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Last active June 13, 2023 14:55
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Java DiscordWebhook class to easily execute Discord Webhooks. Scroll down for Kotlin
import java.awt.Color
import java.lang.reflect.Array
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.HashMap
import kotlin.collections.set
* Class used to execute Discord Webhooks with low effort
* Kotlinified version of
class DiscordWebhook(private val url: String) {
private var content: String? = null
private var username: String? = null
private var avatarUrl: String? = null
private var tts = false
private val embeds: MutableList<EmbedObject> = ArrayList()
fun setContent(content: String?) = apply { this.content = content }
fun setUsername(username: String?) = apply { this.username = username }
fun setAvatarUrl(avatarUrl: String?) = apply { this.avatarUrl = avatarUrl }
fun setTts(tts: Boolean) = apply { this.tts = tts }
fun addEmbed(embed: EmbedObject) = apply { embeds.add(embed) }
fun execute() {
if (content == null && embeds.isEmpty()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Set content or add at least one EmbedObject")
val json = JSONObject()
json.put("content", content)
json.put("username", username)
json.put("avatar_url", avatarUrl)
json.put("tts", tts)
if (embeds.isNotEmpty()) {
val embedObjects: MutableList<JSONObject> = ArrayList()
for (embed: EmbedObject in embeds) {
val jsonEmbed = JSONObject()
jsonEmbed.put("title", embed.title)
jsonEmbed.put("description", embed.description)
jsonEmbed.put("url", embed.url)
val color = embed.color
if (color != null) {
var rgb =
rgb = (rgb shl 8) +
rgb = (rgb shl 8) +
jsonEmbed.put("color", rgb)
val footer: Footer? = embed.footer
val image = embed.image
val thumbnail: Thumbnail? = embed.thumbnail
val author: Author? =
val fields = embed.fields
if (footer != null) {
val jsonFooter = JSONObject()
jsonFooter.put("text", footer.text)
jsonFooter.put("icon_url", footer.iconUrl)
jsonEmbed.put("footer", jsonFooter)
if (image != null) {
val jsonImage = JSONObject()
jsonImage.put("url", image.url)
jsonEmbed.put("image", jsonImage)
if (thumbnail != null) {
val jsonThumbnail = JSONObject()
jsonThumbnail.put("url", thumbnail.url)
jsonEmbed.put("thumbnail", jsonThumbnail)
if (author != null) {
val jsonAuthor = JSONObject()
jsonAuthor.put("url", author.url)
jsonAuthor.put("icon_url", author.iconUrl)
jsonEmbed.put("author", jsonAuthor)
val jsonFields: MutableList<JSONObject> = ArrayList()
for (field in fields) {
val jsonField = JSONObject()
jsonField.put("value", field.value)
jsonField.put("inline", field.isInline)
jsonEmbed.put("fields", jsonFields.toTypedArray())
json.put("embeds", embedObjects.toTypedArray())
val url = URL(url)
val connection = url.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
connection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Java-DiscordWebhook-BY-Gelox_")
connection.doOutput = true
connection.requestMethod = "POST"
val stream = connection.outputStream
connection.inputStream.close() //I'm not sure why but it doesn't work without getting the InputStream
class EmbedObject {
var title: String? = null
var description: String? = null
var url: String? = null
var color: Color? = null
var footer: Footer? = null
var thumbnail: Thumbnail? = null
var image: Image? = null
var author: Author? = null
val fields: MutableList<Field> = ArrayList()
fun setTitle(title: String?): EmbedObject {
this.title = title
return this
fun setDescription(description: String?): EmbedObject {
this.description = description
return this
fun setUrl(url: String): EmbedObject {
this.url = url
return this
fun setColor(color: String): EmbedObject {
fun String.toColor(): Color? {
if (!this.matches("[#][0-9a-fA-F]{6}".toRegex())) return null
val digits: String = this.substring(1, this.length.coerceAtMost(7))
val hxstr = "0x$digits"
return Color.decode(hxstr)
this.color = color.toColor()
return this
fun setColor(color: Color?): EmbedObject {
this.color = color
return this
fun setFooter(text: String, icon: String): EmbedObject {
footer = Footer(text, icon)
return this
fun setThumbnail(url: String): EmbedObject {
