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Created February 19, 2020 22:24
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Copy a WebRTC I420Frame, convert it to a Bitmap (requires org.webrtc:google-webrtc and io.github.zncmn.libyuv:core)
// TODO: Your own package name here
//package com.kittehface;
// Some work based on by rics (
// TODO: project should include org.webrtc:google-webrtc from Google
import org.webrtc.VideoFrame;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
// TODO: project should include io.github.zncmn.libyuv:core:0.0.7 from Maven
import io.github.zncmn.libyuv.YuvConvert;
import io.github.zncmn.libyuv.YuvFormat;
public class YuvFrame
public int width;
public int height;
public byte[] nv21Buffer;
public int rotationDegree;
public long timestamp;
private final Object planeLock = new Object();
public static final int PROCESSING_NONE = 0x00;
public static final int PROCESSING_CROP_TO_SQUARE = 0x01;
// Converts from NV21 format to ARGB format
private static final YuvConvert yuvConverter = new YuvConvert();
* Creates a YuvFrame from the provided VideoFrame. Does no processing, and uses the current time as a timestamp.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
public YuvFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame )
fromVideoFrame( videoFrame, PROCESSING_NONE, System.nanoTime() );
* Creates a YuvFrame from the provided VideoFrame. Does any processing indicated, and uses the current time as a timestamp.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
* @param processingFlags Processing flags, YuvFrame.PROCESSING_NONE for no processing.
public YuvFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame, final int processingFlags )
fromVideoFrame( videoFrame, processingFlags, System.nanoTime() );
* Creates a YuvFrame from the provided VideoFrame. Does any processing indicated, and uses the given timestamp.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
* @param processingFlags Processing flags, YuvFrame.PROCESSING_NONE for no processing.
* @param timestamp The timestamp to give the frame.
public YuvFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame, final int processingFlags, final long timestamp )
fromVideoFrame( videoFrame, processingFlags, timestamp );
* Replaces the data in this YuvFrame with the data from the provided frame. Will create new byte arrays to hold pixel data if necessary,
* or will reuse existing arrays if they're already the correct size.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
* @param processingFlags Processing flags, YuvFrame.PROCESSING_NONE for no processing.
* @param timestamp The timestamp to give the frame.
public void fromVideoFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame, final int processingFlags, final long timestamp )
if ( videoFrame == null )
synchronized ( planeLock )
// Save timestamp
this.timestamp = timestamp;
// Copy rotation information
rotationDegree = videoFrame.getRotation(); // Just save rotation info for now, doing actual rotation can wait until per-pixel processing.
// Copy the pixel data, processing as requested.
copyPlanesCropped( videoFrame.getBuffer() );
copyPlanes( videoFrame.getBuffer() );
catch ( Throwable t )
public void dispose()
nv21Buffer = null;
public boolean hasData()
return nv21Buffer != null;
* Copy the Y, V, and U planes from the source I420Buffer.
* Sets width and height.
* @param videoFrameBuffer Source frame buffer.
private void copyPlanes( final VideoFrame.Buffer videoFrameBuffer )
VideoFrame.I420Buffer i420Buffer = null;
if ( videoFrameBuffer != null )
i420Buffer = videoFrameBuffer.toI420();
if ( i420Buffer == null )
synchronized ( planeLock )
// Set the width and height of the frame.
width = i420Buffer.getWidth();
height = i420Buffer.getHeight();
// Calculate sizes needed to convert to NV21 buffer format
final int size = width * height;
final int chromaStride = width;
final int chromaWidth = ( width + 1 ) / 2;
final int chromaHeight = ( height + 1 ) / 2;
final int nv21Size = size + chromaStride * chromaHeight;
if ( nv21Buffer == null || nv21Buffer.length != nv21Size )
nv21Buffer = new byte[nv21Size];
final ByteBuffer yPlane = i420Buffer.getDataY();
final ByteBuffer uPlane = i420Buffer.getDataU();
final ByteBuffer vPlane = i420Buffer.getDataV();
final int yStride = i420Buffer.getStrideY();
final int uStride = i420Buffer.getStrideU();
final int vStride = i420Buffer.getStrideV();
// Populate a buffer in NV21 format because that's what the converter wants
for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
nv21Buffer[y * width + x] = yPlane.get( y * yStride + x );
for ( int y = 0; y < chromaHeight; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < chromaWidth; x++ )
// Swapping U and V values here because it makes the image the right color
// Store V
nv21Buffer[size + y * chromaStride + 2 * x + 1] = uPlane.get( y * uStride + x );
// Store U
nv21Buffer[size + y * chromaStride + 2 * x] = vPlane.get( y * vStride + x );
* Copy the Y, V, and U planes from the source I420Buffer, cropping them to square.
* Sets width and height.
* @param videoFrameBuffer Source frame buffer.
private void copyPlanesCropped( final VideoFrame.Buffer videoFrameBuffer )
if ( videoFrameBuffer == null )
synchronized ( planeLock )
// Verify that the dimensions of the I420Frame are appropriate for cropping
// If improper dimensions are found, default back to copying the entire frame.
final int width = videoFrameBuffer.getWidth();
final int height = videoFrameBuffer.getHeight();
if ( width > height )
final VideoFrame.Buffer croppedVideoFrameBuffer = videoFrameBuffer.cropAndScale( ( width - height ) / 2, 0, height, height, height, height );
copyPlanes( croppedVideoFrameBuffer );
final VideoFrame.Buffer croppedVideoFrameBuffer = videoFrameBuffer.cropAndScale( 0, ( height - width ) / 2, width, width, width, width );
copyPlanes( croppedVideoFrameBuffer );
* Converts this YUV frame to an ARGB_8888 Bitmap. Applies stored rotation.
* @return A new Bitmap containing the converted frame.
public Bitmap getBitmap()
if ( nv21Buffer == null )
return null;
// Calculate the size of the frame
final int size = width * height;
// Allocate an array to hold the ARGB pixel data
final byte[] argbBytes = new byte[size * 4];
// Use the converter (based on WebRTC source) to change to ARGB format
yuvConverter.toARGB( nv21Buffer, argbBytes, width, height, YuvFormat.NV21 );
// Construct a Bitmap based on the new pixel data
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 );
bitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer( ByteBuffer.wrap( argbBytes ) );
// If necessary, generate a rotated version of the Bitmap
if ( rotationDegree == 90 || rotationDegree == -270 )
final Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.postRotate( 90 );
return Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), m, true );
else if ( rotationDegree == 180 || rotationDegree == -180 )
final Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.postRotate( 180 );
return Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), m, true );
else if ( rotationDegree == 270 || rotationDegree == -90 )
final Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.postRotate( 270 );
return Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), m, true );
// Don't rotate, just return the Bitmap
return bitmap;
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ghost commented Feb 19, 2020

