int len);
int utf8_char_len(u8 b);
string utf32_to_str(u32 code);
string utf32_to_str_no_malloc(u32 code, u8* buf);
int utf32_decode_to_buffer(u32 code, u8* buf);
int utf8_str_len(string s);
int string_utf32_code(string _rune);
_option_rune Array_u8_utf8_to_utf32(Array_u8 _bytes);
int utf8_str_visible_length(string s);
bool ArrayFlags_is_empty(ArrayFlags* e);
bool ArrayFlags_has(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag);
bool ArrayFlags_all(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag);
void ArrayFlags_set(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag);
void ArrayFlags_clear(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag);
void ArrayFlags_toggle(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag);
strings__textscanner__TextScanner strings__textscanner__new(string input);
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_free(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_remaining(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_next(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_skip(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_skip_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n);
int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n);
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_back(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_back_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n);
int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_back(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_back_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n);
int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_current(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_reset(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_goto_end(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss);
Array_string os__args_after(string cut_word);
Array_string os__args_before(string cut_word);
string os__getenv(string key);
_option_string os__getenv_opt(string key);
int os__setenv(string name, string value, bool overwrite);
int os__unsetenv(string name);
Map_string_string os__environ(void);
int os__fd_close(int fd);
void os__fd_write(int fd, string s);
Array_string os__fd_slurp(int fd);
multi_return_string_int os__fd_read(int fd, int maxbytes);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__NotExpected_msg(os__NotExpected err);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__NotExpected_code(os__NotExpected err);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__fix_windows_path(string path);
_result_os__File os__open_file(string path, string mode, Array_int options);
_result_os__File os__open(string path);
_result_os__File os__create(string path);
os__File os__stdin(void);
os__File os__stdout(void);
os__File os__stderr(void);
bool os__File_eof(os__File* f);
_result_void os__File_reopen(os__File* f, string path, string mode);
_result_int os__File_read(os__File* f, Array_u8* buf);
_result_int os__File_write(os__File* f, Array_u8 buf);
_result_int os__File_writeln(os__File* f, string s);
_result_int os__File_write_string(os__File* f, string s);
_result_int os__File_write_to(os__File* f, u64 pos, Array_u8 buf);
int os__File_write_ptr(os__File* f, voidptr data, int size);
_result_void os__File_write_full_buffer(os__File* f, voidptr buffer, usize buffer_len);
int os__File_write_ptr_at(os__File* f, voidptr data, int size, u64 pos);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_int os__fread(voidptr ptr, int item_size, int items, FILE* stream);
Array_u8 os__File_read_bytes(os__File* f, int size);
Array_u8 os__File_read_bytes_at(os__File* f, int size, u64 pos);
_result_int os__File_read_bytes_into_newline(os__File* f, Array_u8* buf);
_result_int os__File_read_bytes_into(os__File* f, u64 pos, Array_u8* buf);
_result_int os__File_read_from(os__File* f, u64 pos, Array_u8* buf);
_result_int os__File_read_into_ptr(os__File* f, u8* ptr, int max_size);
void os__File_flush(os__File* f);
string os__FileNotOpenedError_msg(os__FileNotOpenedError err);
string os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_msg(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error err);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL IError os__error_file_not_opened(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL IError os__error_size_of_type_0(void);
_result_void os__File_seek(os__File* f, i64 pos, os__SeekMode mode);
_result_i64 os__File_tell(os__File* f);
bool os__is_abs_path(string path);
string os__abs_path(string path);
string os__norm_path(string path);
_option_string os__existing_path(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__clean_path(string path);
string os__to_slash(string path);
string os__from_slash(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__win_volume_len(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_slash(u8 b);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_unc_path(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__has_drive_letter(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__starts_w_slash_slash(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_drive_rooted(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_normal_path(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_curr_dir_ref(int byte_one, int byte_two, int byte_three);
u32 os__FilePermission_bitmask(os__FilePermission p);
u32 os__FileMode_bitmask(os__FileMode m);
os__FileMode os__inode(string path);
_result_Array_u8 os__read_bytes(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_int os__find_cfile_size(FILE* fp);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_strings__Builder os__slurp_file_in_builder(FILE* fp);
_result_string os__read_file(string path);
_result_void os__truncate(string path, u64 len);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__eprintln_unknown_file_size(void);
u64 os__file_size(string path);
_result_void os__mv(string src, string dst);
_result_void os__cp(string src, string dst);
_result_FILE_ptr os__vfopen(string path, string mode);
int os__fileno(voidptr cfile);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr os__vpopen(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_int_bool os__posix_wait4_to_exit_status(int waitret);
string os__posix_get_error_msg(int code);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__vpclose(voidptr f);
int os__system(string cmd);
bool os__exists(string path);
bool os__is_executable(string path);
bool os__is_writable(string path);
bool os__is_readable(string path);
_result_void os__rm(string path);
_result_void os__rmdir(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__print_c_errno(void);
string os__get_raw_line(void);
Array_u8 os__get_raw_stdin(void);
string os__executable(void);
bool os__is_dir(string path);
bool os__is_link(string path);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL os__PathKind os__kind_of_existing_path(string path);
_result_void os__chdir(string path);
string os__getwd(void);
string os__real_path(string fpath);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__normalize_drive_letter(string path);
int os__fork(void);
int os__wait(void);
i64 os__file_last_mod_unix(string path);
void os__flush(void);
_result_void os__chmod(string path, int mode);
_result_void os__chown(string path, int owner, int group);
_result_os__File os__open_append(string path);
_result_void os__execvp(string cmdpath, Array_string cmdargs);
_result_void os__execve(string cmdpath, Array_string cmdargs, Array_string envs);
int os__is_atty(int fd);
_result_void os__write_file_array(string path, array buffer);
_result_Array_string os__glob(Array_string patterns);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int compare_9369198849863604343_string(string* a, string* b) {
if (string__lt(*a, *b)) return -1;
else return 1;
IError os__last_error(void);
void os__Result_free(os__Result* result);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__executable_fallback(void);
_result_void os__cp_all(string src, string dst, bool overwrite);
_result_void os__mv_by_cp(string source, string target);
_result_Array_string os__read_lines(string path);
string os__sigint_to_signal_name(int si);
_result_void os__rmdir_all(string path);
bool os__is_dir_empty(string path);
string os__file_ext(string path);
string os__dir(string opath);
string os__base(string opath);
string os__file_name(string opath);
_option_string os__input_opt(string prompt);
string os__input(string prompt);
string os__get_line(void);
Array_string os__get_lines(void);
string os__get_lines_joined(void);
string os__get_raw_lines_joined(void);
string os__user_os(void);
_result_Array_string os__user_names(void);
string os__home_dir(void);
string os__expand_tilde_to_home(string path);
_result_void os__write_file(string path, string text);
string os__ExecutableNotFoundError_msg(os__ExecutableNotFoundError err);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL IError os__error_failed_to_find_executable(void);
_result_string os__find_abs_path_of_executable(string exepath);
bool os__exists_in_system_path(string prog);
bool os__is_file(string path);
string os__join_path(string base, Array_string dirs);
string os__join_path_single(string base, string elem);
Array_string os__walk_ext(string path, string ext);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__impl_walk_ext(string path, string ext, Array_string* out);
void os__walk(string path, void (*f)(string ));
void os__walk_with_context(string path, voidptr context, void (*fcb)(voidptr , string ));
void os__log(string s);
_result_void os__mkdir_all(string opath, os__MkdirParams params);
string os__cache_dir(void);
string os__temp_dir(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__default_vmodules_path(void);
string os__vmodules_dir(void);
Array_string os__vmodules_paths(void);
string os__resource_abs_path(string path);
os__Result os__execute_or_panic(string cmd);
os__Result os__execute_or_exit(string cmd);
string os__quoted_path(string path);
_result_string os__config_dir(void);
_result_bool os__is_writable_folder(string folder);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL Array_string os__glob_match(string dir, string pattern, string next_pattern, Array_string* matches);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_void os__native_glob_pattern(string pattern, Array_string* matches);
_result_void os__utime(string path, int actime, int modtime);
os__Uname os__uname(void);
string os__hostname(void);
string os__loginname(void);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL Array_string os__init_os_args(int argc, u8** argv);
_result_Array_string os__ls(string path);
_result_void os__mkdir(string path, os__MkdirParams params);
os__Result os__execute(string cmd);
os__Result os__raw_execute(string cmd);
_result_void os__Command_start(os__Command* c);
string os__Command_read_line(os__Command* c);
_result_void os__Command_close(os__Command* c);
_result_void os__symlink(string origin, string target);
_result_void os__link(string origin, string target);
string os__get_error_msg(int code);
void os__File_close(os__File* f);
bool os__debugger_present(void);
_result_void os__ensure_folder_is_writable(string folder);
int os__getpid(void);
int os__getppid(void);
int os__getuid(void);
int os__geteuid(void);
int os__getgid(void);
int os__getegid(void);
void os__posix_set_permission_bit(string path_s, u32 mode, bool enable);
_result_string os__input_password(string prompt);
void os__Process_signal_kill(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_signal_pgkill(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_signal_stop(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_signal_continue(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_wait(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_close(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_free(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__Process__spawn(os__Process* p);
bool os__Process_is_alive(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_set_redirect_stdio(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_stdin_write(os__Process* p, string s);
string os__Process_stdout_slurp(os__Process* p);
string os__Process_stderr_slurp(os__Process* p);
string os__Process_stdout_read(os__Process* p);
string os__Process_stderr_read(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__check_redirection_call(os__Process* p, string fn_name);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_stop(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_continue(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_kill(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_pgkill(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__wait(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__Process__is_alive(os__Process* p);
void os__Process_run(os__Process* p);
os__Process* os__new_process(string filename);
void os__Process_set_args(os__Process* p, Array_string pargs);
void os__Process_set_environment(os__Process* p, Map_string_string envs);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__Process_unix_spawn_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_stop_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_resume_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_kill_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_kill_pgroup(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_wait(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__Process_unix_is_alive(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__Process_win_spawn_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_stop_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_resume_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_kill_process(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_kill_pgroup(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_wait(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__Process_win_is_alive(os__Process* p);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_write_string(os__Process* p, int idx, string s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_string_int os__Process_win_read_string(os__Process* p, int idx, int maxbytes);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__Process_win_slurp(os__Process* p, int idx);
_result_os__SignalHandler os__signal_opt(os__Signal signum, void (*handler)(os__Signal ));
_result_void os__open_uri(string uri);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void main__main(void);
static bool Array_rune_arr_eq(Array_rune a, Array_rune b); // auto
static bool IError_interface_eq(IError a, IError b); // auto
static bool Error_struct_eq(Error a, Error b); // auto
static bool MessageError_struct_eq(MessageError a, MessageError b); // auto
static bool os__Eof_struct_eq(os__Eof a, os__Eof b); // auto
static bool os__NotExpected_struct_eq(os__NotExpected a, os__NotExpected b); // auto
// V global/const definitions:
string _const_math__bits__overflow_error; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_math__bits__divide_error; // a string literal, inited later
#define _const_strconv__digits 18
#define _const_strconv__int_size 32
#define _const_strconv__bias32 127
#define _const_strconv__maxexp32 255
#define _const_strconv__bias64 1023
#define _const_strconv__maxexp64 2047
#define _const_strconv__max_size_f64_char 32
string _const_strconv__digit_pairs; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_strconv__base_digits; // a string literal, inited later
#define _const_strconv__pow5_num_bits_32 61
#define _const_strconv__pow5_inv_num_bits_32 59
#define _const_strconv__pow5_num_bits_64 121
#define _const_strconv__pow5_inv_num_bits_64 122
string _const_digit_pairs; // a string literal, inited later
#define _const_hashbits 24
#define _const_max_cached_hashbits 16
#define _const_init_log_capicity 5
#define _const_init_capicity 32
#define _const_init_even_index 30
#define _const_extra_metas_inc 4
#define _const_degree 6
#define _const_mid_index 5
#define _const_max_len 11
string _const_si_s_code; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_si_g32_code; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_si_g64_code; // a string literal, inited later
#define _const_cp_utf8 65001
#define _const_os__max_path_buffer_size 4096
#define _const_os__o_binary 0
#define _const_os__bslash '\\'
string _const_os__fslash_str; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_os__dot_dot; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_os__empty_str; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_os__dot_str; // a string literal, inited later
#define _const_os__buf_size 4096
#define _const_os__max_path_len 4096
#define _const_os__f_ok 0
#define _const_os__x_ok 1
#define _const_os__w_ok 2
#define _const_os__r_ok 4
#define _const_os__prot_read 1
#define _const_os__prot_write 2
#define _const_os__map_private 2
#define _const_os__map_anonymous 32
#define _const_os__sys_write 1
#define _const_os__sys_open 2
#define _const_os__sys_close 3
#define _const_os__sys_mkdir 83
#define _const_os__sys_creat 85
string _const_os__path_separator; // a string literal, inited later
string _const_os__path_delimiter; // a string literal, inited later
#define _const_os__stdin_value 0
#define _const_os__stdout_value 1
#define _const_os__stderr_value 2
#define _const_os__s_ifmt 61440
#define _const_os__s_ifdir 16384
#define _const_os__s_iflnk 40960
#define _const_os__s_isuid 2048
#define _const_os__s_isgid 1024
#define _const_os__s_isvtx 512
#define _const_os__s_irusr 256
#define _const_os__s_iwusr 128
#define _const_os__s_ixusr 64
#define _const_os__s_irgrp 32
#define _const_os__s_iwgrp 16
#define _const_os__s_ixgrp 8
#define _const_os__s_iroth 4
#define _const_os__s_iwoth 2
#define _const_os__s_ixoth 1
const u32 _const_math__bits__de_bruijn32 = 125613361; // precomputed2
Array_u8 _const_math__bits__de_bruijn32tab; // inited later
const u64 _const_math__bits__de_bruijn64 = 285870213051353865U; // precomputed2
Array_u8 _const_math__bits__de_bruijn64tab; // inited later
const u64 _const_math__bits__m0 = 6148914691236517205U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__m1 = 3689348814741910323U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__m2 = 1085102592571150095U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__m3 = 71777214294589695U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__m4 = 281470681808895U; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_math__bits__max_u32 = 4294967295; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__max_u64 = 18446744073709551615U; // precomputed2
const u8 _const_math__bits__n8 = 8; // precomputed2
const u16 _const_math__bits__n16 = 16; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_math__bits__n32 = 32; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__n64 = 64U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__two32 = 4294967296U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_math__bits__mask32 = 4294967295U; // precomputed2
Array_u8 _const_math__bits__ntz_8_tab; // inited later
Array_u8 _const_math__bits__pop_8_tab; // inited later
Array_u8 _const_math__bits__rev_8_tab; // inited later
Array_u8 _const_math__bits__len_8_tab; // inited later
const u32 _const_strconv__single_plus_zero = 0; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_strconv__single_minus_zero = 2147483648; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_strconv__single_plus_infinity = 2139095040; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_strconv__single_minus_infinity = 4286578688; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_strconv__double_plus_zero = 0U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_strconv__double_minus_zero = 9223372036854775808U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_strconv__double_plus_infinity = 9218868437227405312U; // precomputed2
const u64 _const_strconv__double_minus_infinity = 18442240474082181120U; // precomputed2
const rune _const_strconv__c_dpoint = '.'; // precomputed2
const rune _const_strconv__c_plus = '+'; // precomputed2
const rune _const_strconv__c_minus = '-'; // precomputed2
const rune _const_strconv__c_zero = '0'; // precomputed2
const rune _const_strconv__c_nine = '9'; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_strconv__c_ten = 10; // precomputed2
Array_u64 _const_strconv__pos_exp; // inited later
Array_u64 _const_strconv__neg_exp; // inited later
const u64 _const_strconv__max_u64 = 18446744073709551615U; // precomputed2
Array_u32 _const_strconv__ten_pow_table_32; // inited later
const u32 _const_strconv__mantbits32 = 23; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_strconv__expbits32 = 8; // precomputed2
Array_u64 _const_strconv__ten_pow_table_64; // inited later
const u32 _const_strconv__mantbits64 = 52; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_strconv__expbits64 = 11; // precomputed2
Array_f64 _const_strconv__dec_round; // inited later
Array_u64 _const_strconv__powers_of_10; // inited later
Array_u64 _const_strconv__pow5_split_32; // inited later
Array_u64 _const_strconv__pow5_inv_split_32; // inited later
Array_strconv__Uint128 _const_strconv__pow5_split_64; // inited later
Array_strconv__Uint128 _const_strconv__pow5_inv_split_64; // inited later
i64 total_m = ((i64)(0)); // global4
int g_main_argc = ((int)(0)); // global4
voidptr g_main_argv = ((void*)0); // global4
Array_VCastTypeIndexName as_cast_type_indexes; // global4
const f64 _const_max_load_factor = 0.8; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_hash_mask = 16777215; // precomputed2
const u32 _const_probe_inc = 16777216; // precomputed2
IError _const_none__; // inited later
int _const_os__o_rdonly; // inited later
int _const_os__o_wronly; // inited later
int _const_os__o_rdwr; // inited later
int _const_os__o_create; // inited later
int _const_os__o_excl; // inited later
int _const_os__o_noctty; // inited later
int _const_os__o_trunc; // inited later
int _const_os__o_append; // inited later
int _const_os__o_nonblock; // inited later
int _const_os__o_sync; // inited later
const rune _const_os__fslash = '/'; // precomputed2
const rune _const_os__dot = '.'; // precomputed2
const rune _const_os__qmark = '?'; // precomputed2
Array_string _const_os__args; // inited later
string _const_os__wd_at_startup; // inited later
Array_string _const_os__executable_suffixes; // inited later
u32 _const_children_bytes; // inited later
// V interface table:
static IError I_None___to_Interface_IError(None__* x);
const int _IError_None___index = 0;
static IError I_Error_to_Interface_IError(Error* x);
const int _IError_Error_index = 1;
static IError I_MessageError_to_Interface_IError(MessageError* x);
const int _IError_MessageError_index = 2;
static IError I_os__Eof_to_Interface_IError(os__Eof* x);
const int _IError_os__Eof_index = 3;
static IError I_os__NotExpected_to_Interface_IError(os__NotExpected* x);
const int _IError_os__NotExpected_index = 4;
static IError I_os__FileNotOpenedError_to_Interface_IError(os__FileNotOpenedError* x);
const int _IError_os__FileNotOpenedError_index = 5;
static IError I_os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_to_Interface_IError(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error* x);
const int _IError_os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_index = 6;
static IError I_os__ExecutableNotFoundError_to_Interface_IError(os__ExecutableNotFoundError* x);
const int _IError_os__ExecutableNotFoundError_index = 7;
// ^^^ number of types for interface IError: 8
// Methods wrapper for interface "IError"
static inline string None___msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(None__* err) {
return Error_msg(err->Error);
static inline int None___code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(None__* err) {
return Error_code(err->Error);
static inline string Error_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(Error* err) {
return Error_msg(*err);
static inline int Error_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(Error* err) {
return Error_code(*err);
static inline string MessageError_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(MessageError* err) {
return MessageError_msg(*err);
static inline int MessageError_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(MessageError* err) {
return MessageError_code(*err);
static inline string os__Eof_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__Eof* err) {
return Error_msg(err->Error);
static inline int os__Eof_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__Eof* err) {
return Error_code(err->Error);
static inline string os__NotExpected_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__NotExpected* err) {
return os__NotExpected_msg(*err);
static inline int os__NotExpected_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__NotExpected* err) {
return os__NotExpected_code(*err);
static inline string os__FileNotOpenedError_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__FileNotOpenedError* err) {
return os__FileNotOpenedError_msg(*err);
static inline int os__FileNotOpenedError_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__FileNotOpenedError* err) {
return Error_code(err->Error);
static inline string os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error* err) {
return os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_msg(*err);
static inline int os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error* err) {
return Error_code(err->Error);
static inline string os__ExecutableNotFoundError_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__ExecutableNotFoundError* err) {
return os__ExecutableNotFoundError_msg(*err);
static inline int os__ExecutableNotFoundError_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper(os__ExecutableNotFoundError* err) {
return Error_code(err->Error);
struct _IError_interface_methods {
string (*_method_msg)(void* _);
int (*_method_code)(void* _);
struct _IError_interface_methods IError_name_table[8] = {
._method_msg = (void*) None___msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) None___code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_msg = (void*) Error_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) Error_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_msg = (void*) MessageError_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) MessageError_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_msg = (void*) os__Eof_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) os__Eof_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_msg = (void*) os__NotExpected_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) os__NotExpected_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_msg = (void*) os__FileNotOpenedError_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) os__FileNotOpenedError_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_msg = (void*) os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_msg = (void*) os__ExecutableNotFoundError_msg_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
._method_code = (void*) os__ExecutableNotFoundError_code_Interface_IError_method_wrapper,
// Casting functions for converting "None__" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_None___to_Interface_IError(None__* x) {
return (IError) {
._None__ = x,
._typ = _IError_None___index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x),
.code = (int*)((char*)x),
// Casting functions for converting "Error" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_Error_to_Interface_IError(Error* x) {
return (IError) {
._Error = x,
._typ = _IError_Error_index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x),
.code = (int*)((char*)x),
// Casting functions for converting "MessageError" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_MessageError_to_Interface_IError(MessageError* x) {
return (IError) {
._MessageError = x,
._typ = _IError_MessageError_index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x + __offsetof_ptr(x, MessageError, msg)),
.code = (int*)((char*)x + __offsetof_ptr(x, MessageError, code)),
// Casting functions for converting "os__Eof" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_os__Eof_to_Interface_IError(os__Eof* x) {
return (IError) {
._os__Eof = x,
._typ = _IError_os__Eof_index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x),
.code = (int*)((char*)x),
// Casting functions for converting "os__NotExpected" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_os__NotExpected_to_Interface_IError(os__NotExpected* x) {
return (IError) {
._os__NotExpected = x,
._typ = _IError_os__NotExpected_index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x),
.code = (int*)((char*)x + __offsetof_ptr(x, os__NotExpected, code)),
// Casting functions for converting "os__FileNotOpenedError" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_os__FileNotOpenedError_to_Interface_IError(os__FileNotOpenedError* x) {
return (IError) {
._os__FileNotOpenedError = x,
._typ = _IError_os__FileNotOpenedError_index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x),
.code = (int*)((char*)x),
// Casting functions for converting "os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_to_Interface_IError(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error* x) {
return (IError) {
._os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error = x,
._typ = _IError_os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x),
.code = (int*)((char*)x),
// Casting functions for converting "os__ExecutableNotFoundError" to interface "IError"
static inline IError I_os__ExecutableNotFoundError_to_Interface_IError(os__ExecutableNotFoundError* x) {
return (IError) {
._os__ExecutableNotFoundError = x,
._typ = _IError_os__ExecutableNotFoundError_index,
.msg = (string*)((char*)x),
.code = (int*)((char*)x),
// V dump functions:
// V auto functions:
static bool Array_u8_contains(Array_u8 a, u8 v) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
if (((u8*)[i] == v) {
return true;
return false;
static bool Array_string_contains(Array_string a, string v) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
if (fast_string_eq(((string*)[i], v)) {
return true;
return false;
static bool Array_rune_arr_eq(Array_rune a, Array_rune b) {
if (a.len != b.len) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
if (*((rune*)((byte*)*a.element_size))) != *((rune*)((byte*)*b.element_size)))) {
return false;
return true;
static bool Error_struct_eq(Error a, Error b) {
return true;
static bool MessageError_struct_eq(MessageError a, MessageError b) {
return string__eq(a.msg, b.msg)
&& a.code == b.code;
static bool os__Eof_struct_eq(os__Eof a, os__Eof b) {
return Error_struct_eq(a.Error, b.Error);
static bool os__NotExpected_struct_eq(os__NotExpected a, os__NotExpected b) {
return string__eq(a.cause, b.cause)
&& a.code == b.code;
static int v_typeof_interface_idx_IError(int sidx); // for auto eq method
static bool IError_interface_eq(IError a, IError b) {
if (a._typ == b._typ) {
int idx = v_typeof_interface_idx_IError(a._typ);
if (idx == 74) {
return false;
if (idx == 75) {
return Error_struct_eq(*(a._Error), *(b._Error));
if (idx == 76) {
return MessageError_struct_eq(*(a._MessageError), *(b._MessageError));
if (idx == 111) {
return os__Eof_struct_eq(*(a._os__Eof), *(b._os__Eof));
if (idx == 112) {
return os__NotExpected_struct_eq(*(a._os__NotExpected), *(b._os__NotExpected));
if (idx == 115) {
return false;
if (idx == 116) {
return false;
if (idx == 130) {
return false;
return false;
// end of V out
// >> typeof() support for sum types / interfaces
static char * v_typeof_interface_IError(int sidx) { /* IError */
if (sidx == _IError_None___index) return "None__";
if (sidx == _IError_Error_index) return "Error";
if (sidx == _IError_MessageError_index) return "MessageError";
if (sidx == _IError_os__Eof_index) return "os.Eof";
if (sidx == _IError_os__NotExpected_index) return "os.NotExpected";
if (sidx == _IError_os__FileNotOpenedError_index) return "os.FileNotOpenedError";
if (sidx == _IError_os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_index) return "os.SizeOfTypeIs0Error";
if (sidx == _IError_os__ExecutableNotFoundError_index) return "os.ExecutableNotFoundError";
return "unknown IError";
static int v_typeof_interface_idx_IError(int sidx) { /* IError */
if (sidx == _IError_None___index) return 65610;
if (sidx == _IError_Error_index) return 75;
if (sidx == _IError_MessageError_index) return 76;
if (sidx == _IError_os__Eof_index) return 111;
if (sidx == _IError_os__NotExpected_index) return 112;
if (sidx == _IError_os__FileNotOpenedError_index) return 65651;
if (sidx == _IError_os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_index) return 65652;
if (sidx == _IError_os__ExecutableNotFoundError_index) return 65666;
return 29;
// << typeof() support for sum types
// TypeDecl
strings__Builder strings__new_builder(int initial_size) {
strings__Builder res = ((__new_array_with_default_noscan(0, initial_size, sizeof(u8), 0)));
ArrayFlags_set(&res.flags, ArrayFlags__noslices);
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
Array_u8 strings__Builder_reuse_as_plain_u8_array(strings__Builder* b) {
ArrayFlags_clear(&b->flags, ArrayFlags__noslices);
return *b;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void strings__Builder_write_ptr(strings__Builder* b, u8* ptr, int len) {
if (len == 0) {
array_push_many(b, ptr, len);
// Attr: [manualfree]
void strings__Builder_write_rune(strings__Builder* b, rune r) {
Array_fixed_u8_5 buffer = {0};
string res = utf32_to_str_no_malloc(((u32)(r)), &buffer[0]);
if (res.len == 0) {
array_push_many(b, res.str, res.len);
void strings__Builder_write_runes(strings__Builder* b, Array_rune runes) {
Array_fixed_u8_5 buffer = {0};
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < runes.len; ++_t1) {
rune r = ((rune*)[_t1];
string res = utf32_to_str_no_malloc(((u32)(r)), &buffer[0]);
if (res.len == 0) {
array_push_many(b, res.str, res.len);
void strings__Builder_clear(strings__Builder* b) {
*b = __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, b->cap, sizeof(u8), 0);
void strings__Builder_write_u8(strings__Builder* b, u8 data) {
array_push_noscan((array*)b, _MOV((u8[]){ data }));
void strings__Builder_write_byte(strings__Builder* b, byte data) {
array_push_noscan((array*)b, _MOV((u8[]){ data }));
_result_int strings__Builder_write(strings__Builder* b, Array_u8 data) {
if (data.len == 0) {
_result_int _t1;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { 0 }, (_result*)(&_t1), sizeof(int));
return _t1;
_PUSH_MANY_noscan(b, (data), _t2, strings__Builder);
_result_int _t3;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { data.len }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(int));
return _t3;
// Attr: [manualfree]
void strings__Builder_drain_builder(strings__Builder* b, strings__Builder* other, int other_new_cap) {
_result_int _t1 = strings__Builder_write(b, *other);
if (_t1.is_error) {
IError err = _t1.err;
*other = strings__new_builder(other_new_cap);
// Attr: [inline]
inline u8 strings__Builder_byte_at(strings__Builder* b, int n) {
return (*(u8*)array_get(*(((Array_u8*)(b))), n));
// Attr: [inline]
inline void strings__Builder_write_string(strings__Builder* b, string s) {
if (s.len == 0) {
array_push_many(b, s.str, s.len);
void strings__Builder_go_back(strings__Builder* b, int n) {
array_trim(b, b->len - n);
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strings__Builder_spart(strings__Builder* b, int start_pos, int n) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* x = malloc_noscan(n + 1);
vmemcpy(x, ((u8*)(b->data)) + start_pos, n);
x[n] = 0;
return tos(x, n);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
string strings__Builder_cut_last(strings__Builder* b, int n) {
int cut_pos = b->len - n;
string res = strings__Builder_spart(b, cut_pos, n);
array_trim(b, cut_pos);
return res;
string strings__Builder_cut_to(strings__Builder* b, int pos) {
if (pos > b->len) {
return _SLIT("");
return strings__Builder_cut_last(b, b->len - pos);
void strings__Builder_go_back_to(strings__Builder* b, int pos) {
array_trim(b, pos);
// Attr: [inline]
inline void strings__Builder_writeln(strings__Builder* b, string s) {
if (s.len > 0) {
array_push_many(b, s.str, s.len);
array_push_noscan((array*)b, _MOV((u8[]){ ((u8)('\n')) }));
string strings__Builder_last_n(strings__Builder* b, int n) {
if (n > b->len) {
return _SLIT("");
return strings__Builder_spart(b, b->len - n, n);
string strings__Builder_after(strings__Builder* b, int n) {
if (n >= b->len) {
return _SLIT("");
return strings__Builder_spart(b, n, b->len - n);
string strings__Builder_str(strings__Builder* b) {
array_push_noscan((array*)b, _MOV((u8[]){ ((u8)(0)) }));
u8* bcopy = ((u8*)(memdup_noscan(b->data, b->len)));
string s = u8_vstring_with_len(bcopy, b->len - 1);
array_trim(b, 0);
return s;
void strings__Builder_ensure_cap(strings__Builder* b, int n) {
if (n <= b->cap) {
u8* new_data = vcalloc(n * b->element_size);
if (b->data != ((void*)0)) {
vmemcpy(new_data, b->data, b->len * b->element_size);
if (ArrayFlags_has(&b->flags, ArrayFlags__noslices)) {
{ // Unsafe block
b->data = new_data;
b->offset = 0;
b->cap = n;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void strings__Builder_free(strings__Builder* b) {
if (b->data != 0) {
{ // Unsafe block
b->data = ((void*)0);
int strings__levenshtein_distance(string a, string b) {
Array_int f = array_repeat_to_depth_noscan(new_array_from_c_array_noscan(1, 1, sizeof(int), _MOV((int[1]){0})), b.len + 1, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < f.len; ++j) {
array_set(&f, j, &(int[]) { j });
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < a.len; ++_t1) {
u8 ca = a.str[_t1];
int j = 1;
int fj1 = (*(int*)array_get(f, 0));
(*(int*)array_get(f, 0))++;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < b.len; ++_t2) {
u8 cb = b.str[_t2];
int mn = ((*(int*)array_get(f, j)) + 1 <= (*(int*)array_get(f, j - 1)) + 1 ? ((*(int*)array_get(f, j)) + 1) : ((*(int*)array_get(f, j - 1)) + 1));
if (cb != ca) {
mn = (mn <= fj1 + 1 ? (mn) : (fj1 + 1));
} else {
mn = (mn <= fj1 ? (mn) : (fj1));
fj1 = (*(int*)array_get(f, j));
array_set(&f, j, &(int[]) { mn });
return (*(int*)array_get(f, f.len - 1));
f32 strings__levenshtein_distance_percentage(string a, string b) {
int d = strings__levenshtein_distance(a, b);
int l = (a.len >= b.len ? (a.len) : (b.len));
return (1.00 - ((f32)(d)) / ((f32)(l))) * 100.00;
f32 strings__dice_coefficient(string s1, string s2) {
if (s1.len == 0 || s2.len == 0) {
return 0.0;
if (string__eq(s1, s2)) {
return 1.0;
if (s1.len < 2 || s2.len < 2) {
return 0.0;
string a = (s1.len > s2.len ? (s1) : (s2));
string b = (string__eq(a, s1) ? (s2) : (s1));
Map_string_int first_bigrams = new_map_noscan_value(sizeof(string), sizeof(int), &map_hash_string, &map_eq_string, &map_clone_string, &map_free_string)
for (int i = 0; i < a.len - 1; ++i) {
string bigram = string_substr(a, i, i + 2);
int q = (_IN_MAP(ADDR(string, bigram), ADDR(map, first_bigrams)) ? ((*(int*)map_get(ADDR(map, first_bigrams), &(string[]){bigram}, &(int[]){ 0 })) + 1) : (1));
map_set(&first_bigrams, &(string[]){bigram}, &(int[]) { q });
int intersection_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < b.len - 1; ++i) {
string bigram = string_substr(b, i, i + 2);
int count = (_IN_MAP(ADDR(string, bigram), ADDR(map, first_bigrams)) ? ((*(int*)map_get(ADDR(map, first_bigrams), &(string[]){bigram}, &(int[]){ 0 }))) : (0));
if (count > 0) {
map_set(&first_bigrams, &(string[]){bigram}, &(int[]) { count - 1 });
return (2.0 * ((f32)(intersection_size))) / (((f32)(a.len)) + ((f32)(b.len)) - 2);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string strings__repeat(u8 c, int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return _SLIT("");
u8* bytes = malloc_noscan(n + 1);
{ // Unsafe block
memset(bytes, c, n);
bytes[n] = '0';
return u8_vstring_with_len(bytes, n);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string strings__repeat_string(string s, int n) {
if (n <= 0 || s.len == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
int slen = s.len;
int blen = slen * n;
u8* bytes = malloc_noscan(blen + 1);
for (int bi = 0; bi < n; ++bi) {
int bislen = bi * slen;
for (int si = 0; si < slen; ++si) {
{ // Unsafe block
bytes[bislen + si] = s.str[ si];
{ // Unsafe block
bytes[blen] = '0';
return u8_vstring_with_len(bytes, blen);
string strings__find_between_pair_u8(string input, u8 start, u8 end) {
int marks = 0;
int start_index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < input.len; ++i) {
u8 b = input.str[i];
if (b == start) {
if (start_index == -1) {
start_index = i + 1;
if (start_index > 0) {
if (b == end) {
if (marks == 0) {
return string_substr(input, start_index, i);
return _SLIT("");
string strings__find_between_pair_rune(string input, rune start, rune end) {
int marks = 0;
int start_index = -1;
Array_rune runes = string_runes(input);
for (int i = 0; i < runes.len; ++i) {
rune r = ((rune*)[i];
if (r == start) {
if (start_index == -1) {
start_index = i + 1;
if (start_index > 0) {
if (r == end) {
if (marks == 0) {
return Array_rune_string(array_slice(runes, start_index, i));
return _SLIT("");
string strings__find_between_pair_string(string input, string start, string end) {
int start_index = -1;
int marks = 0;
Array_rune start_runes = string_runes(start);
Array_rune end_runes = string_runes(end);
Array_rune runes = string_runes(input);
int i = 0;
for (; i < runes.len; i++) {
Array_rune start_slice = array_slice_ni(runes, i, i + start_runes.len);
if (Array_rune_arr_eq(start_slice, start_runes)) {
i = i + start_runes.len - 1;
if (start_index < 0) {
start_index = i + 1;
if (start_index > 0) {
Array_rune end_slice = array_slice_ni(runes, i, i + end_runes.len);
if (Array_rune_arr_eq(end_slice, end_runes)) {
if (marks == 0) {
return Array_rune_string(array_slice(runes, start_index, i));
i = i + end_runes.len - 1;
return _SLIT("");
Array_string strings__split_capital(string s) {
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
int word_start = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < s.len; ++idx) {
u8 c = s.str[idx];
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
if (word_start != idx) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr_ni(s, word_start, idx) }));
word_start = idx;
if (word_start != s.len) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr_ni(s, word_start, (s).len) }));
return res;
int math__bits__leading_zeros_8(u8 x) {
return 8 - math__bits__len_8(x);
int math__bits__leading_zeros_16(u16 x) {
return 16 - math__bits__len_16(x);
int math__bits__leading_zeros_32(u32 x) {
return 32 - math__bits__len_32(x);
int math__bits__leading_zeros_64(u64 x) {
return 64 - math__bits__len_64(x);
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_8(u8 x) {
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__ntz_8_tab, x))));
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_16(u16 x) {
if (x == 0U) {
return 16;
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__de_bruijn32tab, ((u32)((x & -x))) * _const_math__bits__de_bruijn32 >> (27)))));
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_32(u32 x) {
if (x == 0U) {
return 32;
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__de_bruijn32tab, ((x & -x)) * _const_math__bits__de_bruijn32 >> (27)))));
int math__bits__trailing_zeros_64(u64 x) {
if (x == 0U) {
return 64;
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__de_bruijn64tab, ((x & -x)) * _const_math__bits__de_bruijn64 >> (58)))));
int math__bits__ones_count_8(u8 x) {
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab, x))));
int math__bits__ones_count_16(u16 x) {
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab, x >> 8U)) + (*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab, (x & ((u16)(0xffU)))))));
int math__bits__ones_count_32(u32 x) {
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab, x >> 24U)) + (*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab, (x >> 16U & 0xffU))) + (*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab, (x >> 8U & 0xffU))) + (*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab, (x & ((u32)(0xffU)))))));
int math__bits__ones_count_64(u64 x) {
u64 y = ((x >> ((u64)(1U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m0 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) + ((x & ((_const_math__bits__m0 & _const_math__bits__max_u64))));
y = ((y >> ((u64)(2U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m1 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) + ((y & ((_const_math__bits__m1 & _const_math__bits__max_u64))));
y = (((y >> 4U) + y) & ((_const_math__bits__m2 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)));
y += y >> 8U;
y += y >> 16U;
y += y >> 32U;
return (((int)(y)) & ((128) - 1));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u8 math__bits__rotate_left_8(u8 x, int k) {
u8 s = (((u8)(k)) & (_const_math__bits__n8 - ((u8)(1))));
return ((x << s) | (x >> (_const_math__bits__n8 - s)));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u16 math__bits__rotate_left_16(u16 x, int k) {
u16 s = (((u16)(k)) & (_const_math__bits__n16 - ((u16)(1U))));
return ((x << s) | (x >> (_const_math__bits__n16 - s)));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u32 math__bits__rotate_left_32(u32 x, int k) {
u32 s = (((u32)(k)) & (_const_math__bits__n32 - ((u32)(1U))));
return ((x << s) | (x >> (_const_math__bits__n32 - s)));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u64 math__bits__rotate_left_64(u64 x, int k) {
u64 s = (((u64)(k)) & (_const_math__bits__n64 - ((u64)(1U))));
return ((x << s) | (x >> (_const_math__bits__n64 - s)));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u8 math__bits__reverse_8(u8 x) {
return (*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__rev_8_tab, x));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u16 math__bits__reverse_16(u16 x) {
return (((u16)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__rev_8_tab, x >> 8U)))) | (((u16)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__rev_8_tab, (x & ((u16)(0xffU))))))) << 8U));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u32 math__bits__reverse_32(u32 x) {
u64 y = ((((x >> ((u32)(1U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m0 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) | (((x & ((_const_math__bits__m0 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) << 1U)));
y = ((((y >> ((u32)(2U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m1 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) | (((y & ((_const_math__bits__m1 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) << ((u32)(2U)))));
y = ((((y >> ((u32)(4U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m2 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) | (((y & ((_const_math__bits__m2 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) << ((u32)(4U)))));
return math__bits__reverse_bytes_32(((u32)(y)));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u64 math__bits__reverse_64(u64 x) {
u64 y = ((((x >> ((u64)(1U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m0 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) | (((x & ((_const_math__bits__m0 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) << 1U)));
y = ((((y >> ((u64)(2U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m1 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) | (((y & ((_const_math__bits__m1 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) << 2U)));
y = ((((y >> ((u64)(4U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m2 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) | (((y & ((_const_math__bits__m2 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) << 4U)));
return math__bits__reverse_bytes_64(y);
// Attr: [inline]
inline u16 math__bits__reverse_bytes_16(u16 x) {
return ((x >> 8U) | (x << 8U));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u32 math__bits__reverse_bytes_32(u32 x) {
u64 y = ((((x >> ((u32)(8U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m3 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) | (((x & ((_const_math__bits__m3 & _const_math__bits__max_u32)))) << ((u32)(8U)))));
return ((u32)(((y >> 16U) | (y << 16U))));
// Attr: [inline]
inline u64 math__bits__reverse_bytes_64(u64 x) {
u64 y = ((((x >> ((u64)(8U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m3 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) | (((x & ((_const_math__bits__m3 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) << ((u64)(8U)))));
y = ((((y >> ((u64)(16U)) & ((_const_math__bits__m4 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) | (((y & ((_const_math__bits__m4 & _const_math__bits__max_u64)))) << ((u64)(16U)))));
return ((y >> 32U) | (y << 32U));
int math__bits__len_8(u8 x) {
return ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__len_8_tab, x))));
int math__bits__len_16(u16 x) {
u16 y = x;
int n = 0;
if (y >= 256U) {
y >>= 8U;
n = 8;
return n + ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__len_8_tab, y))));
int math__bits__len_32(u32 x) {
u32 y = x;
int n = 0;
if (y >= (65536)) {
y >>= 16U;
n = 16;
if (y >= (256)) {
y >>= 8U;
n += 8;
return n + ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__len_8_tab, y))));
int math__bits__len_64(u64 x) {
u64 y = x;
int n = 0;
if (y >= ((u64)(1U)) << ((u64)(32U))) {
y >>= 32U;
n = 32;
if (y >= ((u64)(1U)) << ((u64)(16U))) {
y >>= 16U;
n += 16;
if (y >= ((u64)(1U)) << ((u64)(8U))) {
y >>= 8U;
n += 8;
return n + ((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_const_math__bits__len_8_tab, y))));
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__add_32(u32 x, u32 y, u32 carry) {
u64 sum64 = ((u64)(x)) + ((u64)(y)) + ((u64)(carry));
u32 sum = ((u32)(sum64));
u32 carry_out = ((u32)(sum64 >> 32U));
return (multi_return_u32_u32){.arg0=sum, .arg1=carry_out};
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__add_64(u64 x, u64 y, u64 carry) {
u64 sum = x + y + carry;
u64 carry_out = ((((x & y)) | ((((x | y)) & ~sum)))) >> 63U;
return (multi_return_u64_u64){.arg0=sum, .arg1=carry_out};
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__sub_32(u32 x, u32 y, u32 borrow) {
u32 diff = x - y - borrow;
u32 borrow_out = ((((~x & y)) | ((~((x ^ y)) & diff)))) >> 31U;
return (multi_return_u32_u32){.arg0=diff, .arg1=borrow_out};
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__sub_64(u64 x, u64 y, u64 borrow) {
u64 diff = x - y - borrow;
u64 borrow_out = ((((~x & y)) | ((~((x ^ y)) & diff)))) >> 63U;
return (multi_return_u64_u64){.arg0=diff, .arg1=borrow_out};
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__mul_32(u32 x, u32 y) {
u64 tmp = ((u64)(x)) * ((u64)(y));
u32 hi = ((u32)(tmp >> 32U));
u32 lo = ((u32)(tmp));
return (multi_return_u32_u32){.arg0=hi, .arg1=lo};
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__mul_64(u64 x, u64 y) {
u64 x0 = (x & _const_math__bits__mask32);
u64 x1 = x >> 32U;
u64 y0 = (y & _const_math__bits__mask32);
u64 y1 = y >> 32U;
u64 w0 = x0 * y0;
u64 t = x1 * y0 + (w0 >> 32U);
u64 w1 = (t & _const_math__bits__mask32);
u64 w2 = t >> 32U;
w1 += x0 * y1;
u64 hi = x1 * y1 + w2 + (w1 >> 32U);
u64 lo = x * y;
return (multi_return_u64_u64){.arg0=hi, .arg1=lo};
multi_return_u32_u32 math__bits__div_32(u32 hi, u32 lo, u32 y) {
if (y != 0U && y <= hi) {
u64 z = ((((u64)(hi)) << 32U) | ((u64)(lo)));
u32 quo = ((u32)(z / ((u64)(y))));
u32 rem = ((u32)(z % ((u64)(y))));
return (multi_return_u32_u32){.arg0=quo, .arg1=rem};
multi_return_u64_u64 math__bits__div_64(u64 hi, u64 lo, u64 y1) {
u64 y = y1;
if (y == 0U) {
if (y <= hi) {
u32 s = ((u32)(math__bits__leading_zeros_64(y)));
y <<= s;
u64 yn1 = y >> 32U;
u64 yn0 = (y & _const_math__bits__mask32);
u64 ss1 = (hi << s);
u32 xxx = 64 - s;
u64 ss2 = lo >> xxx;
if (xxx == 64U) {
ss2 = 0U;
u64 un32 = (ss1 | ss2);
u64 un10 = lo << s;
u64 un1 = un10 >> 32U;
u64 un0 = (un10 & _const_math__bits__mask32);
u64 q1 = un32 / yn1;
u64 rhat = un32 - (q1 * yn1);
for (;;) {
if (!((q1 >= _const_math__bits__two32) || (q1 * yn0) > ((_const_math__bits__two32 * rhat) + un1))) break;
rhat += yn1;
if (rhat >= _const_math__bits__two32) {
u64 un21 = (un32 * _const_math__bits__two32) + (un1 - (q1 * y));
u64 q0 = un21 / yn1;
rhat = un21 - q0 * yn1;
for (;;) {