thumbnail = Thumbnail(url)
return this
fun setImage(url: String): EmbedObject {
image = Image(url)
return this
fun setAuthor(name: String, url: String, icon: String): EmbedObject {
author = Author(name, url, icon)
return this
fun addField(name: String, value: String, inline: Boolean): EmbedObject {
fields.add(Field(name, value, inline))
return this
data class Footer(val text: String, val iconUrl: String)
data class Thumbnail(val url: String)
data class Image(val url: String)
data class Author(
val name: String,
val url: String,
val iconUrl: String
data class Field(
val name: String,
val value: String,
val isInline: Boolean
class JSONObject {
private val map = HashMap<String, Any>()
fun put(key: String, value: Any?) {
if (value != null) {
map[key] = value
override fun toString(): String {
val builder = StringBuilder()
val entrySet: Set<Map.Entry<String, Any>> = map.entries
var i = 0
entrySet.forEach { (key, value) ->
when (value) {
is String -> builder.append(quote(value))
is Int -> builder.append(value)
is Boolean -> builder.append(value)
is JSONObject -> builder.append(value.toString())
javaClass.isArray -> {
val len = Array.getLength(value)
for (j in 0 until len) {
builder.append(Array.get(value, j).toString())
.append(if (j != len - 1) "," else "")
builder.append(if (++i == entrySet.size) "}" else ",")
return builder.toString()
private fun quote(string: String): String {
return "\"$string\""
import java.awt.Color;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Class used to execute Discord Webhooks with low effort
public class DiscordWebhook {
private final String url;
private String content;
private String username;
private String avatarUrl;
private boolean tts;
private List<EmbedObject> embeds = new ArrayList<>();
* Constructs a new DiscordWebhook instance
* @param url The webhook URL obtained in Discord
public DiscordWebhook(String url) {
this.url = url;
public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public void setAvatarUrl(String avatarUrl) {
this.avatarUrl = avatarUrl;
public void setTts(boolean tts) {
this.tts = tts;
public void addEmbed(EmbedObject embed) {
public void execute() throws IOException {
if (this.content == null && this.embeds.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Set content or add at least one EmbedObject");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("content", this.content);
json.put("username", this.username);
json.put("avatar_url", this.avatarUrl);
json.put("tts", this.tts);
if (!this.embeds.isEmpty()) {
List<JSONObject> embedObjects = new ArrayList<>();
for (EmbedObject embed : this.embeds) {
JSONObject jsonEmbed = new JSONObject();
jsonEmbed.put("title", embed.getTitle());
jsonEmbed.put("description", embed.getDescription());
jsonEmbed.put("url", embed.getUrl());
if (embed.getColor() != null) {
Color color = embed.getColor();
int rgb = color.getRed();
rgb = (rgb << 8) + color.getGreen();
rgb = (rgb << 8) + color.getBlue();
jsonEmbed.put("color", rgb);
EmbedObject.Footer footer = embed.getFooter();
EmbedObject.Image image = embed.getImage();
EmbedObject.Thumbnail thumbnail = embed.getThumbnail();
EmbedObject.Author author = embed.getAuthor();
List<EmbedObject.Field> fields = embed.getFields();
if (footer != null) {
JSONObject jsonFooter = new JSONObject();
jsonFooter.put("text", footer.getText());
jsonFooter.put("icon_url", footer.getIconUrl());
jsonEmbed.put("footer", jsonFooter);
if (image != null) {
JSONObject jsonImage = new JSONObject();
jsonImage.put("url", image.getUrl());
jsonEmbed.put("image", jsonImage);
if (thumbnail != null) {
JSONObject jsonThumbnail = new JSONObject();
jsonThumbnail.put("url", thumbnail.getUrl());
jsonEmbed.put("thumbnail", jsonThumbnail);
if (author != null) {
JSONObject jsonAuthor = new JSONObject();
jsonAuthor.put("name", author.getName());
jsonAuthor.put("url", author.getUrl());
jsonAuthor.put("icon_url", author.getIconUrl());
jsonEmbed.put("author", jsonAuthor);
List<JSONObject> jsonFields = new ArrayList<>();
for (EmbedObject.Field field : fields) {
JSONObject jsonField = new JSONObject();
jsonField.put("name", field.getName());
