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webpack-config-jaid example outputs

webpack-config-jaid example outputs



DEBUG=webpack-config-jaid DEBUG_DEPTH=7 npm run build:dev


  name: 'main',
  entry: { index: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\src\\index.js' },
  context: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds',
  mode: 'development',
  devtool: 'source-map',
  optimization: {},
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
        oneOf: [
            include: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\src',
            loader: 'babel-loader'
      { test: /\.(yaml|yml)$/, loader: 'yml-loader' },
      { test: /\.lines$/, loader: 'lines-loader' },
        test: /\.rlines$/,
        loader: 'lines-loader',
        options: { sort: true, random: true }
      { test: /\.txt$/, type: 'asset/source' },
      { resourceQuery: /\?raw$/, type: 'asset/source' },
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        oneOf: [
          { resourceQuery: /\?html/, loader: 'handlebars-loader' },
            loader: 'handlebars-loader',
            options: { precompileOptions: { noEscape: true } }
    parser: { javascript: { importMeta: true, importMetaContext: true } }
  plugins: [
    LoaderOptionsPlugin {
      options: {
        debug: true,
        minimize: false,
        test: { test: [Function: test] }
    D {
      options: {
        publishimo: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
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        format: false,
        autoMain: true,
        autoTypes: false,
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        unicodeCopyright: true,
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        includeDefaultBinName: true,
        includeFields: [ 'type' ]
    IgnorePlugin {
      options: { resourceRegExp: /^\.\/locale$/, contextRegExp: /moment$/ },
      checkIgnore: [Function: bound checkIgnore]
  output: {
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    path: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\dist\\package\\development',
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    library: { type: 'module' }
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    colors: true,
    warnings: true,
    errors: true,
    errorDetails: true
  performance: { maxEntrypointSize: 4000000, maxAssetSize: 4000000 },
  experiments: { outputModule: true, topLevelAwait: true, futureDefaults: true },
  externals: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
  target: 'web'

Output (processed by Webpack)

  amd: undefined,
  bail: undefined,
  cache: { type: 'memory', maxGenerations: Infinity, cacheUnaffected: true },
  context: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds',
  dependencies: undefined,
  devServer: undefined,
  devtool: 'source-map',
  entry: { index: { import: [ 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\src\\index.js' ] } },
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    cacheUnaffected: true
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    electron: false,
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    electronPreload: false,
    electronRenderer: false
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      dynamicImport: true,
      dynamicImportInWorker: true,
      module: true
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  module: {
    noParse: undefined,
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      javascript: {
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            include: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\src',
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      { test: /\.(yaml|yml)$/, loader: 'yml-loader' },
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        test: /\.rlines$/,
        loader: 'lines-loader',
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      { test: /\.txt$/, type: 'asset/source' },
      { resourceQuery: /\?raw$/, type: 'asset/source' },
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  name: 'main',
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      minSize: 10000,
      minRemainingSize: 0,
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    nodeEnv: 'development'
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    devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: undefined,
    devtoolNamespace: 'epoch-seconds',
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      forOf: true,
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      dynamicImport: true,
      dynamicImportInWorker: true,
      module: true
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    iife: false,
    importFunctionName: 'import',
    importMetaName: 'import.meta',
    scriptType: 'module',
    library: {
      type: 'module',
      auxiliaryComment: undefined,
      amdContainer: undefined,
      export: undefined,
      name: undefined,
      umdNamedDefine: undefined
    module: true,
    path: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\dist\\package\\development',
    pathinfo: true,
    publicPath: 'auto',
    sourceMapFilename: '[file].map[query]',
    sourcePrefix: undefined,
    strictModuleExceptionHandling: false,
    trustedTypes: undefined,
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    workerWasmLoading: 'fetch'
  parallelism: 100,
  performance: { maxEntrypointSize: 4000000, maxAssetSize: 4000000, hints: false },
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        configPath: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\webpack.config.js',
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        hot: undefined,
        progress: undefined,
        prefetch: undefined,
        analyze: undefined
      logger: WebpackLogger {
        getChildLogger: [Function (anonymous)],
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      options: {
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        minimize: false,
        test: { test: [Function: test] }
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      options: {
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        autoMain: true,
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    IgnorePlugin {
      options: { resourceRegExp: /^\.\/locale$/, contextRegExp: /moment$/ },
      checkIgnore: [Function: bound checkIgnore]
    MyPlugin {}
  profile: false,
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        mainFields: [ 'browser', 'module', '...' ]
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        extensions: [ '.js', '.json', '.wasm' ],
        aliasFields: [ 'browser' ],
        mainFields: [ 'browser', 'module', '...' ]
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        mainFields: [ 'browser', 'module', '...' ]
      loader: {
        conditionNames: [ 'require', 'module', '...' ],
        extensions: [ '.js', '.json', '.wasm' ],
        aliasFields: [ 'browser' ],
        mainFields: [ 'browser', 'module', '...' ]
      unknown: {
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        mainFields: [ 'style', '...' ]
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  snapshot: {
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    buildDependencies: { timestamp: true, hash: true },
    resolve: { timestamp: true },
    module: { timestamp: true },
    immutablePaths: [],
    managedPaths: [ /^(.+?[\\/]node_modules[\\/])/ ]
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    warnings: true,
    errors: true,
    errorDetails: true
  target: 'web',
  watch: false,
  watchOptions: {}