if (!((q0 >= _const_math__bits__two32) || (q0 * yn0) > ((_const_math__bits__two32 * rhat) + un0))) break;
rhat += yn1;
if (rhat >= _const_math__bits__two32) {
u64 qq = ((q1 * _const_math__bits__two32) + q0);
u64 rr = ((un21 * _const_math__bits__two32) + un0 - (q0 * y)) >> s;
return (multi_return_u64_u64){.arg0=qq, .arg1=rr};
u32 math__bits__rem_32(u32 hi, u32 lo, u32 y) {
return ((u32)((((((u64)(hi)) << 32U) | ((u64)(lo)))) % ((u64)(y))));
u64 math__bits__rem_64(u64 hi, u64 lo, u64 y) {
multi_return_u64_u64 mr_16658 = math__bits__div_64(hi % y, lo, y);
u64 rem = mr_16658.arg1;
return rem;
multi_return_f64_int math__bits__normalize(f64 x) {
f64 smallest_normal = 2.2250738585072014e-308;
if (((x > 0.0 ? (x) : (-x))) < smallest_normal) {
return (multi_return_f64_int){.arg0=x * (((u64)(1U)) << ((u64)(52U))), .arg1=-52};
return (multi_return_f64_int){.arg0=x, .arg1=0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__lsr96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0) {
u32 r0 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r1 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r2 = ((u32)(0U));
r0 = ((s0 >> 1U) | (((s1 & ((u32)(1U)))) << 31U));
r1 = ((s1 >> 1U) | (((s2 & ((u32)(1U)))) << 31U));
r2 = s2 >> 1U;
return (multi_return_u32_u32_u32){.arg0=r2, .arg1=r1, .arg2=r0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__lsl96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0) {
u32 r0 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r1 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r2 = ((u32)(0U));
r2 = ((s2 << 1U) | (((s1 & (((u32)(1U)) << 31U))) >> 31U));
r1 = ((s1 << 1U) | (((s0 & (((u32)(1U)) << 31U))) >> 31U));
r0 = s0 << 1U;
return (multi_return_u32_u32_u32){.arg0=r2, .arg1=r1, .arg2=r0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__add96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0, u32 d2, u32 d1, u32 d0) {
u64 w = ((u64)(0U));
u32 r0 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r1 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r2 = ((u32)(0U));
w = ((u64)(s0)) + ((u64)(d0));
r0 = ((u32)(w));
w >>= 32U;
w += ((u64)(s1)) + ((u64)(d1));
r1 = ((u32)(w));
w >>= 32U;
w += ((u64)(s2)) + ((u64)(d2));
r2 = ((u32)(w));
return (multi_return_u32_u32_u32){.arg0=r2, .arg1=r1, .arg2=r0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32_u32 strconv__sub96(u32 s2, u32 s1, u32 s0, u32 d2, u32 d1, u32 d0) {
u64 w = ((u64)(0U));
u32 r0 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r1 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r2 = ((u32)(0U));
w = ((u64)(s0)) - ((u64)(d0));
r0 = ((u32)(w));
w >>= 32U;
w += ((u64)(s1)) - ((u64)(d1));
r1 = ((u32)(w));
w >>= 32U;
w += ((u64)(s2)) - ((u64)(d2));
r2 = ((u32)(w));
return (multi_return_u32_u32_u32){.arg0=r2, .arg1=r1, .arg2=r0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__is_digit(u8 x) {
return x >= _const_strconv__c_zero && x <= _const_strconv__c_nine;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__is_space(u8 x) {
return x == '\t' || x == '\n' || x == '\v' || x == '\f' || x == '\r' || x == ' ';
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__is_exp(u8 x) {
return x == 'E' || x == 'e';
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber strconv__parser(string s) {
int digx = 0;
strconv__ParserState result = strconv__ParserState__ok;
bool expneg = false;
int expexp = 0;
int i = 0;
strconv__PrepNumber pn = ((strconv__PrepNumber){.negative = 0,.exponent = 0,.mantissa = 0,});
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && u8_is_space(s.str[ i]))) break;
if (s.str[ i] == '-') {
pn.negative = true;
if (s.str[ i] == '+') {
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && u8_is_digit(s.str[ i]))) break;
if (digx < _const_strconv__digits) {
pn.mantissa *= 10U;
pn.mantissa += ((u64)(s.str[ i] - _const_strconv__c_zero));
} else if (pn.exponent < 2147483647) {
if ((i < s.len) && (s.str[ i] == '.')) {
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && u8_is_digit(s.str[ i]))) break;
if (digx < _const_strconv__digits) {
pn.mantissa *= 10U;
pn.mantissa += ((u64)(s.str[ i] - _const_strconv__c_zero));
if ((i < s.len) && ((s.str[ i] == 'e') || (s.str[ i] == 'E'))) {
if (i < s.len) {
if (s.str[ i] == _const_strconv__c_plus) {
} else if (s.str[ i] == _const_strconv__c_minus) {
expneg = true;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && u8_is_digit(s.str[ i]))) break;
if (expexp < 214748364) {
expexp *= 10;
expexp += ((int)(s.str[ i] - _const_strconv__c_zero));
if (expneg) {
expexp = -expexp;
pn.exponent += expexp;
if (pn.mantissa == 0U) {
if (pn.negative) {
result = strconv__ParserState__mzero;
} else {
result = strconv__ParserState__pzero;
} else if (pn.exponent > 309) {
if (pn.negative) {
result = strconv__ParserState__minf;
} else {
result = strconv__ParserState__pinf;
} else if (pn.exponent < -328) {
if (pn.negative) {
result = strconv__ParserState__mzero;
} else {
result = strconv__ParserState__pzero;
if (i == 0 && s.len > 0) {
return (multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber){.arg0=strconv__ParserState__invalid_number, .arg1=pn};
return (multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber){.arg0=result, .arg1=pn};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__converter(strconv__PrepNumber* pn) {
int binexp = 92;
u32 s2 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 s1 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 s0 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 q2 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 q1 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 q0 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r2 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r1 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 r0 = ((u32)(0U));
u32 mask28 = ((u32)(((u64)(0xFU)) << 28U));
u64 result = ((u64)(0U));
s0 = ((u32)((pn->mantissa & ((u64)(0x00000000FFFFFFFFU)))));
s1 = ((u32)(pn->mantissa >> 32U));
s2 = ((u32)(0U));
for (;;) {
if (!(pn->exponent > 0)) break;
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_5502 = strconv__lsl96(s2, s1, s0);
q2 = mr_5502.arg0;
q1 = mr_5502.arg1;
q0 = mr_5502.arg2;
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_5548 = strconv__lsl96(q2, q1, q0);
r2 = mr_5548.arg0;
r1 = mr_5548.arg1;
r0 = mr_5548.arg2;
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_5604 = strconv__lsl96(r2, r1, r0);
s2 = mr_5604.arg0;
s1 = mr_5604.arg1;
s0 = mr_5604.arg2;
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_5660 = strconv__add96(s2, s1, s0, q2, q1, q0);
s2 = mr_5660.arg0;
s1 = mr_5660.arg1;
s0 = mr_5660.arg2;
for (;;) {
if (!(((s2 & mask28)) != 0U)) break;
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_5783 = strconv__lsr96(s2, s1, s0);
q2 = mr_5783.arg0;
q1 = mr_5783.arg1;
q0 = mr_5783.arg2;
s2 = q2;
s1 = q1;
s0 = q0;
for (;;) {
if (!(pn->exponent < 0)) break;
for (;;) {
if (!(!(((s2 & (((u32)(1U)) << 31U))) != 0U))) break;
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_5930 = strconv__lsl96(s2, s1, s0);
q2 = mr_5930.arg0;
q1 = mr_5930.arg1;
q0 = mr_5930.arg2;
s2 = q2;
s1 = q1;
s0 = q0;
q2 = s2 / _const_strconv__c_ten;
r1 = s2 % _const_strconv__c_ten;
r2 = ((s1 >> 8U) | (r1 << 24U));
q1 = r2 / _const_strconv__c_ten;
r1 = r2 % _const_strconv__c_ten;
r2 = (((((s1 & ((u32)(0xFFU)))) << 16U) | (s0 >> 16U)) | (r1 << 24U));
r0 = r2 / _const_strconv__c_ten;
r1 = r2 % _const_strconv__c_ten;
q1 = ((q1 << 8U) | (((r0 & ((u32)(0x00FF0000U)))) >> 16U));
q0 = r0 << 16U;
r2 = (((s0 & ((u32)(0xFFFFU)))) | (r1 << 16U));
q0 |= r2 / _const_strconv__c_ten;
s2 = q2;
s1 = q1;
s0 = q0;
if (s2 != 0U || s1 != 0U || s0 != 0U) {
for (;;) {
if (!(((s2 & mask28)) == 0U)) break;
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_6665 = strconv__lsl96(s2, s1, s0);
q2 = mr_6665.arg0;
q1 = mr_6665.arg1;
q0 = mr_6665.arg2;
s2 = q2;
s1 = q1;
s0 = q0;
int nbit = 7;
u32 check_round_bit = ((u32)(1U)) << ((u32)(nbit));
u32 check_round_mask = ((u32)(0xFFFFFFFFU)) << ((u32)(nbit));
if (((s1 & check_round_bit)) != 0U) {
if (((s1 & ~check_round_mask)) != 0U) {
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_7747 = strconv__add96(s2, s1, s0, 0U, check_round_bit, 0U);
s2 = mr_7747.arg0;
s1 = mr_7747.arg1;
s0 = mr_7747.arg2;
} else {
if (((s1 & (check_round_bit << ((u32)(1U))))) != 0U) {
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_7939 = strconv__add96(s2, s1, s0, 0U, check_round_bit, 0U);
s2 = mr_7939.arg0;
s1 = mr_7939.arg1;
s0 = mr_7939.arg2;
s1 = (s1 & check_round_mask);
s0 = ((u32)(0U));
if ((s2 & (mask28 << ((u32)(1U)))) != 0U) {
multi_return_u32_u32_u32 mr_8143 = strconv__lsr96(s2, s1, s0);
q2 = mr_8143.arg0;
q1 = mr_8143.arg1;
q0 = mr_8143.arg2;
s2 = q2;
s1 = q1;
s0 = q0;
binexp += 1023;
if (binexp > 2046) {
if (pn->negative) {
result = _const_strconv__double_minus_infinity;
} else {
result = _const_strconv__double_plus_infinity;
} else if (binexp < 1) {
if (pn->negative) {
result = _const_strconv__double_minus_zero;
} else {
result = _const_strconv__double_plus_zero;
} else if (s2 != 0U) {
u64 q = ((u64)(0U));
u64 binexs2 = ((u64)(binexp)) << 52U;
q = (((((u64)((s2 & ~mask28))) << 24U) | ((((u64)(s1)) + ((u64)(128U))) >> 8U)) | binexs2);
if (pn->negative) {
q |= (((u64)(1U)) << 63U);
result = q;
return result;
_result_f64 strconv__atof64(string s) {
if (s.len == 0) {
return (_result_f64){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("expected a number found an empty string")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
strconv__Float64u res = ((strconv__Float64u){0});
multi_return_strconv__ParserState_strconv__PrepNumber mr_9211 = strconv__parser(s);
strconv__ParserState res_parsing = mr_9211.arg0;
strconv__PrepNumber pn = mr_9211.arg1;
switch (res_parsing) {
case strconv__ParserState__ok: {
res.u = strconv__converter((voidptr)&/*qq*/pn);
case strconv__ParserState__pzero: {
res.u = _const_strconv__double_plus_zero;
case strconv__ParserState__mzero: {
res.u = _const_strconv__double_minus_zero;
case strconv__ParserState__pinf: {
res.u = _const_strconv__double_plus_infinity;
case strconv__ParserState__minf: {
res.u = _const_strconv__double_minus_infinity;
case strconv__ParserState__invalid_number: {
return (_result_f64){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("not a number")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_f64 _t3;
_result_ok(&(f64[]) { res.f }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(f64));
return _t3;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
f64 strconv__atof_quick(string s) {
strconv__Float64u f = ((strconv__Float64u){0});
f64 sign = ((f64)(1.0));
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && s.str[ i] == ' ')) break;
if (i < s.len) {
if (s.str[ i] == '-') {
sign = -1.0;
} else if (s.str[ i] == '+') {
if (s.str[ i] == 'i' && i + 2 < s.len && s.str[ i + 1] == 'n' && s.str[ i + 2] == 'f') {
if (sign > 0.0) {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_plus_infinity;
} else {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_minus_infinity;
return f.f;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && s.str[ i] == '0')) break;
if (i >= s.len) {
if (sign > 0.0) {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_plus_zero;
} else {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_minus_zero;
return f.f;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && (s.str[ i] >= '0' && s.str[ i] <= '9'))) break;
f.f *= ((f64)(10.0));
f.f += ((f64)(s.str[ i] - '0'));
if (i < s.len && s.str[ i] == '.') {
f64 frac_mul = ((f64)(0.1));
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && (s.str[ i] >= '0' && s.str[ i] <= '9'))) break;
f.f += ((f64)(s.str[ i] - '0')) * frac_mul;
frac_mul *= ((f64)(0.1));
if (i < s.len && (s.str[ i] == 'e' || s.str[ i] == 'E')) {
int exp = 0;
int exp_sign = 1;
if (i < s.len) {
if (s.str[ i] == '-') {
exp_sign = -1;
} else if (s.str[ i] == '+') {
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && s.str[ i] == '0')) break;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len && (s.str[ i] >= '0' && s.str[ i] <= '9'))) break;
exp *= 10;
exp += ((int)(s.str[ i] - '0'));
if (exp_sign == 1) {
if (exp > _const_strconv__pos_exp.len) {
if (sign > 0) {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_plus_infinity;
} else {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_minus_infinity;
return f.f;
strconv__Float64u tmp_mul = ((strconv__Float64u){.u = ((u64*)[exp],});
f.f = f.f * tmp_mul.f;
} else {
if (exp > _const_strconv__neg_exp.len) {
if (sign > 0) {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_plus_zero;
} else {
f.u = _const_strconv__double_minus_zero;
return f.f;
strconv__Float64u tmp_mul = ((strconv__Float64u){.u = ((u64*)[exp],});
f.f = f.f * tmp_mul.f;
{ // Unsafe block
f.f = f.f * sign;
return f.f;
return 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline u8 strconv__byte_to_lower(u8 c) {
return (c | 32);
_result_u64 strconv__common_parse_uint(string s, int _base, int _bit_size, bool error_on_non_digit, bool error_on_high_digit) {
multi_return_u64_int mr_820 = strconv__common_parse_uint2(s, _base, _bit_size);
u64 result = mr_820.arg0;
int err = mr_820.arg1;
if (err != 0 && (error_on_non_digit || error_on_high_digit)) {
switch (err) {
case -1: {
return (_result_u64){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("common_parse_uint: wrong base "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = _base}}, {_SLIT(" for "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
case -2: {
return (_result_u64){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("common_parse_uint: wrong bit size "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = _bit_size}}, {_SLIT(" for "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
case -3: {
return (_result_u64){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("common_parse_uint: integer overflow "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
default: {
return (_result_u64){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("common_parse_uint: syntax error "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_u64 _t5;
_result_ok(&(u64[]) { result }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(u64));
return _t5;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
multi_return_u64_int strconv__common_parse_uint2(string s, int _base, int _bit_size) {
if (s.len < 1 || !strconv__underscore_ok(s)) {
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=((u64)(0U)), .arg1=1};
int bit_size = _bit_size;
int base = _base;
int start_index = 0;
if (2 <= base && base <= 36) {
} else if (base == 0) {
base = 10;
if (s.str[ 0] == '0') {
if (s.len >= 3 && (s.str[ 1] | 32) == 'b') {
base = 2;
start_index += 2;
} else if (s.len >= 3 && (s.str[ 1] | 32) == 'o') {
base = 8;
start_index += 2;
} else if (s.len >= 3 && (s.str[ 1] | 32) == 'x') {
base = 16;
start_index += 2;
} else if (s.len >= 2 && (s.str[ 1] >= '0' && s.str[ 1] <= '9')) {
base = 10;
} else {
base = 8;
} else {
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=((u64)(0U)), .arg1=-1};
if (bit_size == 0) {
bit_size = _const_strconv__int_size;
} else if (bit_size < 0 || bit_size > 64) {
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=((u64)(0U)), .arg1=-2};
u64 cutoff = _const_strconv__max_u64 / ((u64)(base)) + ((u64)(1U));
u64 max_val = (bit_size == 64 ? (_const_strconv__max_u64) : ((((u64)(1U)) << ((u64)(bit_size))) - ((u64)(1U))));
u64 n = ((u64)(0U));
for (int i = start_index; i < s.len; ++i) {
u8 c = s.str[ i];
u8 cl = (c | 32);
u8 d = ((u8)(0));
if (c == '_' && _base == 0) {
} else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
d = c - '0';
} else if ('a' <= cl && cl <= 'z') {
d = cl - 'a' + 10;
} else {
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=n, .arg1=i + 1};
if (d >= ((u8)(base))) {
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=n, .arg1=i + 1};
if (n >= cutoff) {
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=max_val, .arg1=-3};
n *= ((u64)(base));
u64 n1 = n + ((u64)(d));
if (n1 < n || n1 > max_val) {
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=max_val, .arg1=-3};
n = n1;
return (multi_return_u64_int){.arg0=n, .arg1=0};
_result_u64 strconv__parse_uint(string s, int _base, int _bit_size) {
return strconv__common_parse_uint(s, _base, _bit_size, true, true);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
_result_i64 strconv__common_parse_int(string _s, int base, int _bit_size, bool error_on_non_digit, bool error_on_high_digit) {
if (_s.len < 1) {
_result_i64 _t1;
_result_ok(&(i64[]) { ((i64)(0)) }, (_result*)(&_t1), sizeof(i64));
return _t1;
int bit_size = _bit_size;
if (bit_size == 0) {
bit_size = _const_strconv__int_size;
string s = _s;
bool neg = false;
if (s.str[ 0] == '+') {
s = string_substr(s, 1, (s).len);
} else if (s.str[ 0] == '-') {
neg = true;
s = string_substr(s, 1, (s).len);
_result_u64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_uint(s, base, bit_size, error_on_non_digit, error_on_high_digit);
if (_t2.is_error) {
_result_i64 _t3;
memcpy(&_t3, &_t2, sizeof(_result));
return _t3;
u64 un = (*(u64*);
if (un == 0U) {
_result_i64 _t4;
_result_ok(&(i64[]) { ((i64)(0)) }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(i64));
return _t4;
u64 cutoff = ((u64)(1U)) << ((u64)(bit_size - 1));
if (!neg && un >= cutoff) {
_result_i64 _t5;
_result_ok(&(i64[]) { ((i64)(cutoff - ((u64)(1U)))) }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(i64));
return _t5;
if (neg && un > cutoff) {
_result_i64 _t6;
_result_ok(&(i64[]) { -((i64)(cutoff)) }, (_result*)(&_t6), sizeof(i64));
return _t6;
_result_i64 _t8; /* if prepend */
if (neg) {
_result_ok(&(i64[]) { -((i64)(un)) }, (_result*)(&_t8), sizeof(i64));
} else {
_result_ok(&(i64[]) { ((i64)(un)) }, (_result*)(&_t8), sizeof(i64));
return _t8;
_result_i64 strconv__parse_int(string _s, int base, int _bit_size) {
return strconv__common_parse_int(_s, base, _bit_size, true, true);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
_result_int strconv__atoi(string s) {
if ((s).len == 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("strconv.atoi: parsing \"\": invalid syntax")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if ((_const_strconv__int_size == 32 && (0 < s.len && s.len < 10)) || (_const_strconv__int_size == 64 && (0 < s.len && s.len < 19))) {
int start_idx = 0;
if (s.str[ 0] == '-' || s.str[ 0] == '+') {
if (s.len - start_idx < 1) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("strconv.atoi: parsing \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT("\": invalid syntax"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int n = 0;
for (int i = start_idx; i < s.len; ++i) {
rune ch = s.str[ i] - '0';
if (ch > 9) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("strconv.atoi: parsing \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT("\": invalid syntax"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
n = n * 10 + ((int)(ch));
_result_int _t5; /* if prepend */
if (s.str[ 0] == '-') {
_result_ok(&(int[]) { -n }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(int));
} else {
_result_ok(&(int[]) { n }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(int));
return _t5;
_result_i64 _t6 = strconv__parse_int(s, 10, 0);
if (_t6.is_error) {
_result_int _t7;
memcpy(&_t7, &_t6, sizeof(_result));
return _t7;
i64 int64 = (*(i64*);
_result_int _t8;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { ((int)(int64)) }, (_result*)(&_t8), sizeof(int));
return _t8;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__underscore_ok(string s) {
rune saw = '^';
int i = 0;
if (s.len >= 1 && (s.str[ 0] == '-' || s.str[ 0] == '+')) {
bool hex = false;
if ((s.len - i >= 2) && (s.str[ i] == '0') && ((((s.str[ i + 1] | 32)) == 'b') || (((s.str[ i + 1] | 32)) == 'o') || (((s.str[ i + 1] | 32)) == 'x'))) {
saw = '0';
hex = ((s.str[ i + 1] | 32)) == 'x';
i += 2;
for (; i < s.len; i++) {
if (('0' <= s.str[ i] && s.str[ i] <= '9') || ((hex && 'a' <= ((s.str[ i] | 32))) && (((s.str[ i] | 32)) <= 'f'))) {
saw = '0';
if (s.str[ i] == '_') {
if (saw != '0') {
return false;
saw = '_';
if (saw == '_') {
return false;
saw = '!';
return saw != '_';
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string strconv__Dec32_get_string_32(strconv__Dec32 d, bool neg, int i_n_digit, int i_pad_digit) {
int n_digit = i_n_digit + 1;
int pad_digit = i_pad_digit + 1;
u32 out = d.m;
int out_len = strconv__dec_digits(out);
int out_len_original = out_len;
int fw_zeros = 0;
if (pad_digit > out_len) {
fw_zeros = pad_digit - out_len;
Array_u8 buf = __new_array_with_default_noscan(((int)(out_len + 5 + 1 + 1)), 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
int i = 0;
if (neg) {
if ( != 0) {
((u8*)[i] = '-';
int disp = 0;
if (out_len <= 1) {
disp = 1;
if (n_digit < out_len) {
out += ((u32*)[out_len - n_digit - 1] * 5U;
out /= ((u32*)[out_len - n_digit];
out_len = n_digit;
int y = i + out_len;
int x = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(x < (out_len - disp - 1))) break;
((u8*)[y - x] = '0' + ((u8)(out % 10U));
out /= 10U;
if (i_n_digit == 0) {
{ // Unsafe block
((u8*)[i] = 0;
return tos(((u8*)(&((u8*)[0])), i);
if (out_len >= 1) {
((u8*)[y - x] = '.';
if (y - x >= 0) {
((u8*)[y - x] = '0' + ((u8)(out % 10U));
for (;;) {
if (!(fw_zeros > 0)) break;
((u8*)[i] = '0';
((u8*)[i] = 'e';
int exp = d.e + out_len_original - 1;
if (exp < 0) {
((u8*)[i] = '-';
exp = -exp;
} else {
((u8*)[i] = '+';
int d1 = exp % 10;
int d0 = exp / 10;
((u8*)[i] = '0' + ((u8)(d0));
((u8*)[i] = '0' + ((u8)(d1));
((u8*)[i] = 0;
return tos(((u8*)(&((u8*)[0])), i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool strconv__f32_to_decimal_exact_int(u32 i_mant, u32 exp) {
strconv__Dec32 d = ((strconv__Dec32){.m = 0,.e = 0,});
u32 e = exp - _const_strconv__bias32;
if (e > _const_strconv__mantbits32) {
return (multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool){.arg0=d, .arg1=false};
u32 shift = _const_strconv__mantbits32 - e;
u32 mant = (i_mant | 0x00800000U);
d.m = mant >> shift;
if ((d.m << shift) != mant) {
return (multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool){.arg0=d, .arg1=false};
for (;;) {
if (!((d.m % 10U) == 0U)) break;
d.m /= 10U;
return (multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool){.arg0=d, .arg1=true};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL strconv__Dec32 strconv__f32_to_decimal(u32 mant, u32 exp) {
int e2 = 0;
u32 m2 = ((u32)(0U));
if (exp == 0U) {
e2 = 1 - _const_strconv__bias32 - ((int)(_const_strconv__mantbits32)) - 2;
m2 = mant;
} else {
e2 = ((int)(exp)) - _const_strconv__bias32 - ((int)(_const_strconv__mantbits32)) - 2;
m2 = ((((u32)(1U)) << _const_strconv__mantbits32) | mant);
bool even = ((m2 & 1U)) == 0U;
bool accept_bounds = even;
u32 mv = ((u32)(4 * m2));
u32 mp = ((u32)(4 * m2 + 2U));
u32 mm_shift = strconv__bool_to_u32(mant != 0U || exp <= 1U);
u32 mm = ((u32)(4 * m2 - 1U - mm_shift));
u32 vr = ((u32)(0U));
u32 vp = ((u32)(0U));
u32 vm = ((u32)(0U));
int e10 = 0;
bool vm_is_trailing_zeros = false;
bool vr_is_trailing_zeros = false;
u8 last_removed_digit = ((u8)(0));
if (e2 >= 0) {
u32 q = strconv__log10_pow2(e2);
e10 = ((int)(q));
int k = _const_strconv__pow5_inv_num_bits_32 + strconv__pow5_bits(((int)(q))) - 1;
int i = -e2 + ((int)(q)) + k;
vr = strconv__mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mv, q, i);
vp = strconv__mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mp, q, i);
vm = strconv__mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mm, q, i);
if (q != 0U && (vp - 1U) / 10U <= vm / 10U) {
int l = _const_strconv__pow5_inv_num_bits_32 + strconv__pow5_bits(((int)(q - 1U))) - 1;
last_removed_digit = ((u8)(strconv__mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mv, q - 1U, -e2 + ((int)(q - 1U)) + l) % 10U));
if (q <= 9U) {
if (mv % 5U == 0U) {
vr_is_trailing_zeros = strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_32(mv, q);
} else if (accept_bounds) {
vm_is_trailing_zeros = strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_32(mm, q);
} else if (strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_32(mp, q)) {
} else {
u32 q = strconv__log10_pow5(-e2);
e10 = ((int)(q)) + e2;
int i = -e2 - ((int)(q));
int k = strconv__pow5_bits(i) - _const_strconv__pow5_num_bits_32;
int j = ((int)(q)) - k;
vr = strconv__mul_pow5_div_pow2(mv, ((u32)(i)), j);
vp = strconv__mul_pow5_div_pow2(mp, ((u32)(i)), j);
vm = strconv__mul_pow5_div_pow2(mm, ((u32)(i)), j);
if (q != 0U && ((vp - 1U) / 10U) <= vm / 10U) {
j = ((int)(q)) - 1 - (strconv__pow5_bits(i + 1) - _const_strconv__pow5_num_bits_32);
last_removed_digit = ((u8)(strconv__mul_pow5_div_pow2(mv, ((u32)(i + 1)), j) % 10U));
if (q <= 1U) {
vr_is_trailing_zeros = true;
if (accept_bounds) {
vm_is_trailing_zeros = mm_shift == 1U;
} else {
} else if (q < 31U) {
vr_is_trailing_zeros = strconv__multiple_of_power_of_two_32(mv, q - 1U);
int removed = 0;
u32 out = ((u32)(0U));
if (vm_is_trailing_zeros || vr_is_trailing_zeros) {
for (;;) {
if (!(vp / 10U > vm / 10U)) break;
vm_is_trailing_zeros = vm_is_trailing_zeros && (vm % 10U) == 0U;
vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && (last_removed_digit == 0);
last_removed_digit = ((u8)(vr % 10U));
vr /= 10U;
vp /= 10U;
vm /= 10U;
if (vm_is_trailing_zeros) {
for (;;) {
if (!(vm % 10U == 0U)) break;
vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && (last_removed_digit == 0);
last_removed_digit = ((u8)(vr % 10U));
vr /= 10U;
vp /= 10U;
vm /= 10U;
if (vr_is_trailing_zeros && (last_removed_digit == 5) && (vr % 2U) == 0U) {
last_removed_digit = 4;
out = vr;
if ((vr == vm && (!accept_bounds || !vm_is_trailing_zeros)) || last_removed_digit >= 5) {
} else {
for (;;) {
if (!(vp / 10U > vm / 10U)) break;
last_removed_digit = ((u8)(vr % 10U));
vr /= 10U;
vp /= 10U;
vm /= 10U;
out = vr + strconv__bool_to_u32(vr == vm || last_removed_digit >= 5);
return ((strconv__Dec32){.m = out,.e = e10 + removed,});
string strconv__f32_to_str(f32 f, int n_digit) {
strconv__Uf32 u1 = ((strconv__Uf32){0});
u1.f = f;
u32 u = u1.u;
bool neg = (u >> (_const_strconv__mantbits32 + _const_strconv__expbits32)) != 0U;
u32 mant = (u & ((((u32)(1U)) << _const_strconv__mantbits32) - ((u32)(1U))));
u32 exp = ((u >> _const_strconv__mantbits32) & ((((u32)(1U)) << _const_strconv__expbits32) - ((u32)(1U))));
if ((exp == _const_strconv__maxexp32) || (exp == 0U && mant == 0U)) {
return strconv__get_string_special(neg, exp == 0U, mant == 0U);
multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool mr_8753 = strconv__f32_to_decimal_exact_int(mant, exp);
strconv__Dec32 d = mr_8753.arg0;
bool ok = mr_8753.arg1;
if (!ok) {
d = strconv__f32_to_decimal(mant, exp);
return strconv__Dec32_get_string_32(d, neg, n_digit, 0);
string strconv__f32_to_str_pad(f32 f, int n_digit) {
strconv__Uf32 u1 = ((strconv__Uf32){0});
u1.f = f;
u32 u = u1.u;
bool neg = (u >> (_const_strconv__mantbits32 + _const_strconv__expbits32)) != 0U;
u32 mant = (u & ((((u32)(1U)) << _const_strconv__mantbits32) - ((u32)(1U))));
u32 exp = ((u >> _const_strconv__mantbits32) & ((((u32)(1U)) << _const_strconv__expbits32) - ((u32)(1U))));
if ((exp == _const_strconv__maxexp32) || (exp == 0U && mant == 0U)) {
return strconv__get_string_special(neg, exp == 0U, mant == 0U);
multi_return_strconv__Dec32_bool mr_9537 = strconv__f32_to_decimal_exact_int(mant, exp);
strconv__Dec32 d = mr_9537.arg0;
bool ok = mr_9537.arg1;
if (!ok) {
d = strconv__f32_to_decimal(mant, exp);
return strconv__Dec32_get_string_32(d, neg, n_digit, n_digit);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__Dec64_get_string_64(strconv__Dec64 d, bool neg, int i_n_digit, int i_pad_digit) {
int n_digit = i_n_digit + 1;
int pad_digit = i_pad_digit + 1;
u64 out = d.m;
int d_exp = d.e;
int out_len = strconv__dec_digits(out);
int out_len_original = out_len;
int fw_zeros = 0;
if (pad_digit > out_len) {
fw_zeros = pad_digit - out_len;
Array_u8 buf = __new_array_with_default_noscan((out_len + 6 + 1 + 1 + fw_zeros), 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
int i = 0;
if (neg) {
((u8*)[i] = '-';
int disp = 0;
if (out_len <= 1) {
disp = 1;
if (n_digit < out_len) {
out += ((u64*)[out_len - n_digit - 1] * 5U;
out /= ((u64*)[out_len - n_digit];
if (d.m / ((u64*)[out_len - n_digit] < out) {
out_len = n_digit;
int y = i + out_len;
int x = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(x < (out_len - disp - 1))) break;
((u8*)[y - x] = '0' + ((u8)(out % 10U));
out /= 10U;
if (i_n_digit == 0) {
{ // Unsafe block
((u8*)[i] = 0;
return tos(((u8*)(&((u8*)[0])), i);
if (out_len >= 1) {
((u8*)[y - x] = '.';
if (y - x >= 0) {
((u8*)[y - x] = '0' + ((u8)(out % 10U));
for (;;) {
if (!(fw_zeros > 0)) break;
((u8*)[i] = '0';
((u8*)[i] = 'e';
int exp = d_exp + out_len_original - 1;
if (exp < 0) {
((u8*)[i] = '-';
exp = -exp;
} else {
((u8*)[i] = '+';
int d2 = exp % 10;
exp /= 10;
int d1 = exp % 10;
int d0 = exp / 10;
if (d0 > 0) {
((u8*)[i] = '0' + ((u8)(d0));
((u8*)[i] = '0' + ((u8)(d1));
((u8*)[i] = '0' + ((u8)(d2));
((u8*)[i] = 0;
return tos(((u8*)(&((u8*)[0])), i);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool strconv__f64_to_decimal_exact_int(u64 i_mant, u64 exp) {
strconv__Dec64 d = ((strconv__Dec64){.m = 0,.e = 0,});
u64 e = exp - _const_strconv__bias64;
if (e > _const_strconv__mantbits64) {
return (multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool){.arg0=d, .arg1=false};
u64 shift = _const_strconv__mantbits64 - e;
u64 mant = (i_mant | ((u64)(0x0010000000000000U)));
d.m = mant >> shift;
if ((d.m << shift) != mant) {
return (multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool){.arg0=d, .arg1=false};
for (;;) {
if (!((d.m % 10U) == 0U)) break;
d.m /= 10U;
return (multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool){.arg0=d, .arg1=true};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL strconv__Dec64 strconv__f64_to_decimal(u64 mant, u64 exp) {
int e2 = 0;
u64 m2 = ((u64)(0U));
if (exp == 0U) {
e2 = 1 - _const_strconv__bias64 - ((int)(_const_strconv__mantbits64)) - 2;
m2 = mant;
} else {
e2 = ((int)(exp)) - _const_strconv__bias64 - ((int)(_const_strconv__mantbits64)) - 2;
m2 = ((((u64)(1U)) << _const_strconv__mantbits64) | mant);
bool even = ((m2 & 1U)) == 0U;
bool accept_bounds = even;
u64 mv = ((u64)(4 * m2));
u64 mm_shift = strconv__bool_to_u64(mant != 0U || exp <= 1U);
u64 vr = ((u64)(0U));
u64 vp = ((u64)(0U));
u64 vm = ((u64)(0U));
int e10 = 0;
bool vm_is_trailing_zeros = false;
bool vr_is_trailing_zeros = false;
if (e2 >= 0) {
u32 q = strconv__log10_pow2(e2) - strconv__bool_to_u32(e2 > 3);
e10 = ((int)(q));
int k = _const_strconv__pow5_inv_num_bits_64 + strconv__pow5_bits(((int)(q))) - 1;
int i = -e2 + ((int)(q)) + k;
strconv__Uint128 mul = (*(strconv__Uint128*)array_get(_const_strconv__pow5_inv_split_64, q));
vr = strconv__mul_shift_64(((u64)(4U)) * m2, mul, i);
vp = strconv__mul_shift_64(((u64)(4U)) * m2 + ((u64)(2U)), mul, i);
vm = strconv__mul_shift_64(((u64)(4U)) * m2 - ((u64)(1U)) - mm_shift, mul, i);
if (q <= 21U) {
if (mv % 5U == 0U) {
vr_is_trailing_zeros = strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_64(mv, q);
} else if (accept_bounds) {
vm_is_trailing_zeros = strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_64(mv - 1U - mm_shift, q);
} else if (strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_64(mv + 2U, q)) {
} else {
u32 q = strconv__log10_pow5(-e2) - strconv__bool_to_u32(-e2 > 1);
e10 = ((int)(q)) + e2;
int i = -e2 - ((int)(q));
int k = strconv__pow5_bits(i) - _const_strconv__pow5_num_bits_64;
int j = ((int)(q)) - k;
strconv__Uint128 mul = (*(strconv__Uint128*)array_get(_const_strconv__pow5_split_64, i));
vr = strconv__mul_shift_64(((u64)(4U)) * m2, mul, j);
vp = strconv__mul_shift_64(((u64)(4U)) * m2 + ((u64)(2U)), mul, j);
vm = strconv__mul_shift_64(((u64)(4U)) * m2 - ((u64)(1U)) - mm_shift, mul, j);
if (q <= 1U) {
vr_is_trailing_zeros = true;
if (accept_bounds) {
vm_is_trailing_zeros = (mm_shift == 1U);
} else {
} else if (q < 63U) {
vr_is_trailing_zeros = strconv__multiple_of_power_of_two_64(mv, q - 1U);
int removed = 0;
u8 last_removed_digit = ((u8)(0));
u64 out = ((u64)(0U));
if (vm_is_trailing_zeros || vr_is_trailing_zeros) {
for (;;) {
u64 vp_div_10 = vp / 10U;
u64 vm_div_10 = vm / 10U;
if (vp_div_10 <= vm_div_10) {
u64 vm_mod_10 = vm % 10U;
u64 vr_div_10 = vr / 10U;
u64 vr_mod_10 = vr % 10U;
vm_is_trailing_zeros = vm_is_trailing_zeros && vm_mod_10 == 0U;
vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && (last_removed_digit == 0);
last_removed_digit = ((u8)(vr_mod_10));
vr = vr_div_10;
vp = vp_div_10;
vm = vm_div_10;
if (vm_is_trailing_zeros) {
for (;;) {
u64 vm_div_10 = vm / 10U;
u64 vm_mod_10 = vm % 10U;
if (vm_mod_10 != 0U) {
u64 vp_div_10 = vp / 10U;
u64 vr_div_10 = vr / 10U;
u64 vr_mod_10 = vr % 10U;
vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && (last_removed_digit == 0);
last_removed_digit = ((u8)(vr_mod_10));
vr = vr_div_10;
vp = vp_div_10;
vm = vm_div_10;
if (vr_is_trailing_zeros && (last_removed_digit == 5) && (vr % 2U) == 0U) {
last_removed_digit = 4;
out = vr;
if ((vr == vm && (!accept_bounds || !vm_is_trailing_zeros)) || last_removed_digit >= 5) {
} else {
bool round_up = false;
for (;;) {
if (!(vp / 100U > vm / 100U)) break;
round_up = (vr % 100U) >= 50U;
vr /= 100U;
vp /= 100U;
vm /= 100U;
removed += 2;
for (;;) {
if (!(vp / 10U > vm / 10U)) break;
round_up = (vr % 10U) >= 5U;
vr /= 10U;
vp /= 10U;
vm /= 10U;
out = vr + strconv__bool_to_u64(vr == vm || round_up);
return ((strconv__Dec64){.m = out,.e = e10 + removed,});
string strconv__f64_to_str(f64 f, int n_digit) {
strconv__Uf64 u1 = ((strconv__Uf64){0});
u1.f = f;
u64 u = u1.u;
bool neg = (u >> (_const_strconv__mantbits64 + _const_strconv__expbits64)) != 0U;
u64 mant = (u & ((((u64)(1U)) << _const_strconv__mantbits64) - ((u64)(1U))));
u64 exp = ((u >> _const_strconv__mantbits64) & ((((u64)(1U)) << _const_strconv__expbits64) - ((u64)(1U))));
if ((exp == _const_strconv__maxexp64) || (exp == 0U && mant == 0U)) {
return strconv__get_string_special(neg, exp == 0U, mant == 0U);
multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool mr_9324 = strconv__f64_to_decimal_exact_int(mant, exp);
strconv__Dec64 d = mr_9324.arg0;
bool ok = mr_9324.arg1;
if (!ok) {
d = strconv__f64_to_decimal(mant, exp);
return strconv__Dec64_get_string_64(d, neg, n_digit, 0);
string strconv__f64_to_str_pad(f64 f, int n_digit) {
strconv__Uf64 u1 = ((strconv__Uf64){0});
u1.f = f;
u64 u = u1.u;
bool neg = (u >> (_const_strconv__mantbits64 + _const_strconv__expbits64)) != 0U;
u64 mant = (u & ((((u64)(1U)) << _const_strconv__mantbits64) - ((u64)(1U))));
u64 exp = ((u >> _const_strconv__mantbits64) & ((((u64)(1U)) << _const_strconv__expbits64) - ((u64)(1U))));
if ((exp == _const_strconv__maxexp64) || (exp == 0U && mant == 0U)) {
return strconv__get_string_special(neg, exp == 0U, mant == 0U);
multi_return_strconv__Dec64_bool mr_10097 = strconv__f64_to_decimal_exact_int(mant, exp);
strconv__Dec64 d = mr_10097.arg0;
bool ok = mr_10097.arg1;
if (!ok) {
d = strconv__f64_to_decimal(mant, exp);
return strconv__Dec64_get_string_64(d, neg, n_digit, n_digit);
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__format_str(string s, strconv__BF_param p) {
bool strconv__format_str_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder res;
if (p.len0 <= 0) {
return string_clone(s);
int dif = p.len0 - utf8_str_visible_length(s);
if (dif <= 0) {
return string_clone(s);
res = strings__new_builder(s.len + dif);
strconv__format_str_defer_0 = true;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
string _t3 = strings__Builder_str(&res);
// Defer begin
if (strconv__format_str_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t3;
void strconv__format_str_sb(string s, strconv__BF_param p, strings__Builder* sb) {
if (p.len0 <= 0) {
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, s);
int dif = p.len0 - utf8_str_visible_length(s);
if (dif <= 0) {
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, s);
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(sb, p.pad_ch);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, s);
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(sb, p.pad_ch);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
void strconv__format_dec_sb(u64 d, strconv__BF_param p, strings__Builder* res) {
int n_char = strconv__dec_digits(d);
int sign_len = (!p.positive || p.sign_flag ? (1) : (0));
int number_len = sign_len + n_char;
int dif = p.len0 - number_len;
bool sign_written = false;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
if (p.pad_ch == '0') {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(res, '+');
sign_written = true;
} else {
strings__Builder_write_u8(res, '-');
sign_written = true;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(res, p.pad_ch);
if (!sign_written) {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(res, '+');
} else {
strings__Builder_write_u8(res, '-');
Array_fixed_u8_32 buf = {0};
int i = 20;
u64 n = d;
u64 d_i = ((u64)(0U));
if (n > 0U) {
for (;;) {
if (!(n > 0U)) break;
u64 n1 = n / 100U;
d_i = (n - (n1 * 100U)) << 1U;
n = n1;
{ // Unsafe block
buf[i] = _const_strconv__digit_pairs.str[d_i];
{ // Unsafe block
buf[i] = _const_strconv__digit_pairs.str[d_i];
if (d_i < 20U) {
strings__Builder_write_ptr(res, &buf[i], n_char);
} else {
strings__Builder_write_u8(res, '0');
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(res, p.pad_ch);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__f64_to_str_lnd1(f64 f, int dec_digit) {
{ // Unsafe block
string s = strconv__f64_to_str(f + ((f64*)[dec_digit], 18);
if (s.len > 2 && (s.str[ 0] == 'n' || s.str[ 1] == 'i')) {
return s;
bool m_sgn_flag = false;
int sgn = 1;
Array_fixed_u8_26 b = {0};
int d_pos = 1;
int i = 0;
int i1 = 0;
int exp = 0;
int exp_sgn = 1;
int dot_res_sp = -1;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < s.len; ++_t2) {
u8 c = s.str[_t2];
if (c == ('-')) {
sgn = -1;
else if (c == ('+')) {
sgn = 1;
else if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
b[i1] = c;
else if (c == ('.')) {
if (sgn > 0) {
d_pos = i;
} else {
d_pos = i - 1;
else if (c == ('e')) {
else {
return _SLIT("[Float conversion error!!]");
b[i1] = 0;
if (s.str[ i] == '-') {
exp_sgn = -1;
} else if (s.str[ i] == '+') {
exp_sgn = 1;
int c = i;
for (;;) {
if (!(c < s.len)) break;
exp = exp * 10 + ((int)(s.str[ c] - '0'));
Array_u8 res = __new_array_with_default_noscan(exp + 32, 0, sizeof(u8), &(u8[]){0});
int r_i = 0;
if (sgn == 1) {
if (m_sgn_flag) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '+';
} else {
((u8*)[r_i] = '-';
i = 0;
if (exp_sgn >= 0) {
for (;;) {
if (!(b[i] != 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = b[i];
if (i >= d_pos && exp >= 0) {
if (exp == 0) {
dot_res_sp = r_i;
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
for (;;) {
if (!(exp >= 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
} else {
bool dot_p = true;
for (;;) {
if (!(exp > 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
if (dot_p) {
dot_res_sp = r_i;
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
dot_p = false;
for (;;) {
if (!(b[i] != 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = b[i];
if (dec_digit <= 0) {
if (dot_res_sp < 0) {
dot_res_sp = i + 1;
string tmp_res = string_clone(tos(, dot_res_sp));
return tmp_res;
if (dot_res_sp >= 0) {
r_i = dot_res_sp + dec_digit + 1;
((u8*)[r_i] = 0;
for (int c1 = 1; c1 < dec_digit + 1; ++c1) {
if (((u8*)[r_i - c1] == 0) {
((u8*)[r_i - c1] = '0';
string tmp_res = string_clone(tos(, r_i));
return tmp_res;
} else {
if (dec_digit > 0) {
int c1 = 0;
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
for (;;) {
if (!(c1 < dec_digit)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
((u8*)[r_i] = 0;
string tmp_res = string_clone(tos(, r_i));
return tmp_res;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__format_fl(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p) {
{ // Unsafe block
string fs = strconv__f64_to_str_lnd1((f >= 0.0 ? (f) : (-f)), p.len1);
if (fs.str[ 0] == '[') {
return fs;
if (p.rm_tail_zero) {
string tmp = fs;
fs = strconv__remove_tail_zeros(fs);
Array_fixed_u8_32 buf = {0};
Array_fixed_u8_32 out = {0};
int buf_i = 0;
int out_i = 0;
int sign_len_diff = 0;
if (p.pad_ch == '0') {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
out[out_i] = '+';
sign_len_diff = -1;
} else {
out[out_i] = '-';
sign_len_diff = -1;
} else {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
buf[buf_i] = '+';
} else {
buf[buf_i] = '-';
vmemcpy(&buf[buf_i], fs.str, fs.len);
buf_i += fs.len;
int dif = p.len0 - buf_i + sign_len_diff;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
out[out_i] = p.pad_ch;
vmemcpy(&out[out_i], &buf[0], buf_i);
out_i += buf_i;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
out[out_i] = p.pad_ch;
out[out_i] = 0;
string tmp = fs;
fs = tos_clone(&out[0]);
return fs;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__format_es(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p) {
{ // Unsafe block
string fs = strconv__f64_to_str_pad((f > 0 ? (f) : (-f)), p.len1);
if (p.rm_tail_zero) {
string tmp = fs;
fs = strconv__remove_tail_zeros(fs);
Array_fixed_u8_32 buf = {0};
Array_fixed_u8_32 out = {0};
int buf_i = 0;
int out_i = 0;
int sign_len_diff = 0;
if (p.pad_ch == '0') {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
out[out_i] = '+';
sign_len_diff = -1;
} else {
out[out_i] = '-';
sign_len_diff = -1;
} else {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
buf[buf_i] = '+';
} else {
buf[buf_i] = '-';
vmemcpy(&buf[buf_i], fs.str, fs.len);
buf_i += fs.len;
int dif = p.len0 - buf_i + sign_len_diff;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
out[out_i] = p.pad_ch;
vmemcpy(&out[out_i], &buf[0], buf_i);
out_i += buf_i;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
out[out_i] = p.pad_ch;
out[out_i] = 0;
string tmp = fs;
fs = tos_clone(&out[0]);
return fs;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string strconv__remove_tail_zeros(string s) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* buf = malloc_noscan(s.len + 1);
int i_d = 0;
int i_s = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i_s < s.len && !(s.str[ i_s] == '-' || s.str[ i_s] == '+') && (s.str[ i_s] > '9' || s.str[ i_s] < '0'))) break;
buf[i_d] = s.str[ i_s];
if (i_s < s.len && (s.str[ i_s] == '-' || s.str[ i_s] == '+')) {
buf[i_d] = s.str[ i_s];
for (;;) {
if (!(i_s < s.len && s.str[ i_s] >= '0' && s.str[ i_s] <= '9')) break;
buf[i_d] = s.str[ i_s];
if (i_s < s.len && s.str[ i_s] == '.') {
int i_s1 = i_s + 1;
int sum = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i_s1 < s.len && s.str[ i_s1] >= '0' && s.str[ i_s1] <= '9')) break;
sum += s.str[ i_s1] - ((u8)('0'));
if (sum > 0) {
for (int c_i = i_s; c_i < i_s1; ++c_i) {
buf[i_d] = s.str[ c_i];
i_s = i_s1;
if (i_s < s.len && s.str[ i_s] != '.') {
for (;;) {
buf[i_d] = s.str[ i_s];
if (i_s >= s.len) {
buf[i_d] = 0;
return tos(buf, i_d);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [inline]
inline string strconv__ftoa_64(f64 f) {
return strconv__f64_to_str(f, 17);
// Attr: [inline]
inline string strconv__ftoa_long_64(f64 f) {
return strconv__f64_to_str_l(f);
// Attr: [inline]
inline string strconv__ftoa_32(f32 f) {
return strconv__f32_to_str(f, 8);
// Attr: [inline]
inline string strconv__ftoa_long_32(f32 f) {
return strconv__f32_to_str_l(f);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__format_int(i64 n, int radix) {
{ // Unsafe block
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("invalid radix: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = radix}}, {_SLIT(" . It should be => 2 and <= 36"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (n == 0) {
return _SLIT("0");
i64 n_copy = n;
bool have_minus = false;
if (n < 0) {
have_minus = true;
n_copy = -n_copy;
string res = _SLIT("");
for (;;) {
if (!(n_copy != 0)) break;
string tmp_0 = res;
int bdx = ((int)(n_copy % radix));
string tmp_1 = u8_ascii_str(_const_strconv__base_digits.str[ bdx]);
res = string__plus(tmp_1, res);
n_copy /= radix;
if (have_minus) {
string final_res = string__plus(_SLIT("-"), res);
return final_res;
return res;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__format_uint(u64 n, int radix) {
{ // Unsafe block
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("invalid radix: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = radix}}, {_SLIT(" . It should be => 2 and <= 36"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (n == 0U) {
return _SLIT("0");
u64 n_copy = n;
string res = _SLIT("");
u64 uradix = ((u64)(radix));
for (;;) {
if (!(n_copy != 0U)) break;
string tmp_0 = res;
string tmp_1 = u8_ascii_str(_const_strconv__base_digits.str[ n_copy % uradix]);
res = string__plus(tmp_1, res);
n_copy /= uradix;
return res;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__f32_to_str_l(f32 f) {
string s = strconv__f32_to_str(f, 6);
string res = strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse(s);
return res;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__f32_to_str_l_with_dot(f32 f) {
string s = strconv__f32_to_str(f, 6);
string res = strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse_with_dot(s);
return res;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__f64_to_str_l(f64 f) {
string s = strconv__f64_to_str(f, 18);
string res = strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse(s);
return res;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__f64_to_str_l_with_dot(f64 f) {
string s = strconv__f64_to_str(f, 18);
string res = strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse_with_dot(s);
return res;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse(string s) {
if (s.len > 2 && (s.str[ 0] == 'n' || s.str[ 1] == 'i')) {
return string_clone(s);
bool m_sgn_flag = false;
int sgn = 1;
Array_fixed_u8_26 b = {0};
int d_pos = 1;
int i = 0;
int i1 = 0;
int exp = 0;
int exp_sgn = 1;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < s.len; ++_t2) {
u8 c = s.str[_t2];
if (c == '-') {
sgn = -1;
} else if (c == '+') {
sgn = 1;
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
b[i1] = c;
} else if (c == '.') {
if (sgn > 0) {
d_pos = i;
} else {
d_pos = i - 1;
} else if (c == 'e') {
} else {
return _SLIT("Float conversion error!!");
b[i1] = 0;
if (s.str[ i] == '-') {
exp_sgn = -1;
} else if (s.str[ i] == '+') {
exp_sgn = 1;
int c = i;
for (;;) {
if (!(c < s.len)) break;
exp = exp * 10 + ((int)(s.str[ c] - '0'));
Array_u8 res = __new_array_with_default_noscan(exp + 32, 0, sizeof(u8), &(u8[]){0});
int r_i = 0;
if (sgn == 1) {
if (m_sgn_flag) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '+';
} else {
((u8*)[r_i] = '-';
i = 0;
if (exp_sgn >= 0) {
for (;;) {
if (!(b[i] != 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = b[i];
if (i >= d_pos && exp >= 0) {
if (exp == 0) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
for (;;) {
if (!(exp >= 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
} else {
bool dot_p = true;
for (;;) {
if (!(exp > 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
if (dot_p) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
dot_p = false;
for (;;) {
if (!(b[i] != 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = b[i];
if (r_i > 1 && ((u8*)[r_i - 1] == '.') {
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
} else if (!Array_u8_contains(res, '.')) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
((u8*)[r_i] = 0;
return tos(, r_i);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__fxx_to_str_l_parse_with_dot(string s) {
if (s.len > 2 && (s.str[ 0] == 'n' || s.str[ 1] == 'i')) {
return string_clone(s);
bool m_sgn_flag = false;
int sgn = 1;
Array_fixed_u8_26 b = {0};
int d_pos = 1;
int i = 0;
int i1 = 0;
int exp = 0;
int exp_sgn = 1;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < s.len; ++_t2) {
u8 c = s.str[_t2];
if (c == '-') {
sgn = -1;
} else if (c == '+') {
sgn = 1;
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
b[i1] = c;
} else if (c == '.') {
if (sgn > 0) {
d_pos = i;
} else {
d_pos = i - 1;
} else if (c == 'e') {
} else {
return _SLIT("Float conversion error!!");
b[i1] = 0;
if (s.str[ i] == '-') {
exp_sgn = -1;
} else if (s.str[ i] == '+') {
exp_sgn = 1;
int c = i;
for (;;) {
if (!(c < s.len)) break;
exp = exp * 10 + ((int)(s.str[ c] - '0'));
Array_u8 res = __new_array_with_default_noscan(exp + 32, 0, sizeof(u8), &(u8[]){0});
int r_i = 0;
if (sgn == 1) {
if (m_sgn_flag) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '+';
} else {
((u8*)[r_i] = '-';
i = 0;
if (exp_sgn >= 0) {
for (;;) {
if (!(b[i] != 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = b[i];
if (i >= d_pos && exp >= 0) {
if (exp == 0) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
for (;;) {
if (!(exp >= 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
} else {
bool dot_p = true;
for (;;) {
if (!(exp > 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
if (dot_p) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
dot_p = false;
for (;;) {
if (!(b[i] != 0)) break;
((u8*)[r_i] = b[i];
if (r_i > 1 && ((u8*)[r_i - 1] == '.') {
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
} else if (!Array_u8_contains(res, '.')) {
((u8*)[r_i] = '.';
((u8*)[r_i] = '0';
((u8*)[r_i] = 0;
return tos(, r_i);
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int strconv__bool_to_int(bool b) {
if (b) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__bool_to_u32(bool b) {
if (b) {
return ((u32)(1U));
return ((u32)(0U));
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__bool_to_u64(bool b) {
if (b) {
return ((u64)(1U));
return ((u64)(0U));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__get_string_special(bool neg, bool expZero, bool mantZero) {
if (!mantZero) {
return _SLIT("nan");
if (!expZero) {
if (neg) {
return _SLIT("-inf");
} else {
return _SLIT("+inf");
if (neg) {
return _SLIT("-0e+00");
return _SLIT("0e+00");
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__mul_shift_32(u32 m, u64 mul, int ishift) {
multi_return_u64_u64 mr_746 = math__bits__mul_64(((u64)(m)), mul);
u64 hi = mr_746.arg0;
u64 lo = mr_746.arg1;
u64 shifted_sum = (lo >> ((u64)(ishift))) + (hi << ((u64)(64 - ishift)));
return ((u32)(shifted_sum));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(u32 m, u32 q, int j) {
return strconv__mul_shift_32(m, (*(u64*)array_get(_const_strconv__pow5_inv_split_32, q)), j);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__mul_pow5_div_pow2(u32 m, u32 i, int j) {
return strconv__mul_shift_32(m, (*(u64*)array_get(_const_strconv__pow5_split_32, i)), j);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__pow5_factor_32(u32 i_v) {
u32 v = i_v;
for (u32 n = ((u32)(0U)); true; n++) {
u32 q = v / 5U;
u32 r = v % 5U;
if (r != 0U) {
return n;
v = q;
return v;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_32(u32 v, u32 p) {
return strconv__pow5_factor_32(v) >= p;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_two_32(u32 v, u32 p) {
return ((u32)(math__bits__trailing_zeros_32(v))) >= p;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__log10_pow2(int e) {
return (((u32)(e)) * 78913U) >> 18U;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__log10_pow5(int e) {
return (((u32)(e)) * 732923U) >> 20U;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int strconv__pow5_bits(int e) {
return ((int)(((((u32)(e)) * 1217359U) >> 19U) + 1U));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__shift_right_128(strconv__Uint128 v, int shift) {
return ((v.hi << ((u64)(64 - shift))) | (v.lo >> ((u32)(shift))));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 strconv__mul_shift_64(u64 m, strconv__Uint128 mul, int shift) {
multi_return_u64_u64 mr_3065 = math__bits__mul_64(m, mul.hi);
u64 hihi = mr_3065.arg0;
u64 hilo = mr_3065.arg1;
multi_return_u64_u64 mr_3100 = math__bits__mul_64(m, mul.lo);
u64 lohi = mr_3100.arg0;
strconv__Uint128 sum = ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = lohi + hilo,.hi = hihi,});
if (sum.lo < lohi) {
return strconv__shift_right_128(sum, shift - 64);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u32 strconv__pow5_factor_64(u64 v_i) {
u64 v = v_i;
for (u32 n = ((u32)(0U)); true; n++) {
u64 q = v / 5U;
u64 r = v % 5U;
if (r != 0U) {
return n;
v = q;
return ((u32)(0U));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_five_64(u64 v, u32 p) {
return strconv__pow5_factor_64(v) >= p;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool strconv__multiple_of_power_of_two_64(u64 v, u32 p) {
return ((u32)(math__bits__trailing_zeros_64(v))) >= p;
