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It is about resultObject
object = [cls alloc]; = object; // its selector is -init
[invocation invoke];
[invocation getReturnValue:&resultObject];
info.This()->SetInternalField(0, makeWrapper([[L8Runtime currentRuntime] V8Context], resultObject));
#0 0x0000000100060ae4 in v8::internal::FixedArray::get(int) [inlined] at v8/tools/gyp/../../src/objects-inl.h:1956
#1 0x0000000100060ae4 in v8::internal::Context::global_object() [inlined] at v8/tools/gyp/../../src/contexts.h:374
#2 0x0000000100060ae4 in v8::internal::Context::native_context() at v8/src/
#3 0x000000010008a596 in v8::internal::Isolate::to_string_fun() [inlined] at v8/tools/gyp/../../src/isolate.h:855
#4 0x000000010008a58a in v8::internal::Execution::ToString(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, bool*) at v8/src/
#5 0x0000000100014b9b in v8::Value::ToString() const at v8/src/
#6 0x0000000100002c09 in -[L8Value toString] at
Script: "4.3"
Situation/problem: Sphere, a javascript RPG game engine. Very simple, very much fun. But currently supports mostly Windows and supposedly OSX (SDL, only a part of sphere supported). An IDE is not available at all.
Technologies: So I am trying to write an IDE+runtime for OSX with Cocoa+OpenGL/CA/CG/whatever-works. Also want to add a plugin system, but that isn't UI related.
UI: Xcode-like with splitview: navigator, editor and utitilies. Actually exactly like Xcode: source view with items, different types of editors for different types of files. Each editor its own Editor menu. (Mainmenu is also xcode-like).
Model: A project is a package containing a metadata plist and a resources set: folders-per-resource-type containing the resources. Like: Resources/Maps/map1.rmp, Resources/SpriteSets/sprite1.rss.
This is how the ide in windows looks: (horrible, right?)
% A Simple bot demonstrating the use of all percepts and actions.
% @Author M.P. Korstanje
module init {
% Bot can be considered armed if he has one of these weapons.
armed :- weapon(bio_rifle,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(shock_rifle,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
module init {
% printText expects a string "..." as argument and prints it to the console.
% The action can always be performed. We do not keep track of the texts that
% have been printed and use an empty postcondition.
html, body {
background:#777 url('/img/news-bg.png') repeat -24px 17px;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
$check = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM `codes` WHERE `code` = '$code' AND `activated` =0")
if ($check->num_rows() !== 0) {
$info = $check->fetch_array();
$gid = $info['gameid'];
if ($conn->query("update `codes` set `activated` =1 WHERE `code` = '$code'") !== false) {
echo('<span style="color:green;"Game Activated!</span><br />');
update_purchase($user, $pass, $salt, $gid);
} else {
echo('Error: '.$conn->error);
html, body {
background:#777 url('/img/news-bg.png') repeat -24px 17px;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
; 0x42c-kernel memory.dcpu
; April 24th, 2012
; Licensed with the MIT license.
; Contains subroutines for memory management.
; Arguments: A -> the pointer to the first block of allocated memory
SET A, 10
SET PC, 0 ; random code
SET PC, .hello ; main.hello
SET B, 10000
SET PC, .hello ; Bootcamp.hello