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Created April 11, 2024 20:58
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cjxl help
JPEG XL encoder v0.10.0 89ca2201 [AVX2,SSE4,SSE2]
Usage: D:\git\.foreign\autobuildSuite\local64\bin-global\cjxl.exe INPUT OUTPUT [OPTIONS...]
the input can be PNG, APNG, GIF, JPEG, PPM, PFM, PAM, PGX, or JXL
the compressed JXL output file
Basic options:
-d DISTANCE, --distance=DISTANCE
Target visual distance in JND units, lower = higher quality.
0.0 = mathematically lossless. Default for already-lossy input (JPEG/GIF).
1.0 = visually lossless. Default for other input.
Recommended range: 0.5 .. 3.0. Allowed range: 0.0 ... 25.0. Mutually exclusive with --quality.
-q QUALITY, --quality=QUALITY
Quality setting, higher value = higher quality. This is internally mapped to --distance.
100 = mathematically lossless. 90 = visually lossless.
Quality values roughly match libjpeg quality.
Recommended range: 68 .. 96. Allowed range: 0 .. 100. Mutually exclusive with --distance.
-e EFFORT, --effort=EFFORT
Encoder effort setting. Range: 1 .. 9.
Default: 7. Higher numbers allow more computation at the expense of time.
For lossless, generally it will produce smaller files.
For lossy, higher effort should more accurately reach the target quality.
-V, --version
Print encoder library version number and exit.
Be more silent
-v, --verbose
Verbose output; can be repeated and also applies to help (!).
Advanced options:
-a A_DISTANCE, --alpha_distance=A_DISTANCE
Target visual distance for the alpha channel, lower = higher quality.
0.0 = mathematically lossless. 1.0 = visually lossless.
Default is 0.
Recommended range: 0.5 .. 3.0. Allowed range: 0.0 ... 25.0.
-p, --progressive
Enable (more) progressive/responsive decoding.
Order in which 256x256 groups are stored in the codestream for progressive rendering.
0 = scanline order, 1 = center-first order. Default: 0.
0 = Avoid the container format unless it is needed (default)
1 = Force using the container format even if it is not needed.
Disable/enable Brotli compression for metadata boxes. Default is 1 (enabled).
Brotli effort setting. Range: 0 .. 11.
Default: 9. Higher number is more effort (slower).
-m 0|1, --modular=0|1
Use modular mode (default = encoder chooses, 0 = enforce VarDCT, 1 = enforce modular mode).
-j 0|1, --lossless_jpeg=0|1
If the input is JPEG, losslessly transcode JPEG, rather than using reencode pixels. Default is 1 (losslessly transcode)
Number of worker threads (-1 == use machine default, 0 == do not use multithreading).
Adds noise to the image emulating photographic film or sensor noise.
Higher number = grainier image, e.g. 100 gives a low amount of noise,
3200 gives a lot of noise. Default is 0.
Upper bound on the intensity level present in the image, in nits.
Default is 0, which means 'choose a sensible default value based on the color encoding.
-x key=value, --dec-hints=key=value
This is useful for 'raw' formats like PPM that cannot store colorspace information
and metadata, or to strip or modify metadata in formats that do.
The key 'color_space' indicates an enumerated ColorEncoding, for example:
-x color_space=RGB_D65_SRG_Per_SRG is sRGB with perceptual rendering intent
-x color_space=RGB_D65_202_Rel_PeQ is Rec.2100 PQ with relative rendering intent
The key 'icc_pathname' refers to a binary file containing an ICC profile.
The keys 'exif', 'xmp', and 'jumbf' refer to a binary file containing metadata;
existing metadata of the same type will be overwritten.
Specific metadata can be stripped using e.g. -x strip=exif. Stripping metadata when losslessly recompression JPEGs only works without reconstruction, hence `--allow_jpeg_reconstruction=0` must be passed in this case.
Expert options:
If --lossless_jpeg=1, store JPEG reconstruction metadata in the JPEG XL container.
This allows reconstruction of the JPEG codestream. Default: 1.
The codestream level. Either `-1`, `5` or `10`.
0 = default, higher values improve decode speed at the expense of quality or density.
Force premultiplied (associated) alpha.
disable/enable preserving color of invisible pixels (default: 1 if lossless, 0 if lossy).
Determines the horizontal position of center for the center-first group order.
Default -1 means 'middle of the image', values [0..xsize) set this to a particular coordinate.
Determines the vertical position of center for the center-first group order.
Default -1 means 'middle of the image', values [0..ysize) set this to a particular coordinate.
Use the progressive mode for AC.
Use the progressive mode for AC with shift quantization.
Progressive-DC setting. Valid values are: -1, 0, 1, 2.
Resampling for color channels. Default of -1 applies resampling only for very low quality.
1 = downsampling (1x1), 2 = 2x2 downsampling, 4 = 4x4 downsampling, 8 = 8x8 downsampling.
Resampling for extra channels. Same as --resampling but for extra channels like alpha.
Do not downsample before encoding, but still signal that the decoder should upsample.
Upsampling mode the decoder should use. Mostly useful in combination with --already_downsampled. Value -1 means default (non-separable upsampling), 0 means nearest neighbor (useful for pixel art)
Edge preserving filter level, 0-3. Default -1 means encoder chooses, 0-3 set a strength.
Force disable/enable the gaborish filter. Default is 'encoder chooses'
Default is zero (use the input image bit depth); if nonzero, override the bit depth
-h, --help
Prints this help message. Add -v (up to a total of 4 times) to see more options.
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