int strconv__dec_digits(u64 n) {
if (n <= 9999999999U) {
if (n <= 99999U) {
if (n <= 99U) {
if (n <= 9U) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
} else {
if (n <= 999U) {
return 3;
} else {
if (n <= 9999U) {
return 4;
} else {
return 5;
} else {
if (n <= 9999999U) {
if (n <= 999999U) {
return 6;
} else {
return 7;
} else {
if (n <= 99999999U) {
return 8;
} else {
if (n <= 999999999U) {
return 9;
return 10;
} else {
if (n <= 999999999999999U) {
if (n <= 999999999999U) {
if (n <= 99999999999U) {
return 11;
} else {
return 12;
} else {
if (n <= 9999999999999U) {
return 13;
} else {
if (n <= 99999999999999U) {
return 14;
} else {
return 15;
} else {
if (n <= 99999999999999999U) {
if (n <= 9999999999999999U) {
return 16;
} else {
return 17;
} else {
if (n <= 999999999999999999U) {
return 18;
} else {
if (n <= 9999999999999999999U) {
return 19;
return 20;
return 0;
// Attr: [deprecated]
void strconv__v_printf(string str, Array_voidptr pt) {
print(strconv__v_sprintf(str, pt));
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__v_sprintf(string str, Array_voidptr pt) {
bool strconv__v_sprintf_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder res;
res = strings__new_builder(pt.len * 16);
strconv__v_sprintf_defer_0 = true;
int i = 0;
int p_index = 0;
bool sign = false;
strconv__Align_text allign = strconv__Align_text__right;
int len0 = -1;
int len1 = -1;
int def_len1 = 6;
u8 pad_ch = ((u8)(' '));
rune ch1 = '0';
rune ch2 = '0';
strconv__Char_parse_state status = strconv__Char_parse_state__norm_char;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < str.len)) break;
if (status == strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params) {
sign = false;
allign = strconv__Align_text__right;
len0 = -1;
len1 = -1;
pad_ch = ' ';
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__norm_char;
ch1 = '0';
ch2 = '0';
u8 ch = str.str[ i];
if (ch != '%' && status == strconv__Char_parse_state__norm_char) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, ch);
if (ch == '%' && status == strconv__Char_parse_state__norm_char) {
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__field_char;
if (ch == 'c' && status == strconv__Char_parse_state__field_char) {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
u8 d1 = *(((u8*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, d1);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
if (ch == 'p' && status == strconv__Char_parse_state__field_char) {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, _SLIT("0x"));
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, ptr_str(((voidptr*)[p_index]));
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
if (status == strconv__Char_parse_state__field_char) {
rune fc_ch1 = '0';
rune fc_ch2 = '0';
if ((i + 1) < str.len) {
fc_ch1 = str.str[ i + 1];
if ((i + 2) < str.len) {
fc_ch2 = str.str[ i + 2];
if (ch == '+') {
sign = true;
} else if (ch == '-') {
allign = strconv__Align_text__left;
} else if (ch == '0' || ch == ' ') {
if (allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
pad_ch = ch;
} else if (ch == '\'') {
} else if (ch == '.' && fc_ch1 >= '1' && fc_ch1 <= '9') {
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float;
} else if (ch == '.' && fc_ch1 == '*' && fc_ch2 == 's') {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
int len = *(((int*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
string s = *(((string*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
s = string_substr(s, 0, len);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
i += 3;
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_start;
if (status == strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_start) {
if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '9') {
len0 = ((int)(ch - '0'));
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_in;
if (ch == '.') {
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float;
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_type;
if (status == strconv__Char_parse_state__len_set_in) {
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
len0 *= 10;
len0 += ((int)(ch - '0'));
if (ch == '.') {
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float;
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_type;
if (status == strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float) {
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
len1 = ((int)(ch - '0'));
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float_in;
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_type;
if (status == strconv__Char_parse_state__check_float_in) {
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
len1 *= 10;
len1 += ((int)(ch - '0'));
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__check_type;
if (status == strconv__Char_parse_state__check_type) {
if (ch == 'l') {
if (ch1 == '0') {
ch1 = 'l';
} else {
ch2 = 'l';
} else if (ch == 'h') {
if (ch1 == '0') {
ch1 = 'h';
} else {
ch2 = 'h';
} else if (ch == 'd' || ch == 'i') {
u64 d1 = ((u64)(0U));
bool positive = true;
if (ch1 == ('h')) {
if (ch2 == 'h') {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
i8 x = *(((i8*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
positive = (x >= 0 ? (true) : (false));
d1 = (positive ? (((u64)(x))) : (((u64)(-x))));
} else {
i16 x = *(((i16*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
positive = (x >= 0 ? (true) : (false));
d1 = (positive ? (((u64)(x))) : (((u64)(-x))));
else if (ch1 == ('l')) {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
i64 x = *(((i64*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
positive = (x >= 0 ? (true) : (false));
d1 = (positive ? (((u64)(x))) : (((u64)(-x))));
else {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
int x = *(((int*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
positive = (x >= 0 ? (true) : (false));
d1 = (positive ? (((u64)(x))) : (((u64)(-x))));
string tmp = strconv__format_dec_old(d1, ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = 0,
.positive = positive,
.sign_flag = sign,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = 0,
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, tmp);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
ch1 = '0';
ch2 = '0';
} else if (ch == 'u') {
u64 d1 = ((u64)(0U));
bool positive = true;
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
if (ch1 == ('h')) {
if (ch2 == 'h') {
d1 = ((u64)(*(((u8*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])))));
} else {
d1 = ((u64)(*(((u16*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])))));
else if (ch1 == ('l')) {
d1 = ((u64)(*(((u64*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])))));
else {
d1 = ((u64)(*(((u32*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])))));
string tmp = strconv__format_dec_old(d1, ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = 0,
.positive = positive,
.sign_flag = sign,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = 0,
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, tmp);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
} else if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
string s = _SLIT("");
if (ch1 == ('h')) {
if (ch2 == 'h') {
i8 x = *(((i8*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
s = i8_hex(x);
} else {
i16 x = *(((i16*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
s = i16_hex(x);
else if (ch1 == ('l')) {
i64 x = *(((i64*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
s = i64_hex(x);
else {
int x = *(((int*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
s = int_hex(x);
if (ch == 'X') {
string tmp = s;
s = string_to_upper(s);
string tmp = strconv__format_str(s, ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = 0,
.positive = true,
.sign_flag = false,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = 0,
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, tmp);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'F') {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
f64 x = *(((f64*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
bool positive = x >= ((f64)(0.0));
len1 = (len1 >= 0 ? (len1) : (def_len1));
string s = strconv__format_fl_old(((f64)(x)), ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = len1,
.positive = positive,
.sign_flag = sign,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = 0,
if (ch == 'F') {
string tmp = string_to_upper(s);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, tmp);
} else {
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
} else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
f64 x = *(((f64*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
bool positive = x >= ((f64)(0.0));
len1 = (len1 >= 0 ? (len1) : (def_len1));
string s = strconv__format_es_old(((f64)(x)), ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = len1,
.positive = positive,
.sign_flag = sign,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = 0,
if (ch == 'E') {
string tmp = string_to_upper(s);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, tmp);
} else {
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
} else if (ch == 'g' || ch == 'G') {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
f64 x = *(((f64*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
bool positive = x >= ((f64)(0.0));
string s = _SLIT("");
f64 tx = strconv__fabs(x);
if (tx < 999999.0 && tx >= 0.00001) {
len1 = (len1 >= 0 ? (len1 + 1) : (def_len1));
string tmp = s;
s = strconv__format_fl_old(x, ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = len1,
.positive = positive,
.sign_flag = sign,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = true,
} else {
len1 = (len1 >= 0 ? (len1 + 1) : (def_len1));
string tmp = s;
s = strconv__format_es_old(x, ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = len1,
.positive = positive,
.sign_flag = sign,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = true,
if (ch == 'G') {
string tmp = string_to_upper(s);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, tmp);
} else {
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
} else if (ch == 's') {
strconv__v_sprintf_panic(p_index, pt.len);
string s1 = *(((string*)(((voidptr*)[p_index])));
pad_ch = ' ';
string tmp = strconv__format_str(s1, ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0,
.len1 = 0,
.positive = true,
.sign_flag = false,
.allign = allign,
.rm_tail_zero = 0,
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, tmp);
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
status = strconv__Char_parse_state__reset_params;
if (p_index != pt.len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = p_index}}, {_SLIT(" % conversion specifiers, but given "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = pt.len}}, {_SLIT(" args"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
string _t4 = strings__Builder_str(&res);
// Defer begin
if (strconv__v_sprintf_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t4;
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void strconv__v_sprintf_panic(int idx, int len) {
if (idx >= len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = idx + 1}}, {_SLIT(" % conversion specifiers, but given only "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = len}}, {_SLIT(" args"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 strconv__fabs(f64 x) {
if (x < 0.0) {
return -x;
return x;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__format_fl_old(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p) {
bool strconv__format_fl_old_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder res;
{ // Unsafe block
string s = _SLIT("");
string fs = strconv__f64_to_str_lnd1((f >= 0.0 ? (f) : (-f)), p.len1);
if (fs.str[ 0] == '[') {
return fs;
if (p.rm_tail_zero) {
string tmp = fs;
fs = strconv__remove_tail_zeros_old(fs);
res = strings__new_builder((p.len0 > fs.len ? (p.len0) : (fs.len)));
strconv__format_fl_old_defer_0 = true;
int sign_len_diff = 0;
if (p.pad_ch == '0') {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, '+');
sign_len_diff = -1;
} else {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, '-');
sign_len_diff = -1;
string tmp = s;
s = string_clone(fs);
} else {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
string tmp = s;
s = string__plus(_SLIT("+"), fs);
} else {
string tmp = s;
s = string_clone(fs);
} else {
string tmp = s;
s = string__plus(_SLIT("-"), fs);
int dif = p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
string _t2 = strings__Builder_str(&res);
// Defer begin
if (strconv__format_fl_old_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t2;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [manualfree]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__format_es_old(f64 f, strconv__BF_param p) {
bool strconv__format_es_old_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder res;
string fs;
string s;
{ // Unsafe block
s = _SLIT("");
fs = strconv__f64_to_str_pad((f > 0 ? (f) : (-f)), p.len1);
if (p.rm_tail_zero) {
string tmp = fs;
fs = strconv__remove_tail_zeros_old(fs);
res = strings__new_builder((p.len0 > fs.len ? (p.len0) : (fs.len)));
strconv__format_es_old_defer_0 = true;
int sign_len_diff = 0;
if (p.pad_ch == '0') {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, '+');
sign_len_diff = -1;
} else {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, '-');
sign_len_diff = -1;
string tmp = s;
s = string_clone(fs);
} else {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
string tmp = s;
s = string__plus(_SLIT("+"), fs);
} else {
string tmp = s;
s = string_clone(fs);
} else {
string tmp = s;
s = string__plus(_SLIT("-"), fs);
int dif = p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
string _t1 = strings__Builder_str(&res);
// Defer begin
if (strconv__format_es_old_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t1;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string strconv__remove_tail_zeros_old(string s) {
int i = 0;
int last_zero_start = -1;
int dot_pos = -1;
bool in_decimal = false;
u8 prev_ch = ((u8)(0));
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len)) break;
u8 ch = s.str[i];
if (ch == '.') {
in_decimal = true;
dot_pos = i;
} else if (in_decimal) {
if (ch == '0' && prev_ch != '0') {
last_zero_start = i;
} else if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '9') {
last_zero_start = -1;
} else if (ch == 'e') {
prev_ch = ch;
string tmp = _SLIT("");
if (last_zero_start > 0) {
if (last_zero_start == dot_pos + 1) {
tmp = string__plus(string_substr(s, 0, dot_pos), string_substr(s, i, (s).len));
} else {
tmp = string__plus(string_substr(s, 0, last_zero_start), string_substr(s, i, (s).len));
} else {
tmp = string_clone(s);
if (tmp.str[tmp.len - 1] == '.') {
return string_substr(tmp, 0, tmp.len - 1);
return tmp;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string strconv__format_dec_old(u64 d, strconv__BF_param p) {
bool strconv__format_dec_old_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder res;
string s;
s = _SLIT("");
res = strings__new_builder(20);
strconv__format_dec_old_defer_0 = true;
int sign_len_diff = 0;
if (p.pad_ch == '0') {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, '+');
sign_len_diff = -1;
} else {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, '-');
sign_len_diff = -1;
string tmp = s;
s = u64_str(d);
} else {
if (p.positive) {
if (p.sign_flag) {
string tmp = s;
s = string__plus(_SLIT("+"), u64_str(d));
} else {
string tmp = s;
s = u64_str(d);
} else {
string tmp = s;
s = string__plus(_SLIT("-"), u64_str(d));
int dif = p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff;
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__right) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, s);
if (p.allign == strconv__Align_text__left) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dif; i1++) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(&res, p.pad_ch);
string _t1 = strings__Builder_str(&res);
// Defer begin
if (strconv__format_dec_old_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size) {
int cap_ = (cap < mylen ? (mylen) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = vcalloc(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = mylen,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_default(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr val) {
int cap_ = (cap < mylen ? (mylen) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = 0,.offset = 0,.len = mylen,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
u64 total_size = ((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size));
if (cap_ > 0 && mylen == 0) { = _v_malloc(total_size);
} else { = vcalloc(total_size);
if (val != 0) {
u8* eptr = ((u8*)(;
{ // Unsafe block
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < arr.len; ++_t1) {
vmemcpy(eptr, val, arr.element_size);
eptr += arr.element_size;
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_array_default(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, array val) {
int cap_ = (cap < mylen ? (mylen) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = _v_malloc(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = mylen,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
u8* eptr = ((u8*)(;
{ // Unsafe block
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < arr.len; ++_t1) {
array val_clone = array_clone_to_depth(&val, 1);
vmemcpy(eptr, &val_clone, arr.element_size);
eptr += arr.element_size;
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_map_default(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, map val) {
int cap_ = (cap < mylen ? (mylen) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = _v_malloc(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = mylen,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
u8* eptr = ((u8*)(;
{ // Unsafe block
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < arr.len; ++_t1) {
map val_clone = map_clone(&val);
vmemcpy(eptr, &val_clone, arr.element_size);
eptr += arr.element_size;
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array new_array_from_c_array(int len, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr c_array) {
int cap_ = (cap < len ? (len) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = vcalloc(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = len,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
vmemcpy(, c_array, ((u64)(len)) * ((u64)(elm_size)));
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array new_array_from_c_array_no_alloc(int len, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr c_array) {
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = c_array,.offset = 0,.len = len,.cap = cap,.flags = 0,});
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_ensure_cap(array* a, int required) {
if (required <= a->cap) {
int cap = (a->cap > 0 ? (a->cap) : (2));
for (;;) {
if (!(required > cap)) break;
cap *= 2;
u64 new_size = ((u64)(cap)) * ((u64)(a->element_size));
u8* new_data = _v_malloc(new_size);
if (a->data != ((void*)0)) {
vmemcpy(new_data, a->data, ((u64)(a->len)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
if (ArrayFlags_has(&a->flags, ArrayFlags__noslices)) {
a->data = new_data;
a->offset = 0;
a->cap = cap;
array array_repeat(array a, int count) {
return array_repeat_to_depth(a, count, 0);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [unsafe]
array array_repeat_to_depth(array a, int count, int depth) {
if (count < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.repeat: count is negative: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = count}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
u64 size = ((u64)(count)) * ((u64)(a.len)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
if (size == 0U) {
size = ((u64)(a.element_size));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = a.element_size,.data = vcalloc(size),.offset = 0,.len = count * a.len,.cap = count * a.len,.flags = 0,});
if (a.len > 0) {
u64 a_total_size = ((u64)(a.len)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
u64 arr_step_size = ((u64)(a.len)) * ((u64)(arr.element_size));
u8* eptr = ((u8*)(;
{ // Unsafe block
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < count; ++_t1) {
if (depth > 0) {
array ary_clone = array_clone_to_depth(&a, depth);
vmemcpy(eptr, ((u8*)(, a_total_size);
} else {
vmemcpy(eptr, ((u8*)(, a_total_size);
eptr += arr_step_size;
return arr;
void array_insert(array* a, int i, voidptr val) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i > a->len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.insert: index out of range (i == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT(", a.len == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a->len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (a->len >= a->cap) {
array_ensure_cap(a, a->len + 1);
{ // Unsafe block
vmemmove(array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i + 1), array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i), ((u64)((a->len - i))) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
array_set_unsafe(a, i, val);
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_insert_many(array* a, int i, voidptr val, int size) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i > a->len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.insert_many: index out of range (i == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT(", a.len == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a->len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
array_ensure_cap(a, a->len + size);
int elem_size = a->element_size;
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr iptr = array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i);
vmemmove(array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i + size), iptr, ((u64)(a->len - i)) * ((u64)(elem_size)));
vmemcpy(iptr, val, ((u64)(size)) * ((u64)(elem_size)));
a->len += size;
void array_prepend(array* a, voidptr val) {
array_insert(a, 0, val);
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_prepend_many(array* a, voidptr val, int size) {
array_insert_many(a, 0, val, size);
void array_delete(array* a, int i) {
array_delete_many(a, i, 1);
void array_delete_many(array* a, int i, int size) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i + size > a->len) {
string endidx = (size > 1 ? ( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(".."), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i + size}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))) : (_SLIT("")));
_v_panic( str_intp(4, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.delete: index out of range (i == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = endidx}}, {_SLIT(", a.len == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a->len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (ArrayFlags_all(&a->flags, (ArrayFlags__noshrink | ArrayFlags__noslices))) {
vmemmove(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), ((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(i + size)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), ((u64)(a->len - i - size)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
a->len -= size;
voidptr old_data = a->data;
int new_size = a->len - size;
int new_cap = (new_size == 0 ? (1) : (new_size));
a->data = vcalloc(((u64)(new_cap)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
vmemcpy(a->data, old_data, ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), ((u8*)(old_data)) + ((u64)(i + size)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), ((u64)(a->len - i - size)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
if (ArrayFlags_has(&a->flags, ArrayFlags__noslices)) {
a->len = new_size;
a->cap = new_cap;
void array_clear(array* a) {
a->len = 0;
void array_trim(array* a, int index) {
if (index < a->len) {
a->len = index;
void array_drop(array* a, int num) {
if (num <= 0) {
int n = (num <= a->len ? (num) : (a->len));
u64 blen = ((u64)(n)) * ((u64)(a->element_size));
a->data = ((u8*)(a->data)) + blen;
a->offset += ((int)(blen));
a->len -= n;
a->cap -= n;
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_get_unsafe(array a, int i) {
{ // Unsafe block
return ((u8*)( + ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_get(array a, int i) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i >= a.len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.get: index out of range (i == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT(", a.len == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a.len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
{ // Unsafe block
return ((u8*)( + ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_get_with_check(array a, int i) {
if (i < 0 || i >= a.len) {
return 0;
{ // Unsafe block
return ((u8*)( + ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
return 0;
voidptr array_first(array a) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (a.len == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("array.first: array is empty"));
voidptr array_last(array a) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (a.len == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("array.last: array is empty"));
{ // Unsafe block
return ((u8*)( + ((u64)(a.len - 1)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
return 0;
voidptr array_pop(array* a) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (a->len == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("array.pop: array is empty"));
int new_len = a->len - 1;
u8* last_elem = ((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(new_len)) * ((u64)(a->element_size));
a->len = new_len;
return last_elem;
void array_delete_last(array* a) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (a->len == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("array.pop: array is empty"));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_slice(array a, int start, int _end) {
int end = _end;
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (start > end) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.slice: invalid slice index ("), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = start}}, {_SLIT(" > "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = end}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (end > a.len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.slice: slice bounds out of range ("), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = end}}, {_SLIT(" >= "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a.len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (start < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.slice: slice bounds out of range ("), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = start}}, {_SLIT(" < 0)"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
u64 offset = ((u64)(start)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
u8* data = ((u8*)( + offset;
int l = end - start;
array res = ((array){.element_size = a.element_size,.data = data,.offset = a.offset + ((int)(offset)),.len = l,.cap = l,.flags = 0,});
return res;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_slice_ni(array a, int _start, int _end) {
int end = _end;
int start = _start;
if (start < 0) {
start = a.len + start;
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
if (end < 0) {
end = a.len + end;
if (end < 0) {
end = 0;
if (end >= a.len) {
end = a.len;
if (start >= a.len || start > end) {
array res = ((array){.element_size = a.element_size,.data =,.offset = 0,.len = 0,.cap = 0,.flags = 0,});
return res;
u64 offset = ((u64)(start)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
u8* data = ((u8*)( + offset;
int l = end - start;
array res = ((array){.element_size = a.element_size,.data = data,.offset = a.offset + ((int)(offset)),.len = l,.cap = l,.flags = 0,});
return res;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_slice2(array a, int start, int _end, bool end_max) {
int end = (end_max ? (a.len) : (_end));
return array_slice(a, start, end);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_clone_static_to_depth(array a, int depth) {
return array_clone_to_depth(&a, depth);
array array_clone(array* a) {
return array_clone_to_depth(a, 0);
// Attr: [unsafe]
array array_clone_to_depth(array* a, int depth) {
u64 size = ((u64)(a->cap)) * ((u64)(a->element_size));
if (size == 0U) {
array arr = ((array){.element_size = a->element_size,.data = vcalloc(size),.offset = 0,.len = a->len,.cap = a->cap,.flags = 0,});
if (depth > 0 && _us32_eq(sizeof(array),a->element_size) && a->len >= 0 && a->cap >= a->len) {
for (int i = 0; i < a->len; ++i) {
array ar = ((array){.element_size = 0,.data = 0,.offset = 0,.len = 0,.cap = 0,.flags = 0,});
vmemcpy(&ar, array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i), ((int)(sizeof(array))));
array ar_clone = array_clone_to_depth(&ar, depth - 1);
array_set_unsafe(&arr, i, &ar_clone);
return arr;
} else {
if (a->data != 0) {
vmemcpy(((u8*)(, a->data, ((u64)(a->cap)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
return arr;
return (array){.element_size = 0,.data = 0,.offset = 0,.len = 0,.cap = 0,};
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_set_unsafe(array* a, int i, voidptr val) {
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(a->element_size)) * ((u64)(i)), val, a->element_size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_set(array* a, int i, voidptr val) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i >= a->len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.set: index out of range (i == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT(", a.len == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a->len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(a->element_size)) * ((u64)(i)), val, a->element_size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_push(array* a, voidptr val) {
if (a->len >= a->cap) {
array_ensure_cap(a, a->len + 1);
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(a->element_size)) * ((u64)(a->len)), val, a->element_size);
// Attr: [unsafe]
void array_push_many(array* a3, voidptr val, int size) {
if (size <= 0 || val == ((void*)0)) {
array_ensure_cap(a3, a3->len + size);
if (a3->data == val && a3->data != 0) {
array copy = array_clone(a3);
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a3->data)) + ((u64)(a3->element_size)) * ((u64)(a3->len)),, ((u64)(a3->element_size)) * ((u64)(size)));
} else {
if (a3->data != 0 && val != 0) {
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a3->data)) + ((u64)(a3->element_size)) * ((u64)(a3->len)), val, ((u64)(a3->element_size)) * ((u64)(size)));
a3->len += size;
void array_reverse_in_place(array* a) {
if (a->len < 2) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* tmp_value = _v_malloc(a->element_size);
for (int i = 0; i < a->len / 2; ++i) {
vmemcpy(tmp_value, ((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), a->element_size);
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), ((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(a->len - 1 - i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), a->element_size);
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(a->len - 1 - i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)), tmp_value, a->element_size);
array array_reverse(array a) {
if (a.len < 2) {
return a;
array arr = ((array){.element_size = a.element_size,.data = vcalloc(((u64)(a.cap)) * ((u64)(a.element_size))),.offset = 0,.len = a.len,.cap = a.cap,.flags = 0,});
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
array_set_unsafe(&arr, i, array_get_unsafe(a, a.len - 1 - i));
return arr;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void array_free(array* a) {
u8* mblock_ptr = ((u8*)(((u64)(a->data)) - ((u64)(a->offset))));
array array_filter(array a, bool (*predicate)(voidptr ));
bool array_any(array a, bool (*predicate)(voidptr ));
bool array_all(array a, bool (*predicate)(voidptr ));
array array_map(array a, voidptr (*callback)(voidptr ));
void array_sort(array* a, int (*callback)(voidptr , voidptr ));
void array_sort_with_compare(array* a, int (*callback)(voidptr , voidptr )) {
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
vqsort(a->data, ((usize)(a->len)), ((usize)(a->element_size)), (voidptr)callback);
bool array_contains(array a, voidptr value);
int array_index(array a, voidptr value);
// Attr: [unsafe]
void Array_string_free(Array_string* a) {
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < a->len; ++_t1) {
string s = ((string*)a->data)[_t1];
// Attr: [manualfree]
string Array_string_str(Array_string a) {
int sb_len = 4;
if (a.len > 0) {
sb_len += (*(string*)array_get(a, 0)).len;
sb_len *= a.len;
sb_len += 2;
strings__Builder sb = strings__new_builder(sb_len);
strings__Builder_write_u8(&sb, '[');
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
string val = (*(string*)array_get(a, i));
strings__Builder_write_u8(&sb, '\'');
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, val);
strings__Builder_write_u8(&sb, '\'');
if (i < a.len - 1) {
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, _SLIT(", "));
strings__Builder_write_u8(&sb, ']');
string res = strings__Builder_str(&sb);
return res;
string Array_u8_hex(Array_u8 b) {
u8* hex = malloc_noscan(((u64)(b.len)) * 2U + 1U);
int dst_i = 0;
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < b.len; ++_t1) {
u8 i = ((u8*)[_t1];
u8 n0 = i >> 4;
{ // Unsafe block
hex[dst_i] = (n0 < 10 ? (n0 + '0') : (n0 + ((u8)(87))));
u8 n1 = (i & 0xF);
{ // Unsafe block
hex[dst_i] = (n1 < 10 ? (n1 + '0') : (n1 + ((u8)(87))));
{ // Unsafe block
hex[dst_i] = 0;
return tos(hex, dst_i);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
int copy(Array_u8* dst, Array_u8 src) {
int min = (dst->len < src.len ? (dst->len) : (src.len));
if (min > 0) {
vmemmove(((u8*)(dst->data)),, min);
return min;
// Attr: [deprecated]
// Attr: [deprecated_after]
int Array_int_reduce(Array_int a, int (*iter)(int , int ), int accum_start) {
int accum_ = accum_start;
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < a.len; ++_t1) {
int i = ((int*)[_t1];
accum_ = iter(accum_, i);
return accum_;
void array_grow_cap(array* a, int amount) {
array_ensure_cap(a, a->cap + amount);
// Attr: [unsafe]
void array_grow_len(array* a, int amount) {
array_ensure_cap(a, a->len + amount);
a->len += amount;
// Attr: [unsafe]
Array_voidptr array_pointers(array a) {
Array_voidptr res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(voidptr), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((voidptr[]){ array_get_unsafe(a, i) }));
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
Array_u8 voidptr_vbytes(voidptr data, int len) {
array res = ((array){.element_size = 1,.data = data,.offset = 0,.len = len,.cap = len,.flags = 0,});
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
Array_u8 u8_vbytes(u8* data, int len) {
return voidptr_vbytes(((voidptr)(data)), len);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_noscan(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size) {
int cap_ = (cap < mylen ? (mylen) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = vcalloc_noscan(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = mylen,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_default_noscan(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr val) {
int cap_ = (cap < mylen ? (mylen) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = vcalloc_noscan(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = mylen,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
if (val != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.len; ++i) {
array_set_unsafe(&arr, i, val);
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array __new_array_with_array_default_noscan(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size, array val) {
int cap_ = (cap < mylen ? (mylen) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = vcalloc_noscan(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = mylen,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
for (int i = 0; i < arr.len; ++i) {
array val_clone = array_clone(&val);
array_set_unsafe(&arr, i, &val_clone);
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array new_array_from_c_array_noscan(int len, int cap, int elm_size, voidptr c_array) {
int cap_ = (cap < len ? (len) : (cap));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = elm_size,.data = vcalloc_noscan(((u64)(cap_)) * ((u64)(elm_size))),.offset = 0,.len = len,.cap = cap_,.flags = 0,});
vmemcpy(, c_array, ((u64)(len)) * ((u64)(elm_size)));
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_ensure_cap_noscan(array* a, int required) {
if (required <= a->cap) {
int cap = (a->cap > 0 ? (a->cap) : (2));
for (;;) {
if (!(required > cap)) break;
cap *= 2;
u64 new_size = ((u64)(cap)) * ((u64)(a->element_size));
u8* new_data = vcalloc_noscan(new_size);
if (a->data != ((void*)0)) {
vmemcpy(new_data, a->data, ((u64)(a->len)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
a->data = new_data;
a->offset = 0;
a->cap = cap;
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_repeat_to_depth_noscan(array a, int count, int depth) {
if (count < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.repeat: count is negative: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = count}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
u64 size = ((u64)(count)) * ((u64)(a.len)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
if (size == 0U) {
size = ((u64)(a.element_size));
array arr = ((array){.element_size = a.element_size,.data = (depth > 0 ? (vcalloc(size)) : (vcalloc_noscan(size))),.offset = 0,.len = count * a.len,.cap = count * a.len,.flags = 0,});
if (a.len > 0) {
u64 a_total_size = ((u64)(a.len)) * ((u64)(a.element_size));
u64 arr_step_size = ((u64)(a.len)) * ((u64)(arr.element_size));
u8* eptr = ((u8*)(;
{ // Unsafe block
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < count; ++_t1) {
if (depth > 0) {
array ary_clone = array_clone_to_depth_noscan(&a, depth);
vmemcpy(eptr, ((u8*)(, a_total_size);
} else {
vmemcpy(eptr, ((u8*)(, a_total_size);
eptr += arr_step_size;
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_insert_noscan(array* a, int i, voidptr val) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i > a->len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.insert: index out of range (i == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT(", a.len == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a->len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
array_ensure_cap_noscan(a, a->len + 1);
{ // Unsafe block
vmemmove(array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i + 1), array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i), ((u64)(a->len - i)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
array_set_unsafe(a, i, val);
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_insert_many_noscan(array* a, int i, voidptr val, int size) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i > a->len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("array.insert_many: index out of range (i == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT(", a.len == "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = a->len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
array_ensure_cap_noscan(a, a->len + size);
int elem_size = a->element_size;
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr iptr = array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i);
vmemmove(array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i + size), iptr, ((u64)(a->len - i)) * ((u64)(elem_size)));
vmemcpy(iptr, val, ((u64)(size)) * ((u64)(elem_size)));
a->len += size;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_prepend_noscan(array* a, voidptr val) {
array_insert_noscan(a, 0, val);
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_prepend_many_noscan(array* a, voidptr val, int size) {
array_insert_many_noscan(a, 0, val, size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr array_pop_noscan(array* a) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (a->len == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("array.pop: array is empty"));
int new_len = a->len - 1;
u8* last_elem = ((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(new_len)) * ((u64)(a->element_size));
a->len = new_len;
return memdup_noscan(last_elem, a->element_size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_clone_static_to_depth_noscan(array a, int depth) {
return array_clone_to_depth_noscan(&a, depth);
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_clone_to_depth_noscan(array* a, int depth) {
u64 size = ((u64)(a->cap)) * ((u64)(a->element_size));
if (size == 0U) {
array arr = ((array){.element_size = a->element_size,.data = (depth == 0 ? (vcalloc_noscan(size)) : (vcalloc(size))),.offset = 0,.len = a->len,.cap = a->cap,.flags = 0,});
if (depth > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < a->len; ++i) {
array ar = ((array){.element_size = 0,.data = 0,.offset = 0,.len = 0,.cap = 0,.flags = 0,});
vmemcpy(&ar, array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a, i), ((int)(sizeof(array))));
array ar_clone = array_clone_to_depth_noscan(&ar, depth - 1);
array_set_unsafe(&arr, i, &ar_clone);
return arr;
} else {
if (a->data != 0) {
vmemcpy(((u8*)(, a->data, ((u64)(a->cap)) * ((u64)(a->element_size)));
return arr;
return (array){.element_size = 0,.data = 0,.offset = 0,.len = 0,.cap = 0,};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_push_noscan(array* a, voidptr val) {
array_ensure_cap_noscan(a, a->len + 1);
vmemcpy(((u8*)(a->data)) + ((u64)(a->element_size)) * ((u64)(a->len)), val, a->element_size);
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_push_many_noscan(array* a3, voidptr val, int size) {
if (size <= 0 || val == ((void*)0)) {
if (a3->data == val && a3->data != 0) {
array copy = array_clone(a3);
array_ensure_cap_noscan(a3, a3->len + size);
vmemcpy(array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a3, a3->len),, ((u64)(a3->element_size)) * ((u64)(size)));
} else {
array_ensure_cap_noscan(a3, a3->len + size);
if (a3->data != 0 && val != 0) {
vmemcpy(array_get_unsafe(/*rec*/*a3, a3->len), val, ((u64)(a3->element_size)) * ((u64)(size)));
a3->len += size;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL array array_reverse_noscan(array a) {
if (a.len < 2) {
return a;
array arr = ((array){.element_size = a.element_size,.data = vcalloc_noscan(((u64)(a.cap)) * ((u64)(a.element_size))),.offset = 0,.len = a.len,.cap = a.cap,.flags = 0,});
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
array_set_unsafe(&arr, i, array_get_unsafe(a, a.len - 1 - i));
return arr;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_grow_cap_noscan(array* a, int amount) {
array_ensure_cap_noscan(a, a->cap + amount);
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void array_grow_len_noscan(array* a, int amount) {
array_ensure_cap_noscan(a, a->len + amount);
a->len += amount;
// TypeDecl
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void vhalt(void) {
for (;;) {
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN void _v_exit(int code) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string vcommithash(void) {
return tos5(((char*)(V_CURRENT_COMMIT_HASH)));
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void panic_debug(int line_no, string file, string mod, string fn_name, string s) {
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
eprintln(_SLIT("================ V panic ================"));
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" module: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = mod}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" function: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = fn_name}}, {_SLIT("()"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" message: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
eprintln( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" file: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = file}}, {_SLIT(":"), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = line_no}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" v hash: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = vcommithash()}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_exit_after_panic_message)
#elif defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_backtrace)
#if defined(__TINYC__)
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_panics_break_into_debugger)
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_use_libbacktrace)
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN void panic_optional_not_set(string s) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("optional not set ("), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN void panic_result_not_set(string s) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("result not set ("), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = s}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN void _v_panic(string s) {
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
eprint(_SLIT("V panic: "));
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("v hash: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = vcommithash()}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_exit_after_panic_message)
#elif defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_backtrace)
#if defined(__TINYC__)
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_panics_break_into_debugger)
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_use_libbacktrace)
string c_error_number_str(int errnum) {
string err_msg = _SLIT("");
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
#if !defined(__vinix__)
char* c_msg = strerror(errnum);
err_msg = ((string){.str = ((u8*)(c_msg)), .len = strlen(c_msg), .is_lit = 1});
return err_msg;
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN void panic_error_number(string basestr, int errnum) {
_v_panic(string__plus(basestr, c_error_number_str(errnum)));
void eprintln(string s) {
if (s.str == 0) {
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
#elif defined(__TARGET_IOS__)
_writeln_to_fd(2, s);
void eprint(string s) {
if (s.str == 0) {
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
#elif defined(__TARGET_IOS__)
_write_buf_to_fd(2, s.str, s.len);
void flush_stdout(void) {
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
void flush_stderr(void) {
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
// Attr: [manualfree]
void print(string s) {
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__TERMUX__)
#elif defined(__TARGET_IOS__)
#elif defined(_VFREESTANDING)
_write_buf_to_fd(1, s.str, s.len);
// Attr: [manualfree]
void println(string s) {
if (s.str == 0) {
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__TERMUX__)
#elif defined(__TARGET_IOS__)
#elif defined(_VFREESTANDING)
_writeln_to_fd(1, s);
// Attr: [manualfree]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _writeln_to_fd(int fd, string s) {
bool _writeln_to_fd_defer_0 = false;
u8* buf;
{ // Unsafe block
int buf_len = s.len + 1;
buf = _v_malloc(buf_len);
_writeln_to_fd_defer_0 = true;
memcpy(buf, s.str, s.len);
buf[s.len] = '\n';
_write_buf_to_fd(fd, buf, buf_len);
// Defer begin
if (_writeln_to_fd_defer_0) {
// Defer end
// Attr: [manualfree]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _write_buf_to_fd(int fd, u8* buf, int buf_len) {
if (buf_len <= 0) {
u8* ptr = buf;
isize remaining_bytes = ((isize)(buf_len));
isize x = ((isize)(0));
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING) || defined(__vinix__)
voidptr stream = ((voidptr)(stdout));
if (fd == 2) {
stream = ((voidptr)(stderr));
{ // Unsafe block
for (;;) {
if (!(remaining_bytes > 0)) break;
x = ((isize)(fwrite(ptr, 1, remaining_bytes, stream)));
ptr += x;
remaining_bytes -= x;
// Attr: [unsafe]
u8* _v_malloc(isize n) {
if (n <= 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("malloc("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(" <= 0)"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
u8* res = ((u8*)(0));
#if defined(_VPREALLOC)
#elif defined(_VGCBOEHM)
{ // Unsafe block
res = GC_MALLOC(n);
#elif defined(_VFREESTANDING)
if (res == 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("malloc("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(") failed"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
u8* malloc_noscan(isize n) {
if (n <= 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("malloc_noscan("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(" <= 0)"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
u8* res = ((u8*)(0));
#if defined(_VPREALLOC)
#elif defined(_VGCBOEHM)
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_opt)
{ // Unsafe block
#elif defined(_VFREESTANDING)
if (res == 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("malloc_noscan("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(") failed"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
u8* malloc_uncollectable(isize n) {
if (n <= 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("malloc_uncollectable("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(" <= 0)"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
u8* res = ((u8*)(0));
#if defined(_VPREALLOC)
#elif defined(_VGCBOEHM)
{ // Unsafe block
#elif defined(_VFREESTANDING)
if (res == 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("malloc_uncollectable("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(") failed"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
u8* v_realloc(u8* b, isize n) {
u8* new_ptr = ((u8*)(0));
#if defined(_VPREALLOC)
#elif defined(_VGCBOEHM)
new_ptr = GC_REALLOC(b, n);
if (new_ptr == 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("realloc("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(") failed"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return new_ptr;
// Attr: [unsafe]
u8* realloc_data(u8* old_data, int old_size, int new_size) {
u8* nptr = ((u8*)(0));
#if defined(_VGCBOEHM)
nptr = GC_REALLOC(old_data, new_size);
if (nptr == 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(4, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("realloc_data("), /*117 &u8*/0xfe11, {.d_p = (void*)(old_data)}}, {_SLIT(", "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = old_size}}, {_SLIT(", "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = new_size}}, {_SLIT(") failed"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return nptr;
u8* vcalloc(isize n) {
if (n < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("calloc("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(" < 0)"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
} else if (n == 0) {
return ((u8*)(0));
#if defined(_VPREALLOC)
#elif defined(_VGCBOEHM)
return ((u8*)(GC_MALLOC(n)));
return 0;
u8* vcalloc_noscan(isize n) {
#if defined(_VPREALLOC)
#elif defined(_VGCBOEHM)
if (n < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("calloc_noscan("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = n}}, {_SLIT(" < 0)"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_opt)
u8* _t3 = ((u8*)(memset(GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(n), 0, n)));
return _t3;
return 0;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void _v_free(voidptr ptr) {
#if defined(_VPREALLOC)
#elif defined(_VGCBOEHM)
// Attr: [unsafe]
voidptr memdup(voidptr src, int sz) {
if (sz == 0) {
return vcalloc(1);
{ // Unsafe block
u8* mem = _v_malloc(sz);
return memcpy(mem, src, sz);
return 0;
// Attr: [unsafe]
voidptr memdup_noscan(voidptr src, int sz) {
if (sz == 0) {
return vcalloc_noscan(1);
{ // Unsafe block
u8* mem = malloc_noscan(sz);
return memcpy(mem, src, sz);
return 0;
// Attr: [unsafe]
voidptr memdup_uncollectable(voidptr src, int sz) {
if (sz == 0) {
return vcalloc(1);
{ // Unsafe block
u8* mem = malloc_uncollectable(sz);
return memcpy(mem, src, sz);
return 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int v_fixed_index(int i, int len) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (i < 0 || i >= len) {
string s = str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("fixed array index out of range (index: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i}}, {_SLIT(", len: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
