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Last active December 19, 2015 01:19
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Save Jarvix/5875519 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
% A Simple bot demonstrating the use of all percepts and actions.
% @Author M.P. Korstanje
module init {
% Bot can be considered armed if he has one of these weapons.
armed :- weapon(bio_rifle,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(shock_rifle,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(link_gun,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(minigun,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(flak_cannon,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(rocket_launcher,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(lightning_gun,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
armed :- weapon(sniper_rifle,Ammo,_), Ammo > 0.
% My health
myHealth(Health) :- status(Health,_,_,_).
izHealthy :- myHealth(Health), Health >= 100.
izLowHealth :- myHealth(Health), Health =< 50.
izSuperHealthy :- myHealth(Health), Health >= 199.
myArmor(Armor) :- status(_,Armor,_,_).
hasSmallArmor :- myArmor(Armor), Armor >= 50.
hasSuperArmor :- myArmor(Armor), Armor >= 150.
willBoost(health) :- not(izHealthy).
willBoost(mini_health) :- not(izSuperHealthy).
willBoost(super_health) :- not(izSuperHealthy).
willBoost(small_armor) :- not(hasSmallArmor).
willBoost(super_armor) :- not(hasSuperArmor).
itemSpawned(NavPoint) :- itemSpawns(NavPoint, spawned).
% The team this bot is on.
myTeam(Team) :- self(_,_,Team).
% The other team
oppTeam(blue) :- myTeam(red).
oppTeam(red) :- myTeam(blue).
% Location of this bot
myLocation(Location) :- orientation(Location,_,_).
%The navpoints of the flag bases.
myFlagBase(Nav) :- myTeam(Team),base(Team,Nav).
oppFlagBase(Nav) :- oppTeam(Team),base(Team,Nav).
%Does this bot have the flag?
hasFlag :- self(Holder,_,_), flag(_, Holder, _).
%Is our flag taken
flagTaken :- myTeam(Team), flagState(Team,held).
%Do we hold opponent flag
flagHeld :- oppTeam(Team), flagState(Team,held).
%dropped flag
flagDropped(Team, Location) :- flag(Team,none,Location).
%flag carrier
carrier(UnrealID,Team,Location) :- flag(_,UnrealID,_), bot(UnrealID,_,Team, Location,_, _).
% Computes distance between pickup and self. Maps pickup(UnrealId,Type,Name) --> item(pickup(UnrealId,Type,Name), Distance).
distancePickupSelf([], []).
distancePickupSelf([pickup(UnrealId,Location,Type,Name) | PickupTail], [item(pickup(UnrealId,Location,Type,Name), Distance) |ItemTail])
:- myLocation(MyLocation), distance(Location,MyLocation,Distance), distancePickupSelf(PickupTail,ItemTail).
% List all picksups for weapons we dont have
unownedWeaponPickups(Pickups) :- findall(pickup(UnrealID, Position, weapon, ItemType),(pickup(UnrealID, Position, weapon, ItemType), not(weapon(ItemType,_,_))),Pickups).
% Nearest weapon pick up for a weapon we don't have yet
nearestWeaponPickup(UnrealId,Distance) :- unownedWeaponPickups(Pickups), distancePickupSelf(Pickups, ItemList), minItem(ItemList,item(pickup(UnrealId,_,_,_), Distance)).
% List all pickups for health and armor that will boost
boostPickups(Pickups) :- findall(pickup(UndrealId, Position, Label, ItemType),(pickup(UndrealId, Position, Category, ItemType), willBoost(ItemType),itemSpawned(UndrealId), not(atLocation(UndrealId)) ),Pickups).
% Nearest pickup for health and armor that will boost
nearestBoostPickup(UnrealId,Distance) :- boostPickups(Pickups), distancePickupSelf(Pickups, ItemList), minItem(ItemList,item(pickup(UnrealId,_,_,_), Distance)).
adrenalinePickups(Pickups) :- findall(pickup(UndrealId, Position, adrenaline, ItemType),(pickup(UndrealId, Position, adrenaline, ItemType),itemSpawned(UndrealId), not(atLocation(UndrealId)) ),Pickups).
nearestAdrenalinePickup(UndrealId, Distance) :- adrenalinePickups(Pickups), distancePickupSelf(Pickups, ItemList), minItem(ItemList,item(pickup(UndrealId,_,_,_), Distance)).
