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Created March 21, 2024 05:00
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`fd --help`
A program to find entries in your filesystem
Usage: fd.exe [OPTIONS] [pattern] [path]...
the search pattern which is either a regular expression (default) or a glob pattern (if
--glob is used). If no pattern has been specified, every entry is considered a match. If
your pattern starts with a dash (-), make sure to pass '--' first, or it will be
considered as a flag (fd -- '-foo').
The directory where the filesystem search is rooted (optional). If omitted, search the
current working directory.
-H, --hidden
Include hidden directories and files in the search results (default: hidden files and
directories are skipped). Files and directories are considered to be hidden if their
name starts with a `.` sign (dot). Any files or directories that are ignored due to the
rules described by --no-ignore are still ignored unless otherwise specified. The flag
can be overridden with --no-hidden.
-I, --no-ignore
Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be ignored by
'.gitignore', '.ignore', '.fdignore', the global ignore file, or the default rule that
excludes .git/. The flag can be overridden with --ignore.
Show search results from '.git/' folders and files and directories that would otherwise
be ignored by '.gitignore' files. The flag can be overridden with --ignore-vcs.
Do not require a git repository to respect gitignores. By default, fd will only respect
global gitignore rules, .gitignore rules, and local exclude rules if fd detects that you
are searching inside a git repository. This flag allows you to relax this restriction
such that fd will respect all git related ignore rules regardless of whether you're
searching in a git repository or not.
This flag can be disabled with --require-git.
Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise be ignored by
'.gitignore', '.ignore', or '.fdignore' files in parent directories.
-u, --unrestricted...
Perform an unrestricted search, including ignored and hidden files. This is an alias for
'--no-ignore --hidden'.
-s, --case-sensitive
Perform a case-sensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive searches, unless
the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart case).
-i, --ignore-case
Perform a case-insensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insensitive searches, unless
the pattern contains an uppercase character (smart case).
-g, --glob
Perform a glob-based search instead of a regular expression search.
Perform a regular-expression based search (default). This can be used to override
-F, --fixed-strings
Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular expression. Note that this
also performs substring comparison. If you want to match on an exact filename, consider
using '--glob'.
--and <pattern>
Add additional required search patterns, all of which must be matched. Multiple
additional patterns can be specified. The patterns are regular expressions, unless
'--glob' or '--fixed-strings' is used.
-a, --absolute-path
Shows the full path starting from the root as opposed to relative paths. The flag can be
overridden with --relative-path.
-l, --list-details
Use a detailed listing format like 'ls -l'. This is basically an alias for '--exec-batch
ls -l' with some additional 'ls' options. This can be used to see more metadata, to show
symlink targets and to achieve a deterministic sort order.
-L, --follow
By default, fd does not descend into symlinked directories. Using this flag, symbolic
links are also traversed. Flag can be overridden with --no-follow.
-p, --full-path
By default, the search pattern is only matched against the filename (or directory name).
Using this flag, the pattern is matched against the full (absolute) path. Example:
fd --glob -p '**/.git/config'
-0, --print0
Separate search results by the null character (instead of newlines). Useful for piping
results to 'xargs'.
-d, --max-depth <depth>
Limit the directory traversal to a given depth. By default, there is no limit on the
search depth.
--min-depth <depth>
Only show search results starting at the given depth. See also: '--max-depth' and
--exact-depth <depth>
Only show search results at the exact given depth. This is an alias for '--min-depth
<depth> --max-depth <depth>'.
-E, --exclude <pattern>
Exclude files/directories that match the given glob pattern. This overrides any other
ignore logic. Multiple exclude patterns can be specified.
--exclude '*.pyc'
--exclude node_modules
Do not traverse into directories that match the search criteria. If you want to exclude
specific directories, use the '--exclude=…' option.
-t, --type <filetype>
Filter the search by type:
'f' or 'file': regular files
'd' or 'directory': directories
'l' or 'symlink': symbolic links
's' or 'socket': socket
'p' or 'pipe': named pipe (FIFO)
'b' or 'block-device': block device
'c' or 'char-device': character device
'x' or 'executable': executables
'e' or 'empty': empty files or directories
This option can be specified more than once to include multiple file types. Searching
for '--type file --type symlink' will show both regular files as well as symlinks. Note
that the 'executable' and 'empty' filters work differently: '--type executable' implies
'--type file' by default. And '--type empty' searches for empty files and directories,
unless either '--type file' or '--type directory' is specified in addition.
- Only search for files:
fd --type file …
fd -tf …
- Find both files and symlinks
fd --type file --type symlink …
fd -tf -tl …
- Find executable files:
fd --type executable
fd -tx
- Find empty files:
fd --type empty --type file
fd -te -tf
- Find empty directories:
fd --type empty --type directory
fd -te -td
-e, --extension <ext>
(Additionally) filter search results by their file extension. Multiple allowable file
extensions can be specified.
If you want to search for files without extension, you can use the regex '^[^.]+$' as a
normal search pattern.