return i;
void print_backtrace(void) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_backtrace)
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
#if defined(__TINYC__)
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool isnil(voidptr v) {
return v == 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr __as_cast(voidptr obj, int obj_type, int expected_type) {
if (obj_type != expected_type) {
string obj_name = string_clone((*(VCastTypeIndexName*)array_get(as_cast_type_indexes, 0)).tname);
string expected_name = string_clone((*(VCastTypeIndexName*)array_get(as_cast_type_indexes, 0)).tname);
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < as_cast_type_indexes.len; ++_t1) {
VCastTypeIndexName x = ((VCastTypeIndexName*)[_t1];
if (x.tindex == obj_type) {
obj_name = string_clone(x.tname);
if (x.tindex == expected_type) {
expected_name = string_clone(x.tname);
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("as cast: cannot cast `"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = obj_name}}, {_SLIT("` to `"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = expected_name}}, {_SLIT("`"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return obj;
// Attr: [manualfree]
// Attr: [unsafe]
void VAssertMetaInfo_free(VAssertMetaInfo* ami) {
{ // Unsafe block
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void __print_assert_failure(VAssertMetaInfo* i) {
eprintln( str_intp(5, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->fpath}}, {_SLIT(":"), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = i->line_nr + 1}}, {_SLIT(": FAIL: fn "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->fn_name}}, {_SLIT(": assert "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->src}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (i->op.len > 0 && !string__eq(i->op, _SLIT("call"))) {
eprintln( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" left value: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->llabel}}, {_SLIT(" = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->lvalue}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (string__eq(i->rlabel, i->rvalue)) {
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" right value: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->rlabel}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
} else {
eprintln( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" right value: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->rlabel}}, {_SLIT(" = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->rvalue}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (i->has_msg) {
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(" message: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = i->message}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
// Attr: [markused]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void v_segmentation_fault_handler(int signal) {
eprintln(_SLIT("signal 11: segmentation fault"));
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_use_libbacktrace)
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_dynamic_boehm)
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
#if (defined(_VPROD) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !defined(_VDEBUG)) || !(defined(__V_amd64) || defined(__V_arm64) || defined(__V_x86) || defined(__V_arm32))
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#elif true
void gc_check_leaks(void) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void builtin_init(void) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames(int xskipframes) {
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_backtrace)
int skipframes = xskipframes + 2;
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
#elif defined(__linux__)
return print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_linux(skipframes);
return false;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_bsd(int skipframes) {
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_backtrace)
return true;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_linux(int skipframes) {
#if !defined(__GLIBC__)
eprintln(_SLIT("backtrace_symbols is missing => printing backtraces is not available."));
eprintln(_SLIT("Some libc implementations like musl simply do not provide it."));
return false;
#if defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_backtrace)
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(_VFREESTANDING)
#if defined(__TINYC__)
return false;
Array_fixed_voidptr_100 buffer = {0};
int nr_ptrs = backtrace(&buffer[0], 100);
if (nr_ptrs < 2) {
eprintln(_SLIT("C.backtrace returned less than 2 frames"));
return false;
int nr_actual_frames = nr_ptrs - skipframes;
Array_string sframes = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
char** csymbols = backtrace_symbols(((voidptr)(&buffer[v_fixed_index(skipframes, 100)])), nr_actual_frames);
for (int i = 0; i < nr_actual_frames; ++i) {
array_push((array*)&sframes, _MOV((string[]){ tos2(((u8*)(csymbols[i]))) }));
for (int _t9 = 0; _t9 < sframes.len; ++_t9) {
string sframe = ((string*)[_t9];
string executable = string_all_before(sframe, _SLIT("("));
string addr = string_all_before(string_all_after(sframe, _SLIT("[")), _SLIT("]"));
string beforeaddr = string_all_before(sframe, _SLIT("["));
string cmd = str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("addr2line -e "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = executable}}, {_SLIT(" "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = addr}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
voidptr f = popen(((char*)(cmd.str)), "r");
if (f == ((void*)0)) {
Array_fixed_u8_1000 buf = {0};
string output = _SLIT("");
{ // Unsafe block
u8* bp = &buf[0];
for (;;) {
if (!(fgets(((char*)(bp)), 1000, f) != 0)) break;
output = string__plus(output, tos(bp, vstrlen(bp)));
output = string__plus(string_trim_space(output), _SLIT(":"));
if (pclose(f) != 0) {
if (string__eq(output, _SLIT("??:0:")) || string__eq(output, _SLIT("??:?:"))) {
output = _SLIT("");
output = string_replace(output, _SLIT(" (discriminator"), _SLIT(": (d."));
eprintln( str_intp(4, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0x6efe10, {.d_s = output}}, {_SLIT(" | "), /*115 &string*/0x1cfe30, {.d_s = addr}}, {_SLIT(" | "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = beforeaddr}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return true;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void break_if_debugger_attached(void) {
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr* ptr = ((voidptr*)(0));
*ptr = ((void*)0);
string winapi_lasterr_str(void) {
return _SLIT("");
// Attr: [noreturn]
VNORETURN void panic_lasterr(void) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void print_libbacktrace(int frames_to_skip) {
// Attr: [noinline]
__NOINLINE VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void eprint_libbacktrace(int frames_to_skip) {
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [noreturn]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
int proc_pidpath(int , voidptr , int );
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [trusted]
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline int vstrlen(byte* s) {
return strlen(((char*)(s)));
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline int vstrlen_char(char* s) {
return strlen(s);
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline voidptr vmemcpy(voidptr dest, const voidptr const_src, isize n) {
{ // Unsafe block
return memcpy(dest, const_src, n);
return 0;
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline voidptr vmemmove(voidptr dest, const voidptr const_src, isize n) {
{ // Unsafe block
return memmove(dest, const_src, n);
return 0;
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline int vmemcmp(const voidptr const_s1, const voidptr const_s2, isize n) {
{ // Unsafe block
return memcmp(const_s1, const_s2, n);
return 0;
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline voidptr vmemset(voidptr s, int c, isize n) {
{ // Unsafe block
return memset(s, c, n);
return 0;
// TypeDecl
// Attr: [inline]
// Attr: [unsafe]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void vqsort(voidptr base, usize nmemb, usize size, int (*sort_cb)(const voidptr const_a, const voidptr const_b)) {
qsort(base, nmemb, size, ((voidptr)(sort_cb)));
void chan_close(chan ch) {
ChanState chan_try_pop(chan ch, voidptr obj) {
return ChanState__success;
ChanState chan_try_push(chan ch, voidptr obj) {
return ChanState__success;
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f64_str(f64 x) {
{ // Unsafe block
strconv__Float64u f = ((strconv__Float64u){.f = x,});
if (f.u == _const_strconv__double_minus_zero) {
return _SLIT("-0.0");
if (f.u == _const_strconv__double_plus_zero) {
return _SLIT("0.0");
f64 abs_x = f64_abs(x);
if (abs_x >= 0.0001 && abs_x < 1.0e6) {
return strconv__f64_to_str_l(x);
} else {
return strconv__ftoa_64(x);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f64_strg(f64 x) {
if (x == 0) {
return _SLIT("0.0");
f64 abs_x = f64_abs(x);
if (abs_x >= 0.0001 && abs_x < 1.0e6) {
return strconv__f64_to_str_l_with_dot(x);
} else {
return strconv__ftoa_64(x);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [inline]
inline string float_literal_str(float_literal d) {
return f64_str(((f64)(d)));
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f64_strsci(f64 x, int digit_num) {
int n_digit = digit_num;
if (n_digit < 1) {
n_digit = 1;
} else if (n_digit > 17) {
n_digit = 17;
return strconv__f64_to_str(x, n_digit);
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f64_strlong(f64 x) {
return strconv__f64_to_str_l(x);
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f32_str(f32 x) {
{ // Unsafe block
strconv__Float32u f = ((strconv__Float32u){.f = x,});
if (f.u == _const_strconv__single_minus_zero) {
return _SLIT("-0.");
if (f.u == _const_strconv__single_plus_zero) {
return _SLIT("0.");
f32 abs_x = f32_abs(x);
if (abs_x >= 0.0001 && abs_x < 1.0e6) {
return strconv__f32_to_str_l(x);
} else {
return strconv__ftoa_32(x);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f32_strg(f32 x) {
if (x == 0) {
return _SLIT("0.0");
f32 abs_x = f32_abs(x);
if (abs_x >= 0.0001 && abs_x < 1.0e6) {
return strconv__f32_to_str_l_with_dot(x);
} else {
return strconv__ftoa_32(x);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f32_strsci(f32 x, int digit_num) {
int n_digit = digit_num;
if (n_digit < 1) {
n_digit = 1;
} else if (n_digit > 8) {
n_digit = 8;
return strconv__f32_to_str(x, n_digit);
// Attr: [inline]
inline string f32_strlong(f32 x) {
return strconv__f32_to_str_l(x);
// Attr: [inline]
inline f32 f32_abs(f32 a) {
return (a < 0 ? (-a) : (a));
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 f64_abs(f64 a) {
return (a < 0 ? (-a) : (a));
// Attr: [inline]
inline f32 f32_max(f32 a, f32 b) {
return (a > b ? (a) : (b));
// Attr: [inline]
inline f32 f32_min(f32 a, f32 b) {
return (a < b ? (a) : (b));
// Attr: [inline]
inline f64 f64_max(f64 a, f64 b) {
return (a > b ? (a) : (b));
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 f64_min(f64 a, f64 b) {
return (a < b ? (a) : (b));
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool f32_eq_epsilon(f32 a, f32 b) {
f32 hi = f32_max(f32_abs(a), f32_abs(b));
f32 delta = f32_abs(a - b);
if (hi > ((f32)(1.0))) {
return delta <= hi * (4 * ((f32)(FLT_EPSILON)));
} else {
return (1 / (4 * ((f32)(FLT_EPSILON)))) * delta <= hi;
return 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool f64_eq_epsilon(f64 a, f64 b) {
f64 hi = f64_max(f64_abs(a), f64_abs(b));
f64 delta = f64_abs(a - b);
if (hi > 1.0) {
return delta <= hi * (4 * ((f64)(DBL_EPSILON)));
} else {
return (1 / (4 * ((f64)(DBL_EPSILON)))) * delta <= hi;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void float_test(void) {
// TypeDecl
// TypeDecl
string ptr_str(voidptr ptr) {
string buf1 = u64_hex(((u64)(ptr)));
return buf1;
string isize_str(isize x) {
return i64_str(((i64)(x)));
string usize_str(usize x) {
return u64_str(((u64)(x)));
string char_str(char* cptr) {
return u64_hex(((u64)(cptr)));
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string int_str_l(int nn, int max) {
{ // Unsafe block
i64 n = ((i64)(nn));
int d = 0;
if (n == 0) {
return _SLIT("0");
bool is_neg = false;
if (n < 0) {
n = -n;
is_neg = true;
int index = max;
u8* buf = malloc_noscan(max + 1);
buf[index] = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(n > 0)) break;
int n1 = ((int)(n / 100));
d = ((int)(((u32)(((int)(n)) - (n1 * 100))) << 1U));
n = n1;
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[d];
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[d];
if (d < 20) {
if (is_neg) {
buf[index] = '-';
int diff = max - index;
vmemmove(buf, ((voidptr)(buf + index)), diff + 1);
return tos(buf, diff);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
string i8_str(i8 n) {
return int_str_l(((int)(n)), 5);
string i16_str(i16 n) {
return int_str_l(((int)(n)), 7);
string u16_str(u16 n) {
return int_str_l(((int)(n)), 7);
string int_str(int n) {
return int_str_l(n, 12);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline string u32_str(u32 nn) {
{ // Unsafe block
u32 n = nn;
u32 d = ((u32)(0U));
if (n == 0U) {
return _SLIT("0");
int max = 12;
u8* buf = malloc_noscan(max + 1);
int index = max;
buf[index] = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(n > 0U)) break;
u32 n1 = n / ((u32)(100U));
d = ((n - (n1 * ((u32)(100U)))) << ((u32)(1U)));
n = n1;
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[ d];
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[ d];
if (d < ((u32)(20U))) {
int diff = max - index;
vmemmove(buf, ((voidptr)(buf + index)), diff + 1);
return tos(buf, diff);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [inline]
inline string int_literal_str(int_literal n) {
return i64_str(((i64)(n)));
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline string i64_str(i64 nn) {
{ // Unsafe block
i64 n = nn;
i64 d = ((i64)(0));
if (n == 0) {
return _SLIT("0");
} else if (n == ((i64)(-9223372036854775807 - 1))) {
return _SLIT("-9223372036854775808");
int max = 20;
u8* buf = malloc_noscan(max + 1);
bool is_neg = false;
if (n < 0) {
n = -n;
is_neg = true;
int index = max;
buf[index] = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(n > 0)) break;
i64 n1 = n / ((i64)(100));
d = (((u32)(n - (n1 * ((i64)(100))))) << ((i64)(1)));
n = n1;
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[ d];
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[ d];
if (d < ((i64)(20))) {
if (is_neg) {
buf[index] = '-';
int diff = max - index;
vmemmove(buf, ((voidptr)(buf + index)), diff + 1);
return tos(buf, diff);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline string u64_str(u64 nn) {
{ // Unsafe block
u64 n = nn;
u64 d = ((u64)(0U));
if (n == 0U) {
return _SLIT("0");
int max = 20;
u8* buf = malloc_noscan(max + 1);
int index = max;
buf[index] = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(n > 0U)) break;
u64 n1 = n / 100U;
d = ((n - (n1 * 100U)) << 1U);
n = n1;
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[ d];
buf[index] = _const_digit_pairs.str[ d];
if (d < 20U) {
int diff = max - index;
vmemmove(buf, ((voidptr)(buf + index)), diff + 1);
return tos(buf, diff);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
string bool_str(bool b) {
if (b) {
return _SLIT("true");
return _SLIT("false");
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string u64_to_hex(u64 nn, u8 len) {
u64 n = nn;
Array_fixed_u8_17 buf = {0};
buf[len] = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
u8 d = ((u8)((n & 0xFU)));
buf[i] = (d < 10 ? (d + '0') : (d + 87));
n = n >> 4U;
return tos(memdup(&buf[0], len + 1), len);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string u64_to_hex_no_leading_zeros(u64 nn, u8 len) {
u64 n = nn;
Array_fixed_u8_17 buf = {0};
buf[len] = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
u8 d = ((u8)((n & 0xFU)));
buf[i] = (d < 10 ? (d + '0') : (d + 87));
n = n >> 4U;
if (n == 0U) {
int res_len = len - i;
return tos(memdup(&buf[i], res_len + 1), res_len);
string u8_hex(u8 nn) {
if (nn == 0) {
return _SLIT("00");
return u64_to_hex(nn, 2);
string i8_hex(i8 nn) {
if (nn == 0) {
return _SLIT("00");
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 2);
string u16_hex(u16 nn) {
if (nn == 0U) {
return _SLIT("0");
return u64_to_hex_no_leading_zeros(nn, 4);
string i16_hex(i16 nn) {
return u16_hex(((u16)(nn)));
string u32_hex(u32 nn) {
if (nn == 0U) {
return _SLIT("0");
return u64_to_hex_no_leading_zeros(nn, 8);
string int_hex(int nn) {
return u32_hex(((u32)(nn)));
string int_hex2(int n) {
return string__plus(_SLIT("0x"), int_hex(n));
string u64_hex(u64 nn) {
if (nn == 0U) {
return _SLIT("0");
return u64_to_hex_no_leading_zeros(nn, 16);
string i64_hex(i64 nn) {
return u64_hex(((u64)(nn)));
string int_literal_hex(int_literal nn) {
return u64_hex(((u64)(nn)));
string voidptr_str(voidptr nn) {
return string__plus(_SLIT("0x"), u64_hex(((u64)(nn))));
string byteptr_str(byteptr nn) {
return string__plus(_SLIT("0x"), u64_hex(((u64)(nn))));
string charptr_str(charptr nn) {
return string__plus(_SLIT("0x"), u64_hex(((u64)(nn))));
string u8_hex_full(u8 nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 2);
string i8_hex_full(i8 nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 2);
string u16_hex_full(u16 nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 4);
string i16_hex_full(i16 nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 4);
string u32_hex_full(u32 nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 8);
string int_hex_full(int nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 8);
string i64_hex_full(i64 nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 16);
string voidptr_hex_full(voidptr nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 16);
string int_literal_hex_full(int_literal nn) {
return u64_to_hex(((u64)(nn)), 16);
string u64_hex_full(u64 nn) {
return u64_to_hex(nn, 16);
string u8_str(u8 b) {
return int_str_l(((int)(b)), 7);
string u8_ascii_str(u8 b) {
string str = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(2), .len = 1});
{ // Unsafe block
str.str[0] = b;
str.str[1] = 0;
return str;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string u8_str_escaped(u8 b) {
string _t1 = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
if (b == (0)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\0`");
else if (b == (7)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\a`");
else if (b == (8)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\b`");
else if (b == (9)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\t`");
else if (b == (10)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\n`");
else if (b == (11)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\v`");
else if (b == (12)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\f`");
else if (b == (13)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\r`");
else if (b == (27)) {
_t1 = _SLIT("`\\e`");
else if ((b >= 32 && b <= 126)) {
_t1 = u8_ascii_str(b);
else {
string xx = u8_hex(b);
string yy = string__plus(_SLIT("0x"), xx);
_t1 = yy;
}string str = _t1;
return str;
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_capital(u8 c) {
return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z';
Array_u8 Array_u8_clone(Array_u8 b) {
Array_u8 res = __new_array_with_default_noscan(b.len, 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < b.len; ++i) {
array_set(&res, i, &(u8[]) { (*(u8*)array_get(b, i)) });
return res;
string Array_u8_bytestr(Array_u8 b) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* buf = malloc_noscan(b.len + 1);
vmemcpy(buf,, b.len);
buf[b.len] = 0;
return tos(buf, b.len);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
_option_rune Array_u8_byterune(Array_u8 b) {
_option_rune _t1 = Array_u8_utf8_to_utf32(b);
if (_t1.state != 0) {
_option_rune _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_option));
return _t2;
rune r = (*(rune*);
_option_rune _t3;
_option_ok(&(rune[]) { ((rune)(r)) }, (_option*)(&_t3), sizeof(rune));
return _t3;
string u8_repeat(u8 b, int count) {
if (count < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("byte.repeat: count is negative: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = count}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
} else if (count == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
} else if (count == 1) {
return u8_ascii_str(b);
u8* ret = malloc_noscan(count + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
ret[i] = b;
int new_len = count;
{ // Unsafe block
ret[new_len] = 0;
return u8_vstring_with_len(ret, new_len);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string _Atomic__int_str(int x) {
return int_str(x);
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool fast_string_eq(string a, string b) {
if (a.len != b.len) {
return false;
{ // Unsafe block
return memcmp(a.str, b.str, b.len) == 0;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_string(voidptr pkey) {
string key = *((string*)(pkey));
return wyhash(key.str, ((u64)(key.len)), 0U, ((u64*)(_wyp)));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_1(voidptr pkey) {
return wyhash64(*((u8*)(pkey)), 0U);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_2(voidptr pkey) {
return wyhash64(*((u16*)(pkey)), 0U);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_4(voidptr pkey) {
return wyhash64(*((u32*)(pkey)), 0U);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 map_hash_int_8(voidptr pkey) {
return wyhash64(*((u64*)(pkey)), 0U);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void DenseArray_zeros_to_end(DenseArray* d) {
u8* tmp_value = _v_malloc(d->value_bytes);
u8* tmp_key = _v_malloc(d->key_bytes);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < d->len; ++i) {
if (DenseArray_has_index(d, i)) {
{ // Unsafe block
if (count != i) {
memcpy(tmp_key, DenseArray_key(d, count), d->key_bytes);
memcpy(DenseArray_key(d, count), DenseArray_key(d, i), d->key_bytes);
memcpy(DenseArray_key(d, i), tmp_key, d->key_bytes);
memcpy(tmp_value, DenseArray_value(d, count), d->value_bytes);
memcpy(DenseArray_value(d, count), DenseArray_value(d, i), d->value_bytes);
memcpy(DenseArray_value(d, i), tmp_value, d->value_bytes);
{ // Unsafe block
d->deletes = 0U;
d->len = count;
int old_cap = d->cap;
d->cap = (count < 8 ? (8) : (count));
{ // Unsafe block
d->values = realloc_data(d->values, d->value_bytes * old_cap, d->value_bytes * d->cap);
d->keys = realloc_data(d->keys, d->key_bytes * old_cap, d->key_bytes * d->cap);
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL DenseArray new_dense_array(int key_bytes, int value_bytes) {
int cap = 8;
return ((DenseArray){
.key_bytes = key_bytes,
.value_bytes = value_bytes,
.cap = cap,
.len = 0,
.deletes = 0U,
.all_deleted = 0,
.keys = _v_malloc(cap * key_bytes),
.values = _v_malloc(cap * value_bytes),
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr DenseArray_key(DenseArray* d, int i) {
return ((voidptr)(d->keys + i * d->key_bytes));
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr DenseArray_value(DenseArray* d, int i) {
return ((voidptr)(d->values + i * d->value_bytes));
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool DenseArray_has_index(DenseArray* d, int i) {
return d->deletes == 0U || d->all_deleted[i] == 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int DenseArray_expand(DenseArray* d) {
int old_cap = d->cap;
int old_key_size = d->key_bytes * old_cap;
int old_value_size = d->value_bytes * old_cap;
if (d->cap == d->len) {
d->cap += d->cap >> 3;
{ // Unsafe block
d->keys = realloc_data(d->keys, old_key_size, d->key_bytes * d->cap);
d->values = realloc_data(d->values, old_value_size, d->value_bytes * d->cap);
if (d->deletes != 0U) {
d->all_deleted = realloc_data(d->all_deleted, old_cap, d->cap);
vmemset(((voidptr)(d->all_deleted + d->len)), 0, d->cap - d->len);
int push_index = d->len;
{ // Unsafe block
if (d->deletes != 0U) {
d->all_deleted[push_index] = 0;
return push_index;
// TypeDecl
// TypeDecl
// TypeDecl
// TypeDecl
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_string(voidptr a, voidptr b) {
return fast_string_eq(*((string*)(a)), *((string*)(b)));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_1(voidptr a, voidptr b) {
return *((u8*)(a)) == *((u8*)(b));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_2(voidptr a, voidptr b) {
return *((u16*)(a)) == *((u16*)(b));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_4(voidptr a, voidptr b) {
return *((u32*)(a)) == *((u32*)(b));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_eq_int_8(voidptr a, voidptr b) {
return *((u64*)(a)) == *((u64*)(b));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_string(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey) {
{ // Unsafe block
string s = *((string*)(pkey));
(*((string*)(dest))) = string_clone(s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_1(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey) {
{ // Unsafe block
*((u8*)(dest)) = *((u8*)(pkey));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_2(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey) {
{ // Unsafe block
*((u16*)(dest)) = *((u16*)(pkey));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_4(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey) {
{ // Unsafe block
*((u32*)(dest)) = *((u32*)(pkey));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_clone_int_8(voidptr dest, voidptr pkey) {
{ // Unsafe block
*((u64*)(dest)) = *((u64*)(pkey));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_free_string(voidptr pkey) {
string_free(ADDR(string, (*((string*)(pkey)))));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_free_nop(voidptr _d1) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr )) {
int metasize = ((int)(sizeof(u32) * (_const_init_capicity + _const_extra_metas_inc)));
bool has_string_keys = _us32_lt(sizeof(voidptr),key_bytes);
return ((map){
.key_bytes = key_bytes,
.value_bytes = value_bytes,
.even_index = _const_init_even_index,
.cached_hashbits = _const_max_cached_hashbits,
.shift = _const_init_log_capicity,
.key_values = new_dense_array(key_bytes, value_bytes),
.metas = ((u32*)(vcalloc_noscan(metasize))),
.extra_metas = _const_extra_metas_inc,
.has_string_keys = has_string_keys,
.hash_fn = (voidptr)hash_fn,
.key_eq_fn = (voidptr)key_eq_fn,
.clone_fn = (voidptr)clone_fn,
.free_fn = (voidptr)free_fn,
.len = 0,
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values) {
map out = new_map(key_bytes, value_bytes, (voidptr)hash_fn, (voidptr)key_eq_fn, (voidptr)clone_fn, (voidptr)free_fn);
u8* pkey = ((u8*)(keys));
u8* pval = ((u8*)(values));
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < n; ++_t1) {
{ // Unsafe block
map_set(&out, pkey, pval);
pkey = pkey + key_bytes;
pval = pval + value_bytes;
return out;
map map_move(map* m) {
map r = *m;
vmemset(m, 0, ((int)(sizeof(map))));
return r;
void map_clear(map* m) {
m->len = 0;
m->key_values.len = 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32 map_key_to_index(map* m, voidptr pkey) {
u64 hash = m->hash_fn(pkey);
u64 index = (hash & m->even_index);
u64 meta = ((((hash >> m->shift) & _const_hash_mask)) | _const_probe_inc);
return (multi_return_u32_u32){.arg0=((u32)(index)), .arg1=((u32)(meta))};
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_u32_u32 map_meta_less(map* m, u32 _index, u32 _metas) {
u32 index = _index;
u32 meta = _metas;
for (;;) {
if (!(meta < m->metas[index])) break;
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
return (multi_return_u32_u32){.arg0=index, .arg1=meta};
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_meta_greater(map* m, u32 _index, u32 _metas, u32 kvi) {
u32 meta = _metas;
u32 index = _index;
u32 kv_index = kvi;
for (;;) {
if (!(m->metas[index] != 0U)) break;
if (meta > m->metas[index]) {
{ // Unsafe block
u32 tmp_meta = m->metas[index];
m->metas[index] = meta;
meta = tmp_meta;
u32 tmp_index = m->metas[index + 1U];
m->metas[index + 1U] = kv_index;
kv_index = tmp_index;
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
{ // Unsafe block
m->metas[index] = meta;
m->metas[index + 1U] = kv_index;
u32 probe_count = (meta >> _const_hashbits) - 1U;
map_ensure_extra_metas(m, probe_count);
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_ensure_extra_metas(map* m, u32 probe_count) {
if ((probe_count << 1U) == m->extra_metas) {
u32 size_of_u32 = sizeof(u32);
u32 old_mem_size = (m->even_index + 2U + m->extra_metas);
m->extra_metas += _const_extra_metas_inc;
u32 mem_size = (m->even_index + 2U + m->extra_metas);
{ // Unsafe block
u8* x = realloc_data(((u8*)(m->metas)), ((int)(size_of_u32 * old_mem_size)), ((int)(size_of_u32 * mem_size)));
m->metas = ((u32*)(x));
vmemset(m->metas + mem_size - _const_extra_metas_inc, 0, ((int)(sizeof(u32) * _const_extra_metas_inc)));
if (probe_count == 252U) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("Probe overflow"));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_set(map* m, voidptr key, voidptr value) {
f32 load_factor = ((f32)(((u32)(m->len)) << 1U)) / ((f32)(m->even_index));
if (load_factor > _const_max_load_factor) {
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_11138 = map_key_to_index(m, key);
u32 index = mr_11138.arg0;
u32 meta = mr_11138.arg1;
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_11174 = map_meta_less(m, index, meta);
index = mr_11174.arg0;
meta = mr_11174.arg1;
for (;;) {
if (!(meta == m->metas[index])) break;
int kv_index = ((int)(m->metas[index + 1U]));
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, kv_index);
if (m->key_eq_fn(key, pkey)) {
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr pval = DenseArray_value(&m->key_values, kv_index);
vmemcpy(pval, value, m->value_bytes);
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
int kv_index = DenseArray_expand(&m->key_values);
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, kv_index);
voidptr pvalue = DenseArray_value(&m->key_values, kv_index);
m->clone_fn(pkey, key);
vmemcpy(((u8*)(pvalue)), value, m->value_bytes);
map_meta_greater(m, index, meta, ((u32)(kv_index)));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_expand(map* m) {
u32 old_cap = m->even_index;
m->even_index = ((m->even_index + 2U) << 1U) - 2U;
if (m->cached_hashbits == 0) {
m->shift += _const_max_cached_hashbits;
m->cached_hashbits = _const_max_cached_hashbits;
} else {
map_cached_rehash(m, old_cap);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_rehash(map* m) {
u32 meta_bytes = sizeof(u32) * (m->even_index + 2U + m->extra_metas);
{ // Unsafe block
u8* x = v_realloc(((u8*)(m->metas)), ((int)(meta_bytes)));
m->metas = ((u32*)(x));
vmemset(m->metas, 0, ((int)(meta_bytes)));
for (int i = 0; i < m->key_values.len; i++) {
if (!DenseArray_has_index(&m->key_values, i)) {
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, i);
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_12837 = map_key_to_index(m, pkey);
u32 index = mr_12837.arg0;
u32 meta = mr_12837.arg1;
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_12875 = map_meta_less(m, index, meta);
index = mr_12875.arg0;
meta = mr_12875.arg1;
map_meta_greater(m, index, meta, ((u32)(i)));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void map_cached_rehash(map* m, u32 old_cap) {
u32* old_metas = m->metas;
int metasize = ((int)(sizeof(u32) * (m->even_index + 2U + m->extra_metas)));
m->metas = ((u32*)(vcalloc(metasize)));
u32 old_extra_metas = m->extra_metas;
for (u32 i = ((u32)(0U)); i <= old_cap + old_extra_metas; i += 2U) {
if (old_metas[i] == 0U) {
u32 old_meta = old_metas[i];
u32 old_probe_count = ((old_meta >> _const_hashbits) - 1U) << 1U;
u32 old_index = ((i - old_probe_count) & (m->even_index >> 1U));
u32 index = (((old_index | (old_meta << m->shift))) & m->even_index);
u32 meta = (((old_meta & _const_hash_mask)) | _const_probe_inc);
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_13674 = map_meta_less(m, index, meta);
index = mr_13674.arg0;
meta = mr_13674.arg1;
u32 kv_index = old_metas[i + 1U];
map_meta_greater(m, index, meta, kv_index);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr map_get_and_set(map* m, voidptr key, voidptr zero) {
for (;;) {
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_14122 = map_key_to_index(m, key);
u32 index = mr_14122.arg0;
u32 meta = mr_14122.arg1;
for (;;) {
if (meta == m->metas[index]) {
int kv_index = ((int)(m->metas[index + 1U]));
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, kv_index);
if (m->key_eq_fn(key, pkey)) {
voidptr pval = DenseArray_value(&m->key_values, kv_index);
return ((u8*)(pval));
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
if (meta > m->metas[index]) {
map_set(m, key, zero);
return ((void*)0);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr map_get(map* m, voidptr key, voidptr zero) {
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_14849 = map_key_to_index(m, key);
u32 index = mr_14849.arg0;
u32 meta = mr_14849.arg1;
for (;;) {
if (meta == m->metas[index]) {
int kv_index = ((int)(m->metas[index + 1U]));
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, kv_index);
if (m->key_eq_fn(key, pkey)) {
voidptr pval = DenseArray_value(&m->key_values, kv_index);
return ((u8*)(pval));
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
if (meta > m->metas[index]) {
return zero;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr map_get_check(map* m, voidptr key) {
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_15514 = map_key_to_index(m, key);
u32 index = mr_15514.arg0;
u32 meta = mr_15514.arg1;
for (;;) {
if (meta == m->metas[index]) {
int kv_index = ((int)(m->metas[index + 1U]));
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, kv_index);
if (m->key_eq_fn(key, pkey)) {
voidptr pval = DenseArray_value(&m->key_values, kv_index);
return ((u8*)(pval));
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
if (meta > m->metas[index]) {
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool map_exists(map* m, voidptr key) {
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_16024 = map_key_to_index(m, key);
u32 index = mr_16024.arg0;
u32 meta = mr_16024.arg1;
for (;;) {
if (meta == m->metas[index]) {
int kv_index = ((int)(m->metas[index + 1U]));
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, kv_index);
if (m->key_eq_fn(key, pkey)) {
return true;
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
if (meta > m->metas[index]) {
return false;
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void DenseArray_delete(DenseArray* d, int i) {
if (d->deletes == 0U) {
d->all_deleted = vcalloc(d->cap);
{ // Unsafe block
d->all_deleted[i] = 1;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void map_delete(map* m, voidptr key) {
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_16653 = map_key_to_index(m, key);
u32 index = mr_16653.arg0;
u32 meta = mr_16653.arg1;
multi_return_u32_u32 mr_16689 = map_meta_less(m, index, meta);
index = mr_16689.arg0;
meta = mr_16689.arg1;
for (;;) {
if (!(meta == m->metas[index])) break;
int kv_index = ((int)(m->metas[index + 1U]));
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, kv_index);
if (m->key_eq_fn(key, pkey)) {
for (;;) {
if (!((m->metas[index + 2U] >> _const_hashbits) > 1U)) break;
{ // Unsafe block
m->metas[index] = m->metas[index + 2U] - _const_probe_inc;
m->metas[index + 1U] = m->metas[index + 3U];
index += 2U;
DenseArray_delete(&m->key_values, kv_index);
{ // Unsafe block
m->metas[index] = 0U;
vmemset(pkey, 0, m->key_bytes);
if (m->key_values.len <= 32) {
if (_us32_ge(m->key_values.deletes,(m->key_values.len >> 1))) {
index += 2U;
meta += _const_probe_inc;
array map_keys(map* m) {
array keys = __new_array(m->len, 0, m->key_bytes);
u8* item = ((u8*)(;
if (m->key_values.deletes == 0U) {
for (int i = 0; i < m->key_values.len; i++) {
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, i);
m->clone_fn(item, pkey);
item = item + m->key_bytes;
return keys;
for (int i = 0; i < m->key_values.len; i++) {
if (!DenseArray_has_index(&m->key_values, i)) {
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, i);
m->clone_fn(item, pkey);
item = item + m->key_bytes;
return keys;
array map_values(map* m) {
array values = __new_array(m->len, 0, m->value_bytes);
u8* item = ((u8*)(;
if (m->key_values.deletes == 0U) {
vmemcpy(item, m->key_values.values, m->value_bytes * m->key_values.len);
return values;
for (int i = 0; i < m->key_values.len; i++) {
if (!DenseArray_has_index(&m->key_values, i)) {
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr pvalue = DenseArray_value(&m->key_values, i);
vmemcpy(item, pvalue, m->value_bytes);
item = item + m->value_bytes;
return values;
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL DenseArray DenseArray_clone(DenseArray* d) {
DenseArray res = ((DenseArray){
.key_bytes = d->key_bytes,
.value_bytes = d->value_bytes,
.cap = d->cap,
.len = d->len,
.deletes = d->deletes,
.all_deleted = 0,
.keys = 0,
.values = 0,
{ // Unsafe block
if (d->deletes != 0U) {
res.all_deleted = memdup(d->all_deleted, d->cap);
res.keys = memdup(d->keys, d->cap * d->key_bytes);
res.values = memdup(d->values, d->cap * d->value_bytes);
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
map map_clone(map* m) {
int metasize = ((int)(sizeof(u32) * (m->even_index + 2U + m->extra_metas)));
map res = ((map){
.key_bytes = m->key_bytes,
.value_bytes = m->value_bytes,
.even_index = m->even_index,
.cached_hashbits = m->cached_hashbits,
.shift = m->shift,
.key_values = DenseArray_clone(&m->key_values),
.metas = ((u32*)(malloc_noscan(metasize))),
.extra_metas = m->extra_metas,
.has_string_keys = m->has_string_keys,
.hash_fn = (voidptr)m->hash_fn,
.key_eq_fn = (voidptr)m->key_eq_fn,
.clone_fn = (voidptr)m->clone_fn,
.free_fn = (voidptr)m->free_fn,
.len = m->len,
vmemcpy(res.metas, m->metas, metasize);
if (!m->has_string_keys) {
return res;
for (int i = 0; i < m->key_values.len; ++i) {
if (!DenseArray_has_index(&m->key_values, i)) {
m->clone_fn(DenseArray_key(&res.key_values, i), DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, i));
return res;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void map_free(map* m) {
if (m->key_values.deletes == 0U) {
for (int i = 0; i < m->key_values.len; i++) {
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, i);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < m->key_values.len; i++) {
if (!DenseArray_has_index(&m->key_values, i)) {
{ // Unsafe block
voidptr pkey = DenseArray_key(&m->key_values, i);
{ // Unsafe block
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL DenseArray new_dense_array_noscan(int key_bytes, bool key_noscan, int value_bytes, bool value_noscan) {
int cap = 8;
u8* keys = (key_noscan ? (malloc_noscan(cap * key_bytes)) : (_v_malloc(cap * key_bytes)));
u8* values = (value_noscan ? (malloc_noscan(cap * value_bytes)) : (_v_malloc(cap * value_bytes)));
return ((DenseArray){
.key_bytes = key_bytes,
.value_bytes = value_bytes,
.cap = cap,
.len = 0,
.deletes = 0U,
.all_deleted = 0,
.keys = keys,
.values = values,
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_noscan_key(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr )) {
int metasize = ((int)(sizeof(u32) * (_const_init_capicity + _const_extra_metas_inc)));
bool has_string_keys = _us32_lt(sizeof(voidptr),key_bytes);
return ((map){
.key_bytes = key_bytes,
.value_bytes = value_bytes,
.even_index = _const_init_even_index,
.cached_hashbits = _const_max_cached_hashbits,
.shift = _const_init_log_capicity,
.key_values = new_dense_array_noscan(key_bytes, true, value_bytes, false),
.metas = ((u32*)(vcalloc_noscan(metasize))),
.extra_metas = _const_extra_metas_inc,
.has_string_keys = has_string_keys,
.hash_fn = (voidptr)hash_fn,
.key_eq_fn = (voidptr)key_eq_fn,
.clone_fn = (voidptr)clone_fn,
.free_fn = (voidptr)free_fn,
.len = 0,
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_noscan_value(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr )) {
int metasize = ((int)(sizeof(u32) * (_const_init_capicity + _const_extra_metas_inc)));
bool has_string_keys = _us32_lt(sizeof(voidptr),key_bytes);
return ((map){
.key_bytes = key_bytes,
.value_bytes = value_bytes,
.even_index = _const_init_even_index,
.cached_hashbits = _const_max_cached_hashbits,
.shift = _const_init_log_capicity,
.key_values = new_dense_array_noscan(key_bytes, false, value_bytes, true),
.metas = ((u32*)(vcalloc_noscan(metasize))),
.extra_metas = _const_extra_metas_inc,
.has_string_keys = has_string_keys,
.hash_fn = (voidptr)hash_fn,
.key_eq_fn = (voidptr)key_eq_fn,
.clone_fn = (voidptr)clone_fn,
.free_fn = (voidptr)free_fn,
.len = 0,
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_noscan_key_value(int key_bytes, int value_bytes, u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr )) {
int metasize = ((int)(sizeof(u32) * (_const_init_capicity + _const_extra_metas_inc)));
bool has_string_keys = _us32_lt(sizeof(voidptr),key_bytes);
return ((map){
.key_bytes = key_bytes,
.value_bytes = value_bytes,
.even_index = _const_init_even_index,
.cached_hashbits = _const_max_cached_hashbits,
.shift = _const_init_log_capicity,
.key_values = new_dense_array_noscan(key_bytes, true, value_bytes, true),
.metas = ((u32*)(vcalloc_noscan(metasize))),
.extra_metas = _const_extra_metas_inc,
.has_string_keys = has_string_keys,
.hash_fn = (voidptr)hash_fn,
.key_eq_fn = (voidptr)key_eq_fn,
.clone_fn = (voidptr)clone_fn,
.free_fn = (voidptr)free_fn,
.len = 0,
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init_noscan_key(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values) {
map out = new_map_noscan_key(key_bytes, value_bytes, (voidptr)hash_fn, (voidptr)key_eq_fn, (voidptr)clone_fn, (voidptr)free_fn);
u8* pkey = ((u8*)(keys));
u8* pval = ((u8*)(values));
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < n; ++_t1) {
{ // Unsafe block
map_set(&out, pkey, pval);
pkey = pkey + key_bytes;
pval = pval + value_bytes;
return out;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init_noscan_value(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values) {
map out = new_map_noscan_value(key_bytes, value_bytes, (voidptr)hash_fn, (voidptr)key_eq_fn, (voidptr)clone_fn, (voidptr)free_fn);
u8* pkey = ((u8*)(keys));
u8* pval = ((u8*)(values));
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < n; ++_t1) {
{ // Unsafe block
map_set(&out, pkey, pval);
pkey = pkey + key_bytes;
pval = pval + value_bytes;
return out;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL map new_map_init_noscan_key_value(u64 (*hash_fn)(voidptr ), bool (*key_eq_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*clone_fn)(voidptr , voidptr ), void (*free_fn)(voidptr ), int n, int key_bytes, int value_bytes, voidptr keys, voidptr values) {
map out = new_map_noscan_key_value(key_bytes, value_bytes, (voidptr)hash_fn, (voidptr)key_eq_fn, (voidptr)clone_fn, (voidptr)free_fn);
u8* pkey = ((u8*)(keys));
u8* pval = ((u8*)(values));
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < n; ++_t1) {
{ // Unsafe block
map_set(&out, pkey, pval);
pkey = pkey + key_bytes;
pval = pval + value_bytes;
return out;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void IError_free(IError* ie) {
{ // Unsafe block
IError* cie = ((IError*)(ie));
string IError_str(IError err) {
return ((err._typ == _IError_None___index)? (_SLIT("none")) : (err._typ == _IError_Error_index)? (Error_msg(/*rec*/*(err._Error))) : (err._typ == _IError_MessageError_index)? (MessageError_msg(/*rec*/*(err._MessageError))) : ( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = charptr_vstring_literal( /* IError */ v_typeof_interface_IError( (err)._typ ))}}, {_SLIT(": "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = IError_name_table[err._typ]._method_msg(err._object)}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))));
string Error_msg(Error err) {
return _SLIT("");
int Error_code(Error err) {
return 0;
string MessageError_msg(MessageError err) {
if (err.code > 0) {
return str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = err.msg}}, {_SLIT("; code: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = err.code}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
return err.msg;
int MessageError_code(MessageError err) {
return err.code;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void MessageError_free(MessageError* err) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string None___str(None__ _d1) {
return _SLIT("none");
// Attr: [inline]
inline IError _v_error(string message) {
return /*&IError*/I_MessageError_to_Interface_IError(((MessageError*)memdup(&(MessageError){.msg = message,.code = 0,}, sizeof(MessageError))));
// Attr: [inline]
inline IError error_with_code(string message, int code) {
return /*&IError*/I_MessageError_to_Interface_IError(((MessageError*)memdup(&(MessageError){.msg = message,.code = code,}, sizeof(MessageError))));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _option_ok(voidptr data, _option* option, int size) {
{ // Unsafe block
*option = ((_option){.state = 0,.err = _const_none__,});
vmemcpy(((u8*)(&option->err)) + sizeof(IError), data, size);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void _result_ok(voidptr data, _result* res, int size) {
{ // Unsafe block
*res = ((_result){.is_error = 0,.err = _const_none__,});
vmemcpy(((u8*)(&res->err)) + sizeof(IError), data, size);
string none_str(none _d2) {
return _SLIT("none");
string rune_str(rune c) {
return utf32_to_str(((u32)(c)));
// Attr: [manualfree]
string Array_rune_string(Array_rune ra) {
strings__Builder sb = strings__new_builder(ra.len);
strings__Builder_write_runes(&sb, ra);
string res = strings__Builder_str(&sb);
return res;
string rune_repeat(rune c, int count) {
if (count < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("rune.repeat: count is negative: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = count}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
} else if (count == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
} else if (count == 1) {
return rune_str(c);
Array_fixed_u8_5 buffer = {0};
string res = utf32_to_str_no_malloc(((u32)(c)), &buffer[0]);
return string_repeat(res, count);
// Attr: [manualfree]
Array_u8 rune_bytes(rune c) {
Array_u8 res = __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, 5, sizeof(u8), 0);
res.len = utf32_decode_to_buffer(((u32)(c)), ((u8*)(;
return res;
int rune_length_in_bytes(rune c) {
u32 code = ((u32)(c));
if (code <= 0x7FU) {
return 1;
} else if (code <= 0x7FFU) {
return 2;
} else if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDFFFU) {
return -1;
} else if (code <= 0xFFFFU) {
return 3;
} else if (code <= 0x10FFFFU) {
return 4;
return -1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL SortedMap new_sorted_map(int n, int value_bytes) {
return ((SortedMap){.value_bytes = value_bytes,.root = new_node(),.len = 0,});
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL SortedMap new_sorted_map_init(int n, int value_bytes, string* keys, voidptr values) {
SortedMap out = new_sorted_map(n, value_bytes);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
SortedMap_set(&out, keys[i], ((u8*)(values)) + i * value_bytes);
return out;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL mapnode* new_node(void) {
return ((mapnode*)memdup(&(mapnode){.children = 0,.len = 0,.keys = {0},.values = {0},}, sizeof(mapnode)));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void SortedMap_set(SortedMap* m, string key, voidptr value) {
mapnode* node = m->root;
int child_index = 0;
mapnode* parent = ((mapnode*)(0));
for (;;) {
if (node->len == _const_max_len) {
if (parent == ((void*)0)) {
parent = new_node();
m->root = parent;
mapnode_split_child(parent, child_index, node);
if (string__eq(key, parent->keys[v_fixed_index(child_index, 11)])) {
vmemcpy(parent->values[v_fixed_index(child_index, 11)], value, m->value_bytes);
if (string__lt(key, parent->keys[v_fixed_index(child_index, 11)])) {
node = ((mapnode*)(parent->children[child_index]));
} else {
node = ((mapnode*)(parent->children[child_index + 1]));
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < node->len && string__lt(node->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)], key))) break;
if (i != node->len && string__eq(key, node->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)])) {
vmemcpy(node->values[v_fixed_index(i, 11)], value, m->value_bytes);
if (node->children == ((void*)0)) {
int j = node->len - 1;
for (;;) {
if (!(j >= 0 && string__lt(key, node->keys[v_fixed_index(j, 11)]))) break;
node->keys[v_fixed_index(j + 1, 11)] = node->keys[v_fixed_index(j, 11)];
node->values[v_fixed_index(j + 1, 11)] = node->values[v_fixed_index(j, 11)];
node->keys[v_fixed_index(j + 1, 11)] = key;
{ // Unsafe block
node->values[v_fixed_index(j + 1, 11)] = _v_malloc(m->value_bytes);
vmemcpy(node->values[v_fixed_index(j + 1, 11)], value, m->value_bytes);
parent = node;
child_index = i;
node = ((mapnode*)(node->children[child_index]));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_split_child(mapnode* n, int child_index, mapnode* y) {
mapnode* z = new_node();
z->len = _const_mid_index;
y->len = _const_mid_index;
for (int j = _const_mid_index - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
z->keys[v_fixed_index(j, 11)] = y->keys[v_fixed_index(j + _const_degree, 11)];
z->values[v_fixed_index(j, 11)] = y->values[v_fixed_index(j + _const_degree, 11)];
if (y->children != ((void*)0)) {
z->children = ((voidptr*)(_v_malloc(((int)(_const_children_bytes)))));
for (int jj = _const_degree - 1; jj >= 0; jj--) {
{ // Unsafe block
z->children[jj] = y->children[jj + _const_degree];
{ // Unsafe block
if (n->children == ((void*)0)) {
n->children = ((voidptr*)(_v_malloc(((int)(_const_children_bytes)))));
n->children[n->len + 1] = n->children[n->len];
for (int j = n->len; j > child_index; j--) {
n->keys[v_fixed_index(j, 11)] = n->keys[v_fixed_index(j - 1, 11)];
n->values[v_fixed_index(j, 11)] = n->values[v_fixed_index(j - 1, 11)];
{ // Unsafe block
n->children[j] = n->children[j - 1];
n->keys[v_fixed_index(child_index, 11)] = y->keys[v_fixed_index(_const_mid_index, 11)];
n->values[v_fixed_index(child_index, 11)] = y->values[v_fixed_index(_const_mid_index, 11)];
{ // Unsafe block
n->children[child_index] = ((voidptr)(y));
n->children[child_index + 1] = ((voidptr)(z));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool SortedMap_get(SortedMap m, string key, voidptr out) {
mapnode* node = m.root;
for (;;) {
int i = node->len - 1;
for (;;) {
if (!(i >= 0 && string__lt(key, node->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)]))) break;
if (i != -1 && string__eq(key, node->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)])) {
vmemcpy(out, node->values[v_fixed_index(i, 11)], m.value_bytes);
return true;
if (node->children == ((void*)0)) {
node = ((mapnode*)(node->children[i + 1]));
return false;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool SortedMap_exists(SortedMap m, string key) {
if (m.root == ((void*)0)) {
return false;
mapnode* node = m.root;
for (;;) {
int i = node->len - 1;
for (;;) {
if (!(i >= 0 && string__lt(key, node->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)]))) break;
if (i != -1 && string__eq(key, node->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)])) {
return true;
if (node->children == ((void*)0)) {
node = ((mapnode*)(node->children[i + 1]));
return false;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int mapnode_find_key(mapnode* n, string k) {
int idx = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(idx < n->len && string__lt(n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)], k))) break;
return idx;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool mapnode_remove_key(mapnode* n, string k) {
int idx = mapnode_find_key(n, k);
if (idx < n->len && string__eq(n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)], k)) {
if (n->children == ((void*)0)) {
mapnode_remove_from_leaf(n, idx);
} else {
mapnode_remove_from_non_leaf(n, idx);
return true;
} else {
if (n->children == ((void*)0)) {
return false;
bool flag = (idx == n->len ? (true) : (false));
if (((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]))->len < _const_degree) {
mapnode_fill(n, idx);
mapnode* node = ((mapnode*)(0));
if (flag && idx > n->len) {
node = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx - 1]));
} else {
node = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]));
return mapnode_remove_key(node, k);
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_remove_from_leaf(mapnode* n, int idx) {
for (int i = idx + 1; i < n->len; i++) {
n->keys[v_fixed_index(i - 1, 11)] = n->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
n->values[v_fixed_index(i - 1, 11)] = n->values[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_remove_from_non_leaf(mapnode* n, int idx) {
string k = n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)];
if (((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]))->len >= _const_degree) {
mapnode* current = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]));
for (;;) {
if (!(current->children != ((void*)0))) break;
current = ((mapnode*)(current->children[current->len]));
string predecessor = current->keys[v_fixed_index(current->len - 1, 11)];
n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)] = predecessor;
n->values[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)] = current->values[v_fixed_index(current->len - 1, 11)];
mapnode* node = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]));
mapnode_remove_key(node, predecessor);
} else if (((mapnode*)(n->children[idx + 1]))->len >= _const_degree) {
mapnode* current = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx + 1]));
for (;;) {
if (!(current->children != ((void*)0))) break;
current = ((mapnode*)(current->children[0]));
string successor = current->keys[0];
n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)] = successor;
n->values[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)] = current->values[0];
mapnode* node = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx + 1]));
mapnode_remove_key(node, successor);
} else {
mapnode_merge(n, idx);
mapnode* node = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]));
mapnode_remove_key(node, k);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_fill(mapnode* n, int idx) {
if (idx != 0 && ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx - 1]))->len >= _const_degree) {
mapnode_borrow_from_prev(n, idx);
} else if (idx != n->len && ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx + 1]))->len >= _const_degree) {
mapnode_borrow_from_next(n, idx);
} else if (idx != n->len) {
mapnode_merge(n, idx);
} else {
mapnode_merge(n, idx - 1);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_borrow_from_prev(mapnode* n, int idx) {
mapnode* child = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]));
mapnode* sibling = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx - 1]));
for (int i = child->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
child->keys[v_fixed_index(i + 1, 11)] = child->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
child->values[v_fixed_index(i + 1, 11)] = child->values[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
if (child->children != ((void*)0)) {
for (int i = child->len; i >= 0; i--) {
{ // Unsafe block
child->children[i + 1] = child->children[i];
child->keys[0] = n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx - 1, 11)];
child->values[0] = n->values[v_fixed_index(idx - 1, 11)];
if (child->children != ((void*)0)) {
{ // Unsafe block
child->children[0] = sibling->children[sibling->len];
n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx - 1, 11)] = sibling->keys[v_fixed_index(sibling->len - 1, 11)];
n->values[v_fixed_index(idx - 1, 11)] = sibling->values[v_fixed_index(sibling->len - 1, 11)];
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_borrow_from_next(mapnode* n, int idx) {
mapnode* child = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]));
mapnode* sibling = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx + 1]));
child->keys[v_fixed_index(child->len, 11)] = n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)];
child->values[v_fixed_index(child->len, 11)] = n->values[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)];
if (child->children != ((void*)0)) {
{ // Unsafe block
child->children[child->len + 1] = sibling->children[0];
n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)] = sibling->keys[0];
n->values[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)] = sibling->values[0];
for (int i = 1; i < sibling->len; i++) {
sibling->keys[v_fixed_index(i - 1, 11)] = sibling->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
sibling->values[v_fixed_index(i - 1, 11)] = sibling->values[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
if (sibling->children != ((void*)0)) {
for (int i = 1; i <= sibling->len; i++) {
{ // Unsafe block
sibling->children[i - 1] = sibling->children[i];
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_merge(mapnode* n, int idx) {
mapnode* child = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx]));
mapnode* sibling = ((mapnode*)(n->children[idx + 1]));
child->keys[v_fixed_index(_const_mid_index, 11)] = n->keys[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)];
child->values[v_fixed_index(_const_mid_index, 11)] = n->values[v_fixed_index(idx, 11)];
for (int i = 0; i < sibling->len; ++i) {
child->keys[v_fixed_index(i + _const_degree, 11)] = sibling->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
child->values[v_fixed_index(i + _const_degree, 11)] = sibling->values[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
if (child->children != ((void*)0)) {
for (int i = 0; i <= sibling->len; i++) {
{ // Unsafe block
child->children[i + _const_degree] = sibling->children[i];
for (int i = idx + 1; i < n->len; i++) {
n->keys[v_fixed_index(i - 1, 11)] = n->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
n->values[v_fixed_index(i - 1, 11)] = n->values[v_fixed_index(i, 11)];
for (int i = idx + 2; i <= n->len; i++) {
{ // Unsafe block
n->children[i - 1] = n->children[i];
child->len += sibling->len + 1;
void SortedMap_delete(SortedMap* m, string key) {
if (m->root->len == 0) {
bool removed = mapnode_remove_key(m->root, key);
if (removed) {
if (m->root->len == 0) {
if (m->root->children == ((void*)0)) {
} else {
m->root = ((mapnode*)(m->root->children[0]));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int mapnode_subkeys(mapnode* n, Array_string* keys, int at) {
int position = at;
if (n->children != ((void*)0)) {
for (int i = 0; i < n->len; ++i) {
mapnode* child = ((mapnode*)(n->children[i]));
position += mapnode_subkeys(child, keys, position);
array_set(keys, position, &(string[]) { n->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)] });
mapnode* child = ((mapnode*)(n->children[n->len]));
position += mapnode_subkeys(child, keys, position);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < n->len; ++i) {
array_set(keys, position + i, &(string[]) { n->keys[v_fixed_index(i, 11)] });
position += n->len;
return position - at;
Array_string SortedMap_keys(SortedMap* m) {
Array_string keys = __new_array_with_default(m->len, 0, sizeof(string), &(string[]){_SLIT("")});
if (m->root == ((void*)0) || m->root->len == 0) {
return keys;
mapnode_subkeys(m->root, &/*arr*/keys, 0);
return keys;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void mapnode_free(mapnode* n) {
void SortedMap_free(SortedMap* m) {
if (m->root == ((void*)0)) {
void SortedMap_print(SortedMap m) {
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
Array_rune string_runes(string s) {
Array_rune runes = __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, s.len, sizeof(rune), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; i++) {
int char_len = utf8_char_len(s.str[i]);
if (char_len > 1) {
int end = (s.len - 1 >= i + char_len ? (i + char_len) : (s.len));
string r = string_substr(s, i, end);
array_push_noscan((array*)&runes, _MOV((rune[]){ string_utf32_code(r) }));
i += char_len - 1;
} else {
array_push_noscan((array*)&runes, _MOV((rune[]){ s.str[i] }));
return runes;
// Attr: [unsafe]
string cstring_to_vstring(char* s) {
return string_clone(tos2(((u8*)(s))));
// Attr: [unsafe]
string tos_clone(u8* s) {
return string_clone(tos2(s));
// Attr: [unsafe]
string tos(u8* s, int len) {
if (s == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("tos(): nil string"));
return ((string){.str = s, .len = len});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string tos2(u8* s) {
if (s == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("tos2: nil string"));
return ((string){.str = s, .len = vstrlen(s)});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string tos3(char* s) {
if (s == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("tos3: nil string"));
return ((string){.str = ((u8*)(s)), .len = vstrlen_char(s)});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string tos4(u8* s) {
if (s == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
return ((string){.str = s, .len = vstrlen(s)});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string tos5(char* s) {
if (s == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
return ((string){.str = ((u8*)(s)), .len = vstrlen_char(s)});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string u8_vstring(u8* bp) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = vstrlen(bp)});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string u8_vstring_with_len(u8* bp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = len, .is_lit = 0});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string char_vstring(char* cp) {
return ((string){.str = ((u8*)(cp)), .len = vstrlen_char(cp), .is_lit = 0});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string char_vstring_with_len(char* cp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = ((u8*)(cp)), .len = len, .is_lit = 0});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string u8_vstring_literal(u8* bp) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = vstrlen(bp), .is_lit = 1});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string u8_vstring_literal_with_len(u8* bp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = len, .is_lit = 1});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string char_vstring_literal(char* cp) {
return ((string){.str = ((u8*)(cp)), .len = vstrlen_char(cp), .is_lit = 1});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string char_vstring_literal_with_len(char* cp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = ((u8*)(cp)), .len = len, .is_lit = 1});
int string_len_utf8(string s) {
int l = 0;
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len)) break;
i += (((0xe5000000 >> (((s.str[i] >> 3) & 0x1e))) & 3)) + 1;
return l;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string string_clone_static(string a) {
return string_clone(a);
string string_clone(string a) {
if (a.len == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
string b = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(a.len + 1), .len = a.len});
{ // Unsafe block
vmemcpy(b.str, a.str, a.len);
b.str[a.len] = 0;
return b;
string string_replace_once(string s, string rep, string with) {
int idx = string_index_(s, rep);
if (idx == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string__plus(string__plus(string_substr(s, 0, idx), with), string_substr(s, idx + rep.len, s.len));
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_replace(string s, string rep, string with) {
bool string_replace_defer_0 = false;
Array_int idxs;
if (s.len == 0 || rep.len == 0 || rep.len > s.len) {
return string_clone(s);
if (!string_contains(s, rep)) {
return string_clone(s);
idxs = __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, s.len / rep.len, sizeof(int), 0);
string_replace_defer_0 = true;
int idx = 0;
for (;;) {
idx = string_index_after(s, rep, idx);
if (idx == -1) {
array_push_noscan((array*)&idxs, _MOV((int[]){ idx }));
idx += rep.len;
if (idxs.len == 0) {
string _t4 = string_clone(s);
// Defer begin
if (string_replace_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t4;
int new_len = s.len + idxs.len * (with.len - rep.len);
u8* b = malloc_noscan(new_len + 1);
int b_i = 0;
int s_idx = 0;
for (int _t5 = 0; _t5 < idxs.len; ++_t5) {
int rep_pos = ((int*)[_t5];
for (int i = s_idx; i < rep_pos; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = s.str[ i];
s_idx = rep_pos + rep.len;
for (int i = 0; i < with.len; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = with.str[ i];
if (s_idx < s.len) {
for (int i = s_idx; i < s.len; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = s.str[ i];
{ // Unsafe block
b[new_len] = 0;
string _t6 = tos(b, new_len);
// Defer begin
if (string_replace_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t6;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_replace_each(string s, Array_string vals) {
if (s.len == 0 || vals.len == 0) {
return string_clone(s);
if (vals.len % 2 != 0) {
eprintln(_SLIT("string.replace_each(): odd number of strings"));
return string_clone(s);
int new_len = s.len;
Array_RepIndex idxs = __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, 6, sizeof(RepIndex), 0);
int idx = 0;
string s_ = string_clone(s);
for (int rep_i = 0; rep_i < vals.len; rep_i += 2) {
string rep = ((string*)[rep_i];
string with = ((string*)[rep_i + 1];
for (;;) {
idx = string_index_after(s_, rep, idx);
if (idx == -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < rep.len; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
s_.str[idx + i] = 127;
array_push_noscan((array*)&idxs, _MOV((RepIndex[]){ ((RepIndex){.idx = idx,.val_idx = rep_i,}) }));
idx += rep.len;
new_len += with.len - rep.len;
if (idxs.len == 0) {
return string_clone(s);
qsort(, idxs.len, idxs.element_size, (int (*)(const void *, const void *))&compare_1537617845924824018_RepIndex_by_idx);
u8* b = malloc_noscan(new_len + 1);
int idx_pos = 0;
RepIndex cur_idx = ((RepIndex*)[idx_pos];
int b_i = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; i++) {
if (i == cur_idx.idx) {
string rep = ((string*)[cur_idx.val_idx];
string with = ((string*)[cur_idx.val_idx + 1];
for (int j = 0; j < with.len; ++j) {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = with.str[ j];
i += rep.len - 1;
if (idx_pos < idxs.len) {
cur_idx = ((RepIndex*)[idx_pos];
} else {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = s.str[i];
{ // Unsafe block
b[new_len] = 0;
return tos(b, new_len);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_replace_char(string s, u8 rep, u8 with, int repeat) {
bool string_replace_char_defer_0 = false;
Array_int idxs;
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (repeat <= 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("string.replace_char(): tab length too short"));
if (s.len == 0) {
return string_clone(s);
idxs = __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, s.len, sizeof(int), 0);
string_replace_char_defer_0 = true;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
u8 ch = s.str[i];
if (ch == rep) {
array_push_noscan((array*)&idxs, _MOV((int[]){ i }));
if (idxs.len == 0) {
string _t4 = string_clone(s);
// Defer begin
if (string_replace_char_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t4;
int new_len = s.len + idxs.len * (repeat - 1);
u8* b = malloc_noscan(new_len + 1);
int b_i = 0;
int s_idx = 0;
for (int _t5 = 0; _t5 < idxs.len; ++_t5) {
int rep_pos = ((int*)[_t5];
for (int i = s_idx; i < rep_pos; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = s.str[ i];
s_idx = rep_pos + 1;
for (int _t6 = 0; _t6 < repeat; ++_t6) {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = with;
if (s_idx < s.len) {
for (int i = s_idx; i < s.len; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
b[b_i] = s.str[ i];
{ // Unsafe block
b[new_len] = 0;
string _t7 = tos(b, new_len);
// Defer begin
if (string_replace_char_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t7;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [inline]
inline string string_normalize_tabs(string s, int tab_len) {
return string_replace_char(s, '\t', ' ', tab_len);
bool string_bool(string s) {
return string__eq(s, _SLIT("true")) || string__eq(s, _SLIT("t"));
int string_int(string s) {
_result_i64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_int(s, 0, 32, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(i64*) = 0;
return ((int)( (*(i64*);
i64 string_i64(string s) {
_result_i64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_int(s, 0, 64, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(i64*) = 0;
return (*(i64*);
i8 string_i8(string s) {
_result_i64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_int(s, 0, 8, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(i64*) = 0;
return ((i8)( (*(i64*);
i16 string_i16(string s) {
_result_i64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_int(s, 0, 16, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(i64*) = 0;
return ((i16)( (*(i64*);
f32 string_f32(string s) {
_result_f64 _t2 = strconv__atof64(s);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(f64*) = 0;
return ((f32)( (*(f64*);
f64 string_f64(string s) {
_result_f64 _t2 = strconv__atof64(s);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(f64*) = 0;
return (*(f64*);
u8 string_u8(string s) {
_result_u64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_uint(s, 0, 8, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(u64*) = 0U;
return ((u8)( (*(u64*);
u16 string_u16(string s) {
_result_u64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_uint(s, 0, 16, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(u64*) = 0U;
return ((u16)( (*(u64*);
u32 string_u32(string s) {
_result_u64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_uint(s, 0, 32, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(u64*) = 0U;
return ((u32)( (*(u64*);
u64 string_u64(string s) {
_result_u64 _t2 = strconv__common_parse_uint(s, 0, 64, false, false);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(u64*) = 0U;
return (*(u64*);
_result_u64 string_parse_uint(string s, int _base, int _bit_size) {
return strconv__parse_uint(s, _base, _bit_size);
_result_i64 string_parse_int(string s, int _base, int _bit_size) {
return strconv__parse_int(s, _base, _bit_size);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool string__eq(string s, string a) {
if (s.str == 0) {
_v_panic(_SLIT("string.eq(): nil string"));
if (s.len != a.len) {
return false;
if (s.len > 0) {
int last_idx = s.len - 1;
if (s.str[ last_idx] != a.str[ last_idx]) {
return false;
{ // Unsafe block
return vmemcmp(s.str, a.str, a.len) == 0;
return 0;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
int string_compare(string s, string a) {
int min_len = (s.len < a.len ? (s.len) : (a.len));
for (int i = 0; i < min_len; ++i) {
if (s.str[ i] < a.str[ i]) {
return -1;
if (s.str[ i] > a.str[ i]) {
return 1;
if (s.len < a.len) {
return -1;
if (s.len > a.len) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool string__lt(string s, string a) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
if (i >= a.len || s.str[ i] > a.str[ i]) {
return false;
} else if (s.str[ i] < a.str[ i]) {
return true;
if (s.len < a.len) {
return true;
return false;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string string__plus(string s, string a) {
int new_len = a.len + s.len;
string res = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(new_len + 1), .len = new_len});
for (int j = 0; j < s.len; ++j) {
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[j] = s.str[j];
for (int j = 0; j < a.len; ++j) {
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[s.len + j] = a.str[j];
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[new_len] = 0;
return res;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
Array_string string_split_any(string s, string delim) {
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
int i = 0;
if (s.len > 0) {
if (delim.len <= 0) {
return string_split(s, _SLIT(""));
for (int index = 0; index < s.len; ++index) {
u8 ch = s.str[index];
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < delim.len; ++_t2) {
u8 delim_ch = delim.str[_t2];
if (ch == delim_ch) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, i, index) }));
i = index + 1;
if (i < s.len) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, i, (s).len) }));
return res;
Array_string string_split(string s, string delim) {
return string_split_nth(s, delim, 0);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
Array_string string_split_nth(string s, string delim, int nth) {
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
int i = 0;
switch (delim.len) {
case 0: {
i = 1;
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < s.len; ++_t1) {
u8 ch = s.str[_t1];
if (nth > 0 && i >= nth) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, i, (s).len) }));
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ u8_ascii_str(ch) }));
return res;
case 1: {
int start = 0;
u8 delim_byte = delim.str[ 0];
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len)) break;
if (s.str[ i] == delim_byte) {
bool was_last = nth > 0 && res.len == nth - 1;
if (was_last) {
string val = string_substr(s, start, i);
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ val }));
start = i + delim.len;
i = start;
} else {
if (nth < 1 || res.len < nth) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, start, (s).len) }));
return res;
default: {
int start = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i <= s.len)) break;
bool is_delim = i + delim.len <= s.len && string__eq(string_substr(s, i, i + delim.len), delim);
if (is_delim) {
bool was_last = nth > 0 && res.len == nth - 1;
if (was_last) {
string val = string_substr(s, start, i);
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ val }));
start = i + delim.len;
i = start;
} else {
if (nth < 1 || res.len < nth) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, start, (s).len) }));
return res;
return __new_array(0, 0, sizeof(string));
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
Array_string string_split_into_lines(string s) {
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
if (s.len == 0) {
return res;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; i++) {
if (s.str[ i] == 10) {
end = (i > 0 && s.str[ i - 1] == 13 ? (i - 1) : (i));
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ (start == end ? (_SLIT("")) : (string_substr(s, start, end))) }));
start = i + 1;
if (start < s.len) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, start, (s).len) }));
return res;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string string_substr2(string s, int start, int _end, bool end_max) {
int end = (end_max ? (s.len) : (_end));
return string_substr(s, start, end);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_substr(string s, int start, int end) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (start > end || start > s.len || end > s.len || start < 0 || end < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(4, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("substr("), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = start}}, {_SLIT(", "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = end}}, {_SLIT(") out of bounds (len="), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = s.len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
int len = end - start;
if (len == s.len) {
return string_clone(s);
string res = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(len + 1), .len = len});
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[i] = s.str[start + i];
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[len] = 0;
return res;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
_option_string string_substr_with_check(string s, int start, int end) {
if (start > end || start > s.len || end > s.len || start < 0 || end < 0) {
return (_option_string){ .state=2, .err=_v_error( str_intp(4, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("substr("), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = start}}, {_SLIT(", "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = end}}, {_SLIT(") out of bounds (len="), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = s.len}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int len = end - start;
if (len == s.len) {
_option_string _t2;
_option_ok(&(string[]) { string_clone(s) }, (_option*)(&_t2), sizeof(string));
return _t2;
string res = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(len + 1), .len = len});
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[i] = s.str[start + i];
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[len] = 0;
_option_string _t3;
_option_ok(&(string[]) { res }, (_option*)(&_t3), sizeof(string));
return _t3;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_substr_ni(string s, int _start, int _end) {
int start = _start;
int end = _end;
if (start < 0) {
start = s.len + start;
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
if (end < 0) {
end = s.len + end;
if (end < 0) {
end = 0;
if (end >= s.len) {
end = s.len;
if (start > s.len || end < start) {
string res = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(1), .len = 0});
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[0] = 0;
return res;
int len = end - start;
string res = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(len + 1), .len = len});
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[i] = s.str[start + i];
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[len] = 0;
return res;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int string_index_(string s, string p) {
if (p.len > s.len || p.len == 0) {
return -1;
if (p.len > 2) {
return string_index_kmp(s, p);
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len)) break;
int j = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(j < p.len && s.str[i + j] == p.str[j])) break;
if (j == p.len) {
return i;
return -1;
_option_int string_index(string s, string p) {
int idx = string_index_(s, p);
if (idx == -1) {
return (_option_int){ .state=2, .err=_const_none__, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_option_int _t2;
_option_ok(&(int[]) { idx }, (_option*)(&_t2), sizeof(int));
return _t2;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int string_index_kmp(string s, string p) {
bool string_index_kmp_defer_0 = false;
Array_int prefix;
if (p.len > s.len) {
return -1;
prefix = __new_array_with_default_noscan(p.len, 0, sizeof(int), 0);
string_index_kmp_defer_0 = true;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < p.len; i++) {
for (;;) {
if (!(p.str[j] != p.str[i] && j > 0)) break;
j = ((int*)[j - 1];
if (p.str[j] == p.str[i]) {
((int*)[i] = j;
j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
for (;;) {
if (!(p.str[j] != s.str[i] && j > 0)) break;
j = ((int*)[j - 1];
if (p.str[j] == s.str[i]) {
if (j == p.len) {
int _t2 = i - p.len + 1;
// Defer begin
if (string_index_kmp_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t2;
int _t3 = -1;
// Defer begin
if (string_index_kmp_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t3;
int string_index_any(string s, string chars) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
u8 ss = s.str[i];
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < chars.len; ++_t1) {
u8 c = chars.str[_t1];
if (c == ss) {
return i;
return -1;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int string_last_index_(string s, string p) {
if (p.len > s.len || p.len == 0) {
return -1;
int i = s.len - p.len;
for (;;) {
if (!(i >= 0)) break;
int j = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(j < p.len && s.str[i + j] == p.str[j])) break;
if (j == p.len) {
return i;
return -1;
_option_int string_last_index(string s, string p) {
int idx = string_last_index_(s, p);
if (idx == -1) {
return (_option_int){ .state=2, .err=_const_none__, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_option_int _t2;
_option_ok(&(int[]) { idx }, (_option*)(&_t2), sizeof(int));
return _t2;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
int string_index_after(string s, string p, int start) {
if (p.len > s.len) {
return -1;
int strt = start;
if (start < 0) {
strt = 0;
if (start >= s.len) {
return -1;
int i = strt;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len)) break;
int j = 0;
int ii = i;
for (;;) {
if (!(j < p.len && s.str[ii] == p.str[j])) break;
if (j == p.len) {
return i;
return -1;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
int string_index_u8(string s, u8 c) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
if (s.str[i] == c) {
return i;
return -1;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
int string_last_index_u8(string s, u8 c) {
for (int i = s.len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (s.str[i] == c) {
return i;
return -1;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
int string_count(string s, string substr) {
if (s.len == 0 || substr.len == 0) {
return 0;
if (substr.len > s.len) {
return 0;
int n = 0;
if (substr.len == 1) {
u8 target = substr.str[ 0];
for (int _t3 = 0; _t3 < s.len; ++_t3) {
u8 letter = s.str[_t3];
if (letter == target) {
return n;
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
i = string_index_after(s, substr, i);
if (i == -1) {
return n;
i += substr.len;
return 0;
bool string_contains(string s, string substr) {
if (substr.len == 0) {
return true;
if (string_index_(s, substr) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
bool string_contains_any(string s, string chars) {
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < chars.len; ++_t1) {
u8 c = chars.str[_t1];
if (string_contains(s, u8_ascii_str(c))) {
return true;
return false;
bool string_contains_only(string s, string chars) {
if (chars.len == 0) {
return false;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < s.len; ++_t2) {
u8 ch = s.str[_t2];
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < chars.len && res == 0; i++) {
res += (int[]){(ch == chars.str[i])?1:0}[0];
if (res == 0) {
return false;
return true;
bool string_contains_any_substr(string s, Array_string substrs) {
if (substrs.len == 0) {
return true;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < substrs.len; ++_t2) {
string sub = ((string*)[_t2];
if (string_contains(s, sub)) {
return true;
return false;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
bool string_starts_with(string s, string p) {
if (p.len > s.len) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < p.len; ++i) {
if (s.str[i] != p.str[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
bool string_ends_with(string s, string p) {
if (p.len > s.len) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < p.len; ++i) {
if (p.str[i] != s.str[s.len - p.len + i]) {
return false;
return true;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_to_lower(string s) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* b = malloc_noscan(s.len + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
if (s.str[i] >= 'A' && s.str[i] <= 'Z') {
b[i] = s.str[i] + 32;
} else {
b[i] = s.str[i];
b[s.len] = 0;
return tos(b, s.len);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
bool string_is_lower(string s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
if (s.str[ i] >= 'A' && s.str[ i] <= 'Z') {
return false;
return true;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_to_upper(string s) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* b = malloc_noscan(s.len + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
if (s.str[i] >= 'a' && s.str[i] <= 'z') {
b[i] = s.str[i] - 32;
} else {
b[i] = s.str[i];
b[s.len] = 0;
return tos(b, s.len);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
bool string_is_upper(string s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
if (s.str[ i] >= 'a' && s.str[ i] <= 'z') {
return false;
return true;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_capitalize(string s) {
if (s.len == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
u8 s0 = s.str[ 0];
string letter = u8_ascii_str(s0);
string uletter = string_to_upper(letter);
if (s.len == 1) {
return uletter;
string srest = string_substr(s, 1, (s).len);
string res = string__plus(uletter, srest);
return res;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
bool string_is_capital(string s) {
if (s.len == 0 || !(s.str[ 0] >= 'A' && s.str[ 0] <= 'Z')) {
return false;
for (int i = 1; i < s.len; ++i) {
if (s.str[ i] >= 'A' && s.str[ i] <= 'Z') {
return false;
return true;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
bool string_starts_with_capital(string s) {
if (s.len == 0 || !(s.str[ 0] >= 'A' && s.str[ 0] <= 'Z')) {
return false;
return true;
string string_title(string s) {
Array_string words = string_split(s, _SLIT(" "));
Array_string tit = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < words.len; ++_t1) {
string word = ((string*)[_t1];
array_push((array*)&tit, _MOV((string[]){ string_capitalize(word) }));
string title = Array_string_join(tit, _SLIT(" "));
return title;
bool string_is_title(string s) {
Array_string words = string_split(s, _SLIT(" "));
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < words.len; ++_t1) {
string word = ((string*)[_t1];
if (!string_is_capital(word)) {
return false;
return true;
string string_find_between(string s, string start, string end) {
int start_pos = string_index_(s, start);
if (start_pos == -1) {
return _SLIT("");
string val = string_substr(s, start_pos + start.len, (s).len);
int end_pos = string_index_(val, end);
if (end_pos == -1) {
return val;
return string_substr(val, 0, end_pos);
string string_trim_space(string s) {
return string_trim(s, _SLIT(" \n\t\v\f\r"));
string string_trim(string s, string cutset) {
if (s.len < 1 || cutset.len < 1) {
return string_clone(s);
multi_return_int_int mr_36091 = string_trim_indexes(s, cutset);
int left = mr_36091.arg0;
int right = mr_36091.arg1;
return string_substr(s, left, right);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
multi_return_int_int string_trim_indexes(string s, string cutset) {
int pos_left = 0;
int pos_right = s.len - 1;
bool cs_match = true;
for (;;) {
if (!(pos_left <= s.len && pos_right >= -1 && cs_match)) break;
cs_match = false;
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < cutset.len; ++_t1) {
u8 cs = cutset.str[_t1];
if (s.str[ pos_left] == cs) {
cs_match = true;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < cutset.len; ++_t2) {
u8 cs = cutset.str[_t2];
if (s.str[ pos_right] == cs) {
cs_match = true;
if (pos_left > pos_right) {
return (multi_return_int_int){.arg0=0, .arg1=0};
return (multi_return_int_int){.arg0=pos_left, .arg1=pos_right + 1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_trim_left(string s, string cutset) {
if (s.len < 1 || cutset.len < 1) {
return string_clone(s);
int pos = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(pos < s.len)) break;
bool found = false;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < cutset.len; ++_t2) {
u8 cs = cutset.str[_t2];
if (s.str[ pos] == cs) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return string_substr(s, pos, (s).len);
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_trim_right(string s, string cutset) {
if (s.len < 1 || cutset.len < 1) {
return string_clone(s);
int pos = s.len - 1;
for (;;) {
if (!(pos >= 0)) break;
bool found = false;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < cutset.len; ++_t2) {
u8 cs = cutset.str[_t2];
if (s.str[ pos] == cs) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (pos < 0) {
return _SLIT("");
return string_substr(s, 0, pos + 1);
string string_trim_string_left(string s, string str) {
if (string_starts_with(s, str)) {
return string_substr(s, str.len, (s).len);
return string_clone(s);
string string_trim_string_right(string s, string str) {
if (string_ends_with(s, str)) {
return string_substr(s, 0, s.len - str.len);
return string_clone(s);
// Attr: [deprecated]
// Attr: [deprecated_after]
string string_trim_prefix(string s, string str) {
return string_trim_string_left(s, str);
// Attr: [deprecated]
// Attr: [deprecated_after]
string string_trim_suffix(string s, string str) {
return string_trim_string_right(s, str);
int compare_strings(string* a, string* b) {
if (string__lt(*a, *b)) {
return -1;
if (string__lt(*b, *a)) {
return 1;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int compare_strings_by_len(string* a, string* b) {
if (a->len < b->len) {
return -1;
if (a->len > b->len) {
return 1;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int compare_lower_strings(string* a, string* b) {
string aa = string_to_lower(/*rec*/*a);
string bb = string_to_lower(/*rec*/*b);
return compare_strings(&aa, &bb);
void Array_string_sort_ignore_case(Array_string* s) {
array_sort_with_compare(s, (voidptr)compare_lower_strings);
void Array_string_sort_by_len(Array_string* s) {
array_sort_with_compare(s, (voidptr)compare_strings_by_len);
string string_str(string s) {
return string_clone(s);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL byte string_at(string s, int idx) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_no_bounds_checking)
if (idx < 0 || idx >= s.len) {
_v_panic( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("string index out of range: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = idx}}, {_SLIT(" / "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = s.len}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
{ // Unsafe block
return s.str[idx];
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _option_u8 string_at_with_check(string s, int idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= s.len) {
return (_option_u8){ .state=2, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("string index out of range")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
{ // Unsafe block
_option_u8 _t2;
_option_ok(&(u8[]) { s.str[idx] }, (_option*)(&_t2), sizeof(u8));
return _t2;
return (_option_u8){0};
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_space(u8 c) {
return c == 32 || (c > 8 && c < 14) || (c == 0x85) || (c == 0xa0);
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_digit(u8 c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_hex_digit(u8 c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F');
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_oct_digit(u8 c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '7';
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_bin_digit(u8 c) {
return c == '0' || c == '1';
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_letter(u8 c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool u8_is_alnum(u8 c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
// Attr: [manualfree]
// Attr: [unsafe]
void string_free(string* s) {
if (s->is_lit == -98761234) {
u8* double_free_msg = ((u8*)("double detected\n"));
int double_free_msg_len = vstrlen(double_free_msg);
#if defined(_VFREESTANDING)
_write_buf_to_fd(1, double_free_msg, double_free_msg_len);
if (s->is_lit == 1 || s->str == 0) {
s->is_lit = -98761234;
string string_before(string s, string sub) {
int pos = string_index_(s, sub);
if (pos == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string_substr(s, 0, pos);
string string_all_before(string s, string sub) {
int pos = string_index_(s, sub);
if (pos == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string_substr(s, 0, pos);
string string_all_before_last(string s, string sub) {
int pos = string_last_index_(s, sub);
if (pos == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string_substr(s, 0, pos);
string string_all_after(string s, string sub) {
int pos = string_index_(s, sub);
if (pos == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string_substr(s, pos + sub.len, (s).len);
string string_all_after_last(string s, string sub) {
int pos = string_last_index_(s, sub);
if (pos == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string_substr(s, pos + sub.len, (s).len);
string string_all_after_first(string s, string sub) {
int pos = string_index_(s, sub);
if (pos == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string_substr(s, pos + sub.len, (s).len);
string string_after(string s, string sub) {
return string_all_after_last(s, sub);
string string_after_char(string s, u8 sub) {
int pos = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
u8 c = s.str[i];
if (c == sub) {
pos = i;
if (pos == -1) {
return string_clone(s);
return string_substr(s, pos + 1, (s).len);
string Array_string_join(Array_string a, string sep) {
if (a.len == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
int len = 0;
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < a.len; ++_t2) {
string val = ((string*)[_t2];
len += val.len + sep.len;
len -= sep.len;
string res = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(len + 1), .len = len});
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) {
string val = ((string*)[i];
{ // Unsafe block
vmemcpy(((voidptr)(res.str + idx)), val.str, val.len);
idx += val.len;
if (i != a.len - 1) {
{ // Unsafe block
vmemcpy(((voidptr)(res.str + idx)), sep.str, sep.len);
idx += sep.len;
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[res.len] = 0;
return res;
string Array_string_join_lines(Array_string s) {
return Array_string_join(s, _SLIT("\n"));
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_reverse(string s) {
if (s.len == 0 || s.len == 1) {
return string_clone(s);
string res = ((string){.str = malloc_noscan(s.len + 1), .len = s.len});
for (int i = s.len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[s.len - i - 1] = s.str[ i];
{ // Unsafe block
res.str[res.len] = 0;
return res;
string string_limit(string s, int max) {
Array_rune u = string_runes(s);
if (u.len <= max) {
return string_clone(s);
return Array_rune_string(array_slice(u, 0, max));
int string_hash(string s) {
u32 h = ((u32)(0U));
if (h == 0U && s.len > 0) {
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < s.len; ++_t1) {
u8 c = s.str[_t1];
h = h * 31U + ((u32)(c));
return ((int)(h));
Array_u8 string_bytes(string s) {
if (s.len == 0) {
return __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
Array_u8 buf = __new_array_with_default_noscan(s.len, 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
vmemcpy(, s.str, s.len);
return buf;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_repeat(string s, int count) {
if (count < 0) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("string.repeat: count is negative: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = count}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
} else if (count == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
} else if (count == 1) {
return string_clone(s);
u8* ret = malloc_noscan(s.len * count + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < s.len; ++j) {
{ // Unsafe block
ret[i * s.len + j] = s.str[ j];
int new_len = s.len * count;
{ // Unsafe block
ret[new_len] = 0;
return u8_vstring_with_len(ret, new_len);
Array_string string_fields(string s) {
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
int word_start = 0;
int word_len = 0;
bool is_in_word = false;
bool is_space = false;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
u8 c = s.str[i];
is_space = (c == 32 || c == 9 || c == 10);
if (!is_space) {
if (!is_in_word && !is_space) {
word_start = i;
is_in_word = true;
if (is_space && is_in_word) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, word_start, word_start + word_len) }));
is_in_word = false;
word_len = 0;
word_start = 0;
if (is_in_word && word_len > 0) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_substr(s, word_start, s.len) }));
return res;
string string_strip_margin(string s) {
return string_strip_margin_custom(s, '|');
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string string_strip_margin_custom(string s, u8 del) {
u8 sep = del;
if (u8_is_space(sep)) {
println(_SLIT("Warning: `strip_margin` cannot use white-space as a delimiter"));
println(_SLIT(" Defaulting to `|`"));
sep = '|';
u8* ret = malloc_noscan(s.len + 1);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; i++) {
if (s.str[ i] == 10 || s.str[ i] == 13) {
{ // Unsafe block
ret[count] = s.str[ i];
if (s.str[ i] == 13 && i < s.len - 1 && s.str[ i + 1] == 10) {
{ // Unsafe block
ret[count] = s.str[ i + 1];
for (;;) {
if (!(s.str[ i] != sep)) break;
if (i >= s.len) {
} else {
{ // Unsafe block
ret[count] = s.str[ i];
{ // Unsafe block
ret[count] = 0;
return u8_vstring_with_len(ret, count);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
bool string_match_glob(string name, string pattern) {
int px = 0;
int nx = 0;
int next_px = 0;
int next_nx = 0;
int plen = pattern.len;
int nlen = name.len;
for (;;) {
if (!(px < plen || nx < nlen)) break;
if (px < plen) {
u8 c = pattern.str[ px];
if (c == ('?')) {
if (nx < nlen) {
else if (c == ('*')) {
next_px = px;
next_nx = nx + 1;
else if (c == ('[')) {
if (nx < nlen) {
u8 wanted_c = name.str[ nx];
int bstart = px;
bool is_inverted = false;
bool inner_match = false;
int inner_idx = bstart + 1;
int inner_c = 0;
if (inner_idx < plen) {
inner_c = pattern.str[ inner_idx];
if (inner_c == '^') {
is_inverted = true;
for (; inner_idx < plen; inner_idx++) {
inner_c = pattern.str[ inner_idx];
if (inner_c == ']') {
if (inner_c == wanted_c) {
inner_match = true;
for (;;) {
if (!(px < plen && pattern.str[ px] != ']')) break;
if (is_inverted) {
if (inner_match) {
return false;
} else {
px = inner_idx;
else {
if (nx < nlen && name.str[ nx] == c) {
if (0 < next_nx && next_nx <= nlen) {
px = next_px;
nx = next_nx;
return false;
return true;
bool string_is_ascii(string s) {
bool _t2 = false;
Array_u8 _t2_orig = string_bytes(s);
int _t2_len = _t2_orig.len;
for (int _t3 = 0; _t3 < _t2_len; ++_t3) {
u8 it = ((u8*)[_t3];
if (it < ((u8)(' ')) || it > ((u8)('~'))) {
_t2 = true;
return !_t2;
// Attr: [unsafe]
Array_u8 byteptr_vbytes(byteptr data, int len) {
return voidptr_vbytes(((voidptr)(data)), len);
// Attr: [unsafe]
string byteptr_vstring(byteptr bp) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = vstrlen(bp)});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string byteptr_vstring_with_len(byteptr bp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = len, .is_lit = 0});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string charptr_vstring(charptr cp) {
return ((string){.str = ((byteptr)(cp)), .len = vstrlen_char(cp), .is_lit = 0});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string charptr_vstring_with_len(charptr cp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = ((byteptr)(cp)), .len = len, .is_lit = 0});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string byteptr_vstring_literal(byteptr bp) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = vstrlen(bp), .is_lit = 1});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string byteptr_vstring_literal_with_len(byteptr bp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = bp, .len = len, .is_lit = 1});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string charptr_vstring_literal(charptr cp) {
return ((string){.str = ((byteptr)(cp)), .len = vstrlen_char(cp), .is_lit = 1});
// Attr: [unsafe]
string charptr_vstring_literal_with_len(charptr cp, int len) {
return ((string){.str = ((byteptr)(cp)), .len = len, .is_lit = 1});
string StrIntpType_str(StrIntpType x) {
string _t2 = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
switch (x) {
case StrIntpType__si_no_str: {
_t2 = _SLIT("no_str");
case StrIntpType__si_c: {
_t2 = _SLIT("c");
case StrIntpType__si_u8: {
_t2 = _SLIT("u8");
case StrIntpType__si_i8: {
_t2 = _SLIT("i8");
case StrIntpType__si_u16: {
_t2 = _SLIT("u16");
case StrIntpType__si_i16: {
_t2 = _SLIT("i16");
case StrIntpType__si_u32: {
_t2 = _SLIT("u32");
case StrIntpType__si_i32: {
_t2 = _SLIT("i32");
case StrIntpType__si_u64: {
_t2 = _SLIT("u64");
case StrIntpType__si_i64: {
_t2 = _SLIT("i64");
case StrIntpType__si_f32: {
_t2 = _SLIT("f32");
case StrIntpType__si_f64: {
_t2 = _SLIT("f64");
case StrIntpType__si_g32: {
_t2 = _SLIT("f32");
case StrIntpType__si_g64: {
_t2 = _SLIT("f64");
case StrIntpType__si_e32: {
_t2 = _SLIT("f32");
case StrIntpType__si_e64: {
_t2 = _SLIT("f64");
case StrIntpType__si_s: {
_t2 = _SLIT("s");
case StrIntpType__si_p: {
_t2 = _SLIT("p");
case StrIntpType__si_vp: {
_t2 = _SLIT("vp");
return _t2;
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f32 fabs32(f32 x) {
return (x < 0 ? (-x) : (x));
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL f64 fabs64(f64 x) {
return (x < 0 ? (-x) : (x));
// Attr: [inline]
inline VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL u64 abs64(i64 x) {
return (x < 0 ? (((u64)(-x))) : (((u64)(x))));
u64 get_str_intp_u64_format(StrIntpType fmt_type, int in_width, int in_precision, bool in_tail_zeros, bool in_sign, byte in_pad_ch, int in_base, bool in_upper_case) {
u64 width = (in_width != 0 ? (abs64(in_width)) : (((u64)(0U))));
u64 allign = (in_width > 0 ? (((u64)(32U))) : (((u64)(0U))));
u64 upper_case = (in_upper_case ? (((u64)(128U))) : (((u64)(0U))));
u64 sign = (in_sign ? (((u64)(256U))) : (((u64)(0U))));
u64 precision = (in_precision != 987698 ? ((((u64)((in_precision & 0x7F))) << 9U)) : (((u64)(0x7FU)) << 9U));
u32 tail_zeros = (in_tail_zeros ? (((u32)(1U)) << 16U) : (((u32)(0U))));
u64 base = ((u64)(((u32)((in_base & 0xf))) << 27U));
u64 res = ((u64)(((((((((((((u64)(fmt_type)) & 0x1FU)) | allign) | upper_case) | sign) | precision) | tail_zeros) | (((u64)((width & 0x3FFU))) << 17U)) | base) | (((u64)(in_pad_ch)) << 31U))));
return res;
u32 get_str_intp_u32_format(StrIntpType fmt_type, int in_width, int in_precision, bool in_tail_zeros, bool in_sign, byte in_pad_ch, int in_base, bool in_upper_case) {
u64 width = (in_width != 0 ? (abs64(in_width)) : (((u32)(0U))));
u32 allign = (in_width > 0 ? (((u32)(32U))) : (((u32)(0U))));
u32 upper_case = (in_upper_case ? (((u32)(128U))) : (((u32)(0U))));
u32 sign = (in_sign ? (((u32)(256U))) : (((u32)(0U))));
u32 precision = (in_precision != 987698 ? ((((u32)((in_precision & 0x7F))) << 9U)) : (((u32)(0x7FU)) << 9U));
u32 tail_zeros = (in_tail_zeros ? (((u32)(1U)) << 16U) : (((u32)(0U))));
u32 base = ((u32)(((u32)((in_base & 0xf))) << 27U));
u32 res = ((u32)(((((((((((((u32)(fmt_type)) & 0x1FU)) | allign) | upper_case) | sign) | precision) | tail_zeros) | (((u32)((width & 0x3FFU))) << 17U)) | base) | (((u32)((in_pad_ch & 1))) << 31U))));
return res;
// Attr: [manualfree]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void StrIntpData_process_str_intp_data(StrIntpData* data, strings__Builder* sb) {
u32 x = data->fmt;
StrIntpType typ = ((StrIntpType)((x & 0x1FU)));
int allign = ((int)(((x >> 5U) & 0x01U)));
bool upper_case = (((x >> 7U) & 0x01U)) > 0U;
int sign = ((int)(((x >> 8U) & 0x01U)));
int precision = ((int)(((x >> 9U) & 0x7FU)));
bool tail_zeros = (((x >> 16U) & 0x01U)) > 0U;
int width = ((int)(((i16)(((x >> 17U) & 0x3FFU)))));
int base = (((int)(x >> 27U)) & 0xF);
u8 fmt_pad_ch = ((u8)(((x >> 31U) & 0xFFU)));
if (typ == StrIntpType__si_no_str) {
if (base > 0) {
base += 2;
u8 pad_ch = ((u8)(' '));
if (fmt_pad_ch > 0) {
pad_ch = '0';
int len0_set = (width > 0 ? (width) : (-1));
int len1_set = (precision == 0x7F ? (-1) : (precision));
bool sign_set = sign == 1;
strconv__BF_param bf = ((strconv__BF_param){
.pad_ch = pad_ch,
.len0 = len0_set,
.len1 = len1_set,
.positive = true,
.sign_flag = sign_set,
.allign = strconv__Align_text__left,
.rm_tail_zero = tail_zeros,
if (fmt_pad_ch == 0) {
switch (allign) {
case 0: {
bf.allign = strconv__Align_text__left;
case 1: {
bf.allign = strconv__Align_text__right;
default: {
bf.allign = strconv__Align_text__left;
} else {
bf.allign = strconv__Align_text__right;
{ // Unsafe block
if (typ == StrIntpType__si_s) {
string s = _SLIT("");
if (upper_case) {
s = string_to_upper(data->d.d_s);
} else {
s = string_clone(data->d.d_s);
if (width == 0) {
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, s);
} else {
strconv__format_str_sb(s, bf, sb);
if (typ == StrIntpType__si_i8 || typ == StrIntpType__si_i16 || typ == StrIntpType__si_i32 || typ == StrIntpType__si_i64) {
i64 d = data->d.d_i64;
if (typ == StrIntpType__si_i8) {
d = ((i64)(data->d.d_i8));
} else if (typ == StrIntpType__si_i16) {
d = ((i64)(data->d.d_i16));
} else if (typ == StrIntpType__si_i32) {
d = ((i64)(data->d.d_i32));
if (base == 0) {
if (width == 0) {
string d_str = i64_str(d);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, d_str);
if (d < 0) {
bf.positive = false;
strconv__format_dec_sb(abs64(d), bf, sb);
} else {
if (base == 3) {
base = 2;
i64 absd = d;
bool write_minus = false;
if (d < 0 && pad_ch != ' ') {