%Adds first two locations, returns result in third
locationAdd(location(X1,Y1,Z1),location(X2,Y2,Z2), location(X,Y,Z)) :- X is X1 + X2, Y is Y1 + Y2, Z is Z1 + Z2.
% Measures distance between two locations.
distance(location(X1,Y1,Z1),location(X2,Y2,Z2),Distance) :- Distance is sqrt((X1 - X2) ** 2 + (Y1 - Y2) ** 2 +(Z1 - Z2) ** 2 ).
% Holds if the distance between both locations is less then the MaxDistance.
distanceLt(Location1,Location2,MaxDistance) :- distance(Location1,Location2,Distance), Distance < MaxDistance.
atLocation(Location) :- myLocation(MyLocation), distanceLt(Location,MyLocation,80).
atLocation(NavPointId) :-pickup(NavPointId, Position, _, _),atLocation(Position).
%Takes a list of item(Item,Weight) and finds the item with minimum weight.
minItem([item(Item,Weight)|Tail],item(MinItem,MinWeight)) :- minItem(item(Item,Weight), Tail, item(MinItem,MinWeight)).
%Helper to find min item.
minItem(item(Item,Weight), [], item(Item,Weight)).
minItem(item(Item,Weight), [item(CandidateItem,CandidateWeight)|Tail], item(MinItem,MinWeight)) :-
(Weight =< CandidateWeight, minItem(item(Item,Weight),Tail,item(MinItem,MinWeight)))
,! %If we have a match, we don't have to back track.
; (minItem(item(CandidateItem,CandidateWeight),Tail,item(MinItem,MinWeight))).
% We are going nowhere.
% We look at nothing.
% We target the closest enemy
% We start with no ID, name or team.
% We start with location and rotation unknown.
% We start with 100 health, 0 shield, 0 adrenaline and no active combos.
% Our starting weapon is the assault rifle.
% Our starting score
% Our team starting score
% The game we are playing
game(none,none, none, none).
% Start of event module
% End of event module
% Time spent in event module
% Time spent in main module + time spend in other agents.
beNot. % never achieved, slightly philosophical.
program {
if true then look([enemyFlagCarrier,nearestEnemy, friendlyFlagCarrier]) +
navigate(Destination) {
post{not(destination(PrevDestination)), destination(Destination)}
stop {
respawn {
combo(Combo) {
pre{status(_,_,Adrenaline,_), Adrenaline >= 100}
dropWeapon {
pre{ currentWeapon(Weapon,_), Weapon \== shield_gun, Weapon \== translocator}
path(From,To) {
post{not(target(PrevTargets)), target(Targets)}
post{not(target(PrevTargets)), target([])}
module main {
% Rules for using power ups.
if bel(true) then combo(booster).
% Rules for getting weapons and other items
if bel(not(armed), nearestWeaponPickup(UnrealId,_)) then navigate(UnrealId).
if bel(izLowHealth, nearestBoostPickup(UnrealId,Distance)) then navigate(UnrealId).
if bel(not(hasFlag), nearestWeaponPickup(UnrealId,Distance), Distance < 500) then navigate(UnrealId). % pickup of opportunity
if bel(not(hasFlag), nearestAdrenalinePickup(UnrealId,Distance), Distance < 500) then navigate(UnrealId). % pickup of opportunity
if bel(not(hasFlag), nearestBoostPickup(UnrealId,Distance), Distance < 1000) then navigate(UnrealId). % pickup of opportunity
% Go after people with flags. Tries to follow the carrier while visible. When carrier not visible,
% bot will stop running to last seen location and run else where. Needs additional logic to make
% following effective (e.g carrier broadcasts position, bot runs there, or run to last known location
% of carrier). Perhaps a module of sorts?
if bel(myTeam(Team), carrier(UnrealID,Team,Location) ) then navigate(Location).
if bel(not(hasFlag), oppTeam(Team), carrier(UnrealID,Team,Location) ) then navigate(Location).
%Rules for capturing the flag. Not that advanced.
if bel(flagDropped(_, Location)) then navigate(Location). % Recover dropped flags, for any team.
if bel( hasFlag, myFlagBase(Location)) then navigate(Location). %Return flag if we have it.
if bel(not(hasFlag), not(flagHeld), oppFlagBase(Location)) then navigate(Location). %Capture flag if it is not captured.
if bel(not(hasFlag), flagTaken, oppFlagBase(Location)) then navigate(Location). % Return our flag if it taken.
