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F Ishidres

  • Ishidres Entertainment
  • Germany
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Ishidres /
Created May 7, 2020 16:38 — forked from FutureSharks/
A simple example of using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module and python picamera for motion detection
import picamera
import cv2
import io
import numpy as np
import imutils
camera = picamera.PiCamera()
Ishidres /
Created March 31, 2019 15:38
Automatically updates Atom by downloading the latest version and replacing the currently installed version with it.
# Usage:
# $ chmod +x
# $ ./
get_latest_release() {
curl --silent "$1/releases/latest" |
grep '"tag_name":' |
sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/'
Ishidres /
Last active October 16, 2021 23:49
Automatically updates Visual Studio Code by downloading the latest version and replacing the currently installed version with it.
notify-send "Updating Visual Studio Code..."
# killing VS Code will give you a crash message and will reopen it
# it's also unsafe because you might lose unsaved data
# pkill code
# automatically gets the latest version of VS Code
wget ""
# remove currently installed version of VS Code and replace it with the new downloaded one
Ishidres /
Created March 23, 2019 14:03
Automatically updates DiscordCanary by downloading the latest canary version and replacing the currently installed version with it.
notify-send "Updating Discord..."
# terminate Discord if it's currently running
pkill Discord*
wget ""
# remove currently installed version of Discord and replace it with the new downloaded one
rm -r DiscordCanary
tar -xf "canary?platform=linux&format=tar.gz"
Ishidres /
Last active March 23, 2019 14:02
Automatically updates Discord by downloading the latest version and replacing the currently installed version with it.
notify-send "Updating Discord..."
# terminate Discord if it's currently running
pkill Discord*
wget ""
# remove currently installed version of Discord and replace it with the new downloaded one
rm -r Discord
tar -xf "download?platform=linux&format=tar.gz"