absd = -d;
write_minus = true;
string hx = strconv__format_int(absd, base);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = hx;
hx = string_to_upper(hx);
if (write_minus) {
strings__Builder_write_u8(sb, '-');
if (width == 0) {
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, hx);
} else {
strconv__format_str_sb(hx, bf, sb);
if (typ == StrIntpType__si_u8 || typ == StrIntpType__si_u16 || typ == StrIntpType__si_u32 || typ == StrIntpType__si_u64) {
u64 d = data->d.d_u64;
if (typ == StrIntpType__si_u8) {
d = ((u64)(data->d.d_u8));
} else if (typ == StrIntpType__si_u16) {
d = ((u64)(data->d.d_u16));
} else if (typ == StrIntpType__si_u32) {
d = ((u64)(data->d.d_u32));
if (base == 0) {
if (width == 0) {
string d_str = u64_str(d);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, d_str);
strconv__format_dec_sb(d, bf, sb);
} else {
if (base == 3) {
base = 2;
string hx = strconv__format_uint(d, base);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = hx;
hx = string_to_upper(hx);
if (width == 0) {
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, hx);
} else {
strconv__format_str_sb(hx, bf, sb);
if (typ == StrIntpType__si_p) {
u64 d = data->d.d_u64;
base = 16;
if (base == 0) {
if (width == 0) {
string d_str = u64_str(d);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, d_str);
strconv__format_dec_sb(d, bf, sb);
} else {
string hx = strconv__format_uint(d, base);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = hx;
hx = string_to_upper(hx);
if (width == 0) {
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, hx);
} else {
strconv__format_str_sb(hx, bf, sb);
bool use_default_str = false;
if (width == 0 && precision == 0x7F) {
bf.len1 = 3;
use_default_str = true;
if (bf.len1 < 0) {
bf.len1 = 3;
switch (typ) {
case StrIntpType__si_f32: {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
if (use_default_str) {
string f = f32_str(data->d.d_f32);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
} else {
if (data->d.d_f32 < 0) {
bf.positive = false;
string f = strconv__format_fl(data->d.d_f32, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
case StrIntpType__si_f64: {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
if (use_default_str) {
string f = f64_str(data->d.d_f64);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
} else {
if (data->d.d_f64 < 0) {
bf.positive = false;
strconv__Float64u f_union = ((strconv__Float64u){.f = data->d.d_f64,});
if (f_union.u == _const_strconv__double_minus_zero) {
bf.positive = false;
string f = strconv__format_fl(data->d.d_f64, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
case StrIntpType__si_g32: {
if (use_default_str) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
string f = f32_strg(data->d.d_f32);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
} else {
if (data->d.d_f32 == _const_strconv__single_plus_zero) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("0");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f32 == _const_strconv__single_minus_zero) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("-0");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f32 == _const_strconv__single_plus_infinity) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("+inf");
if (upper_case) {
tmp_str = _SLIT("+INF");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f32 == _const_strconv__single_minus_infinity) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("-inf");
if (upper_case) {
tmp_str = _SLIT("-INF");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f32 < 0) {
bf.positive = false;
f32 d = fabs32(data->d.d_f32);
if (d < 999999.0 && d >= 0.00001) {
string f = strconv__format_fl(data->d.d_f32, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
string f = strconv__format_es(data->d.d_f32, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
case StrIntpType__si_g64: {
if (use_default_str) {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
string f = f64_strg(data->d.d_f64);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
} else {
if (data->d.d_f64 == _const_strconv__double_plus_zero) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("0");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f64 == _const_strconv__double_minus_zero) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("-0");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f64 == _const_strconv__double_plus_infinity) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("+inf");
if (upper_case) {
tmp_str = _SLIT("+INF");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f64 == _const_strconv__double_minus_infinity) {
string tmp_str = _SLIT("-inf");
if (upper_case) {
tmp_str = _SLIT("-INF");
strconv__format_str_sb(tmp_str, bf, sb);
if (data->d.d_f64 < 0) {
bf.positive = false;
f64 d = fabs64(data->d.d_f64);
if (d < 999999.0 && d >= 0.00001) {
string f = strconv__format_fl(data->d.d_f64, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
string f = strconv__format_es(data->d.d_f64, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
case StrIntpType__si_e32: {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
bf.len1 = 6;
if (use_default_str) {
string f = f32_str(data->d.d_f32);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
} else {
if (data->d.d_f32 < 0) {
bf.positive = false;
string f = strconv__format_es(data->d.d_f32, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
case StrIntpType__si_e64: {
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_nofloat)
bf.len1 = 6;
if (use_default_str) {
string f = f64_str(data->d.d_f64);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
} else {
if (data->d.d_f64 < 0) {
bf.positive = false;
string f = strconv__format_es(data->d.d_f64, bf);
if (upper_case) {
string tmp = f;
f = string_to_upper(f);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, f);
case StrIntpType__si_c: {
string ss = utf32_to_str(data->d.d_c);
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, ss);
case StrIntpType__si_vp: {
string ss = u64_hex(((u64)(data->d.d_vp)));
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, ss);
case StrIntpType__si_no_str:
case StrIntpType__si_u8:
case StrIntpType__si_i8:
case StrIntpType__si_u16:
case StrIntpType__si_i16:
case StrIntpType__si_u32:
case StrIntpType__si_i32:
case StrIntpType__si_u64:
case StrIntpType__si_i64:
case StrIntpType__si_s:
case StrIntpType__si_p:
default: {
strings__Builder_write_string(sb, _SLIT("***ERROR!***"));
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
string str_intp(int data_len, voidptr in_data) {
strings__Builder res = strings__new_builder(256);
StrIntpData* input_base = ((StrIntpData*)(in_data));
for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
StrIntpData* data = &input_base[i];
if (data->str.len != 0) {
strings__Builder_write_string(&res, data->str);
if (data->fmt != 0U) {
StrIntpData_process_str_intp_data(data, (voidptr)&/*qq*/res);
string ret = strings__Builder_str(&res);
return ret;
// Attr: [inline]
inline string str_intp_sq(string in_str) {
return str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(\"\'\"), "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_si_s_code}}, {_SLIT(", {.d_s = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = in_str}}, {_SLIT("}},{_SLIT(\"\'\"), 0, {.d_c = 0 }}}))"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
// Attr: [inline]
inline string str_intp_rune(string in_str) {
return str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(\"`\"), "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_si_s_code}}, {_SLIT(", {.d_s = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = in_str}}, {_SLIT("}},{_SLIT(\"`\"), 0, {.d_c = 0 }}}))"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
// Attr: [inline]
inline string str_intp_g32(string in_str) {
return str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("str_intp(1, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_si_g32_code}}, {_SLIT(", {.d_f32 = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = in_str}}, {_SLIT(" }}}))"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
// Attr: [inline]
inline string str_intp_g64(string in_str) {
return str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("str_intp(1, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_si_g64_code}}, {_SLIT(", {.d_f64 = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = in_str}}, {_SLIT(" }}}))"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
// Attr: [manualfree]
string str_intp_sub(string base_str, string in_str) {
_option_int _t1 = string_index(base_str, _SLIT("%%"));
if (_t1.state != 0) {
IError err = _t1.err;
eprintln(_SLIT("No strin interpolation %% parameteres"));
int index = (*(int*);
{ // Unsafe block
string st_str = string_substr(base_str, 0, index);
if (index + 2 < base_str.len) {
string en_str = string_substr(base_str, index + 2, (base_str).len);
string res_str = str_intp(5, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(\""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = st_str}}, {_SLIT("\"), "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_si_s_code}}, {_SLIT(", {.d_s = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = in_str}}, {_SLIT(" }},{_SLIT(\""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = en_str}}, {_SLIT("\"), 0, {.d_c = 0}}}))"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
return res_str;
string res2_str = str_intp(4, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("str_intp(1, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT(\""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = st_str}}, {_SLIT("\"), "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_si_s_code}}, {_SLIT(", {.d_s = "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = in_str}}, {_SLIT(" }}}))"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
return res2_str;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
u16* string_to_wide(string _str) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
Array_rune srunes = string_runes(_str);
{ // Unsafe block
u16* result = ((u16*)(vcalloc_noscan((srunes.len + 1) * 2)));
for (int i = 0; i < srunes.len; ++i) {
rune r = ((rune*)[i];
result[i] = ((u16)(r));
return result;
return 0;
// Attr: [unsafe]
string string_from_wide(u16* _wstr) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
return _SLIT("");
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [unsafe]
string string_from_wide2(u16* _wstr, int len) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
return _SLIT("");
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
int utf8_char_len(u8 b) {
return (((0xe5000000 >> (((b >> 3) & 0x1e))) & 3)) + 1;
string utf32_to_str(u32 code) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* buffer = malloc_noscan(5);
string res = utf32_to_str_no_malloc(code, buffer);
if (res.len == 0) {
return res;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [manualfree]
// Attr: [unsafe]
string utf32_to_str_no_malloc(u32 code, u8* buf) {
{ // Unsafe block
int len = utf32_decode_to_buffer(code, buf);
if (len == 0) {
return _SLIT("");
buf[len] = 0;
return tos(buf, len);
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [manualfree]
// Attr: [unsafe]
int utf32_decode_to_buffer(u32 code, u8* buf) {
{ // Unsafe block
int icode = ((int)(code));
u8* buffer = ((u8*)(buf));
if (icode <= 127) {
buffer[0] = ((u8)(icode));
return 1;
} else if (icode <= 2047) {
buffer[0] = (192 | ((u8)(icode >> 6)));
buffer[1] = (128 | ((u8)((icode & 63))));
return 2;
} else if (icode <= 65535) {
buffer[0] = (224 | ((u8)(icode >> 12)));
buffer[1] = (128 | ((((u8)(icode >> 6)) & 63)));
buffer[2] = (128 | ((u8)((icode & 63))));
return 3;
} else if (icode <= 1114111) {
buffer[0] = (240 | ((u8)(icode >> 18)));
buffer[1] = (128 | ((((u8)(icode >> 12)) & 63)));
buffer[2] = (128 | ((((u8)(icode >> 6)) & 63)));
buffer[3] = (128 | ((u8)((icode & 63))));
return 4;
return 0;
// Attr: [deprecated]
// Attr: [deprecated_after]
int utf8_str_len(string s) {
int l = 0;
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(i < s.len)) break;
i += (((0xe5000000 >> (((s.str[i] >> 3) & 0x1e))) & 3)) + 1;
return l;
int string_utf32_code(string _rune) {
_option_rune _t2 = Array_u8_utf8_to_utf32(string_bytes(_rune));
if (_t2.state != 0) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(rune*) = ((rune)(0));
return ((int)( (*(rune*);
_option_rune Array_u8_utf8_to_utf32(Array_u8 _bytes) {
if (_bytes.len == 0) {
_option_rune _t1;
_option_ok(&(rune[]) { 0 }, (_option*)(&_t1), sizeof(rune));
return _t1;
if (_bytes.len == 1) {
_option_rune _t2;
_option_ok(&(rune[]) { ((rune)((*(u8*)array_get(_bytes, 0)))) }, (_option*)(&_t2), sizeof(rune));
return _t2;
if (_bytes.len > 4) {
return (_option_rune){ .state=2, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("attempted to decode too many bytes, utf-8 is limited to four bytes maximum")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
u8 b = ((u8)(((int)((*(u8*)array_get(_bytes, 0))))));
b = b << _bytes.len;
rune res = ((rune)(b));
int shift = 6 - _bytes.len;
for (int i = 1; i < _bytes.len; i++) {
rune c = ((rune)((*(u8*)array_get(_bytes, i))));
res = ((rune)(res)) << shift;
res |= (c & 63);
shift = 6;
_option_rune _t4;
_option_ok(&(rune[]) { res }, (_option*)(&_t4), sizeof(rune));
return _t4;
int utf8_str_visible_length(string s) {
int l = 0;
int ul = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; i += ul) {
u8 c = s.str[i];
ul = (((0xe5000000 >> (((s.str[i] >> 3) & 0x1e))) & 3)) + 1;
if (i + ul > s.len) {
return l;
if (ul == 1) {
if (ul == (2)) {
u64 r = ((u64)(((((u16)(c)) << 8U) | s.str[i + 1])));
if (r >= 0xcc80U && r < 0xcdb0U) {
else if (ul == (3)) {
u64 r = ((u64)(((((u32)(c)) << 16U) | ((((u32)(s.str[i + 1])) << 8U) | s.str[i + 2]))));
if ((r >= 0xe1aab0U && r <= 0xe1ac7fU) || (r >= 0xe1b780U && r <= 0xe1b87fU) || (r >= 0xe28390U && r <= 0xe2847fU) || (r >= 0xefb8a0U && r <= 0xefb8afU)) {
} else if ((r >= 0xe18480U && r <= 0xe1859fU) || (r >= 0xe2ba80U && r <= 0xe2bf95U) || (r >= 0xe38080U && r <= 0xe4b77fU) || (r >= 0xe4b880U && r <= 0xea807fU) || (r >= 0xeaa5a0U && r <= 0xeaa79fU) || (r >= 0xeab080U && r <= 0xed9eafU) || (r >= 0xefa480U && r <= 0xefac7fU) || (r >= 0xefb8b8U && r <= 0xefb9afU)) {
else if (ul == (4)) {
u64 r = ((u64)(((((u32)(c)) << 24U) | (((((u32)(s.str[i + 1])) << 16U) | (((u32)(s.str[i + 2])) << 8U)) | s.str[i + 3]))));
if ((r >= 0x0f9f8880U && r <= 0xf09f8a8fU) || (r >= 0xf09f8c80U && r <= 0xf09f9c90U) || (r >= 0xf09fa490U && r <= 0xf09fa7afU) || (r >= 0xf0a08080U && r <= 0xf180807fU)) {
else {
return l;
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool ArrayFlags_is_empty(ArrayFlags* e) {
return ((int)(*e)) == 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool ArrayFlags_has(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag) {
return ((((int)(*e)) & (((int)(flag))))) != 0;
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool ArrayFlags_all(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag) {
return ((((int)(*e)) & (((int)(flag))))) == ((int)(flag));
// Attr: [inline]
inline void ArrayFlags_set(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag) {
{ // Unsafe block
*e = ((ArrayFlags)((((int)(*e)) | (((int)(flag))))));
// Attr: [inline]
inline void ArrayFlags_clear(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag) {
{ // Unsafe block
*e = ((ArrayFlags)((((int)(*e)) & ~(((int)(flag))))));
// Attr: [inline]
inline void ArrayFlags_toggle(ArrayFlags* e, ArrayFlags flag) {
{ // Unsafe block
*e = ((ArrayFlags)((((int)(*e)) ^ (((int)(flag))))));
strings__textscanner__TextScanner strings__textscanner__new(string input) {
strings__textscanner__TextScanner _t1 = ((strings__textscanner__TextScanner){.input = input,.ilen = input.len,.pos = 0,});
return _t1;
// Attr: [unsafe]
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_free(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
// Attr: [inline]
inline int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_remaining(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
int _t1 = ss->ilen - ss->pos;
return _t1;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_next(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
if (ss->pos < ss->ilen) {
int opos = ss->pos;
int _t1 = ss->input.str[ opos];
return _t1;
int _t2 = -1;
return _t2;
// Attr: [inline]
inline void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_skip(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
if (ss->pos + 1 < ss->ilen) {
// Attr: [inline]
inline void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_skip_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n) {
ss->pos += n;
if (ss->pos > ss->ilen) {
ss->pos = ss->ilen;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
if (ss->pos < ss->ilen) {
int _t1 = ss->input.str[ ss->pos];
return _t1;
int _t2 = -1;
return _t2;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n) {
if (ss->pos + n < ss->ilen) {
int _t1 = ss->input.str[ ss->pos + n];
return _t1;
int _t2 = -1;
return _t2;
// Attr: [inline]
inline void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_back(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
if (ss->pos > 0) {
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_back_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n) {
ss->pos -= n;
if (ss->pos < 0) {
ss->pos = 0;
if (ss->pos > ss->ilen) {
ss->pos = ss->ilen;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_back(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
int _t1 = strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_back_n(ss, 1);
return _t1;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_back_n(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss, int n) {
int offset = n + 1;
if (ss->pos >= offset) {
int _t1 = ss->input.str[ ss->pos - offset];
return _t1;
int _t2 = -1;
return _t2;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [inline]
inline int strings__textscanner__TextScanner_current(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
if (ss->pos > 0) {
int _t1 = ss->input.str[ ss->pos - 1];
return _t1;
int _t2 = -1;
return _t2;
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_reset(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
ss->pos = 0;
void strings__textscanner__TextScanner_goto_end(strings__textscanner__TextScanner* ss) {
ss->pos = ss->ilen;
Array_string os__args_after(string cut_word) {
if (_const_os__args.len == 0) {
Array_string _t1 = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
return _t1;
Array_string cargs = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
if (!Array_string_contains(_const_os__args, cut_word)) {
cargs = array_clone_to_depth(&_const_os__args, 0);
} else {
bool found = false;
array_push((array*)&cargs, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone((*(string*)array_get(_const_os__args, 0))) }));
Array_string _t4;
Array_string _t3 = (_t4 = _const_os__args, array_slice(_t4, 1, _t4.len));
for (int _t5 = 0; _t5 < _t3.len; ++_t5) {
string a = ((string*)[_t5];
if (string__eq(a, cut_word)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
array_push((array*)&cargs, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(a) }));
return cargs;
Array_string os__args_before(string cut_word) {
if (_const_os__args.len == 0) {
Array_string _t1 = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
return _t1;
Array_string cargs = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
if (!Array_string_contains(_const_os__args, cut_word)) {
cargs = array_clone_to_depth(&_const_os__args, 0);
} else {
array_push((array*)&cargs, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone((*(string*)array_get(_const_os__args, 0))) }));
Array_string _t4;
Array_string _t3 = (_t4 = _const_os__args, array_slice(_t4, 1, _t4.len));
for (int _t5 = 0; _t5 < _t3.len; ++_t5) {
string a = ((string*)[_t5];
if (string__eq(a, cut_word)) {
array_push((array*)&cargs, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(a) }));
return cargs;
string os__getenv(string key) {
_option_string _t2 = os__getenv_opt(key);
if (_t2.state != 0) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(string*) = _SLIT("");
string _t1 = (*(string*);
return _t1;
// Attr: [manualfree]
_option_string os__getenv_opt(string key) {
{ // Unsafe block
#if defined(_WIN32)
char* s = getenv(((char*)(key.str)));
if (s == ((void*)0)) {
return (_option_string){ .state=2, .err=_const_none__, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_option_string _t3;
_option_ok(&(string[]) { cstring_to_vstring(s) }, (_option*)(&_t3), sizeof(string));
return _t3;
return (_option_string){0};
int os__setenv(string name, string value, bool overwrite) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
{ // Unsafe block
int _t2 = setenv(((char*)(name.str)), ((char*)(value.str)), overwrite);
return _t2;
return 0;
int os__unsetenv(string name) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
int _t2 = unsetenv(((char*)(name.str)));
return _t2;
return 0;
Map_string_string os__environ(void) {
Map_string_string res = new_map(sizeof(string), sizeof(string), &map_hash_string, &map_eq_string, &map_clone_string, &map_free_string)
#if defined(_WIN32)
char** start = ((char**)(environ));
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
char* x = start[i];
if (x == 0) {
string eline = cstring_to_vstring(x);
int eq_index = string_index_u8(eline, '=');
if (eq_index > 0) {
map_set(&res, &(string[]){string_substr(eline, 0, eq_index)}, &(string[]) { string_substr(eline, eq_index + 1, (eline).len) });
return res;
int os__fd_close(int fd) {
if (fd == -1) {
int _t1 = 0;
return _t1;
int _t2 = close(fd);
return _t2;
void os__fd_write(int fd, string s) {
if (fd == -1) {
u8* sp = s.str;
int remaining = s.len;
for (;;) {
if (!(remaining > 0)) break;
int written = write(fd, sp, remaining);
if (written < 0) {
remaining = remaining - written;
sp = ((voidptr)(sp + written));
Array_string os__fd_slurp(int fd) {
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
if (fd == -1) {
return res;
for (;;) {
multi_return_string_int mr_582 = os__fd_read(fd, 4096);
string s = mr_582.arg0;
int b = mr_582.arg1;
if (b <= 0) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(s) }));
return res;
multi_return_string_int os__fd_read(int fd, int maxbytes) {
if (fd == -1) {
return (multi_return_string_int){.arg0=_SLIT(""), .arg1=0};
{ // Unsafe block
u8* buf = malloc_noscan(maxbytes + 1);
int nbytes = read(fd, buf, maxbytes);
if (nbytes < 0) {
return (multi_return_string_int){.arg0=_SLIT(""), .arg1=nbytes};
buf[nbytes] = 0;
return (multi_return_string_int){.arg0=tos(buf, nbytes), .arg1=nbytes};
return (multi_return_string_int){0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__NotExpected_msg(os__NotExpected err) {
string _t1 = err.cause;
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__NotExpected_code(os__NotExpected err) {
int _t1 = err.code;
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__fix_windows_path(string path) {
string p = path;
return p;
_result_os__File os__open_file(string path, string mode, Array_int options) {
int flags = 0;
bool seek_to_end = false;
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < mode.len; ++_t1) {
u8 m = mode.str[_t1];
if (m == ('w')) {
flags |= ((_const_os__o_create | _const_os__o_trunc) | _const_os__o_wronly);
else if (m == ('a')) {
flags |= ((_const_os__o_create | _const_os__o_append) | _const_os__o_wronly);
seek_to_end = true;
else if (m == ('r')) {
flags |= _const_os__o_rdonly;
else if (m == ('b')) {
flags |= _const_os__o_binary;
else if (m == ('s')) {
flags |= _const_os__o_sync;
else if (m == ('n')) {
flags |= _const_os__o_nonblock;
else if (m == ('c')) {
flags |= _const_os__o_noctty;
else if (m == ('+')) {
flags &= ~_const_os__o_wronly;
flags |= _const_os__o_rdwr;
else {
if (string__eq(mode, _SLIT("r+"))) {
flags = _const_os__o_rdwr;
int permission = 0666;
if (options.len > 0) {
permission = (*(int*)array_get(options, 0));
string p = os__fix_windows_path(path);
int fd = open(((char*)(p.str)), flags, permission);
if (fd == -1) {
return (_result_os__File){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
string fdopen_mode = string_replace(mode, _SLIT("b"), _SLIT(""));
FILE* cfile = fdopen(fd, ((char*)(fdopen_mode.str)));
if (isnil(cfile)) {
return (_result_os__File){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Failed to open or create file \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = path}}, {_SLIT("\""), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if (seek_to_end) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
fseeko(cfile, 0U, SEEK_END);
_result_os__File _t5;
_result_ok(&(os__File[]) { ((os__File){.cfile = cfile,.fd = fd,.is_opened = true,}) }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(os__File));
return _t5;
_result_os__File os__open(string path) {
_result_FILE_ptr _t1 = os__vfopen(path, _SLIT("rb"));
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_os__File _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
FILE* cfile = (*(FILE**);
int fd = os__fileno(cfile);
_result_os__File _t3;
_result_ok(&(os__File[]) { ((os__File){.cfile = cfile,.fd = fd,.is_opened = true,}) }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(os__File));
return _t3;
_result_os__File os__create(string path) {
_result_FILE_ptr _t1 = os__vfopen(path, _SLIT("wb"));
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_os__File _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
FILE* cfile = (*(FILE**);
int fd = os__fileno(cfile);
_result_os__File _t3;
_result_ok(&(os__File[]) { ((os__File){.cfile = cfile,.fd = fd,.is_opened = true,}) }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(os__File));
return _t3;
os__File os__stdin(void) {
os__File _t1 = ((os__File){.cfile = stdin,.fd = 0,.is_opened = true,});
return _t1;
os__File os__stdout(void) {
os__File _t1 = ((os__File){.cfile = stdout,.fd = 1,.is_opened = true,});
return _t1;
os__File os__stderr(void) {
os__File _t1 = ((os__File){.cfile = stderr,.fd = 2,.is_opened = true,});
return _t1;
bool os__File_eof(os__File* f) {
FILE* cfile = ((FILE*)(f->cfile));
bool _t1 = feof(cfile) != 0;
return _t1;
_result_void os__File_reopen(os__File* f, string path, string mode) {
string p = os__fix_windows_path(path);
FILE* cfile = ((FILE*)(0));
#if defined(_WIN32)
cfile = freopen(((char*)(p.str)), ((char*)(mode.str)), f->cfile);
if (isnil(cfile)) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Failed to reopen file \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = path}}, {_SLIT("\""), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
f->cfile = cfile;
return (_result_void){0};
_result_int os__File_read(os__File* f, Array_u8* buf) {
if (buf->len == 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=I_os__Eof_to_Interface_IError(((os__Eof*)memdup(&(os__Eof){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(os__Eof)))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int nbytes = ((int)(fread(buf->data, 1, buf->len, ((FILE*)(f->cfile)))));
if (nbytes <= 0) {
if (feof(((FILE*)(f->cfile))) != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=I_os__Eof_to_Interface_IError(((os__Eof*)memdup(&(os__Eof){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(os__Eof)))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if (ferror(((FILE*)(f->cfile))) != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=I_os__NotExpected_to_Interface_IError(((os__NotExpected*)memdup(&(os__NotExpected){.cause = _SLIT("unexpected error from fread"),.code = -1,}, sizeof(os__NotExpected)))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_int _t4;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(int));
return _t4;
_result_int os__File_write(os__File* f, Array_u8 buf) {
if (!f->is_opened) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=os__error_file_not_opened(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int written = ((int)(fwrite(, 1, buf.len, f->cfile)));
if (written == 0 && buf.len != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("0 bytes written")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_int _t3;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { written }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(int));
return _t3;
_result_int os__File_writeln(os__File* f, string s) {
if (!f->is_opened) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=os__error_file_not_opened(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int written = ((int)(fwrite(s.str, 1, s.len, f->cfile)));
if (written == 0 && s.len != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("0 bytes written")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int x = fputs("\n", f->cfile);
if (x < 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("could not add newline")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_int _t4;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { written + 1 }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(int));
return _t4;
_result_int os__File_write_string(os__File* f, string s) {
_result_void _t1 = os__File_write_full_buffer(f, s.str, ((usize)(s.len)));
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_int _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
_result_int _t3;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { s.len }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(int));
return _t3;
_result_int os__File_write_to(os__File* f, u64 pos, Array_u8 buf) {
if (!f->is_opened) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=os__error_file_not_opened(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
#if defined(TARGET_IS_64BIT)
#if defined(_WIN32)
fseeko(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
int res = ((int)(fwrite(, 1, buf.len, f->cfile)));
if (res == 0 && buf.len != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("0 bytes written")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
fseeko(f->cfile, 0U, SEEK_END);
_result_int _t5;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { res }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(int));
return _t5;
#if defined(TARGET_IS_32BIT)
fseek(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
int res = ((int)(fwrite(, 1, buf.len, f->cfile)));
if (res == 0 && buf.len != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("0 bytes written")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
fseek(f->cfile, 0, SEEK_END);
_result_int _t8;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { res }, (_result*)(&_t8), sizeof(int));
return _t8;
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Could not write to file")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Attr: [unsafe]
int os__File_write_ptr(os__File* f, voidptr data, int size) {
int _t1 = ((int)(fwrite(data, 1, size, f->cfile)));
return _t1;
// Attr: [unsafe]
_result_void os__File_write_full_buffer(os__File* f, voidptr buffer, usize buffer_len) {
if (buffer_len <= ((usize)(0))) {
return (_result_void){0};
if (!f->is_opened) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=os__error_file_not_opened(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
u8* ptr = ((u8*)(buffer));
i64 remaining_bytes = ((i64)(buffer_len));
for (;;) {
if (!(remaining_bytes > 0)) break;
{ // Unsafe block
i64 x = ((i64)(fwrite(ptr, 1, remaining_bytes, f->cfile)));
ptr += x;
remaining_bytes -= x;
if (x <= 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("C.fwrite returned 0")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
// Attr: [unsafe]
int os__File_write_ptr_at(os__File* f, voidptr data, int size, u64 pos) {
#if defined(TARGET_IS_64BIT)
#if defined(_WIN32)
fseeko(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
int res = ((int)(fwrite(data, 1, size, f->cfile)));
fseeko(f->cfile, 0U, SEEK_END);
return res;
#if defined(TARGET_IS_32BIT)
fseek(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
int res = ((int)(fwrite(data, 1, size, f->cfile)));
fseek(f->cfile, 0, SEEK_END);
return res;
int _t6 = 0;
return _t6;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_int os__fread(voidptr ptr, int item_size, int items, FILE* stream) {
int nbytes = ((int)(fread(ptr, item_size, items, stream)));
if (nbytes <= 0) {
if (feof(stream) != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=I_os__Eof_to_Interface_IError(((os__Eof*)memdup(&(os__Eof){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(os__Eof)))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if (ferror(stream) != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("file read error")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_int _t3;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(int));
return _t3;
Array_u8 os__File_read_bytes(os__File* f, int size) {
Array_u8 _t1 = os__File_read_bytes_at(f, size, 0U);
return _t1;
Array_u8 os__File_read_bytes_at(os__File* f, int size, u64 pos) {
Array_u8 arr = __new_array_with_default_noscan(size, 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
_result_int _t1 = os__File_read_bytes_into(f, pos, &/*arr*/arr);
if (_t1.is_error) {
IError err = _t1.err;
Array_u8 _t2 = __new_array_with_default_noscan(0, 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
return _t2;
int nreadbytes = (*(int*);
Array_u8 _t3 = array_slice(arr, 0, nreadbytes);
return _t3;
_result_int os__File_read_bytes_into_newline(os__File* f, Array_u8* buf) {
if (buf->len == 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(string__plus(_SLIT("read_bytes_into_newline"), _SLIT(": `buf.len` == 0"))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int newline = 10;
int c = 0;
int buf_ptr = 0;
int nbytes = 0;
FILE* stream = ((FILE*)(f->cfile));
for (;;) {
if (!((buf_ptr < buf->len))) break;
c = getc(stream);
if (c == (EOF)) {
if (feof(stream) != 0) {
_result_int _t2;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t2), sizeof(int));
return _t2;
if (ferror(stream) != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("file read error")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
else if (c == (newline)) {
array_set(buf, buf_ptr, &(u8[]) { ((u8)(c)) });
_result_int _t4;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(int));
return _t4;
else {
array_set(buf, buf_ptr, &(u8[]) { ((u8)(c)) });
_result_int _t5;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(int));
return _t5;
_result_int os__File_read_bytes_into(os__File* f, u64 pos, Array_u8* buf) {
if (buf->len == 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(string__plus(_SLIT("read_bytes_into"), _SLIT(": `buf.len` == 0"))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
#if defined(TARGET_IS_64BIT)
#if defined(_WIN32)
fseeko(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
_result_int _t4 = os__fread(buf->data, 1, buf->len, f->cfile);
if (_t4.is_error) {
_result_int _t5;
memcpy(&_t5, &_t4, sizeof(_result));
return _t5;
int nbytes = (*(int*);
_result_int _t6;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t6), sizeof(int));
return _t6;
#if defined(TARGET_IS_32BIT)
fseek(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
_result_int _t8 = os__fread(buf->data, 1, buf->len, f->cfile);
if (_t8.is_error) {
_result_int _t9;
memcpy(&_t9, &_t8, sizeof(_result));
return _t9;
int nbytes = (*(int*);
_result_int _t10;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t10), sizeof(int));
return _t10;
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Could not read file")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_int os__File_read_from(os__File* f, u64 pos, Array_u8* buf) {
if (buf->len == 0) {
_result_int _t1;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { 0 }, (_result*)(&_t1), sizeof(int));
return _t1;
#if defined(TARGET_IS_64BIT)
#if defined(_WIN32)
fseeko(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
_result_int _t4 = os__fread(buf->data, 1, buf->len, f->cfile);
if (_t4.is_error) {
_result_int _t5;
memcpy(&_t5, &_t4, sizeof(_result));
return _t5;
int nbytes = (*(int*);
_result_int _t6;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t6), sizeof(int));
return _t6;
#if defined(TARGET_IS_32BIT)
fseek(f->cfile, pos, SEEK_SET);
_result_int _t8 = os__fread(buf->data, 1, buf->len, f->cfile);
if (_t8.is_error) {
_result_int _t9;
memcpy(&_t9, &_t8, sizeof(_result));
return _t9;
int nbytes = (*(int*);
_result_int _t10;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { nbytes }, (_result*)(&_t10), sizeof(int));
return _t10;
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Could not read file")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_int os__File_read_into_ptr(os__File* f, u8* ptr, int max_size) {
_result_int _t1 = os__fread(ptr, 1, max_size, f->cfile);
return _t1;
void os__File_flush(os__File* f) {
if (!f->is_opened) {
string os__FileNotOpenedError_msg(os__FileNotOpenedError err) {
string _t1 = _SLIT("os: file not opened");
return _t1;
string os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_msg(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error err) {
string _t1 = _SLIT("os: size of type is 0");
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL IError os__error_file_not_opened(void) {
IError _t1 = /*&IError*/I_os__FileNotOpenedError_to_Interface_IError(((os__FileNotOpenedError*)memdup(&(os__FileNotOpenedError){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(os__FileNotOpenedError))));
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL IError os__error_size_of_type_0(void) {
IError _t1 = /*&IError*/I_os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error_to_Interface_IError(((os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error*)memdup(&(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(os__SizeOfTypeIs0Error))));
return _t1;
_result_void os__File_seek(os__File* f, i64 pos, os__SeekMode mode) {
if (!f->is_opened) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=os__error_file_not_opened(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int whence = ((int)(mode));
int res = 0;
#if defined(TARGET_IS_64BIT)
#if defined(_WIN32)
res = fseeko(f->cfile, pos, whence);
#if defined(TARGET_IS_32BIT)
res = fseek(f->cfile, pos, whence);
if (res == -1) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_i64 os__File_tell(os__File* f) {
if (!f->is_opened) {
return (_result_i64){ .is_error=true, .err=os__error_file_not_opened(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
isize pos = ftell(f->cfile);
if (pos == -1) {
return (_result_i64){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_i64 _t3;
_result_ok(&(i64[]) { pos }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(i64));
return _t3;
bool os__is_abs_path(string path) {
if (path.len == 0) {
bool _t1 = false;
return _t1;
bool _t2 = string_at(path, 0) == _const_os__fslash;
return _t2;
string os__abs_path(string path) {
string wd = os__getwd();
if (path.len == 0) {
return wd;
string npath = os__norm_path(path);
if (string__eq(npath, _const_os__dot_str)) {
return wd;
if (!os__is_abs_path(npath)) {
strings__Builder sb = strings__new_builder(npath.len);
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, wd);
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, _const_os__path_separator);
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, npath);
string _t3 = os__norm_path(strings__Builder_str(&sb));
return _t3;
return npath;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
string os__norm_path(string path) {
if (path.len == 0) {
return _const_os__dot_str;
bool rooted = os__is_abs_path(path);
int volume_len = os__win_volume_len(path);
string volume = string_substr(path, 0, volume_len);
if (volume_len != 0 && string_contains(volume, _const_os__fslash_str)) {
volume = string_replace(volume, _const_os__fslash_str, _const_os__path_separator);
string cpath = os__clean_path(string_substr(path, volume_len, (path).len));
if (cpath.len == 0 && volume_len == 0) {
return _const_os__dot_str;
Array_string spath = string_split(cpath, _const_os__path_separator);
if (!Array_string_contains(spath, _const_os__dot_dot)) {
string _t3 = (volume_len != 0 ? (string__plus(volume, cpath)) : (cpath));
return _t3;
int spath_len = spath.len;
strings__Builder sb = strings__new_builder(cpath.len);
if (rooted) {
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, _const_os__path_separator);
Array_string new_path = __new_array_with_default(0, spath_len, sizeof(string), 0);
int backlink_count = 0;
for (int i = spath_len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
string part = ((string*)[i];
if (string__eq(part, _const_os__empty_str)) {
if (string__eq(part, _const_os__dot_dot)) {
if (backlink_count != 0) {
array_prepend(&new_path, &(string[]){part});
if (backlink_count != 0 && !rooted) {
for (int i = 0; i < backlink_count; ++i) {
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, _const_os__dot_dot);
if (new_path.len == 0 && i == backlink_count - 1) {
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, _const_os__path_separator);
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, Array_string_join(new_path, _const_os__path_separator));
string res = strings__Builder_str(&sb);
if (res.len == 0) {
if (volume_len != 0) {
return volume;
if (!rooted) {
return _const_os__dot_str;
return _const_os__path_separator;
if (volume_len != 0) {
string _t7 = string__plus(volume, res);
return _t7;
return res;
_option_string os__existing_path(string path) {
IError err = _v_error(_SLIT("path does not exist"));
if (path.len == 0) {
return (_option_string){ .state=2, .err=err, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if (os__exists(path)) {
_option_string _t2;
_option_ok(&(string[]) { path }, (_option*)(&_t2), sizeof(string));
return _t2;
int volume_len = 0;
if (volume_len > 0 && os__is_slash(string_at(path, volume_len - 1))) {
strings__textscanner__TextScanner sc = strings__textscanner__new(string_substr(path, volume_len, (path).len));
string recent_path = string_substr(path, 0, volume_len);
for (;;) {
if (!(strings__textscanner__TextScanner_next(&sc) != -1)) break;
u8 curr = ((u8)(strings__textscanner__TextScanner_current(&sc)));
int peek = strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek(&sc);
int back = strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_back(&sc);
if (os__is_curr_dir_ref(back, curr, peek)) {
int range = sc.ilen - strings__textscanner__TextScanner_remaining(&sc) + volume_len;
if (os__is_slash(curr) && !os__is_slash(((u8)(peek)))) {
recent_path = string_substr(path, 0, range);
if (!os__is_slash(curr) && (peek == -1 || os__is_slash(((u8)(peek))))) {
string curr_path = string_substr(path, 0, range);
if (os__exists(curr_path)) {
recent_path = curr_path;
if (recent_path.len == 0) {
_option_string _t3;
_option_ok(&(string[]) { recent_path }, (_option*)(&_t3), sizeof(string));
return _t3;
return (_option_string){ .state=2, .err=err, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__clean_path(string path) {
if (path.len == 0) {
return _const_os__empty_str;
strings__Builder sb = strings__new_builder(path.len);
strings__textscanner__TextScanner sc = strings__textscanner__new(path);
for (;;) {
if (!(strings__textscanner__TextScanner_next(&sc) != -1)) break;
u8 curr = ((u8)(strings__textscanner__TextScanner_current(&sc)));
int back = strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek_back(&sc);
int peek = strings__textscanner__TextScanner_peek(&sc);
if (back != -1 && os__is_slash(((u8)(back))) && os__is_slash(curr)) {
if (os__is_curr_dir_ref(back, curr, peek)) {
if (peek != -1 && os__is_slash(((u8)(peek)))) {
strings__textscanner__TextScanner_skip_n(&sc, 1);
strings__Builder_write_u8(&sb, ((u8)(strings__textscanner__TextScanner_current(&sc))));
string res = strings__Builder_str(&sb);
if (res.len > 1 && os__is_slash(string_at(res, res.len - 1))) {
string _t2 = string_substr(res, 0, res.len - 1);
return _t2;
return res;
string os__to_slash(string path) {
if (string__eq(_const_os__path_separator, _SLIT("/"))) {
return path;
string _t2 = string_replace(path, _const_os__path_separator, _SLIT("/"));
return _t2;
string os__from_slash(string path) {
if (string__eq(_const_os__path_separator, _SLIT("/"))) {
return path;
string _t2 = string_replace(path, _SLIT("/"), _const_os__path_separator);
return _t2;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__win_volume_len(string path) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
int _t2 = 0;
return _t2;
int plen = path.len;
if (plen < 2) {
int _t3 = 0;
return _t3;
if (os__has_drive_letter(path)) {
int _t4 = 2;
return _t4;
if (plen >= 5 && os__starts_w_slash_slash(path) && !os__is_slash(string_at(path, 2))) {
for (int i = 3; i < plen; i++) {
if (os__is_slash(string_at(path, i))) {
if (i + 1 >= plen || os__is_slash(string_at(path, i + 1))) {
for (; i < plen; i++) {
if (os__is_slash(string_at(path, i))) {
return i;
return i;
int _t7 = 0;
return _t7;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_slash(u8 b) {
bool _t1 = b == _const_os__fslash;
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_unc_path(string path) {
bool _t1 = os__win_volume_len(path) >= 5 && os__starts_w_slash_slash(path);
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__has_drive_letter(string path) {
bool _t1 = path.len >= 2 && u8_is_letter(string_at(path, 0)) && string_at(path, 1) == ':';
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__starts_w_slash_slash(string path) {
bool _t1 = path.len >= 2 && os__is_slash(string_at(path, 0)) && os__is_slash(string_at(path, 1));
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_drive_rooted(string path) {
bool _t1 = path.len >= 3 && os__has_drive_letter(path) && os__is_slash(string_at(path, 2));
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_normal_path(string path) {
int plen = path.len;
if (plen == 0) {
bool _t1 = false;
return _t1;
bool _t2 = (plen == 1 && os__is_slash(string_at(path, 0))) || (plen >= 2 && os__is_slash(string_at(path, 0)) && !os__is_slash(string_at(path, 1)));
return _t2;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__is_curr_dir_ref(int byte_one, int byte_two, int byte_three) {
if (((u8)(byte_two)) != _const_os__dot) {
bool _t1 = false;
return _t1;
bool _t2 = (byte_one < 0 || os__is_slash(((u8)(byte_one)))) && (byte_three < 0 || os__is_slash(((u8)(byte_three))));
return _t2;
u32 os__FilePermission_bitmask(os__FilePermission p) {
u32 mask = ((u32)(0U));
if ( {
mask |= 4U;
if (p.write) {
mask |= 2U;
if (p.execute) {
mask |= 1U;
return mask;
u32 os__FileMode_bitmask(os__FileMode m) {
u32 _t1 = ((os__FilePermission_bitmask(m.owner) << 6U | os__FilePermission_bitmask( << 3U) | os__FilePermission_bitmask(m.others));
return _t1;
os__FileMode os__inode(string path) {
struct stat attr;
stat(((char*)(path.str)), &attr);
os__FileType typ = os__FileType__regular;
if ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IFMT))) == ((u32)(S_IFDIR))) {
typ = os__FileType__directory;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
if ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IFMT))) == ((u32)(S_IFCHR))) {
typ = os__FileType__character_device;
} else if ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IFMT))) == ((u32)(S_IFBLK))) {
typ = os__FileType__block_device;
} else if ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IFMT))) == ((u32)(S_IFIFO))) {
typ = os__FileType__fifo;
} else if ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IFMT))) == ((u32)(S_IFLNK))) {
typ = os__FileType__symbolic_link;
} else if ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IFMT))) == ((u32)(S_IFSOCK))) {
typ = os__FileType__socket;
#if defined(_WIN32)
os__FileMode _t3 = ((os__FileMode){.typ = typ,.owner = ((os__FilePermission){.read = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IRUSR)))) != 0U,.write = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IWUSR)))) != 0U,.execute = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IXUSR)))) != 0U,}),.group = ((os__FilePermission){.read = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IRGRP)))) != 0U,.write = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IWGRP)))) != 0U,.execute = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IXGRP)))) != 0U,}),.others = ((os__FilePermission){.read = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IROTH)))) != 0U,.write = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IWOTH)))) != 0U,.execute = ((attr.st_mode & ((u32)(S_IXOTH)))) != 0U,}),});
return _t3;
return (os__FileMode){.owner = (os__FilePermission){.read = 0,.write = 0,.execute = 0,},.group = (os__FilePermission){.read = 0,.write = 0,.execute = 0,},.others = (os__FilePermission){.read = 0,.write = 0,.execute = 0,},};
// Attr: [manualfree]
_result_Array_u8 os__read_bytes(string path) {
bool os__read_bytes_defer_0 = false;
FILE* fp;
_result_FILE_ptr _t1 = os__vfopen(path, _SLIT("rb"));
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_Array_u8 _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
fp = (*(FILE**);
os__read_bytes_defer_0 = true;
_result_int _t3 = os__find_cfile_size(fp);
if (_t3.is_error) {
// Defer begin
if (os__read_bytes_defer_0) {
// Defer end
_result_Array_u8 _t4;
memcpy(&_t4, &_t3, sizeof(_result));
return _t4;
int fsize = (*(int*);
if (fsize == 0) {
_result_strings__Builder _t5 = os__slurp_file_in_builder(fp);
if (_t5.is_error) {
// Defer begin
if (os__read_bytes_defer_0) {
// Defer end
_result_Array_u8 _t6;
memcpy(&_t6, &_t5, sizeof(_result));
return _t6;
strings__Builder sb = (*(strings__Builder*);
_result_Array_u8 _t7;
_result_ok(&(Array_u8[]) { strings__Builder_reuse_as_plain_u8_array(&sb) }, (_result*)(&_t7), sizeof(Array_u8));
// Defer begin
if (os__read_bytes_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t7;
Array_u8 res = __new_array_with_default_noscan(fsize, 0, sizeof(u8), 0);
int nr_read_elements = ((int)(fread(, 1, fsize, fp)));
if (nr_read_elements == 0 && fsize > 0) {
_result_Array_u8 _t8 = (_result_Array_u8){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("fread failed")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Defer begin
if (os__read_bytes_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t8;
array_trim(&res, nr_read_elements);
_result_Array_u8 _t9;
_result_ok(&(Array_u8[]) { res }, (_result*)(&_t9), sizeof(Array_u8));
// Defer begin
if (os__read_bytes_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t9;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_int os__find_cfile_size(FILE* fp) {
int cseek = fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
isize raw_fsize = ftell(fp);
if (raw_fsize != 0 && cseek != 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("fseek failed")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if (cseek != 0 && raw_fsize < 0) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("ftell failed")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int len = ((int)(raw_fsize));
if (((i64)(len)) < raw_fsize) {
return (_result_int){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("int("), /*100 &isize*/0xfe09, {.d_i64 = raw_fsize}}, {_SLIT(") cast results in "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = len}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_int _t4;
_result_ok(&(int[]) { len }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(int));
return _t4;
// Attr: [manualfree]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_strings__Builder os__slurp_file_in_builder(FILE* fp) {
Array_fixed_u8_4096 buf = {0};
strings__Builder sb = strings__new_builder(_const_os__buf_size);
for (;;) {
_result_int _t1 = os__fread(&buf[0], 1, _const_os__buf_size, fp);
if (_t1.is_error) {
IError err = _t1.err;
if (IError_interface_eq(err, I_os__Eof_to_Interface_IError(((os__Eof*)memdup(&(os__Eof){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(os__Eof)))))) {
return (_result_strings__Builder){ .is_error=true, .err=err, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int read_bytes = (*(int*);
strings__Builder_write_ptr(&sb, &buf[0], read_bytes);
_result_strings__Builder _t3;
_result_ok(&(strings__Builder[]) { sb }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(strings__Builder));
return _t3;
// Attr: [manualfree]
_result_string os__read_file(string path) {
bool os__read_file_defer_0 = false;
FILE* fp;
string mode = _SLIT("rb");
_result_FILE_ptr _t1 = os__vfopen(path, mode);
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_string _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
fp = (*(FILE**);
os__read_file_defer_0 = true;
_result_int _t3 = os__find_cfile_size(fp);