% Follow enemy
if bel(oppTeam(Team), bot(UnrealID,_,Team,_,_,_)) then navigate(UnrealID).
% Find enenmy and weapons by looking at inventory spots
if bel(nearestBoostPickup(UnrealId,Distance)) then navigate(UnrealId).
if bel(nearestWeaponPickup(UnrealId,Distance)) then navigate(UnrealId).
if bel(nearestBoostPickup(UnrealId,Distance)) then navigate(UnrealId).
if bel(nearestAdrenalinePickup(UnrealId,Distance)) then navigate(UnrealId).
if bel(not(navigation(navigating,_)), pickup(UnrealId, Location, Category, ItemType)) then navigate(UnrealId). % walk random place
module event{
%Unit * Time * UT Speed.
spawnTime(u_damage_pack, SpawnTime) :- SpawnTime is 3 * 27.5 * 1.1.
spawnTime(super_shield_pack, SpawnTime) :- SpawnTime is 2 * 27.5 * 1.1.
spawnTime(ItemType, SpawnTime) :- SpawnTime is 27.5 * 1.1.
program {
% Time keeping
%Set start time.
forall bel(startEventModule(LastRound), get_time(Now))
do delete(startEventModule(LastRound)) + insert(startEventModule(Now)).
%Compute time main module + every other agent took.
forall bel(mainModuleTime(OldDelta), startEventModule(Start), endEventModule(End), Delta is Start - End )
do delete(mainModuleTime(OldDelta)) + insert(mainModuleTime(Delta)).
% Action percepts
%Requested path. Always.
forall bel(percept(path(Lenght,Path))) do insert(path(Lenght,Path)).
% Information about the bot
% Update navigation state. On Change
forall bel(navigation(OldStatus,OldDest), percept(navigation(Status,Destination)))
do delete( navigation(OldStatus,OldDest)) + insert(navigation(Status,Destination)).
% Add info about self. On change.
forall bel(self(OldID,OldName,OldTeam), percept(self(ID,Name,Team)))
do delete( self(OldID,OldName,OldTeam)) + insert(self(ID,Name,Team)).
% Add logic iteration. On change.
forall bel(logic(OldIterations), percept(logic(Iterations)))
do delete( logic(OldIterations)) + insert(logic(Iterations)).
% Update moving. On change.
forall bel(orientation(OldPosition,OldRotation,OldVelocity), percept(orientation(Position,Rotation,Velocity)))
do delete (orientation(OldPosition,OldRotation,OldVelocity)) + insert(orientation(Position,Rotation,Velocity)).
% Update status. On change.
forall bel(status(OldHealth,OldArmor,OldAdrenaline,OldCombo), percept(status(Health,Armor,Adrenaline,Combo)))
do delete( status(OldHealth,OldArmor,OldAdrenaline,OldCombo)) + insert(status(Health,Armor,Adrenaline,Combo)).
% Update track reckord. On change.
forall bel(score(OldKills,OldDeaths,OldSuicides), percept(score(Kills,Deaths,Suicides)))
do delete( score(OldKills,OldDeaths,OldSuicides)) + insert(score(Kills,Deaths,Suicides)).
% Update currentweapon. On Change.
forall bel(percept(currentWeapon(Weapon,FireMode)), currentWeapon(OldWeapon,OldFireMode))
do delete(currentWeapon(OldWeapon,OldFireMode)) + insert(currentWeapon(Weapon,FireMode)) .
% Update weapons in inventory. On change with negation.
forall bel(percept(weapon(Name,PriAmmo,SecAmmo))) do insert(weapon(Name,PriAmmo,SecAmmo)).
forall bel(percept(not(weapon(Name,PriAmmo,SecAmmo)))) do delete(weapon(Name,PriAmmo,SecAmmo)).
% Add fragged percept. Always.
%forall bel(percept(fragged(Time,KillerId,VictemId, Weapon))) do insert(fragged(Time,KillerId,VictemId, Weapon)).
% Game info
% The navPoints, some 500 of them. Once.
forall bel(percept(navPoint(ID,Position,Neighbours))) do insert(navPoint(ID,Position,Neighbours)).