DEBUG=webpack-config-jaid DEBUG_DEPTH=7 npm run build:prod


  name: 'main',
  entry: { index: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\src\\index.js' },
  context: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds',
  mode: 'production',
  devtool: 'source-map',
  optimization: {
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    mangleExports: 'size',
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    runtimeChunk: { name: 'runtime' },
    splitChunks: {
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      cacheGroups: {
        defaultVendors: {
          test: /[/\\]node_modules[/\\]/,
          name: 'vendor',
          chunks: 'all'
    minimizer: [
      TerserPlugin {
        options: {
          test: /\.[cm]?js(\?.*)?$/i,
          extractComments: false,
          parallel: true,
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          exclude: undefined,
          minimizer: {
            implementation: [AsyncFunction: terserMinify] {
              getMinimizerVersion: [Function (anonymous)]
            options: {
              compress: {
                passes: 1,
                unsafe_comps: true,
                unsafe_math: true,
                unsafe_regexp: true,
                unsafe_undefined: true
              output: { ecma: 2019, comments: [Function: comments] },
              toplevel: true,
              module: true
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
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            include: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\src',
            loader: 'babel-loader'
      { test: /\.(yaml|yml)$/, loader: 'yml-loader' },
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        test: /\.rlines$/,
        loader: 'lines-loader',
        options: { sort: true, random: true }
      { test: /\.txt$/, type: 'asset/source' },
      { resourceQuery: /\?raw$/, type: 'asset/source' },
        test: /\.(hbs|handlebars)$/,
        oneOf: [
          { resourceQuery: /\?html/, loader: 'handlebars-loader' },
            loader: 'handlebars-loader',
            options: { precompileOptions: { noEscape: true } }
    parser: { javascript: { importMeta: true, importMetaContext: true } }
  plugins: [
    LoaderOptionsPlugin {
      options: {
        debug: false,
        minimize: true,
        test: { test: [Function: test] }
    CleanWebpackPlugin {
      dangerouslyAllowCleanPatternsOutsideProject: false,
      dry: false,
      verbose: false,
      cleanStaleWebpackAssets: true,
      protectWebpackAssets: true,
      cleanAfterEveryBuildPatterns: [],
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      currentAssets: [],
      initialClean: false,
      outputPath: '',
      apply: [Function: bound apply],
      handleInitial: [Function: bound handleInitial],
      handleDone: [Function: bound handleDone],
      removeFiles: [Function: bound removeFiles]
    D {
      options: {
        publishimo: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
        filename: 'package.json',
        format: false,
        autoMain: true,
        autoTypes: false,
        banner: false,
        unicodeCopyright: true,
        productionOnly: true,
        debugFolder: null,
        incudeFields: [],
        excludeFields: [],
        json5: false,
        autoExclude: false,
        includeDefaultBinName: true,
        includeFields: [ 'type' ]
    d { options: { defaultLicense: 'MIT' } },
    CopyPlugin {
      patterns: [
        { from: 'readme.*', noErrorOnMissing: true },
        { from: 'license.*', noErrorOnMissing: true }
      options: {}
    IgnorePlugin {
      options: { resourceRegExp: /^\.\/locale$/, contextRegExp: /moment$/ },
      checkIgnore: [Function: bound checkIgnore]
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    errorDetails: true
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  experiments: { outputModule: true, topLevelAwait: true, futureDefaults: true },
  externals: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
  target: 'web'

Output (processed by Webpack)

  amd: undefined,
  bail: undefined,
  cache: false,
  context: 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds',
  dependencies: undefined,
  devServer: undefined,
  devtool: 'source-map',
  entry: { index: { import: [ 'D:\\git\\epoch-seconds\\src\\index.js' ] } },
  experiments: {
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    futureDefaults: true,
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    lazyCompilation: undefined,
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