if (_t3.is_error) {
// Defer begin
if (os__read_file_defer_0) {
// Defer end
_result_string _t4;
memcpy(&_t4, &_t3, sizeof(_result));
return _t4;
int allocate = (*(int*);
if (allocate == 0) {
_result_strings__Builder _t5 = os__slurp_file_in_builder(fp);
if (_t5.is_error) {
// Defer begin
if (os__read_file_defer_0) {
// Defer end
_result_string _t6;
memcpy(&_t6, &_t5, sizeof(_result));
return _t6;
strings__Builder sb = (*(strings__Builder*);
string res = strings__Builder_str(&sb);
_result_string _t7;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { res }, (_result*)(&_t7), sizeof(string));
// Defer begin
if (os__read_file_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t7;
{ // Unsafe block
u8* str = malloc_noscan(allocate + 1);
int nelements = ((int)(fread(str, 1, allocate, fp)));
int is_eof = ((int)(feof(fp)));
int is_error = ((int)(ferror(fp)));
if (is_eof == 0 && is_error != 0) {
_result_string _t8 = (_result_string){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("fread failed")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Defer begin
if (os__read_file_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t8;
str[nelements] = 0;
if (nelements == 0) {
_result_string _t9;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { u8_vstring(str) }, (_result*)(&_t9), sizeof(string));
// Defer begin
if (os__read_file_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t9;
_result_string _t10;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { u8_vstring_with_len(str, nelements) }, (_result*)(&_t10), sizeof(string));
// Defer begin
if (os__read_file_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t10;
return (_result_string){0};
_result_void os__truncate(string path, u64 len) {
bool os__truncate_defer_0 = false;
int fp;
fp = open(((char*)(path.str)), (_const_os__o_wronly | _const_os__o_trunc), 0);
os__truncate_defer_0 = true;
if (fp < 0) {
_result_void _t1 = (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Defer begin
if (os__truncate_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t1;
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (ftruncate(fp, len) != 0) {
_result_void _t3 = (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Defer begin
if (os__truncate_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t3;
// Defer begin
if (os__truncate_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return (_result_void){0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__eprintln_unknown_file_size(void) {
eprintln(string__plus(_SLIT("os.file_size() Cannot determine file-size: "), os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)));
u64 os__file_size(string path) {
struct stat s;
{ // Unsafe block
#if defined(TARGET_IS_64BIT)
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (stat(((char*)(path.str)), &s) != 0) {
u64 _t3 = 0U;
return _t3;
u64 _t4 = ((u64)(s.st_size));
return _t4;
#if defined(TARGET_IS_32BIT)
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (stat(((char*)(path.str)), &s) != 0) {
u64 _t7 = 0U;
return _t7;
u64 _t8 = ((u64)(s.st_size));
return _t8;
u64 _t9 = 0U;
return _t9;
_result_void os__mv(string src, string dst) {
string rdst = dst;
if (os__is_dir(rdst)) {
rdst = os__join_path_single(string_trim_right(rdst, _const_os__path_separator), os__file_name(string_trim_right(src, _const_os__path_separator)));
#if defined(_WIN32)
int ret = rename(((char*)(src.str)), ((char*)(rdst.str)));
if (ret != 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed to rename "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = src}}, {_SLIT(" to "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = dst}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), ret), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_void os__cp(string src, string dst) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
int fp_from = open(((char*)(src.str)), O_RDONLY, 0);
if (fp_from < 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("cp: failed to open "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = src}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), ((int)(fp_from))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
int fp_to = open(((char*)(dst.str)), ((O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) | O_TRUNC), (S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR));
if (fp_to < 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("cp (permission): failed to write to "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = dst}}, {_SLIT(" (fp_to: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = fp_to}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), ((int)(fp_to))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
Array_fixed_u8_1024 buf = {0};
int count = 0;
for (;;) {
count = read(fp_from, &buf[0], sizeof(Array_fixed_u8_1024));
if (count == 0) {
if (write(fp_to, &buf[0], count) < 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("cp: failed to write to "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = dst}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), ((int)(-1))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
struct stat from_attr;
stat(((char*)(src.str)), &from_attr);
if (chmod(((char*)(dst.str)), from_attr.st_mode) < 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed to set permissions for "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = dst}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), ((int)(-1))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_FILE_ptr os__vfopen(string path, string mode) {
if (path.len == 0) {
return (_result_FILE_ptr){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("vfopen called with \"\"")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
voidptr fp = ((void*)0);
#if defined(_WIN32)
fp = fopen(((char*)(path.str)), ((char*)(mode.str)));
if (isnil(fp)) {
return (_result_FILE_ptr){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed to open file \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = path}}, {_SLIT("\""), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
} else {
_result_FILE_ptr _t4;
_result_ok(&(FILE*[]) { fp }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(FILE*));
return _t4;
return (_result_FILE_ptr){0};
int os__fileno(voidptr cfile) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
FILE* cfile_casted = ((FILE*)(0));
cfile_casted = cfile;
int _t2 = fileno(cfile_casted);
return _t2;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL voidptr os__vpopen(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
u8* cpath = path.str;
voidptr _t2 = popen(((char*)(cpath)), "r");
return _t2;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_int_bool os__posix_wait4_to_exit_status(int waitret) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
int ret = 0;
bool is_signaled = true;
if (WIFEXITED(waitret)) {
ret = WEXITSTATUS(waitret);
is_signaled = false;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(waitret)) {
ret = WTERMSIG(waitret);
is_signaled = true;
return (multi_return_int_bool){.arg0=ret, .arg1=is_signaled};
return (multi_return_int_bool){0};
string os__posix_get_error_msg(int code) {
char* ptr_text = strerror(code);
if (ptr_text == 0) {
string _t1 = _SLIT("");
return _t1;
string _t2 = tos3(ptr_text);
return _t2;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__vpclose(voidptr f) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
multi_return_int_bool mr_9655 = os__posix_wait4_to_exit_status(pclose(f));
int ret = mr_9655.arg0;
return ret;
return 0;
int os__system(string cmd) {
int ret = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32)
#if defined(__TARGET_IOS__)
{ // Unsafe block
ret = system(((char*)(cmd.str)));
if (ret == -1) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
multi_return_int_bool mr_10662 = os__posix_wait4_to_exit_status(ret);
int pret = mr_10662.arg0;
bool is_signaled = mr_10662.arg1;
if (is_signaled) {
println(string__plus(string__plus( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Terminated by signal "), /*100 &int*/0x4fe27, {.d_i32 = ret}}, {_SLIT(" ("), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), os__sigint_to_signal_name(pret)), _SLIT(")")));
ret = pret;
return ret;
bool os__exists(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
bool _t2 = access(((char*)(path.str)), _const_os__f_ok) != -1;
return _t2;
return 0;
bool os__is_executable(string path) {
bool _t1 = access(((char*)(path.str)), _const_os__x_ok) != -1;
return _t1;
// Attr: [manualfree]
bool os__is_writable(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
bool _t2 = access(((char*)(path.str)), _const_os__w_ok) != -1;
return _t2;
return 0;
// Attr: [manualfree]
bool os__is_readable(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
bool _t2 = access(((char*)(path.str)), _const_os__r_ok) != -1;
return _t2;
return 0;
_result_void os__rm(string path) {
int rc = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32)
rc = remove(((char*)(path.str)));
if (rc == -1) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(string__plus( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Failed to remove \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = path}}, {_SLIT("\": "), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), os__posix_get_error_msg(errno))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_void os__rmdir(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
int rc = rmdir(((char*)(path.str)));
if (rc == -1) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__print_c_errno(void) {
int e = errno;
string se = tos_clone(((u8*)(strerror(e))));
println( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("errno="), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = e}}, {_SLIT(" err="), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = se}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
string os__get_raw_line(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
usize max = ((usize)(0));
char* buf = ((char*)(0));
int nr_chars = getline(&buf, &max, stdin);
string _t2 = tos(((u8*)(buf)), (nr_chars < 0 ? (0) : (nr_chars)));
return _t2;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
Array_u8 os__get_raw_stdin(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
usize max = ((usize)(0));
char* buf = ((char*)(0));
int nr_chars = getline(&buf, &max, stdin);
Array_u8 _t2 = ((array){.element_size = 1,.data = ((voidptr)(buf)),.offset = 0,.len = (nr_chars < 0 ? (0) : (nr_chars)),.cap = ((int)(max)),.flags = 0,});
return _t2;
return __new_array_noscan(0, 0, sizeof(u8));
// Attr: [manualfree]
string os__executable(void) {
Array_fixed_u8_4096 result = {0};
int count = readlink("/proc/self/exe", ((char*)(&result[0])), _const_os__max_path_len);
if (count < 0) {
eprintln(_SLIT("os.executable() failed at reading /proc/self/exe to get exe path"));
string _t1 = os__executable_fallback();
return _t1;
string res = tos_clone(&result[0]);
return res;
string _t3 = os__executable_fallback();
return _t3;
bool os__is_dir(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
struct stat statbuf;
if (stat(((char*)(path.str)), &statbuf) != 0) {
bool _t2 = false;
return _t2;
int val = (((int)(statbuf.st_mode)) & _const_os__s_ifmt);
bool _t3 = val == _const_os__s_ifdir;
return _t3;
return 0;
bool os__is_link(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
struct stat statbuf;
if (lstat(((char*)(path.str)), &statbuf) != 0) {
bool _t2 = false;
return _t2;
bool _t3 = (((int)(statbuf.st_mode)) & _const_os__s_ifmt) == _const_os__s_iflnk;
return _t3;
return 0;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL os__PathKind os__kind_of_existing_path(string path) {
os__PathKind res = ((os__PathKind){.is_dir = 0,.is_link = 0,});
#if defined(_WIN32)
struct stat statbuf;
int res_stat = lstat(((char*)(path.str)), &statbuf);
if (res_stat == 0) {
int kind = ((((int)(statbuf.st_mode)) & _const_os__s_ifmt));
if (kind == _const_os__s_ifdir) {
res.is_dir = true;
if (kind == _const_os__s_iflnk) {
res.is_link = true;
return res;
_result_void os__chdir(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
int _t1 = chdir(((char*)(path.str)));
int ret = _t1;
if (ret == -1) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
// Attr: [manualfree]
string os__getwd(void) {
{ // Unsafe block
Array_fixed_u8_4096 buf = {0};
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (getcwd(((char*)(&buf[0])), _const_os__max_path_len) == 0) {
string _t2 = _SLIT("");
return _t2;
string res = tos_clone(&buf[0]);
return res;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
// Attr: [manualfree]
string os__real_path(string fpath) {
Array_fixed_u8_4096 fullpath = {0};
string res = _SLIT("");
#if defined(_WIN32)
char* ret = ((char*)(realpath(((char*)(fpath.str)), ((char*)(&fullpath[0])))));
if (ret == 0) {
string _t2 = string_clone(fpath);
return _t2;
res = tos_clone(&fullpath[0]);
return res;
// Attr: [direct_array_access]
// Attr: [manualfree]
// Attr: [unsafe]
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__normalize_drive_letter(string path) {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
if (path.len > 2 && path.str[ 0] >= 'a' && path.str[ 0] <= 'z' && path.str[ 1] == ':' && path.str[ 2] == _const_os__path_separator.str[ 0]) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* x = &path.str[0];
(*x) = *x - 32;
int os__fork(void) {
int pid = -1;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
pid = fork();
return pid;
int os__wait(void) {
int pid = -1;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_emscripten)
pid = wait(0);
return pid;
i64 os__file_last_mod_unix(string path) {
struct stat attr;
stat(((char*)(path.str)), &attr);
i64 _t1 = ((i64)(attr.st_mtime));
return _t1;
void os__flush(void) {
_result_void os__chmod(string path, int mode) {
if (chmod(((char*)(path.str)), mode) != 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(string__plus(_SLIT("chmod failed: "), os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_void os__chown(string path, int owner, int group) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (chown(((char*)(path.str)), owner, group) != 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_os__File os__open_append(string path) {
os__File file = ((os__File){.cfile = 0,.fd = 0,.is_opened = 0,});
#if defined(_WIN32)
u8* cpath = path.str;
file = ((os__File){.cfile = fopen(((char*)(cpath)), "ab"),.fd = 0,.is_opened = 0,});
if (isnil(file.cfile)) {
return (_result_os__File){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed to create(append) file \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = path}}, {_SLIT("\""), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
file.is_opened = true;
_result_os__File _t3;
_result_ok(&(os__File[]) { file }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(os__File));
return _t3;
_result_void os__execvp(string cmdpath, Array_string cmdargs) {
Array_char_ptr cargs = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(char*), 0);
array_push((array*)&cargs, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)(cmdpath.str)) }));
for (int i = 0; i < cmdargs.len; ++i) {
array_push((array*)&cargs, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)((*(string*)array_get(cmdargs, i)).str)) }));
array_push((array*)&cargs, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)(0)) }));
int res = ((int)(0));
#if defined(_WIN32)
res = execvp(((char*)(cmdpath.str)),;
if (res == -1) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_void os__execve(string cmdpath, Array_string cmdargs, Array_string envs) {
Array_char_ptr cargv = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(char*), 0);
Array_char_ptr cenvs = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(char*), 0);
array_push((array*)&cargv, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)(cmdpath.str)) }));
for (int i = 0; i < cmdargs.len; ++i) {
array_push((array*)&cargv, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)((*(string*)array_get(cmdargs, i)).str)) }));
for (int i = 0; i < envs.len; ++i) {
array_push((array*)&cenvs, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)((*(string*)array_get(envs, i)).str)) }));
array_push((array*)&cargv, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)(0)) }));
array_push((array*)&cenvs, _MOV((char*[]){ ((char*)(0)) }));
int res = ((int)(0));
#if defined(_WIN32)
res = execve(((char*)(cmdpath.str)),,;
if (res == -1) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
int os__is_atty(int fd) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
int _t2 = isatty(fd);
return _t2;
return 0;
_result_void os__write_file_array(string path, array buffer) {
_result_os__File _t1 = os__create(path);
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_void _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
os__File f = (*(os__File*);
_result_void _t3 = os__File_write_full_buffer(&f,, ((usize)(buffer.len * buffer.element_size)));
if (_t3.is_error) {
_result_void _t4;
memcpy(&_t4, &_t3, sizeof(_result));
return _t4;
return (_result_void){0};
_result_Array_string os__glob(Array_string patterns) {
Array_string matches = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < patterns.len; ++_t1) {
string pattern = ((string*)[_t1];
_result_void _t2 = os__native_glob_pattern(pattern, &/*arr*/matches);
if (_t2.is_error) {
_result_Array_string _t3;
memcpy(&_t3, &_t2, sizeof(_result));
return _t3;
qsort(, matches.len, matches.element_size, (int (*)(const void *, const void *))&compare_9369198849863604343_string);
_result_Array_string _t4;
_result_ok(&(Array_string[]) { matches }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(Array_string));
return _t4;
IError os__last_error(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
int code = errno;
string msg = os__posix_get_error_msg(code);
IError _t2 = error_with_code(msg, code);
return _t2;
return (IError){0};
// Attr: [unsafe]
void os__Result_free(os__Result* result) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__executable_fallback(void) {
if (_const_os__args.len == 0) {
string _t1 = _SLIT("");
return _t1;
string exepath = (*(string*)array_get(_const_os__args, 0));
if (!os__is_abs_path(exepath)) {
string rexepath = string_replace_each(exepath, new_array_from_c_array(4, 4, sizeof(string), _MOV((string[4]){_SLIT("/"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator), _SLIT("\\"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator)})));
if (string_contains(rexepath, _const_os__path_separator)) {
exepath = os__join_path_single(_const_os__wd_at_startup, exepath);
} else {
_result_string _t2 = os__find_abs_path_of_executable(exepath);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
*(string*) = _SLIT("");
string foundpath = (*(string*);
if (foundpath.len > 0) {
exepath = foundpath;
exepath = os__real_path(exepath);
return exepath;
_result_void os__cp_all(string src, string dst, bool overwrite) {
string source_path = os__real_path(src);
string dest_path = os__real_path(dst);
if (!os__exists(source_path)) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Source path doesn't exist")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if (!os__is_dir(source_path)) {
string fname = os__file_name(source_path);
string adjusted_path = (os__is_dir(dest_path) ? (os__join_path_single(dest_path, fname)) : (dest_path));
if (os__exists(adjusted_path)) {
if (overwrite) {
_result_void _t2 = os__rm(adjusted_path);
if (_t2.is_error) {
_result_void _t3;
memcpy(&_t3, &_t2, sizeof(_result));
return _t3;
} else {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Destination file path already exist")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_void _t5 = os__cp(source_path, adjusted_path);
if (_t5.is_error) {
_result_void _t6;
memcpy(&_t6, &_t5, sizeof(_result));
return _t6;
return (_result_void){0};
if (!os__exists(dest_path)) {
_result_void _t7 = os__mkdir(dest_path, ((os__MkdirParams){.mode = 0777,}));
if (_t7.is_error) {
_result_void _t8;
memcpy(&_t8, &_t7, sizeof(_result));
return _t8;
if (!os__is_dir(dest_path)) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Destination path is not a valid directory")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_Array_string _t10 = os__ls(source_path);
if (_t10.is_error) {
_result_void _t11;
memcpy(&_t11, &_t10, sizeof(_result));
return _t11;
Array_string files = (*(Array_string*);
for (int _t12 = 0; _t12 < files.len; ++_t12) {
string file = ((string*)[_t12];
string sp = os__join_path_single(source_path, file);
string dp = os__join_path_single(dest_path, file);
if (os__is_dir(sp)) {
if (!os__exists(dp)) {
_result_void _t13 = os__mkdir(dp, ((os__MkdirParams){.mode = 0777,}));
if (_t13.is_error) {
_result_void _t14;
memcpy(&_t14, &_t13, sizeof(_result));
return _t14;
_result_void _t15 = os__cp_all(sp, dp, overwrite);
if (_t15.is_error) {
IError err = _t15.err;
_result_void _t16 = os__rmdir(dp);
if (_t16.is_error) {
err = _t16.err;
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=err, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=err, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_void os__mv_by_cp(string source, string target) {
_result_void _t1 = os__cp(source, target);
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_void _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
_result_void _t3 = os__rm(source);
if (_t3.is_error) {
_result_void _t4;
memcpy(&_t4, &_t3, sizeof(_result));
return _t4;
return (_result_void){0};
// Attr: [manualfree]
_result_Array_string os__read_lines(string path) {
_result_string _t1 = os__read_file(path);
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_Array_string _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
string buf = (*(string*);
Array_string res = string_split_into_lines(buf);
_result_Array_string _t3;
_result_ok(&(Array_string[]) { res }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(Array_string));
return _t3;
string os__sigint_to_signal_name(int si) {
switch (si) {
case 1: {
string _t1 = _SLIT("SIGHUP");
return _t1;
case 2: {
string _t2 = _SLIT("SIGINT");
return _t2;
case 3: {
string _t3 = _SLIT("SIGQUIT");
return _t3;
case 4: {
string _t4 = _SLIT("SIGILL");
return _t4;
case 6: {
string _t5 = _SLIT("SIGABRT");
return _t5;
case 8: {
string _t6 = _SLIT("SIGFPE");
return _t6;
case 9: {
string _t7 = _SLIT("SIGKILL");
return _t7;
case 11: {
string _t8 = _SLIT("SIGSEGV");
return _t8;
case 13: {
string _t9 = _SLIT("SIGPIPE");
return _t9;
case 14: {
string _t10 = _SLIT("SIGALRM");
return _t10;
case 15: {
string _t11 = _SLIT("SIGTERM");
return _t11;
default: {
switch (si) {
case 10: {
string _t12 = _SLIT("SIGUSR1");
return _t12;
case 12: {
string _t13 = _SLIT("SIGUSR2");
return _t13;
case 17: {
string _t14 = _SLIT("SIGCHLD");
return _t14;
case 18: {
string _t15 = _SLIT("SIGCONT");
return _t15;
case 19: {
string _t16 = _SLIT("SIGSTOP");
return _t16;
case 20: {
string _t17 = _SLIT("SIGTSTP");
return _t17;
case 21: {
string _t18 = _SLIT("SIGTTIN");
return _t18;
case 22: {
string _t19 = _SLIT("SIGTTOU");
return _t19;
case 5: {
string _t20 = _SLIT("SIGTRAP");
return _t20;
case 7: {
string _t21 = _SLIT("SIGBUS");
return _t21;
default: {
string _t22 = _SLIT("unknown");
return _t22;
_result_void os__rmdir_all(string path) {
string ret_err = _SLIT("");
_result_Array_string _t1 = os__ls(path);
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_void _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
Array_string items = (*(Array_string*);
for (int _t3 = 0; _t3 < items.len; ++_t3) {
string item = ((string*)[_t3];
string fullpath = os__join_path_single(path, item);
if (os__is_dir(fullpath) && !os__is_link(fullpath)) {
_result_void _t4 = os__rmdir_all(fullpath);
if (_t4.is_error) {
IError err = _t4.err;
ret_err = IError_name_table[err._typ]._method_msg(err._object);
} else {
_result_void _t5 = os__rm(fullpath);
if (_t5.is_error) {
IError err = _t5.err;
ret_err = IError_name_table[err._typ]._method_msg(err._object);
_result_void _t6 = os__rmdir(path);
if (_t6.is_error) {
IError err = _t6.err;
ret_err = IError_name_table[err._typ]._method_msg(err._object);
if (ret_err.len > 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(ret_err), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
// Attr: [manualfree]
bool os__is_dir_empty(string path) {
_result_Array_string _t1 = os__ls(path);
if (_t1.is_error) {
IError err = _t1.err;
bool _t2 = true;
return _t2;
Array_string items = (*(Array_string*);
bool res = items.len == 0;
return res;
string os__file_ext(string path) {
if (path.len < 3) {
return _const_os__empty_str;
_option_int _t2 = string_last_index(path, _const_os__dot_str);
if (_t2.state != 0) {
IError err = _t2.err;
return _const_os__empty_str;
int pos = (*(int*);
if (pos + 1 >= path.len || pos == 0) {
return _const_os__empty_str;
string _t5 = string_substr(path, pos, (path).len);
return _t5;
string os__dir(string opath) {
if ((opath).len == 0) {
string _t1 = _SLIT(".");
return _t1;
string path = string_replace_each(opath, new_array_from_c_array(4, 4, sizeof(string), _MOV((string[4]){_SLIT("/"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator), _SLIT("\\"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator)})));
_option_int _t2 = string_last_index(path, _const_os__path_separator);
if (_t2.state != 0) {
IError err = _t2.err;
string _t3 = _SLIT(".");
return _t3;
int pos = (*(int*);
if (pos == 0 && string__eq(_const_os__path_separator, _SLIT("/"))) {
string _t4 = _SLIT("/");
return _t4;
string _t5 = string_substr(path, 0, pos);
return _t5;
string os__base(string opath) {
if ((opath).len == 0) {
string _t1 = _SLIT(".");
return _t1;
string path = string_replace_each(opath, new_array_from_c_array(4, 4, sizeof(string), _MOV((string[4]){_SLIT("/"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator), _SLIT("\\"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator)})));
if (string__eq(path, _const_os__path_separator)) {
return _const_os__path_separator;
if (string_ends_with(path, _const_os__path_separator)) {
string path2 = string_substr(path, 0, path.len - 1);
_option_int _t3 = string_last_index(path2, _const_os__path_separator);
if (_t3.state != 0) {
IError err = _t3.err;
string _t4 = string_clone(path2);
return _t4;
int pos = (*(int*);
string _t5 = string_substr(path2, pos + 1, (path2).len);
return _t5;
_option_int _t6 = string_last_index(path, _const_os__path_separator);
if (_t6.state != 0) {
IError err = _t6.err;
string _t7 = string_clone(path);
return _t7;
int pos = (*(int*);
string _t8 = string_substr(path, pos + 1, (path).len);
return _t8;
string os__file_name(string opath) {
string path = string_replace_each(opath, new_array_from_c_array(4, 4, sizeof(string), _MOV((string[4]){_SLIT("/"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator), _SLIT("\\"), string_clone(_const_os__path_separator)})));
string _t1 = string_all_after_last(path, _const_os__path_separator);
return _t1;
_option_string os__input_opt(string prompt) {
string res = os__get_raw_line();
if (res.len > 0) {
_option_string _t1;
_option_ok(&(string[]) { string_trim_right(res, _SLIT("\r\n")) }, (_option*)(&_t1), sizeof(string));
return _t1;
return (_option_string){ .state=2, .err=_const_none__, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
string os__input(string prompt) {
_option_string _t1 = os__input_opt(prompt);
if (_t1.state != 0) {
IError err = _t1.err;
string _t2 = _SLIT("<EOF>");
return _t2;
string res = (*(string*);
return res;
string os__get_line(void) {
string str = os__get_raw_line();
string _t1 = string_trim_right(str, _SLIT("\n"));
return _t1;
Array_string os__get_lines(void) {
string line = _SLIT("");
Array_string inputstr = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
for (;;) {
line = os__get_line();
if (line.len <= 0) {
line = string_trim_space(line);
array_push((array*)&inputstr, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(line) }));
return inputstr;
string os__get_lines_joined(void) {
string line = _SLIT("");
string inputstr = _SLIT("");
for (;;) {
line = os__get_line();
if (line.len <= 0) {
line = string_trim_space(line);
inputstr = string__plus(inputstr, line);
return inputstr;
string os__get_raw_lines_joined(void) {
string line = _SLIT("");
Array_string lines = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
for (;;) {
line = os__get_raw_line();
if (line.len <= 0) {
array_push((array*)&lines, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(line) }));
string res = Array_string_join(lines, _SLIT(""));
return res;
string os__user_os(void) {
string _t1 = _SLIT("linux");
return _t1;
if ((os__getenv(_SLIT("TERMUX_VERSION"))).len != 0) {
string _t2 = _SLIT("termux");
return _t2;
string _t3 = _SLIT("unknown");
return _t3;
_result_Array_string os__user_names(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
_result_Array_string _t2 = os__read_lines(_SLIT("/etc/passwd"));
if (_t2.is_error) {
_result_Array_string _t3;
memcpy(&_t3, &_t2, sizeof(_result));
return _t3;
Array_string lines = (*(Array_string*);
Array_string users = __new_array_with_default(0, lines.len, sizeof(string), 0);
for (int _t4 = 0; _t4 < lines.len; ++_t4) {
string line = ((string*)[_t4];
_option_int _t5 = string_index(line, _SLIT(":"));
if (_t5.state != 0) {
IError err = _t5.err;
*(int*) = line.len;
int end_name = (*(int*);
array_push((array*)&users, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(string_substr(line, 0, end_name)) }));
_result_Array_string _t7;
_result_ok(&(Array_string[]) { users }, (_result*)(&_t7), sizeof(Array_string));
return _t7;
return (_result_Array_string){0};
string os__home_dir(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
string _t2 = os__getenv(_SLIT("HOME"));
return _t2;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
string os__expand_tilde_to_home(string path) {
if (string__eq(path, _SLIT("~"))) {
string _t1 = string_trim_right(os__home_dir(), _const_os__path_separator);
return _t1;
if (string_starts_with(path, string__plus(_SLIT("~"), _const_os__path_separator))) {
string _t2 = string_replace_once(path, string__plus(_SLIT("~"), _const_os__path_separator), string__plus(string_trim_right(os__home_dir(), _const_os__path_separator), _const_os__path_separator));
return _t2;
return path;
_result_void os__write_file(string path, string text) {
_result_os__File _t1 = os__create(path);
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_void _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
os__File f = (*(os__File*);
_result_void _t3 = os__File_write_full_buffer(&f, text.str, ((usize)(text.len)));
if (_t3.is_error) {
_result_void _t4;
memcpy(&_t4, &_t3, sizeof(_result));
return _t4;
return (_result_void){0};
string os__ExecutableNotFoundError_msg(os__ExecutableNotFoundError err) {
string _t1 = _SLIT("os: failed to find executable");
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL IError os__error_failed_to_find_executable(void) {
IError _t1 = /*&IError*/I_os__ExecutableNotFoundError_to_Interface_IError(((os__ExecutableNotFoundError*)memdup(&(os__ExecutableNotFoundError){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(os__ExecutableNotFoundError))));
return _t1;
_result_string os__find_abs_path_of_executable(string exepath) {
if ((exepath).len == 0) {
return (_result_string){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("expected non empty `exepath`")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < _const_os__executable_suffixes.len; ++_t2) {
string suffix = ((string*)[_t2];
string fexepath = string__plus(exepath, suffix);
if (os__is_abs_path(fexepath)) {
_result_string _t3;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { os__real_path(fexepath) }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(string));
return _t3;
string res = _SLIT("");
string path = os__getenv(_SLIT("PATH"));
Array_string paths = string_split(path, _const_os__path_delimiter);
for (int _t4 = 0; _t4 < paths.len; ++_t4) {
string p = ((string*)[_t4];
string found_abs_path = os__join_path_single(p, fexepath);
if (os__exists(found_abs_path) && os__is_executable(found_abs_path)) {
res = found_abs_path;
if (res.len > 0) {
_result_string _t5;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { os__real_path(res) }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(string));
return _t5;
return (_result_string){ .is_error=true, .err=os__error_failed_to_find_executable(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
bool os__exists_in_system_path(string prog) {
_result_string _t1 = os__find_abs_path_of_executable(prog);
if (_t1.is_error) {
IError err = _t1.err;
bool _t2 = false;
return _t2;
bool _t3 = true;
return _t3;
bool os__is_file(string path) {
bool _t1 = os__exists(path) && !os__is_dir(path);
return _t1;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string os__join_path(string base, Array_string dirs) {
bool os__join_path_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder sb;
bool os__join_path_defer_1 = false;
string sbase;
sb = strings__new_builder(base.len + dirs.len * 50);
os__join_path_defer_0 = true;
sbase = string_trim_right(base, _SLIT("\\/"));
os__join_path_defer_1 = true;
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, sbase);
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < dirs.len; ++_t1) {
string d = ((string*)[_t1];
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, _const_os__path_separator);
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, d);
string _t2 = strings__Builder_str(&sb);
// Defer begin
if (os__join_path_defer_1) {
// Defer end
// Defer begin
if (os__join_path_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t2;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string os__join_path_single(string base, string elem) {
bool os__join_path_single_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder sb;
bool os__join_path_single_defer_1 = false;
string sbase;
sb = strings__new_builder(base.len + elem.len + 1);
os__join_path_single_defer_0 = true;
sbase = string_trim_right(base, _SLIT("\\/"));
os__join_path_single_defer_1 = true;
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, sbase);
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, _const_os__path_separator);
strings__Builder_write_string(&sb, elem);
string _t1 = strings__Builder_str(&sb);
// Defer begin
if (os__join_path_single_defer_1) {
// Defer end
// Defer begin
if (os__join_path_single_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t1;
Array_string os__walk_ext(string path, string ext) {
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
os__impl_walk_ext(path, ext, &/*arr*/res);
return res;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__impl_walk_ext(string path, string ext, Array_string* out) {
if (!os__is_dir(path)) {
_result_Array_string _t1 = os__ls(path);
if (_t1.is_error) {
IError err = _t1.err;
Array_string files = (*(Array_string*);
string separator = (string_ends_with(path, _const_os__path_separator) ? (_SLIT("")) : (_const_os__path_separator));
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < files.len; ++_t2) {
string file = ((string*)[_t2];
if (string_starts_with(file, _SLIT("."))) {
string p = string__plus(string__plus(path, separator), file);
if (os__is_dir(p) && !os__is_link(p)) {
os__impl_walk_ext(p, ext, out);
} else if (string_ends_with(file, ext)) {
array_push((array*)out, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(p) }));
void os__walk(string path, void (*f)(string )) {
if (path.len == 0) {
if (!os__is_dir(path)) {
Array_string remaining = __new_array_with_default(0, 1000, sizeof(string), 0);
string clean_path = string_trim_right(path, _const_os__path_separator);
#if defined(_WIN32)
array_push((array*)&remaining, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(clean_path) }));
for (;;) {
if (!(remaining.len > 0)) break;
string cpath = (*(string*)array_pop(&remaining));
os__PathKind pkind = os__kind_of_existing_path(cpath);
if (pkind.is_link || !pkind.is_dir) {
_result_Array_string _t3 = os__ls(cpath);
if (_t3.is_error) {
IError err = _t3.err;
Array_string files = (*(Array_string*);
for (int idx = files.len - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
array_push((array*)&remaining, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(string__plus(string__plus(cpath, _const_os__path_separator), (*(string*)array_get(files, idx)))) }));
// TypeDecl
void os__walk_with_context(string path, voidptr context, void (*fcb)(voidptr , string )) {
if (path.len == 0) {
if (!os__is_dir(path)) {
Array_string remaining = __new_array_with_default(0, 1000, sizeof(string), 0);
string clean_path = string_trim_right(path, _const_os__path_separator);
#if defined(_WIN32)
array_push((array*)&remaining, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(clean_path) }));
int loops = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(remaining.len > 0)) break;
string cpath = (*(string*)array_pop(&remaining));
if (loops > 1) {
fcb(context, cpath);
os__PathKind pkind = os__kind_of_existing_path(cpath);
if (pkind.is_link || !pkind.is_dir) {
_result_Array_string _t3 = os__ls(cpath);
if (_t3.is_error) {
IError err = _t3.err;
Array_string files = (*(Array_string*);
for (int idx = files.len - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
array_push((array*)&remaining, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(string__plus(string__plus(cpath, _const_os__path_separator), (*(string*)array_get(files, idx)))) }));
void os__log(string s) {
println(string__plus(_SLIT("os.log: "), s));
_result_void os__mkdir_all(string opath, os__MkdirParams params) {
string path = string_replace(opath, _SLIT("/"), _const_os__path_separator);
string p = (string_starts_with(path, _const_os__path_separator) ? (_const_os__path_separator) : (_SLIT("")));
Array_string path_parts = string_split(string_trim_left(path, _const_os__path_separator), _const_os__path_separator);
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < path_parts.len; ++_t1) {
string subdir = ((string*)[_t1];
p = string__plus(p, string__plus(subdir, _const_os__path_separator));
if (os__exists(p) && os__is_dir(p)) {
_result_void _t2 = os__mkdir(p, params);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("folder: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = p}}, {_SLIT(", error: "), /*115 &IError*/0xfe10, {.d_s = IError_str(err)}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
string os__cache_dir(void) {
string xdg_cache_home = os__getenv(_SLIT("XDG_CACHE_HOME"));
if ((xdg_cache_home).len != 0) {
return xdg_cache_home;
string cdir = os__join_path_single(os__home_dir(), _SLIT(".cache"));
if (!os__is_dir(cdir) && !os__is_link(cdir)) {
_result_void _t2 = os__mkdir(cdir, ((os__MkdirParams){.mode = 0777,}));
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
return cdir;
string os__temp_dir(void) {
string path = os__getenv(_SLIT("TMPDIR"));
if ((path).len == 0) {
path = _SLIT("/tmp");
return path;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__default_vmodules_path(void) {
string hdir = os__home_dir();
string res = os__join_path_single(hdir, _SLIT(".vmodules"));
return res;
string os__vmodules_dir(void) {
Array_string paths = os__vmodules_paths();
if (paths.len > 0) {
string _t1 = (*(string*)array_get(paths, 0));
return _t1;
string _t2 = os__default_vmodules_path();
return _t2;
Array_string os__vmodules_paths(void) {
bool os__vmodules_paths_defer_0 = false;
bool os__vmodules_paths_defer_1 = false;
string path = os__getenv(_SLIT("VMODULES"));
if ((path).len == 0) {
path = os__default_vmodules_path();
os__vmodules_paths_defer_0 = true;
Array_string splitted = string_split(path, _const_os__path_delimiter);
os__vmodules_paths_defer_1 = true;
Array_string list = __new_array_with_default(0, splitted.len, sizeof(string), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < splitted.len; ++i) {
string si = (*(string*)array_get(splitted, i));
string trimmed = string_trim_right(si, _const_os__path_separator);
array_push((array*)&list, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(trimmed) }));
Array_string _t2 = list;
// Defer begin
if (os__vmodules_paths_defer_1) {
// Defer end
// Defer begin
if (os__vmodules_paths_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t2;
// Attr: [manualfree]
string os__resource_abs_path(string path) {
string exe = os__executable();
string dexe = os__dir(exe);
string base_path = os__real_path(dexe);
string vresource = os__getenv(_SLIT("V_RESOURCE_PATH"));
if (vresource.len != 0) {
base_path = vresource;
string fp = os__join_path_single(base_path, path);
string res = os__real_path(fp);
{ // Unsafe block
return res;
os__Result os__execute_or_panic(string cmd) {
os__Result res = os__execute(cmd);
if (res.exit_code != 0) {
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed cmd: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = cmd}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed code: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = res.exit_code}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return res;
os__Result os__execute_or_exit(string cmd) {
os__Result res = os__execute(cmd);
if (res.exit_code != 0) {
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed cmd: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = cmd}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
eprintln( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("failed code: "), /*100 &int*/0xfe07, {.d_i32 = res.exit_code}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
return res;
string os__quoted_path(string path) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
string _t2 = str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("'"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = path}}, {_SLIT("'"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
return _t2;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
_result_string os__config_dir(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__DARWIN__) || defined(__TARGET_IOS__)
string xdg_home = os__getenv(_SLIT("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"));
if ((xdg_home).len != 0) {
_result_string _t2;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { xdg_home }, (_result*)(&_t2), sizeof(string));
return _t2;
string home = os__home_dir();
if ((home).len != 0) {
_result_string _t3;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { string__plus(home, _SLIT("/.config")) }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(string));
return _t3;
return (_result_string){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Cannot find config directory")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Attr: [deprecated]
_result_bool os__is_writable_folder(string folder) {
_result_void _t1 = os__ensure_folder_is_writable(folder);
if (_t1.is_error) {
_result_bool _t2;
memcpy(&_t2, &_t1, sizeof(_result));
return _t2;
_result_bool _t3;
_result_ok(&(bool[]) { true }, (_result*)(&_t3), sizeof(bool));
return _t3;
#if !defined(__sun) && !defined(__HAIKU__) && !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_emscripten)
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL Array_string os__glob_match(string dir, string pattern, string next_pattern, Array_string* matches) {
Array_string subdirs = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
if (os__is_file(dir)) {
return subdirs;
_result_Array_string _t2 = os__ls(dir);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
return subdirs;
Array_string files = (*(Array_string*);
os__GlobMatch mode = os__GlobMatch__exact;
string pat = pattern;
if (string__eq(pat, _SLIT("*"))) {
mode = os__GlobMatch__any;
if (!string__eq(next_pattern, pattern) && (next_pattern).len != 0) {
for (int _t4 = 0; _t4 < files.len; ++_t4) {
string file = ((string*)[_t4];
if (os__is_dir( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = dir}}, {_SLIT("/"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = file}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})))) {
array_push((array*)&subdirs, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = dir}}, {_SLIT("/"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = file}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))) }));
return subdirs;
if (string__eq(pat, _SLIT("**"))) {
files = os__walk_ext(dir, _SLIT(""));
pat = next_pattern;
if (string_starts_with(pat, _SLIT("*"))) {
mode = os__GlobMatch__ends_with;
pat = string_substr(pat, 1, (pat).len);
if (string_ends_with(pat, _SLIT("*"))) {
mode = (mode == os__GlobMatch__ends_with ? (os__GlobMatch__contains) : (os__GlobMatch__starts_with));
pat = string_substr(pat, 0, pat.len - 1);
if (string_contains(pat, _SLIT("*"))) {
mode = os__GlobMatch__start_and_ends_with;
for (int _t7 = 0; _t7 < files.len; ++_t7) {
string file = ((string*)[_t7];
string fpath = file;
string _t8; /* if prepend */
if (string_contains(file, _const_os__path_separator)) {
Array_string pathwalk = string_split(file, _const_os__path_separator);
_t8 = (*(string*)array_get(pathwalk, pathwalk.len - 1));
} else {
fpath = (string__eq(dir, _SLIT(".")) ? (file) : ( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = dir}}, {_SLIT("/"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = file}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))));
_t8 = file;
string f = _t8;
if ((string__eq(f, _SLIT(".")) || string__eq(f, _SLIT(".."))) || (f).len == 0) {
bool _t9 = 0;
if (mode == (os__GlobMatch__any)) {
_t9 = true;
else if (mode == (os__GlobMatch__exact)) {
_t9 = string__eq(f, pat);
else if (mode == (os__GlobMatch__starts_with)) {
_t9 = string_starts_with(f, pat);
else if (mode == (os__GlobMatch__ends_with)) {
_t9 = string_ends_with(f, pat);
else if (mode == (os__GlobMatch__start_and_ends_with)) {
Array_string p = string_split(pat, _SLIT("*"));
_t9 = string_starts_with(f, (*(string*)array_get(p, 0))) && string_ends_with(f, (*(string*)array_get(p, 1)));
else if (mode == (os__GlobMatch__contains)) {
_t9 = string_contains(f, pat);
}bool hit = _t9;
if (hit) {
if (os__is_dir(fpath)) {
array_push((array*)&subdirs, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(fpath) }));
if (string__eq(next_pattern, pattern) && (next_pattern).len != 0) {
array_push((array*)matches, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = fpath}}, {_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_os__path_separator}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))) }));
} else {
array_push((array*)matches, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(fpath) }));
return subdirs;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL _result_void os__native_glob_pattern(string pattern, Array_string* matches) {
Array_string steps = string_split(pattern, _const_os__path_separator);
string cwd = (string_starts_with(pattern, _const_os__path_separator) ? (_const_os__path_separator) : (_SLIT(".")));
Array_string subdirs = new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(string), _MOV((string[1]){string_clone(cwd)}));
for (int i = 0; i < steps.len; i++) {
string step = (*(string*)array_get(steps, i));
string step2 = (i + 1 == steps.len ? (step) : ((*(string*)array_get(steps, i + 1))));
if ((step).len == 0) {
if (os__is_dir( str_intp(4, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = cwd}}, {_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = _const_os__path_separator}}, {_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = step}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})))) {
string dd = (string__eq(cwd, _SLIT("/")) ? (step) : ((string__eq(cwd, _SLIT(".")) || (cwd).len == 0 ? (step) : ((string__eq(step, _SLIT(".")) || string__eq(step, _SLIT("/")) ? (cwd) : ( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = cwd}}, {_SLIT("/"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = step}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))))))));
if (i + 1 != steps.len) {
if (!Array_string_contains(subdirs, dd)) {
array_push((array*)&subdirs, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(dd) }));
Array_string subs = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < subdirs.len; ++_t2) {
string sd = ((string*)[_t2];
string d = (string__eq(cwd, _SLIT("/")) ? (sd) : ((string__eq(cwd, _SLIT(".")) || (cwd).len == 0 ? (sd) : ((string__eq(sd, _SLIT(".")) || string__eq(sd, _SLIT("/")) ? (cwd) : ( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = cwd}}, {_SLIT("/"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = sd}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))))))));
_PUSH_MANY(&subs, (os__glob_match(string_replace(d, _SLIT("//"), _SLIT("/")), step, step2, matches)), _t3, Array_string);
subdirs = array_clone_to_depth(&subs, 0);
return (_result_void){0};
_result_void os__utime(string path, int actime, int modtime) {
struct utimbuf u = ((struct utimbuf){.actime = actime,.modtime = modtime,});
if (utime(((char*)(path.str)), ((voidptr)(&u))) != 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno), errno), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
os__Uname os__uname(void) {
os__Uname u = ((os__Uname){.sysname = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1},.nodename = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1},.release = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1},.version = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1},.machine = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1},});
u32 utsize = sizeof(struct utsname);
{ // Unsafe block
u8* x = malloc_noscan(((int)(utsize)));
struct utsname* d = ((struct utsname*)(x));
if (uname(d) == 0) {
u.sysname = cstring_to_vstring(d->sysname);
u.nodename = cstring_to_vstring(d->nodename);
u.release = cstring_to_vstring(d->release);
u.version = cstring_to_vstring(d->version);
u.machine = cstring_to_vstring(d->machine);
return u;
string os__hostname(void) {
string hstnme = _SLIT("");
int size = 256;
char* buf = ((char*)(malloc_noscan(size)));
if (gethostname(buf, size) == 0) {
hstnme = cstring_to_vstring(buf);
return hstnme;
string _t2 = _SLIT("");
return _t2;
string os__loginname(void) {
char* x = getlogin();
if (!isnil(x)) {
string _t1 = cstring_to_vstring(x);
return _t1;
string _t2 = _SLIT("");
return _t2;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL Array_string os__init_os_args(int argc, u8** argv) {
Array_string args_ = __new_array_with_default(argc, 0, sizeof(string), &(string[]){_SLIT("")});
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
array_set(&args_, i, &(string[]) { tos_clone(argv[i]) });
return args_;
_result_Array_string os__ls(string path) {
if (path.len == 0) {
return (_result_Array_string){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("ls() expects a folder, not an empty string")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
Array_string res = __new_array_with_default(0, 50, sizeof(string), 0);
DIR* dir = opendir(((char*)(path.str)));
if (isnil(dir)) {
return (_result_Array_string){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("ls() couldnt open dir \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = path}}, {_SLIT("\""), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
struct dirent* ent = ((struct dirent*)(0));
for (;;) {
ent = readdir(dir);
if (isnil(ent)) {
{ // Unsafe block
u8* bptr = ((u8*)(&ent->d_name[0]));
if (bptr[0] == 0 || (bptr[0] == '.' && bptr[1] == 0) || (bptr[0] == '.' && bptr[1] == '.' && bptr[2] == 0)) {
array_push((array*)&res, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone(tos_clone(bptr)) }));
_result_Array_string _t4;
_result_ok(&(Array_string[]) { res }, (_result*)(&_t4), sizeof(Array_string));
return _t4;
_result_void os__mkdir(string path, os__MkdirParams params) {
if (string__eq(path, _SLIT("."))) {
return (_result_void){0};
string apath = os__real_path(path);
int r = mkdir(((char*)(apath.str)), params.mode);
if (r == -1) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
// Attr: [manualfree]
os__Result os__execute(string cmd) {
bool os__execute_defer_0 = false;
string pcmd;
bool os__execute_defer_1 = false;
strings__Builder res;
pcmd = (string_contains(cmd, _SLIT("2>")) ? (string_clone(cmd)) : ( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = cmd}}, {_SLIT(" 2>&1"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))));
os__execute_defer_0 = true;
voidptr f = os__vpopen(pcmd);
if (isnil(f)) {
os__Result _t1 = ((os__Result){.exit_code = -1,.output = str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("exec(\""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = cmd}}, {_SLIT("\") failed"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})),});