-S, --size <size>
Limit results based on the size of files using the format <+-><NUM><UNIT>.
'+': file size must be greater than or equal to this
'-': file size must be less than or equal to this
If neither '+' nor '-' is specified, file size must be exactly equal to this.
'NUM': The numeric size (e.g. 500)
'UNIT': The units for NUM. They are not case-sensitive.
Allowed unit values:
'b': bytes
'k': kilobytes (base ten, 10^3 = 1000 bytes)
'm': megabytes
'g': gigabytes
't': terabytes
'ki': kibibytes (base two, 2^10 = 1024 bytes)
'mi': mebibytes
'gi': gibibytes
'ti': tebibytes
--changed-within <date|dur>
Filter results based on the file modification time. Files with modification times
greater than the argument are returned. The argument can be provided as a specific point
in time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). If the time is not
specified, it defaults to 00:00:00. '--change-newer-than', '--newer', or
'--changed-after' can be used as aliases.
--changed-within 2weeks
--change-newer-than '2018-10-27 10:00:00'
--newer 2018-10-27
--changed-after 1day
--changed-before <date|dur>
Filter results based on the file modification time. Files with modification times less
than the argument are returned. The argument can be provided as a specific point in time
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). '--change-older-than' or
'--older' can be used as aliases.
--changed-before '2018-10-27 10:00:00'
--change-older-than 2weeks
--older 2018-10-27
-x, --exec <cmd>...
Execute a command for each search result in parallel (use --threads=1 for sequential
command execution). There is no guarantee of the order commands are executed in, and the
order should not be depended upon. All positional arguments following --exec are
considered to be arguments to the command - not to fd. It is therefore recommended to
place the '-x'/'--exec' option last.
The following placeholders are substituted before the command is executed:
'{}': path (of the current search result)
'{/}': basename
'{//}': parent directory
'{.}': path without file extension
'{/.}': basename without file extension
'{{': literal '{' (for escaping)
'}}': literal '}' (for escaping)
If no placeholder is present, an implicit "{}" at the end is assumed.
- find all *.zip files and unzip them:
fd -e zip -x unzip
- find *.h and *.cpp files and run "clang-format -i .." for each of them:
fd -e h -e cpp -x clang-format -i
- Convert all *.jpg files to *.png files:
fd -e jpg -x convert {} {.}.png
-X, --exec-batch <cmd>...
Execute the given command once, with all search results as arguments.
The order of the arguments is non-deterministic, and should not be relied upon.
One of the following placeholders is substituted before the command is executed:
'{}': path (of all search results)
'{/}': basename
'{//}': parent directory
'{.}': path without file extension
'{/.}': basename without file extension
'{{': literal '{' (for escaping)
'}}': literal '}' (for escaping)
If no placeholder is present, an implicit "{}" at the end is assumed.
- Find all test_*.py files and open them in your favorite editor:
fd -g 'test_*.py' -X vim
- Find all *.rs files and count the lines with "wc -l ...":
fd -e rs -X wc -l
--batch-size <size>
Maximum number of arguments to pass to the command given with -X. If the number of
results is greater than the given size, the command given with -X is run again with
remaining arguments. A batch size of zero means there is no limit (default), but note
that batching might still happen due to OS restrictions on the maximum length of command
[default: 0]
--ignore-file <path>
Add a custom ignore-file in '.gitignore' format. These files have a low precedence.
-c, --color <when>
Declare when to use color for the pattern match output
[default: auto]
Possible values:
- auto: show colors if the output goes to an interactive console (default)
- always: always use colorized output
- never: do not use colorized output
-j, --threads <num>
Set number of threads to use for searching & executing (default: number of available CPU
--max-results <count>
Limit the number of search results to 'count' and quit immediately.
Limit the search to a single result and quit immediately. This is an alias for
-q, --quiet
When the flag is present, the program does not print anything and will return with an
exit code of 0 if there is at least one match. Otherwise, the exit code will be 1.
'--has-results' can be used as an alias.
Enable the display of filesystem errors for situations such as insufficient permissions
or dead symlinks.
--base-directory <path>
Change the current working directory of fd to the provided path. This means that search
results will be shown with respect to the given base path. Note that relative paths
which are passed to fd via the positional <path> argument or the '--search-path' option
will also be resolved relative to this directory.
--path-separator <separator>
Set the path separator to use when printing file paths. The default is the OS-specific
separator ('/' on Unix, '\' on Windows).
--search-path <search-path>
Provide paths to search as an alternative to the positional <path> argument. Changes the
usage to `fd [OPTIONS] --search-path <path> --search-path <path2> [<pattern>]`
By default, relative paths are prefixed with './' when -x/--exec, -X/--exec-batch, or
-0/--print0 are given, to reduce the risk of a path starting with '-' being treated as a
command line option. Use this flag to disable this behaviour.
By default, fd will traverse the file system tree as far as other options dictate. With
this flag, fd ensures that it does not descend into a different file system than the one
it started in. Comparable to the -mount or -xdev filters of find(1).
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
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