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Created May 2, 2014 15:35
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void Main()
this.Given(_ => TheBuyerIsA(_buyerCategory))
.And(_ => TheBuyerSelectsA(fare))
.When(_ => TheBuyerPays())
.Then(_ => ASaleOccursWithAnAmountOf(Price))
.WithExamples(new ExampleTable(
"Buyer Category", "Fare", "Price")
{ BuyerCategory.Student, new MonthlyPass(), new Currency(76) },
{ BuyerCategory.Senior, new MonthlyPass(), new Currency(98) },
{ BuyerCategory.Standard, new MonthlyPass(), new Currency(146) },
{ BuyerCategory.Student, new WeeklyPass(), new Currency(23) },
{ BuyerCategory.Senior, new WeeklyPass(), new Currency(30) },
{ BuyerCategory.Standard, new WeeklyPass(), new Currency(44) },
{ BuyerCategory.Student, new DayPass(), new Currency(4) },
{ BuyerCategory.Senior, new DayPass(), new Currency(5) },
{ BuyerCategory.Standard, new DayPass(), new Currency(7) },
{ BuyerCategory.Student, new SingleTicket(), new Currency(1.5m) },
{ BuyerCategory.Senior, new SingleTicket(), new Currency(2m) },
{ BuyerCategory.Standard, new SingleTicket(), new Currency(3m) }
.BDDfy("Successful rail card purchases");
private Fare fare;
private BuyerCategory _buyerCategory;
Currency Price { get; set; }
class Currency
public Currency(decimal amount)
Amount = amount;
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return Amount.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("EN-US"));
class MonthlyPass : Fare
public override string ToString()
return "Monthly Pass";
class WeeklyPass : Fare
public override string ToString()
return "Weekly Pass";
class DayPass : Fare
public override string ToString()
return "Day Pass";
class SingleTicket : Fare
public override string ToString()
return "Day Pass";
class Fare
enum BuyerCategory
void TheBuyerIsA(BuyerCategory buyerCategory)
void TheBuyerSelectsA(Fare fare)
void TheBuyerPays()
void ASaleOccursWithAnAmountOf(Currency price)
//**Scenario:** Successful rail card purchases
//**Given:** the buyer is a <buyer category>
//**And:** the buyer selects a <fare>
//**When:** the buyer pays
//**Then:** a sale occurs with an amount of <price>
// | Buyer Category | Fare | Price |
// | Student | Monthly Pass | $76 |
// | Senior | Monthly Pass | $98 |
// | Standard | Monthly Pass | $146 |
// | Student | Weekly Pass | $23 |
// | Senior | Weekly Pass | $30 |
// | Standard | Weekly Pass | $44 |
// | Student | Daily Pass | $4 |
// | Senior | Daily Pass | $5 |
// | Standard | Daily Pass | $7 |
// | Student | Single Ticket | $1.5 |
// | Senior | Single Ticket | $2 |
// | Standard | Single Ticket | $3 |
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