I am so glad that I received a mail sending me here after I commented on the "old" YuvFrame,
I added it in a app around a month ago using the latest WebRTC version, I did not notice any problems,
today, I started to try to convert it to Swift to use it in a ios app, by the way, it was not that easy for me to access the frame from the remote, like when using the "onFrame" method of VideoSink. (here is how I did: )

So before continuing, I will try this new one on Android, then I will try to convert this one.
I think that I will share the code if succeed, I would comment here :)

Any advice for the conversion would be very appreciated, I thank you again very very very much for sharing.

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Even though they're conceptually similar, the actual APIs for WebRTC on Android and iOS are pretty different. There's no VideoSink on iOS. If you're using the CocoaPods GoogleWebRTC library, you can implement an RTCVideoRenderer and use its (void)renderFrame:(RTCVideoFrame *)frame method to get the I420 video frame. When you get the remote video track, you can add as many renderers to it as you want.

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ghost commented Feb 20, 2020

Yes I am using this pod, if I understood correctly, the renderFrame method "display" frames but you can not "get" them using it isn't it ? (did you mean "set" instead of "get" ?)

By the way, I successfully added the new YuvFrame :) (implemented libyuv:core:0.0.9 with Gradle)
But because of this new dependency, I think it will be easier for me to try to finish to convert the old YuvFrame.

Edit: By "access the frame", I meant "get" (in my last comment)

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I've posted the equivalent code we used for iOS. I420Frame is done in Objective-C.

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Two nested for loops in copyPlanes() are performing too slow (70 ms for Y loop and 35 ms for UV loop). I need some real-time processing for video frames - is there any way to improve the performance of these operations?

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I found out how to improve the performance of loops in copyPlanes() 10x times! ByteBuffer performs get() operation very slow, so you should convert yuv planes from ByteBuffer to byte [] before loops. Here is the code, I hope it will be useful for somebody.

    private byte[] getByteArrayFromByteBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
        byte[] bytesArray = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()];
        byteBuffer.get(bytesArray, 0, bytesArray.length);
        return bytesArray;

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ghost commented Jan 22, 2021

I found out how to improve the performance of loops in copyPlanes() 10x times! ByteBuffer performs get() operation very slow, so you should convert yuv planes from ByteBuffer to byte [] before loops. Here is the code, I hope it will be useful for somebody.

    private byte[] getByteArrayFromByteBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
        byte[] bytesArray = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()];
        byteBuffer.get(bytesArray, 0, bytesArray.length);
        return bytesArray;

Thanks for sharing

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@kostyabakay Please update the code according to your suggestion.

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ghost commented May 28, 2022

Hello, apparently YuvFrame is not detecting libyuv anymore...
I think something changed with libyuv, could you check please ?
If needed, here is a compiled webrtc :

EDIT: I noticed SurfaceViewRenderer has an addFrameListener method that return a Bitmap !! What do you think of this ?

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