jsonField.put("value", field.getValue());
jsonField.put("inline", field.isInline());
jsonEmbed.put("fields", jsonFields.toArray());
json.put("embeds", embedObjects.toArray());
URL url = new URL(this.url);
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
connection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Java-DiscordWebhook-BY-Gelox_");
OutputStream stream = connection.getOutputStream();
connection.getInputStream().close(); //I'm not sure why but it doesn't work without getting the InputStream
public static class EmbedObject {
private String title;
private String description;
private String url;
private Color color;
private Footer footer;
private Thumbnail thumbnail;
private Image image;
private Author author;
private List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public Color getColor() {
return color;
public Footer getFooter() {
return footer;
public Thumbnail getThumbnail() {
return thumbnail;
public Image getImage() {
return image;
public Author getAuthor() {
return author;
public List<Field> getFields() {
return fields;
public EmbedObject setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
return this;
public EmbedObject setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
return this;
public EmbedObject setUrl(String url) {
this.url = url;
return this;
public EmbedObject setColor(Color color) {
this.color = color;
return this;
public EmbedObject setFooter(String text, String icon) {
this.footer = new Footer(text, icon);
return this;
public EmbedObject setThumbnail(String url) {
this.thumbnail = new Thumbnail(url);
return this;
public EmbedObject setImage(String url) {
this.image = new Image(url);
return this;
public EmbedObject setAuthor(String name, String url, String icon) { = new Author(name, url, icon);
return this;
public EmbedObject addField(String name, String value, boolean inline) {
this.fields.add(new Field(name, value, inline));
return this;
private class Footer {
private String text;
private String iconUrl;
private Footer(String text, String iconUrl) {
this.text = text;
this.iconUrl = iconUrl;
private String getText() {
return text;
private String getIconUrl() {
return iconUrl;
private class Thumbnail {
private String url;
private Thumbnail(String url) {
this.url = url;
private String getUrl() {
return url;
private class Image {
private String url;
private Image(String url) {
this.url = url;
private String getUrl() {
return url;
private class Author {
private String name;
private String url;
private String iconUrl;
private Author(String name, String url, String iconUrl) { = name;
this.url = url;
this.iconUrl = iconUrl;
private String getName() {
return name;
private String getUrl() {
return url;
private String getIconUrl() {
return iconUrl;
private class Field {
private String name;
private String value;
private boolean inline;
private Field(String name, String value, boolean inline) { = name;
this.value = value;
this.inline = inline;
private String getName() {
return name;
private String getValue() {
return value;
private boolean isInline() {
return inline;
private class JSONObject {
private final HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
void put(String key, Object value) {
if (value != null) {
map.put(key, value);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = map.entrySet();
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) {
Object val = entry.getValue();
if (val instanceof String) {
} else if (val instanceof Integer) {
} else if (val instanceof Boolean) {
} else if (val instanceof JSONObject) {
} else if (val.getClass().isArray()) {
int len = Array.getLength(val);
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
builder.append(Array.get(val, j).toString()).append(j != len - 1 ? "," : "");
builder.append(++i == entrySet.size() ? "}" : ",");
return builder.toString();
private String quote(String string) {
return "\"" + string + "\"";
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thx any example for it?

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Is there an example or and explanation somewhere? @Jaimss

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