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package main
import "fmt"
type addable interface {
type int, string
func add(type T addable)(x, y T) T {
return x + y
convert th15_st4a.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
-draw "roundrectangle 900,110 1250,660 50,50" \
-fill black -stroke none -pointsize 30 -font "M+-1mn" -interline-spacing 15 -antialias \
-annotate 0x0+920+160 "①\n『紺珠伝4面序盤の陰\n陽玉レーザー地帯を早\n苗で200G以上掠り\nつつ避ける』\nまず面タイトル文字の\n「寂びの来ない街」の\n「び」の文字の下辺り\nで待機." \
-fill none -stroke LawnGreen -draw "stroke-dasharray 20,10 stroke-width 10 rectangle 290,0 360,960" \
-resize 960x out1.jpg
convert th15_st4b.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
scriptencoding utf-8
" gen_gorin_dict.vim - Generate dictionaries of athletes from
" generate two files:
" 1. gorin%Y.migemodict
" 2. gorin%Y_msime.txt
" usage:
" vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -V1 -e -s -X --cmd "source gen_gorin_dict.vim" --cmd qall!
style -name tw-avatar-square img.avatar { border-radius: 0 !important }
style -name tw-avatar-rotate img.avatar { animation-name: tw-avatar-rotate; animation-duration: 3s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-timing-function: linear } @keyframes tw-avatar-rotate { from { transform: rotate(0deg) } to { transform: rotate(360deg) } }
nnoremap <SID>[Scroll] <Nop>
if 0
nmap j j<SID>[Scroll]
nnoremap <script><expr> <SID>[Scroll]j
\ (line('.') == line('$') ? "L\<SID>[Scroll]" : "j\<SID>[Scroll]")
nmap k k<SID>[Scroll]
nnoremap <script><expr> <SID>[Scroll]k
\ (line('.') == 1 ? "H\<SID>[Scroll]" : "k\<SID>[Scroll]")
function! neobundle2dein_toml#generate_toml() abort "{{{
let lazy = []
let not_lazy = []
let bundles = neobundle#config#get_neobundles()
for bundle in bundles
" panotoday: {{{
nnoremap <Leader>pt :<C-u>panotoday<CR>
js <<EOM
if (1) {
'create (or switch to) a tabgroup, named for the date today',
function (args) {
Jagua / fetch_ku.vim
Last active February 13, 2016 16:49
" fetch_ku.vim is a vim file to fetch a vim plugin, vim-ku.
" Usage:
" vim -N -u fetch_ku.vim -U NONE --cmd "let g:ku_dir = expand('~/.vim/bundle/vim-ku')"
function! s:entries(base, files, result) abort "{{{
let r = []
Jagua / menu-mode-sucks.js
Last active December 31, 2015 00:41 — forked from anekos/menu-mode-sucks.js
function (event) {
function killEvent ()
(event.preventDefault(), event.stopPropagation());
if (liberator.mode === modes.COMMAND_LINE && modes.extended === modes.HINTS) {
let key = events.toString(event);
if (/^<(?:C-c|Space)>/.test(key)) {
let map = mappings.get(modes.NORMAL, '<Esc>');