// Defer begin
if (os__execute_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t1;
int fd = os__fileno(f);
res = strings__new_builder(1024);
os__execute_defer_1 = true;
Array_fixed_u8_4096 buf = {0};
{ // Unsafe block
u8* pbuf = &buf[0];
for (;;) {
int len = read(fd, pbuf, 4096);
if (len == 0) {
strings__Builder_write_ptr(&res, pbuf, len);
string soutput = strings__Builder_str(&res);
int exit_code = os__vpclose(f);
os__Result _t2 = ((os__Result){.exit_code = exit_code,.output = soutput,});
// Defer begin
if (os__execute_defer_1) {
// Defer end
// Defer begin
if (os__execute_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t2;
// Attr: [unsafe]
os__Result os__raw_execute(string cmd) {
os__Result _t1 = os__execute(cmd);
return _t1;
// Attr: [manualfree]
_result_void os__Command_start(os__Command* c) {
bool os__Command_start_defer_0 = false;
string pcmd;
pcmd = string__plus(c->path, _SLIT(" 2>&1"));
os__Command_start_defer_0 = true;
c->f = os__vpopen(pcmd);
if (isnil(c->f)) {
_result_void _t1 = (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("exec(\""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = c->path}}, {_SLIT("\") failed"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Defer begin
if (os__Command_start_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t1;
// Defer begin
if (os__Command_start_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return (_result_void){0};
// Attr: [manualfree]
string os__Command_read_line(os__Command* c) {
bool os__Command_read_line_defer_0 = false;
strings__Builder res;
Array_fixed_u8_4096 buf = {0};
res = strings__new_builder(1024);
os__Command_read_line_defer_0 = true;
{ // Unsafe block
u8* bufbp = &buf[0];
for (;;) {
if (!(fgets(((char*)(bufbp)), 4096, c->f) != 0)) break;
int len = vstrlen(bufbp);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (bufbp[i] == '\n') {
strings__Builder_write_ptr(&res, bufbp, i);
string final = strings__Builder_str(&res);
string _t1 = final;
// Defer begin
if (os__Command_read_line_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t1;
strings__Builder_write_ptr(&res, bufbp, len);
c->eof = true;
string final = strings__Builder_str(&res);
string _t2 = final;
// Defer begin
if (os__Command_read_line_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t2;
_result_void os__Command_close(os__Command* c) {
c->exit_code = os__vpclose(c->f);
if (c->exit_code == 127) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(_SLIT("error"), 127), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
_result_void os__symlink(string origin, string target) {
int res = symlink(((char*)(origin.str)), ((char*)(target.str)));
if (res == 0) {
return (_result_void){0};
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_void os__link(string origin, string target) {
int res = link(((char*)(origin.str)), ((char*)(target.str)));
if (res == 0) {
return (_result_void){0};
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(os__posix_get_error_msg(errno)), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
string os__get_error_msg(int code) {
string _t1 = os__posix_get_error_msg(code);
return _t1;
void os__File_close(os__File* f) {
if (!f->is_opened) {
f->is_opened = false;
// Attr: [inline]
inline bool os__debugger_present(void) {
#if defined(__linux__)
bool _t2 = ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0U, 1, 0) == -1;
return _t2;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
bool _t3 = false;
return _t3;
// Attr: [manualfree]
_result_void os__ensure_folder_is_writable(string folder) {
bool os__ensure_folder_is_writable_defer_0 = false;
string tmp_perm_check;
if (!os__exists(folder)) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("`"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = folder}}, {_SLIT("` does not exist"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), 1), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
if (!os__is_dir(folder)) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("`"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = folder}}, {_SLIT("` is not a folder"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), 2), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
tmp_perm_check = os__join_path_single(folder, _SLIT("XXXXXX"));
os__ensure_folder_is_writable_defer_0 = true;
{ // Unsafe block
int x = mkstemp(((char*)(tmp_perm_check.str)));
if (-1 == x) {
_result_void _t3 = (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("folder `"), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = folder}}, {_SLIT("` is not writable"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})), 3), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Defer begin
if (os__ensure_folder_is_writable_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return _t3;
_result_void _t4 = os__rm(tmp_perm_check);
if (_t4.is_error) {
// Defer begin
if (os__ensure_folder_is_writable_defer_0) {
// Defer end
_result_void _t5;
memcpy(&_t5, &_t4, sizeof(_result));
return _t5;
// Defer begin
if (os__ensure_folder_is_writable_defer_0) {
// Defer end
return (_result_void){0};
// Attr: [inline]
inline int os__getpid(void) {
int _t1 = getpid();
return _t1;
// Attr: [inline]
inline int os__getppid(void) {
int _t1 = getppid();
return _t1;
// Attr: [inline]
inline int os__getuid(void) {
int _t1 = getuid();
return _t1;
// Attr: [inline]
inline int os__geteuid(void) {
int _t1 = geteuid();
return _t1;
// Attr: [inline]
inline int os__getgid(void) {
int _t1 = getgid();
return _t1;
// Attr: [inline]
inline int os__getegid(void) {
int _t1 = getegid();
return _t1;
void os__posix_set_permission_bit(string path_s, u32 mode, bool enable) {
struct stat s;
u32 new_mode = ((u32)(0U));
char* path = ((char*)(path_s.str));
{ // Unsafe block
stat(path, &s);
new_mode = s.st_mode;
if (enable == (true)) {
new_mode |= mode;
else if (enable == (false)) {
new_mode &= (07777 - mode);
chmod(path, ((int)(new_mode)));
_result_string os__input_password(string prompt) {
bool os__input_password_defer_0 = false;
struct termios old_state;
if (os__is_atty(1) <= 0 || string__eq(os__getenv(_SLIT("TERM")), _SLIT("dumb"))) {
return (_result_string){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Could not obtain password discretely.")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
old_state = ((struct termios){.c_iflag = 0,.c_oflag = 0,.c_cflag = 0,.c_lflag = 0,.c_cc = {0},});
if (tcgetattr(0, &old_state) != 0) {
return (_result_string){ .is_error=true, .err=os__last_error(), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
os__input_password_defer_0 = true;
struct termios new_state = old_state;
new_state.c_lflag &= ((int)(~((u32)(ECHO))));
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_state);
_option_string _t3 = os__input_opt(prompt);
if (_t3.state != 0) {
IError err = _t3.err;
_result_string _t4 = (_result_string){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("Failed to read password")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
// Defer begin
if (os__input_password_defer_0) {
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old_state);
// Defer end
return _t4;
string password = (*(string*);
_result_string _t5;
_result_ok(&(string[]) { password }, (_result*)(&_t5), sizeof(string));
// Defer begin
if (os__input_password_defer_0) {
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old_state);
// Defer end
return _t5;
void os__Process_signal_kill(os__Process* p) {
if (!(p->status == os__ProcessState__running || p->status == os__ProcessState__stopped)) {
p->status = os__ProcessState__aborted;
void os__Process_signal_pgkill(os__Process* p) {
if (!(p->status == os__ProcessState__running || p->status == os__ProcessState__stopped)) {
void os__Process_signal_stop(os__Process* p) {
if (p->status != os__ProcessState__running) {
p->status = os__ProcessState__stopped;
void os__Process_signal_continue(os__Process* p) {
if (p->status != os__ProcessState__stopped) {
p->status = os__ProcessState__running;
void os__Process_wait(os__Process* p) {
if (p->status == os__ProcessState__not_started) {
if (!(p->status == os__ProcessState__running || p->status == os__ProcessState__stopped)) {
void os__Process_close(os__Process* p) {
if (p->status == os__ProcessState__not_started || p->status == os__ProcessState__closed) {
p->status = os__ProcessState__closed;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (p->stdio_fd[v_fixed_index(i, 3)] != 0) {
os__fd_close(p->stdio_fd[v_fixed_index(i, 3)]);
// Attr: [unsafe]
void os__Process_free(os__Process* p) {
{ // Unsafe block
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__Process__spawn(os__Process* p) {
if (!p->env_is_custom) {
p->env = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
Map_string_string current_environment = os__environ();
int _t2 = current_environment.key_values.len;
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < _t2; ++_t1 ) {
int _t3 = current_environment.key_values.len - _t2;
_t2 = current_environment.key_values.len;
if (_t3 < 0) {
_t1 = -1;
if (!DenseArray_has_index(&current_environment.key_values, _t1)) {continue;}
string k = /*key*/ *(string*)DenseArray_key(&current_environment.key_values, _t1);
k = string_clone(k);
string v = (*(string*)DenseArray_value(&current_environment.key_values, _t1));
array_push((array*)&p->env, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = k}}, {_SLIT("="), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = v}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))) }));
int pid = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32)
pid = os__Process_unix_spawn_process(p);
p->pid = pid;
p->status = os__ProcessState__running;
int _t6 = 0;
return _t6;
bool os__Process_is_alive(os__Process* p) {
if (p->status == os__ProcessState__running || p->status == os__ProcessState__stopped) {
bool _t1 = os__Process__is_alive(p);
return _t1;
bool _t2 = false;
return _t2;
void os__Process_set_redirect_stdio(os__Process* p) {
p->use_stdio_ctl = true;
void os__Process_stdin_write(os__Process* p, string s) {
os__Process__check_redirection_call(p, _SLIT("stdin_write"));
#if defined(_WIN32)
os__fd_write(p->stdio_fd[0], s);
string os__Process_stdout_slurp(os__Process* p) {
os__Process__check_redirection_call(p, _SLIT("stdout_slurp"));
#if defined(_WIN32)
string _t2 = Array_string_join(os__fd_slurp(p->stdio_fd[1]), _SLIT(""));
return _t2;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
string os__Process_stderr_slurp(os__Process* p) {
os__Process__check_redirection_call(p, _SLIT("stderr_slurp"));
#if defined(_WIN32)
string _t2 = Array_string_join(os__fd_slurp(p->stdio_fd[2]), _SLIT(""));
return _t2;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
string os__Process_stdout_read(os__Process* p) {
os__Process__check_redirection_call(p, _SLIT("stdout_read"));
#if defined(_WIN32)
multi_return_string_int mr_3534 = os__fd_read(p->stdio_fd[1], 4096);
string s = mr_3534.arg0;
return s;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
string os__Process_stderr_read(os__Process* p) {
os__Process__check_redirection_call(p, _SLIT("stderr_read"));
#if defined(_WIN32)
multi_return_string_int mr_3752 = os__fd_read(p->stdio_fd[2], 4096);
string s = mr_3752.arg0;
return s;
return (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__check_redirection_call(os__Process* p, string fn_name) {
if (!p->use_stdio_ctl) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Call p.set_redirect_stdio() before calling p."), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = fn_name}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (p->status == os__ProcessState__not_started) {
_v_panic( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Call p."), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = fn_name}}, {_SLIT("() after you have called"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_stop(os__Process* p) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_continue(os__Process* p) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_kill(os__Process* p) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__signal_pgkill(os__Process* p) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process__wait(os__Process* p) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__Process__is_alive(os__Process* p) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
bool _t2 = os__Process_unix_is_alive(p);
return _t2;
return 0;
void os__Process_run(os__Process* p) {
if (p->status != os__ProcessState__not_started) {
os__Process* os__new_process(string filename) {
os__Process* _t1 = ((os__Process*)memdup(&(os__Process){.filename = filename,.pid = 0,.code = -1,.status = os__ProcessState__not_started,.err = (string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1},.args = __new_array(0, 0, sizeof(string)),.env_is_custom = 0,.env = __new_array(0, 0, sizeof(string)),.use_stdio_ctl = 0,.use_pgroup = 0,.stdio_fd = {-1, -1, -1},.wdata = 0,}, sizeof(os__Process)));
return _t1;
void os__Process_set_args(os__Process* p, Array_string pargs) {
if (p->status != os__ProcessState__not_started) {
p->args = pargs;
void os__Process_set_environment(os__Process* p, Map_string_string envs) {
if (p->status != os__ProcessState__not_started) {
p->env_is_custom = true;
p->env = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);
int _t2 = envs.key_values.len;
for (int _t1 = 0; _t1 < _t2; ++_t1 ) {
int _t3 = envs.key_values.len - _t2;
_t2 = envs.key_values.len;
if (_t3 < 0) {
_t1 = -1;
if (!DenseArray_has_index(&envs.key_values, _t1)) {continue;}
string k = /*key*/ *(string*)DenseArray_key(&envs.key_values, _t1);
k = string_clone(k);
string v = (*(string*)DenseArray_value(&envs.key_values, _t1));
array_push((array*)&p->env, _MOV((string[]){ string_clone( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = k}}, {_SLIT("="), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = v}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))) }));
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__Process_unix_spawn_process(os__Process* p) {
Array_fixed_int_6 pipeset = {0};
if (p->use_stdio_ctl) {
int dont_care = pipe(&pipeset[0]);
dont_care = pipe(&pipeset[2]);
dont_care = pipe(&pipeset[4]);
{int _ = dont_care;}
int pid = os__fork();
if (pid != 0) {
if (p->use_stdio_ctl) {
p->stdio_fd[0] = pipeset[1];
p->stdio_fd[1] = pipeset[2];
p->stdio_fd[2] = pipeset[4];
return pid;
if (p->use_pgroup) {
setpgid(0, 0);
if (p->use_stdio_ctl) {
dup2(pipeset[0], 0);
dup2(pipeset[3], 1);
dup2(pipeset[5], 2);
_result_void _t2 = os__execve(p->filename, p->args, p->env);
if (_t2.is_error) {
IError err = _t2.err;
int _t3 = 0;
return _t3;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_stop_process(os__Process* p) {
kill(p->pid, SIGSTOP);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_resume_process(os__Process* p) {
kill(p->pid, SIGCONT);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_kill_process(os__Process* p) {
kill(p->pid, SIGKILL);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_kill_pgroup(os__Process* p) {
kill(-p->pid, SIGKILL);
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_unix_wait(os__Process* p) {
int cstatus = 0;
int ret = -1;
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_emscripten)
ret = waitpid(p->pid, &cstatus, 0);
if (ret == -1) {
p->err = os__posix_get_error_msg(errno);
multi_return_int_bool mr_2330 = os__posix_wait4_to_exit_status(cstatus);
int pret = mr_2330.arg0;
bool is_signaled = mr_2330.arg1;
if (is_signaled) {
p->status = os__ProcessState__aborted;
p->err = str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Terminated by signal "), /*100 &int*/0x4fe27, {.d_i32 = ret}}, {_SLIT(" ("), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = os__sigint_to_signal_name(pret)}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
} else {
p->status = os__ProcessState__exited;
p->code = pret;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__Process_unix_is_alive(os__Process* p) {
int cstatus = 0;
int ret = -1;
#if !defined(CUSTOM_DEFINE_emscripten)
ret = waitpid(p->pid, &cstatus, WNOHANG);
if (ret == -1) {
p->err = os__posix_get_error_msg(errno);
bool _t2 = false;
return _t2;
if (ret == 0) {
bool _t3 = true;
return _t3;
multi_return_int_bool mr_2802 = os__posix_wait4_to_exit_status(cstatus);
int pret = mr_2802.arg0;
bool is_signaled = mr_2802.arg1;
if (is_signaled) {
p->status = os__ProcessState__aborted;
p->err = str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Terminated by signal "), /*100 &int*/0x4fe27, {.d_i32 = ret}}, {_SLIT(" ("), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = os__sigint_to_signal_name(pret)}}, {_SLIT(")"), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}));
} else {
p->status = os__ProcessState__exited;
p->code = pret;
bool _t4 = false;
return _t4;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL int os__Process_win_spawn_process(os__Process* p) {
int _t1 = 0;
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_stop_process(os__Process* p) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_resume_process(os__Process* p) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_kill_process(os__Process* p) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_kill_pgroup(os__Process* p) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_wait(os__Process* p) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL bool os__Process_win_is_alive(os__Process* p) {
bool _t1 = false;
return _t1;
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void os__Process_win_write_string(os__Process* p, int idx, string s) {
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL multi_return_string_int os__Process_win_read_string(os__Process* p, int idx, int maxbytes) {
return (multi_return_string_int){.arg0=_SLIT(""), .arg1=0};
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL string os__Process_win_slurp(os__Process* p, int idx) {
string _t1 = _SLIT("");
return _t1;
_result_os__SignalHandler os__signal_opt(os__Signal signum, void (*handler)(os__Signal )) {
errno = 0;
voidptr prev_handler = signal(((int)(signum)), (voidptr)handler);
if (prev_handler == SIG_ERR) {
return (_result_os__SignalHandler){ .is_error=true, .err=error_with_code(os__posix_get_error_msg(EINVAL), EINVAL), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
_result_os__SignalHandler _t2;
_result_ok(&(os__SignalHandler[]) { (voidptr)((os__SignalHandler)(prev_handler)) }, (_result*)(&_t2), sizeof(os__SignalHandler));
return _t2;
// TypeDecl
_result_void os__open_uri(string uri) {
string vopen_uri_cmd = os__getenv(_SLIT("VOPEN_URI_CMD"));
if ((vopen_uri_cmd).len == 0) {
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
#elif defined(__linux__)
Array_string providers = new_array_from_c_array(5, 5, sizeof(string), _MOV((string[5]){_SLIT("xdg-open"), _SLIT("x-www-browser"), _SLIT("www-browser"), _SLIT("wslview"), _SLIT("exo-open")}));
for (int _t2 = 0; _t2 < providers.len; ++_t2) {
string provider = ((string*)[_t2];
if (os__exists_in_system_path(provider)) {
vopen_uri_cmd = provider;
if ((vopen_uri_cmd).len == 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error(_SLIT("unsupported platform")), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
os__Result result = os__execute( str_intp(3, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = vopen_uri_cmd}}, {_SLIT(" \""), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = uri}}, {_SLIT("\""), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
if (result.exit_code != 0) {
return (_result_void){ .is_error=true, .err=_v_error( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("unable to open url: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = result.output}}, {_SLIT0, 0, { .d_c = 0 }}}))), .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} };
return (_result_void){0};
// TypeDecl
VV_LOCAL_SYMBOL void main__main(void) {
_result_string _t1 = os__input_password(_SLIT("Enter your password : "));
if (_t1.is_error) {
string original_password = (*(string*);
_result_string _t2 = os__input_password(_SLIT("Confirm password : "));
if (_t2.is_error) {
string repeated_password = (*(string*);
if (string__eq(original_password, repeated_password)) {
println( str_intp(2, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT("Password confirmed! You entered: "), /*115 &string*/0xfe10, {.d_s = original_password}}, {_SLIT(" ."), 0, { .d_c = 0 }}})));
} else {
println(_SLIT("Passwords do not match ."));
void _vinit(int ___argc, voidptr ___argv) {
#if __STDC_HOSTED__ == 1
signal(11, v_segmentation_fault_handler);
as_cast_type_indexes = new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(VCastTypeIndexName), _MOV((VCastTypeIndexName[1]){(VCastTypeIndexName){.tindex = 0,.tname = _SLIT("unknown")}}));
// Initializations for module math.bits
_const_math__bits__overflow_error = _SLIT("Overflow Error");
_const_math__bits__divide_error = _SLIT("Divide Error");
_const_math__bits__de_bruijn32tab = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(32, 32, sizeof(u8), _MOV((u8[32]){
((u8)(0)), 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30,
22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8, 31,
27, 13, 23, 21, 19, 16, 7, 26,
12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9}));
_const_math__bits__de_bruijn64tab = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(64, 64, sizeof(u8), _MOV((u8[64]){
((u8)(0)), 1, 56, 2, 57, 49, 28, 3, 61,
58, 42, 50, 38, 29, 17, 4, 62,
47, 59, 36, 45, 43, 51, 22, 53,
39, 33, 30, 24, 18, 12, 5, 63,
55, 48, 27, 60, 41, 37, 16, 46,
35, 44, 21, 52, 32, 23, 11, 54,
26, 40, 15, 34, 20, 31, 10, 25,
14, 19, 9, 13, 8, 7, 6}));
_const_math__bits__ntz_8_tab = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(256, 256, sizeof(u8), _MOV((u8[256]){
((u8)(0x08)), 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x07,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03,
0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00}));
_const_math__bits__pop_8_tab = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(256, 256, sizeof(u8), _MOV((u8[256]){
((u8)(0x00)), 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x04,
0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x05, 0x06, 0x06, 0x07, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x04,
0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x05, 0x06, 0x06, 0x07, 0x02,
0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x04,
0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x05, 0x06, 0x06, 0x07, 0x03,
0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x04,
0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x05, 0x06, 0x06, 0x07, 0x04,
0x05, 0x05, 0x06, 0x05, 0x06, 0x06, 0x07, 0x05,
0x06, 0x06, 0x07, 0x06, 0x07, 0x07, 0x08}));
_const_math__bits__rev_8_tab = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(256, 256, sizeof(u8), _MOV((u8[256]){
((u8)(0x00)), 0x80, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0, 0x10,
0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70, 0xf0, 0x08,
0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x18,
0x98, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8, 0x04,
0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64, 0xe4, 0x14,
0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4, 0x0c,
0x8c, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x1c,
0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0xfc, 0x02,
0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22, 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2, 0x12,
0x92, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2, 0x0a,
0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a, 0xea, 0x1a,
0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa, 0x06,
0x86, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6, 0x16,
0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf6, 0x0e,
0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e, 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee, 0x1e,
0x9e, 0x5e, 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe, 0x01,
0x81, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x21, 0xa1, 0x61, 0xe1, 0x11,
0x91, 0x51, 0xd1, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x71, 0xf1, 0x09,
0x89, 0x49, 0xc9, 0x29, 0xa9, 0x69, 0xe9, 0x19,
0x99, 0x59, 0xd9, 0x39, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xf9, 0x05,
0x85, 0x45, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xa5, 0x65, 0xe5, 0x15,
0x95, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x75, 0xf5, 0x0d,
0x8d, 0x4d, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xed, 0x1d,
0x9d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0xfd, 0x03,
0x83, 0x43, 0xc3, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x63, 0xe3, 0x13,
0x93, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xf3, 0x0b,
0x8b, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x6b, 0xeb, 0x1b,
0x9b, 0x5b, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0xfb, 0x07,
0x87, 0x47, 0xc7, 0x27, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xe7, 0x17,
0x97, 0x57, 0xd7, 0x37, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xf7, 0x0f,
0x8f, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0xef, 0x1f,
0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff}));
_const_math__bits__len_8_tab = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(256, 256, sizeof(u8), _MOV((u8[256]){
((u8)(0x00)), 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04,
0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05,
0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05,
0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x06,
0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06,
0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06,
0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06,
0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08}));
// Initializations for module strconv
_const_strconv__digit_pairs = _SLIT("00102030405060708090011121314151617181910212223242526272829203132333435363738393041424344454647484940515253545556575859506162636465666768696071727374757677787970818283848586878889809192939495969798999");
_const_strconv__base_digits = _SLIT("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
_const_strconv__pos_exp = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(309, 309, sizeof(u64), _MOV((u64[309]){
((u64)(0x3ff0000000000000U)), ((u64)(0x4024000000000000U)), ((u64)(0x4059000000000000U)), ((u64)(0x408f400000000000U)), ((u64)(0x40c3880000000000U)), ((u64)(0x40f86a0000000000U)), ((u64)(0x412e848000000000U)), ((u64)(0x416312d000000000U)), ((u64)(0x4197d78400000000U)),
((u64)(0x41cdcd6500000000U)), ((u64)(0x4202a05f20000000U)), ((u64)(0x42374876e8000000U)), ((u64)(0x426d1a94a2000000U)), ((u64)(0x42a2309ce5400000U)), ((u64)(0x42d6bcc41e900000U)), ((u64)(0x430c6bf526340000U)), ((u64)(0x4341c37937e08000U)),
((u64)(0x4376345785d8a000U)), ((u64)(0x43abc16d674ec800U)), ((u64)(0x43e158e460913d00U)), ((u64)(0x4415af1d78b58c40U)), ((u64)(0x444b1ae4d6e2ef50U)), ((u64)(0x4480f0cf064dd592U)), ((u64)(0x44b52d02c7e14af6U)), ((u64)(0x44ea784379d99db4U)),
((u64)(0x45208b2a2c280291U)), ((u64)(0x4554adf4b7320335U)), ((u64)(0x4589d971e4fe8402U)), ((u64)(0x45c027e72f1f1281U)), ((u64)(0x45f431e0fae6d721U)), ((u64)(0x46293e5939a08ceaU)), ((u64)(0x465f8def8808b024U)), ((u64)(0x4693b8b5b5056e17U)),
((u64)(0x46c8a6e32246c99cU)), ((u64)(0x46fed09bead87c03U)), ((u64)(0x4733426172c74d82U)), ((u64)(0x476812f9cf7920e3U)), ((u64)(0x479e17b84357691bU)), ((u64)(0x47d2ced32a16a1b1U)), ((u64)(0x48078287f49c4a1dU)), ((u64)(0x483d6329f1c35ca5U)),
((u64)(0x48725dfa371a19e7U)), ((u64)(0x48a6f578c4e0a061U)), ((u64)(0x48dcb2d6f618c879U)), ((u64)(0x4911efc659cf7d4cU)), ((u64)(0x49466bb7f0435c9eU)), ((u64)(0x497c06a5ec5433c6U)), ((u64)(0x49b18427b3b4a05cU)), ((u64)(0x49e5e531a0a1c873U)),
((u64)(0x4a1b5e7e08ca3a8fU)), ((u64)(0x4a511b0ec57e649aU)), ((u64)(0x4a8561d276ddfdc0U)), ((u64)(0x4ababa4714957d30U)), ((u64)(0x4af0b46c6cdd6e3eU)), ((u64)(0x4b24e1878814c9ceU)), ((u64)(0x4b5a19e96a19fc41U)), ((u64)(0x4b905031e2503da9U)),
((u64)(0x4bc4643e5ae44d13U)), ((u64)(0x4bf97d4df19d6057U)), ((u64)(0x4c2fdca16e04b86dU)), ((u64)(0x4c63e9e4e4c2f344U)), ((u64)(0x4c98e45e1df3b015U)), ((u64)(0x4ccf1d75a5709c1bU)), ((u64)(0x4d03726987666191U)), ((u64)(0x4d384f03e93ff9f5U)),
((u64)(0x4d6e62c4e38ff872U)), ((u64)(0x4da2fdbb0e39fb47U)), ((u64)(0x4dd7bd29d1c87a19U)), ((u64)(0x4e0dac74463a989fU)), ((u64)(0x4e428bc8abe49f64U)), ((u64)(0x4e772ebad6ddc73dU)), ((u64)(0x4eacfa698c95390cU)), ((u64)(0x4ee21c81f7dd43a7U)),
((u64)(0x4f16a3a275d49491U)), ((u64)(0x4f4c4c8b1349b9b5U)), ((u64)(0x4f81afd6ec0e1411U)), ((u64)(0x4fb61bcca7119916U)), ((u64)(0x4feba2bfd0d5ff5bU)), ((u64)(0x502145b7e285bf99U)), ((u64)(0x50559725db272f7fU)), ((u64)(0x508afcef51f0fb5fU)),
((u64)(0x50c0de1593369d1bU)), ((u64)(0x50f5159af8044462U)), ((u64)(0x512a5b01b605557bU)), ((u64)(0x516078e111c3556dU)), ((u64)(0x5194971956342ac8U)), ((u64)(0x51c9bcdfabc1357aU)), ((u64)(0x5200160bcb58c16cU)), ((u64)(0x52341b8ebe2ef1c7U)),
((u64)(0x526922726dbaae39U)), ((u64)(0x529f6b0f092959c7U)), ((u64)(0x52d3a2e965b9d81dU)), ((u64)(0x53088ba3bf284e24U)), ((u64)(0x533eae8caef261adU)), ((u64)(0x53732d17ed577d0cU)), ((u64)(0x53a7f85de8ad5c4fU)), ((u64)(0x53ddf67562d8b363U)),
((u64)(0x5412ba095dc7701eU)), ((u64)(0x5447688bb5394c25U)), ((u64)(0x547d42aea2879f2eU)), ((u64)(0x54b249ad2594c37dU)), ((u64)(0x54e6dc186ef9f45cU)), ((u64)(0x551c931e8ab87173U)), ((u64)(0x5551dbf316b346e8U)), ((u64)(0x558652efdc6018a2U)),
((u64)(0x55bbe7abd3781ecaU)), ((u64)(0x55f170cb642b133fU)), ((u64)(0x5625ccfe3d35d80eU)), ((u64)(0x565b403dcc834e12U)), ((u64)(0x569108269fd210cbU)), ((u64)(0x56c54a3047c694feU)), ((u64)(0x56fa9cbc59b83a3dU)), ((u64)(0x5730a1f5b8132466U)),
((u64)(0x5764ca732617ed80U)), ((u64)(0x5799fd0fef9de8e0U)), ((u64)(0x57d03e29f5c2b18cU)), ((u64)(0x58044db473335defU)), ((u64)(0x583961219000356bU)), ((u64)(0x586fb969f40042c5U)), ((u64)(0x58a3d3e2388029bbU)), ((u64)(0x58d8c8dac6a0342aU)),
((u64)(0x590efb1178484135U)), ((u64)(0x59435ceaeb2d28c1U)), ((u64)(0x59783425a5f872f1U)), ((u64)(0x59ae412f0f768fadU)), ((u64)(0x59e2e8bd69aa19ccU)), ((u64)(0x5a17a2ecc414a03fU)), ((u64)(0x5a4d8ba7f519c84fU)), ((u64)(0x5a827748f9301d32U)),
((u64)(0x5ab7151b377c247eU)), ((u64)(0x5aecda62055b2d9eU)), ((u64)(0x5b22087d4358fc82U)), ((u64)(0x5b568a9c942f3ba3U)), ((u64)(0x5b8c2d43b93b0a8cU)), ((u64)(0x5bc19c4a53c4e697U)), ((u64)(0x5bf6035ce8b6203dU)), ((u64)(0x5c2b843422e3a84dU)),
((u64)(0x5c6132a095ce4930U)), ((u64)(0x5c957f48bb41db7cU)), ((u64)(0x5ccadf1aea12525bU)), ((u64)(0x5d00cb70d24b7379U)), ((u64)(0x5d34fe4d06de5057U)), ((u64)(0x5d6a3de04895e46dU)), ((u64)(0x5da066ac2d5daec4U)), ((u64)(0x5dd4805738b51a75U)),
((u64)(0x5e09a06d06e26112U)), ((u64)(0x5e400444244d7cabU)), ((u64)(0x5e7405552d60dbd6U)), ((u64)(0x5ea906aa78b912ccU)), ((u64)(0x5edf485516e7577fU)), ((u64)(0x5f138d352e5096afU)), ((u64)(0x5f48708279e4bc5bU)), ((u64)(0x5f7e8ca3185deb72U)),
((u64)(0x5fb317e5ef3ab327U)), ((u64)(0x5fe7dddf6b095ff1U)), ((u64)(0x601dd55745cbb7edU)), ((u64)(0x6052a5568b9f52f4U)), ((u64)(0x60874eac2e8727b1U)), ((u64)(0x60bd22573a28f19dU)), ((u64)(0x60f2357684599702U)), ((u64)(0x6126c2d4256ffcc3U)),
((u64)(0x615c73892ecbfbf4U)), ((u64)(0x6191c835bd3f7d78U)), ((u64)(0x61c63a432c8f5cd6U)), ((u64)(0x61fbc8d3f7b3340cU)), ((u64)(0x62315d847ad00087U)), ((u64)(0x6265b4e5998400a9U)), ((u64)(0x629b221effe500d4U)), ((u64)(0x62d0f5535fef2084U)),
((u64)(0x630532a837eae8a5U)), ((u64)(0x633a7f5245e5a2cfU)), ((u64)(0x63708f936baf85c1U)), ((u64)(0x63a4b378469b6732U)), ((u64)(0x63d9e056584240feU)), ((u64)(0x64102c35f729689fU)), ((u64)(0x6444374374f3c2c6U)), ((u64)(0x647945145230b378U)),
((u64)(0x64af965966bce056U)), ((u64)(0x64e3bdf7e0360c36U)), ((u64)(0x6518ad75d8438f43U)), ((u64)(0x654ed8d34e547314U)), ((u64)(0x6583478410f4c7ecU)), ((u64)(0x65b819651531f9e8U)), ((u64)(0x65ee1fbe5a7e7861U)), ((u64)(0x6622d3d6f88f0b3dU)),
((u64)(0x665788ccb6b2ce0cU)), ((u64)(0x668d6affe45f818fU)), ((u64)(0x66c262dfeebbb0f9U)), ((u64)(0x66f6fb97ea6a9d38U)), ((u64)(0x672cba7de5054486U)), ((u64)(0x6761f48eaf234ad4U)), ((u64)(0x679671b25aec1d89U)), ((u64)(0x67cc0e1ef1a724ebU)),
((u64)(0x680188d357087713U)), ((u64)(0x6835eb082cca94d7U)), ((u64)(0x686b65ca37fd3a0dU)), ((u64)(0x68a11f9e62fe4448U)), ((u64)(0x68d56785fbbdd55aU)), ((u64)(0x690ac1677aad4ab1U)), ((u64)(0x6940b8e0acac4eafU)), ((u64)(0x6974e718d7d7625aU)),
((u64)(0x69aa20df0dcd3af1U)), ((u64)(0x69e0548b68a044d6U)), ((u64)(0x6a1469ae42c8560cU)), ((u64)(0x6a498419d37a6b8fU)), ((u64)(0x6a7fe52048590673U)), ((u64)(0x6ab3ef342d37a408U)), ((u64)(0x6ae8eb0138858d0aU)), ((u64)(0x6b1f25c186a6f04cU)),
((u64)(0x6b537798f4285630U)), ((u64)(0x6b88557f31326bbbU)), ((u64)(0x6bbe6adefd7f06aaU)), ((u64)(0x6bf302cb5e6f642aU)), ((u64)(0x6c27c37e360b3d35U)), ((u64)(0x6c5db45dc38e0c82U)), ((u64)(0x6c9290ba9a38c7d1U)), ((u64)(0x6cc734e940c6f9c6U)),
((u64)(0x6cfd022390f8b837U)), ((u64)(0x6d3221563a9b7323U)), ((u64)(0x6d66a9abc9424febU)), ((u64)(0x6d9c5416bb92e3e6U)), ((u64)(0x6dd1b48e353bce70U)), ((u64)(0x6e0621b1c28ac20cU)), ((u64)(0x6e3baa1e332d728fU)), ((u64)(0x6e714a52dffc6799U)),
((u64)(0x6ea59ce797fb817fU)), ((u64)(0x6edb04217dfa61dfU)), ((u64)(0x6f10e294eebc7d2cU)), ((u64)(0x6f451b3a2a6b9c76U)), ((u64)(0x6f7a6208b5068394U)), ((u64)(0x6fb07d457124123dU)), ((u64)(0x6fe49c96cd6d16ccU)), ((u64)(0x7019c3bc80c85c7fU)),
((u64)(0x70501a55d07d39cfU)), ((u64)(0x708420eb449c8843U)), ((u64)(0x70b9292615c3aa54U)), ((u64)(0x70ef736f9b3494e9U)), ((u64)(0x7123a825c100dd11U)), ((u64)(0x7158922f31411456U)), ((u64)(0x718eb6bafd91596bU)), ((u64)(0x71c33234de7ad7e3U)),
((u64)(0x71f7fec216198ddcU)), ((u64)(0x722dfe729b9ff153U)), ((u64)(0x7262bf07a143f6d4U)), ((u64)(0x72976ec98994f489U)), ((u64)(0x72cd4a7bebfa31abU)), ((u64)(0x73024e8d737c5f0bU)), ((u64)(0x7336e230d05b76cdU)), ((u64)(0x736c9abd04725481U)),
((u64)(0x73a1e0b622c774d0U)), ((u64)(0x73d658e3ab795204U)), ((u64)(0x740bef1c9657a686U)), ((u64)(0x74417571ddf6c814U)), ((u64)(0x7475d2ce55747a18U)), ((u64)(0x74ab4781ead1989eU)), ((u64)(0x74e10cb132c2ff63U)), ((u64)(0x75154fdd7f73bf3cU)),
((u64)(0x754aa3d4df50af0bU)), ((u64)(0x7580a6650b926d67U)), ((u64)(0x75b4cffe4e7708c0U)), ((u64)(0x75ea03fde214caf1U)), ((u64)(0x7620427ead4cfed6U)), ((u64)(0x7654531e58a03e8cU)), ((u64)(0x768967e5eec84e2fU)), ((u64)(0x76bfc1df6a7a61bbU)),
((u64)(0x76f3d92ba28c7d15U)), ((u64)(0x7728cf768b2f9c5aU)), ((u64)(0x775f03542dfb8370U)), ((u64)(0x779362149cbd3226U)), ((u64)(0x77c83a99c3ec7eb0U)), ((u64)(0x77fe494034e79e5cU)), ((u64)(0x7832edc82110c2f9U)), ((u64)(0x7867a93a2954f3b8U)),
((u64)(0x789d9388b3aa30a5U)), ((u64)(0x78d27c35704a5e67U)), ((u64)(0x79071b42cc5cf601U)), ((u64)(0x793ce2137f743382U)), ((u64)(0x79720d4c2fa8a031U)), ((u64)(0x79a6909f3b92c83dU)), ((u64)(0x79dc34c70a777a4dU)), ((u64)(0x7a11a0fc668aac70U)),
((u64)(0x7a46093b802d578cU)), ((u64)(0x7a7b8b8a6038ad6fU)), ((u64)(0x7ab137367c236c65U)), ((u64)(0x7ae585041b2c477fU)), ((u64)(0x7b1ae64521f7595eU)), ((u64)(0x7b50cfeb353a97dbU)), ((u64)(0x7b8503e602893dd2U)), ((u64)(0x7bba44df832b8d46U)),
((u64)(0x7bf06b0bb1fb384cU)), ((u64)(0x7c2485ce9e7a065fU)), ((u64)(0x7c59a742461887f6U)), ((u64)(0x7c9008896bcf54faU)), ((u64)(0x7cc40aabc6c32a38U)), ((u64)(0x7cf90d56b873f4c7U)), ((u64)(0x7d2f50ac6690f1f8U)), ((u64)(0x7d63926bc01a973bU)),
((u64)(0x7d987706b0213d0aU)), ((u64)(0x7dce94c85c298c4cU)), ((u64)(0x7e031cfd3999f7b0U)), ((u64)(0x7e37e43c8800759cU)), ((u64)(0x7e6ddd4baa009303U)), ((u64)(0x7ea2aa4f4a405be2U)), ((u64)(0x7ed754e31cd072daU)), ((u64)(0x7f0d2a1be4048f90U)),
((u64)(0x7f423a516e82d9baU)), ((u64)(0x7f76c8e5ca239029U)), ((u64)(0x7fac7b1f3cac7433U)), ((u64)(0x7fe1ccf385ebc8a0U))}));
_const_strconv__neg_exp = new_array_from_c_array_noscan(324, 324, sizeof(u64), _MOV((u64[324]){
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((u64)(0x3e112e0be826d695U)), ((u64)(0x3ddb7cdfd9d7bdbbU)), ((u64)(0x3da5fd7fe1796495U)), ((u64)(0x3d719799812dea11U)), ((u64)(0x3d3c25c268497682U)), ((u64)(0x3d06849b86a12b9bU)), ((u64)(0x3cd203af9ee75616U)), ((u64)(0x3c9cd2b297d889bcU)),
((u64)(0x3c670ef54646d497U)), ((u64)(0x3c32725dd1d243acU)), ((u64)(0x3bfd83c94fb6d2acU)), ((u64)(0x3bc79ca10c924223U)), ((u64)(0x3b92e3b40a0e9b4fU)), ((u64)(0x3b5e392010175ee6U)), ((u64)(0x3b282db34012b251U)), ((u64)(0x3af357c299a88ea7U)),
((u64)(0x3abef2d0f5da7dd9U)), ((u64)(0x3a88c240c4aecb14U)), ((u64)(0x3a53ce9a36f23c10U)), ((u64)(0x3a1fb0f6be506019U)), ((u64)(0x39e95a5efea6b347U)), ((u64)(0x39b4484bfeebc2a0U)), ((u64)(0x398039d665896880U)), ((u64)(0x3949f623d5a8a733U)),
((u64)(0x3914c4e977ba1f5cU)), ((u64)(0x38e09d8792fb4c49U)), ((u64)(0x38aa95a5b7f87a0fU)), ((u64)(0x38754484932d2e72U)), ((u64)(0x3841039d428a8b8fU)), ((u64)(0x380b38fb9daa78e4U)), ((u64)(0x37d5c72fb1552d83U)), ((u64)(0x37a16c262777579cU)),
((u64)(0x376be03d0bf225c7U)), ((u64)(0x37364cfda3281e39U)), ((u64)(0x3701d7314f534b61U)), ((u64)(0x36cc8b8218854567U)), ((u64)(0x3696d601ad376ab9U)), ((u64)(0x366244ce242c5561U)), ((u64)(0x362d3ae36d13bbceU)), ((u64)(0x35f7624f8a762fd8U)),
((u64)(0x35c2b50c6ec4f313U)), ((u64)(0x358dee7a4ad4b81fU)), ((u64)(0x3557f1fb6f10934cU)), ((u64)(0x352327fc58da0f70U)), ((u64)(0x34eea6608e29b24dU)), ((u64)(0x34b8851a0b548ea4U)), ((u64)(0x34839dae6f76d883U)), ((u64)(0x344f62b0b257c0d2U)),
((u64)(0x34191bc08eac9a41U)), ((u64)(0x33e41633a556e1ceU)), ((u64)(0x33b011c2eaabe7d8U)), ((u64)(0x3379b604aaaca626U)), ((u64)(0x3344919d5556eb52U)), ((u64)(0x3310747ddddf22a8U)), ((u64)(0x32da53fc9631d10dU)), ((u64)(0x32a50ffd44f4a73dU)),
((u64)(0x3270d9976a5d5297U)), ((u64)(0x323af5bf109550f2U)), ((u64)(0x32059165a6ddda5bU)), ((u64)(0x31d1411e1f17e1e3U)), ((u64)(0x319b9b6364f30304U)), ((u64)(0x316615e91d8f359dU)), ((u64)(0x3131ab20e472914aU)), ((u64)(0x30fc45016d841baaU)),
((u64)(0x30c69d9abe034955U)), ((u64)(0x309217aefe690777U)), ((u64)(0x305cf2b1970e7258U)), ((u64)(0x3027288e1271f513U)), ((u64)(0x2ff286d80ec190dcU)), ((u64)(0x2fbda48ce468e7c7U)), ((u64)(0x2f87b6d71d20b96cU)), ((u64)(0x2f52f8ac174d6123U)),
((u64)(0x2f1e5aacf2156838U)), ((u64)(0x2ee8488a5b445360U)), ((u64)(0x2eb36d3b7c36a91aU)), ((u64)(0x2e7f152bf9f10e90U)), ((u64)(0x2e48ddbcc7f40ba6U)), ((u64)(0x2e13e497065cd61fU)), ((u64)(0x2ddfd424d6faf031U)), ((u64)(0x2da97683df2f268dU)),
((u64)(0x2d745ecfe5bf520bU)), ((u64)(0x2d404bd984990e6fU)), ((u64)(0x2d0a12f5a0f4e3e5U)), ((u64)(0x2cd4dbf7b3f71cb7U)), ((u64)(0x2ca0aff95cc5b092U)), ((u64)(0x2c6ab328946f80eaU)), ((u64)(0x2c355c2076bf9a55U)), ((u64)(0x2c0116805effaeaaU)),
((u64)(0x2bcb5733cb32b111U)), ((u64)(0x2b95df5ca28ef40dU)), ((u64)(0x2b617f7d4ed8c33eU)), ((u64)(0x2b2bff2ee48e0530U)), ((u64)(0x2af665bf1d3e6a8dU)), ((u64)(0x2ac1eaff4a98553dU)), ((u64)(0x2a8cab3210f3bb95U)), ((u64)(0x2a56ef5b40c2fc77U)),
((u64)(0x2a225915cd68c9f9U)), ((u64)(0x29ed5b561574765bU)), ((u64)(0x29b77c44ddf6c516U)), ((u64)(0x2982c9d0b1923745U)), ((u64)(0x294e0fb44f50586eU)), ((u64)(0x29180c903f7379f2U)), ((u64)(0x28e33d4032c2c7f5U)), ((u64)(0x28aec866b79e0cbaU)),
((u64)(0x2878a0522c7e7095U)), ((u64)(0x2843b374f06526deU)), ((u64)(0x280f8587e7083e30U)), ((u64)(0x27d9379fec069826U)), ((u64)(0x27a42c7ff0054685U)), ((u64)(0x277023998cd10537U)), ((u64)(0x2739d28f47b4d525U)), ((u64)(0x2704a8729fc3ddb7U)),
((u64)(0x26d086c219697e2cU)), ((u64)(0x269a71368f0f3047U)), ((u64)(0x2665275ed8d8f36cU)), ((u64)(0x2630ec4be0ad8f89U)), ((u64)(0x25fb13ac9aaf4c0fU)), ((u64)(0x25c5a956e225d672U)), ((u64)(0x2591544581b7dec2U)), ((u64)(0x255bba08cf8c979dU)),
((u64)(0x25262e6d72d6dfb0U)), ((u64)(0x24f1bebdf578b2f4U)), ((u64)(0x24bc6463225ab7ecU)), ((u64)(0x2486b6b5b5155ff0U)), ((u64)(0x24522bc490dde65aU)), ((u64)(0x241d12d41afca3c3U)), ((u64)(0x23e7424348ca1c9cU)), ((u64)(0x23b29b69070816e3U)),
((u64)(0x237dc574d80cf16bU)), ((u64)(0x2347d12a4670c123U)), ((u64)(0x23130dbb6b8d674fU)), ((u64)(0x22de7c5f127bd87eU)), ((u64)(0x22a8637f41fcad32U)), ((u64)(0x227382cc34ca2428U)), ((u64)(0x223f37ad21436d0cU)), ((u64)(0x2208f9574dcf8a70U)),
((u64)(0x21d3faac3e3fa1f3U)), ((u64)(0x219ff779fd329cb9U)), ((u64)(0x216992c7fdc216faU)), ((u64)(0x2134756ccb01abfbU)), ((u64)(0x21005df0a267bcc9U)), ((u64)(0x20ca2fe76a3f9475U)), ((u64)(0x2094f31f8832dd2aU)), ((u64)(0x2060c27fa028b0efU)),
((u64)(0x202ad0cc33744e4bU)), ((u64)(0x1ff573d68f903ea2U)), ((u64)(0x1fc1297872d9cbb5U)), ((u64)(0x1f8b758d848fac55U)), ((u64)(0x1f55f7a46a0c89ddU)), ((u64)(0x1f2192e9ee706e4bU)), ((u64)(0x1eec1e43171a4a11U)), ((u64)(0x1eb67e9c127b6e74U)),
((u64)(0x1e81fee341fc585dU)), ((u64)(0x1e4ccb0536608d61U)), ((u64)(0x1e1708d0f84d3de7U)), ((u64)(0x1de26d73f9d764b9U)), ((u64)(0x1dad7becc2f23ac2U)), ((u64)(0x1d779657025b6235U)), ((u64)(0x1d42deac01e2b4f7U)), ((u64)(0x1d0e3113363787f2U)),
((u64)(0x1cd8274291c6065bU)), ((u64)(0x1ca3529ba7d19eafU)), ((u64)(0x1c6eea92a61c3118U)), ((u64)(0x1c38bba884e35a7aU)), ((u64)(0x1c03c9539d82aec8U)), ((u64)(0x1bcfa885c8d117a6U)), ((u64)(0x1b99539e3a40dfb8U)), ((u64)(0x1b6442e4fb671960U)),
((u64)(0x1b303583fc527ab3U)), ((u64)(0x1af9ef3993b72ab8U)), ((u64)(0x1ac4bf6142f8eefaU)), ((u64)(0x1a90991a9bfa58c8U)), ((u64)(0x1a5a8e90f9908e0dU)), ((u64)(0x1a253eda614071a4U)), ((u64)(0x19f0ff151a99f483U)), ((u64)(0x19bb31bb5dc320d2U)),
((u64)(0x1985c162b168e70eU)), ((u64)(0x1951678227871f3eU)), ((u64)(0x191bd8d03f3e9864U)), ((u64)(0x18e6470cff6546b6U)), ((u64)(0x18b1d270cc51055fU)), ((u64)(0x187c83e7ad4e6efeU)), ((u64)(0x1846cfec8aa52598U)), ((u64)(0x18123ff06eea847aU)),
((u64)(0x17dd331a4b10d3f6U)), ((u64)(0x17a75c1508da432bU)), ((u64)(0x1772b010d3e1cf56U)), ((u64)(0x173de6815302e556U)), ((u64)(0x1707eb9aa8cf1ddeU)), ((u64)(0x16d322e220a5b17eU)), ((u64)(0x169e9e369aa2b597U)), ((u64)(0x16687e92154ef7acU)),
((u64)(0x16339874ddd8c623U)), ((u64)(0x15ff5a549627a36cU)), ((u64)(0x15c91510781fb5f0U)), ((u64)(0x159410d9f9b2f7f3U)), ((u64)(0x15600d7b2e28c65cU)), ((u64)(0x1529af2b7d0e0a2dU)), ((u64)(0x14f48c22ca71a1bdU)), ((u64)(0x14c0701bd527b498U)),
((u64)(0x148a4cf9550c5426U)), ((u64)(0x14550a6110d6a9b8U)), ((u64)(0x1420d51a73deee2dU)), ((u64)(0x13eaee90b964b047U)), ((u64)(0x13b58ba6fab6f36cU)), ((u64)(0x13813c85955f2923U)), ((u64)(0x134b9408eefea839U)), ((u64)(0x1316100725988694U)),
((u64)(0x12e1a66c1e139eddU)), ((u64)(0x12ac3d79c9b8fe2eU)), ((u64)(0x12769794a160cb58U)), ((u64)(0x124212dd4de70913U)), ((u64)(0x120ceafbafd80e85U)), ((u64)(0x11d72262f3133ed1U)), ((u64)(0x11a281e8c275cbdaU)), ((u64)(0x116d9ca79d89462aU)),
((u64)(0x1137b08617a104eeU)), ((u64)(0x1102f39e794d9d8bU)), ((u64)(0x10ce5297287c2f45U)), ((u64)(0x1098421286c9bf6bU)), ((u64)(0x1063680ed23aff89U)), ((u64)(0x102f0ce4839198dbU)), ((u64)(0x0ff8d71d360e13e2U)), ((u64)(0x0fc3df4a91a4dcb5U)),
((u64)(0x0f8fcbaa82a16121U)), ((u64)(0x0f596fbb9bb44db4U)), ((u64)(0x0f245962e2f6a490U)), ((u64)(0x0ef047824f2bb6daU)), ((u64)(0x0eba0c03b1df8af6U)), ((u64)(0x0e84d6695b193bf8U)), ((u64)(0x0e50ab877c142ffaU)), ((u64)(0x0e1aac0bf9b9e65cU)),
((u64)(0x0de5566ffafb1eb0U)), ((u64)(0x0db111f32f2f4bc0U)), ((u64)(0x0d7b4feb7eb212cdU)), ((u64)(0x0d45d98932280f0aU)), ((u64)(0x0d117ad428200c08U)), ((u64)(0x0cdbf7b9d9cce00dU)), ((u64)(0x0ca65fc7e170b33eU)), ((u64)(0x0c71e6398126f5cbU)),
((u64)(0x0c3ca38f350b22dfU)), ((u64)(0x0c06e93f5da2824cU)), ((u64)(0x0bd25432b14ecea3U)), ((u64)(0x0b9d53844ee47dd1U)), ((u64)(0x0b677603725064a8U)), ((u64)(0x0b32c4cf8ea6b6ecU)), ((u64)(0x0afe07b27dd78b14U)), ((u64)(0x0ac8062864ac6f43U)),
((u64)(0x0a9338205089f29cU)), ((u64)(0x0a5ec033b40fea93U)), ((u64)(0x0a2899c2f6732210U)), ((u64)(0x09f3ae3591f5b4d9U)), ((u64)(0x09bf7d228322baf5U)), ((u64)(0x098930e868e89591U)), ((u64)(0x0954272053ed4474U)), ((u64)(0x09201f4d0ff10390U)),
((u64)(0x08e9cbae7fe805b3U)), ((u64)(0x08b4a2f1ffecd15cU)), ((u64)(0x0880825b3323dab0U)), ((u64)(0x084a6a2b85062ab3U)), ((u64)(0x081521bc6a6b555cU)), ((u64)(0x07e0e7c9eebc444aU)), ((u64)(0x07ab0c764ac6d3a9U)), ((u64)(0x0775a391d56bdc87U)),
((u64)(0x07414fa7ddefe3a0U)), ((u64)(0x070bb2a62fe638ffU)), ((u64)(0x06d62884f31e93ffU)), ((u64)(0x06a1ba03f5b21000U)), ((u64)(0x066c5cd322b67fffU)), ((u64)(0x0636b0a8e891ffffU)), ((u64)(0x060226ed86db3333U)), ((u64)(0x05cd0b15a491eb84U)),
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((u64)(0x03ef2f5c7a1a488eU)), ((u64)(0x03b8f2b061aea072U)), ((u64)(0x0383f559e7bee6c1U)), ((u64)(0x034feef63f97d79cU)), ((u64)(0x03198bf832dfdfb0U)), ((u64)(0x02e46ff9c24cb2f3U)), ((u64)(0x02b059949b708f29U)), ((u64)(0x027a28edc580e50eU)),
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((u64)(0x00000000000000caU)), ((u64)(0x0000000000000014U)), ((u64)(0x0000000000000002U))}));
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((u32)(1000000000U)), ((u32)(10000000000U)), ((u32)(100000000000U))}));
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((u64)(1000000000U)), ((u64)(10000000000U)), ((u64)(100000000000U)), ((u64)(1000000000000U)), ((u64)(10000000000000U)), ((u64)(100000000000000U)), ((u64)(1000000000000000U)), ((u64)(10000000000000000U)),
((u64)(100000000000000000U)), ((u64)(1000000000000000000U)), ((u64)(10000000000000000000U))}));
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0.0000000005, 0.00000000005, 0.000000000005, 0.0000000000005, 0.00000000000005, 0.000000000000005, 0.0000000000000005, 0.00000000000000005,
0.000000000000000005, 0.0000000000000000005, 0.00000000000000000005}));
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((u64)(1e9)), ((u64)(1e10)), ((u64)(1e11)), ((u64)(1e12)), ((u64)(1e13)), ((u64)(1e14)), ((u64)(1e15)), ((u64)(1e16)),
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((u64)(1776356839400250464U)), ((u64)(2220446049250313080U)), ((u64)(1387778780781445675U)), ((u64)(1734723475976807094U)), ((u64)(2168404344971008868U)), ((u64)(1355252715606880542U)), ((u64)(1694065894508600678U)), ((u64)(2117582368135750847U)),
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((u64)(557518629963265579U)), ((u64)(446014903970612463U)), ((u64)(356811923176489971U)), ((u64)(570899077082383953U)), ((u64)(456719261665907162U)), ((u64)(365375409332725730U))}));
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((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xecbb69d1132ff10aU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0267040a113e5383U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xadf8a94e851981aaU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03d8067681fd526cU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x8b2d543ed0e13488U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0313385ece6441f0U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xd5bddcff0d80f6d3U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0275c6b23eb69b26U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x892fc7fe7c018aebU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03efa45064575ea4U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x3a8c9ffec99ad589U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03261d0d1d12b21dU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xc8707fff07af113bU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0284e40a7da88e7dU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x39f39998d2f2742fU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0203e9a1fe2071feU)),}),
((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x8fec28f484b7204bU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x033975cffd00b663U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xd989ba5d36f8e6a2U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02945e3ffd9a2b82U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x47a161e42bfa521cU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02104b66647b5602U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x0c35696d132a1cf9U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x034d4570a0c5566aU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x09c454574288172dU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02a4378d4d6aab88U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xa169dd129ba0128bU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x021cf93dd7888939U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x0242fb50f9001dabU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03618ec958da7529U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x9b68c90d940017bcU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02b4723aad7b90edU)),}),
((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x4920a0d7a999ac96U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0229f4fbbdfc73f1U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x750101590f5c4757U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x037654c5fcc71fe8U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x2a6734473f7d05dfU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02c5109e63d27fedU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xeeb8f69f65fd9e4cU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0237407eb641fff0U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xe45b24323cc8fd46U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x038b9a6456cfffe7U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xb6af502830a0ca9fU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02d6151d123fffecU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xf88c402026e7087fU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0244ddb0db666656U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x2746cd003e3e73feU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03a162b4923d708bU)),}),
((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x1f6bd73364fec332U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02e7822a0e978d3cU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xe5efdf5c50cbcf5bU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0252ce880bac70fcU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x3cb2fefa1adfb22bU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03b7b0d9ac471b2eU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x308f3261af195b56U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x02f95a47bd05af58U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x5a0c284e25ade2abU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x0261150630d15913U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x29ad0d49d5e30445U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03ce8809e7b55b52U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x548a7107de4f369dU)),.hi = ((u64)(0x030ba007ec9115dbU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xdd3b8d9fe50c2bb1U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x026fb3398a0dab15U)),}),
((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x952c15cca1ad12b5U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x03e5eb8f434911bcU)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0x775677d6e7bda891U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x031e560c35d40e30U)),}), ((strconv__Uint128){.lo = ((u64)(0xc5dec645863153a7U)),.hi = ((u64)(0x027eab3cf7dcd826U)),})}));
// Initializations for module builtin
_const_digit_pairs = _SLIT("00102030405060708090011121314151617181910212223242526272829203132333435363738393041424344454647484940515253545556575859506162636465666768696071727374757677787970818283848586878889809192939495969798999");
_const_si_s_code = _SLIT("0xfe10");
_const_si_g32_code = _SLIT("0xfe0e");
_const_si_g64_code = _SLIT("0xfe0f");
_const_none__ = /*&IError*/I_None___to_Interface_IError(((None__*)memdup(&(None__){.Error = ((Error){EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}),}, sizeof(None__))));
_const_children_bytes = sizeof(voidptr) * (_const_max_len + 1);
// Initializations for module os
_const_os__fslash_str = _SLIT("/");
_const_os__dot_dot = _SLIT("..");
_const_os__empty_str = _SLIT("");
_const_os__dot_str = _SLIT(".");
_const_os__path_separator = _SLIT("/");
_const_os__path_delimiter = _SLIT(":");
_const_os__o_rdonly = O_RDONLY;
_const_os__o_wronly = O_WRONLY;
_const_os__o_rdwr = O_RDWR;
_const_os__o_create = O_CREAT;
_const_os__o_excl = O_EXCL;
_const_os__o_noctty = O_NOCTTY;
_const_os__o_trunc = O_TRUNC;
_const_os__o_append = O_APPEND;
_const_os__o_nonblock = O_NONBLOCK;
_const_os__o_sync = O_SYNC;
_const_os__args = os__init_os_args(___argc, (byte**)___argv);
_const_os__wd_at_startup = os__getwd();
_const_os__executable_suffixes = new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(string), _MOV((string[1]){_SLIT("")}));
void _vcleanup(void) {
int main(int ___argc, char** ___argv){
g_main_argc = ___argc;
g_main_argv = ___argv;
#if defined(_VGCBOEHM)
_vinit(___argc, (voidptr)___argv);
return 0;
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