% The navPoints we can see, ignore first batch.
forall bel(not(percept(self(OldID,OldName,OldTeam))), percept(navPoint(ID,Position,Neighbours))) do insert(navPoint(ID,Position,Neighbours)).
forall bel(percept(not(navPoint(ID,Position,Neighbours)))) do delete(navPoint(ID,Position,Neighbours)).
% The pickup spots on the map. Once.
forall bel(percept(pickup(UnrealID, Label, ItemType)), percept(navPoint(UnrealID,Position,_))) do insert(pickup(UnrealID, Position,Label, ItemType)).
forall bel(percept(pickup(UnrealID, Label, ItemType))) do insert(itemSpawns(UnrealID,0)).
% The base. Has flag. Once
forall bel(percept(base(Team, UnrealID))) do insert(base(Team, UnrealID)).
% Information about the game. On Change.
forall bel(game(OldGametype, OldMap, OldTeamScoreLimit, OldRemainingTime), percept(game(Gametype, Map, TeamScoreLimit, RemainingTime)))
do delete( game(OldGametype, OldMap, OldTeamScoreLimit, OldRemainingTime)) + insert(game(Gametype, Map, TeamScoreLimit, RemainingTime)).
% Team score. On change
forall bel(teamScore(OldTeamScore, OldOpponentTeamScore), percept(teamScore(TeamScore, OpponentTeamScore)))
do delete( teamScore(OldTeamScore, OldOpponentTeamScore)) + insert(teamScore(TeamScore, OpponentTeamScore)).
% See percepts
% Flag state. On change with negation.
forall bel(percept(flagState(Team,FlagState))) do insert(flagState(Team,FlagState)).
forall bel(percept(not(flagState(Team,FlagState)))) do delete(flagState(Team,FlagState)).
% See an item. On change with negation.
forall bel(percept(item(UnrealID, Label, ItemType, NavPointId))) do insert(item(UnrealID, Label, ItemType, NavPointId)).
forall bel(percept(not(item(UnrealID, Label, ItemType, NavPointId)))) do delete(item(UnrealID, Label, ItemType, NavPointId)).
% We see the item so the item is spawned,
forall bel(itemSpawns(NavPointId,OldSpawnTime),number(OldSpawnTime), item(_, _, _, NavPointId))
do delete(itemSpawns(NavPointId,OldSpawnTime)) + insert(itemSpawns(NavPointId,spawned)).
% We see the navpoint but we don't see the item, compute time when item will spawn
forall bel(itemSpawns(NavPointId,spawned), navPoint(NavPointId,_,_),
not(item(_, _, _, NavPointId)), pickup(NavPointId, _, _, ItemType),
spawnTime(ItemType, SpawnDelay), get_time(Now), SpawnTime is Now + SpawnDelay)
do delete(itemSpawns(NavPointId,spawned)) + insert(itemSpawns(NavPointId,SpawnTime)).
%Time has passed, item must be spawned now
forall bel(itemSpawns(NavPointId,SpawnTime),number(SpawnTime), get_time(Now), Now >= SpawnTime)
do delete(itemSpawns(NavPointId,SpawnTime)) + insert(itemSpawns(NavPointId,spawned)).
% See a flag. On change with negation.
forall bel(percept(flag(Team, HolderId, Location))) do insert(flag(Team, HolderId, Location)).
forall bel(percept(not(flag(Team, HolderId, Location)))) do delete(flag(Team, HolderId, Location)).
% See a bot. On change with negation.
forall bel(percept( bot(ID,Name,Team,Postion,Weapon,FireMode))) do insert(bot(ID,Name,Team,Postion,Weapon,FireMode)).
forall bel(percept(not(bot(ID,Name,Team,Postion,Weapon,FireMode)))) do delete(bot(ID,Name,Team,Postion,Weapon,FireMode)).
% Time keeping
%Set end time
forall bel(endEventModule(OldTime), get_time(Now)) do delete(endEventModule(OldTime)) + insert(endEventModule(Now)).
% Compute time percept processing took.
forall bel(eventModuleTime(OldDelta), startEventModule(Start), endEventModule(End), Delta is End - Start )
do delete(eventModuleTime(OldDelta)) + insert(eventModuleTime(Delta)).
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