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Created August 15, 2018 14:27
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  • Save Jagua/802237537fc374788836ae529d4c156d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Jagua/802237537fc374788836ae529d4c156d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
convert th15_st4a.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
-draw "roundrectangle 900,110 1250,660 50,50" \
-fill black -stroke none -pointsize 30 -font "M+-1mn" -interline-spacing 15 -antialias \
-annotate 0x0+920+160 "①\n『紺珠伝4面序盤の陰\n陽玉レーザー地帯を早\n苗で200G以上掠り\nつつ避ける』\nまず面タイトル文字の\n「寂びの来ない街」の\n「び」の文字の下辺り\nで待機." \
-fill none -stroke LawnGreen -draw "stroke-dasharray 20,10 stroke-width 10 rectangle 290,0 360,960" \
-resize 960x out1.jpg
convert th15_st4b.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
-draw "roundrectangle 900,110 1250,840 50,50" \
-fill black -stroke none -pointsize 30 -font "M+-1mn" -interline-spacing 15 -antialias \
-annotate 0x0+920+160 "②\n一波目のレーザーはま\nとまって飛んでくるの\nで右に少し避けて掠る.\n画像はその次の二波目\nのレーザー.時差有り\nで飛んでくる.二波目\nの最初の2本を少し右\nに避けて掠る.この後\nすぐに動かないでその\nままの位置で後何本か\n掠ることが重要." \
-resize 960x out2.jpg
convert th15_st4c.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
-draw "roundrectangle 900,110 1250,620 50,50" \
-fill black -stroke none -pointsize 30 -font "M+-1mn" -interline-spacing 15 -antialias \
-annotate 0x0+920+160 "③\n中央最下段で待機.\nX軸の目安は下の枠外\nの柄の黄色と紫色の模\n様の境界の少し左辺り.\n画像のように「レーザ\nーを撃ってきそうにな\nったら」上へ移動する." \
-fill none -stroke white -strokewidth 4 -draw "rectangle 2,574 1278,668" \
-stroke gray -draw "rectangle 6,578 1274,664" \
-stroke white -draw "rectangle 10,582 1270,660" \
-resize 960x out3.jpg
convert th15_st4d.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
-draw "roundrectangle 900,110 1250,550 50,50" \
-fill black -stroke none -pointsize 30 -font "M+-1mn" -interline-spacing 15 -antialias \
-annotate 0x0+920+160 "④\nまずは「上」へ移動し\nて画像の位置で待機.\nY軸の目安は右の枠外\nの柄の紫色の花.\nこのレーザーが通り過\nぎると最下段へ移動." \
-fill none -stroke white -strokewidth 4 -draw "rectangle 2,574 1278,668" \
-stroke black -draw "rectangle 6,578 1274,664" \
-stroke white -draw "rectangle 10,582 1270,660" \
-resize 960x out4.jpg
convert th15_st4e.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
-draw "roundrectangle 900,110 1250,440 50,50" \
-fill black -stroke none -pointsize 30 -font "M+-1mn" -interline-spacing 15 -antialias \
-annotate 0x0+920+160 "⑤\n画像は最下段で待機し\nている様子.このレー\nザーが通り過ぎると\n「中段」へ移動する." \
-fill none \
-stroke white -strokewidth 4 -draw "rectangle 2,730 1278,830" \
-stroke gray -draw "rectangle 6,734 1274,826" \
-stroke white -draw "rectangle 10,738 1270,822" \
-resize 960x out5.jpg
convert th15_st4f.bmp -fill MistyRose -stroke black -strokewidth 8 \
-draw "roundrectangle 900,110 1250,500 50,50" \
-fill black -stroke none -pointsize 30 -font "M+-1mn" -interline-spacing 15 -antialias \
-annotate 0x0+920+160 "⑥\n最後は「中段」.\nY軸の目安は右の枠外\nの柄の桃色と紫色の境\n界辺り.\n―――― 完 ――――" \
-fill none -stroke white -strokewidth 4 -draw "rectangle 2,730 1278,830" \
-stroke black -draw "rectangle 6,734 1274,826" \
-stroke white -draw "rectangle 10,738 1270,822" \
-resize 960x out6.jpg
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