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Created February 15, 2018 14:49
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Sample filterable block
* This is an example of a script that would hook into the filter or
* subscribe to some sort of data. I want to make the assumption that
* this could be non-ES6 code with no access to the spread operator, so
* something like push would be used instead.
function rkvAddPython( codeList ) {
codeList.push( {
title: 'Python',
codemirror: 'python',
} );
return codeList;
wp.hooks.addFilter( 'blocks.syntax.addCodeMode', 'rkv/codeMode', rkvAddPython );
const { registerBlockType, BlockControls } = wp.blocks;
const { DropdownMenu, Toolbar } = wp.components;
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
import './editor.scss';
import CodeMirrorBlock from './codemirror';
window.CodeMirror = wp.CodeMirror;
let codeMap = [
title: 'HTML',
codemirror: 'htmlmixed',
prism: 'html',
title: 'CSS',
codemirror: 'css',
title: 'SASS',
codemirror: 'sass',
title: 'JS',
codemirror: 'javascript',
title: 'PHP',
codemirror: 'php',
title: 'JSX',
codemirror: 'jsx',
title: 'Markdown',
codemirror: 'markdown',
title: 'Bash',
codemirror: 'shell',
prism: 'bash',
title: 'YAML',
codemirror: 'yaml',
// Here, or somewhere similar, I'd like to make the above array,
// codeMap, avaliable to other plugins to add to if they want to.
// I could use `once` or wp.hooks.didFilter but I'm wondering if there
// is a way to do that with
registerBlockType( 'rkv/syntax-highlighting', {
title: __( 'Code Syntax' ),
icon: 'editor-code',
category: 'formatting',
attributes: {
content: {
type: 'string',
source: 'property',
selector: 'pre',
property: 'textContent',
mode: {
type: 'string',
default: 'php',
modeTitle: {
type: 'string',
default: 'PHP',
supports: {
html: false,
edit( props ) {
const { content, mode, modeTitle } = props.attributes;
// Right here I'm using wp.hook, but it runs multiple times.
codeMap = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'blocks.syntax.addCodeMode', codeMap );
const changeMode = ( newMode ) => {
props.setAttributes( {
mode: newMode,
} );
const changeModeTitle = ( newModeTitle ) => {
props.setAttributes( {
modeTitle: newModeTitle,
} );
const codeControls = obj => {
return {
title: obj.title,
onClick: () => {
changeMode( obj.codemirror );
changeModeTitle( obj.title );
} );
function onChangeContent( newContent ) {
props.setAttributes( { content: newContent } );
return (
<div className={ props.className }>
!! props.focus && (
<BlockControls key="custom-controls">
label="Select a code mode"
controls={ codeControls }
<div className="toolbar-mode">
{ modeTitle }
className={ 'code-mirror' }
onChange={ onChangeContent }
value={ content }
focus={ props.focus }
onFocus={ props.setFocus }
mode={ mode }
save( { attributes } ) {
const { mode, content } = attributes;
// The CodeMap array also needs to be filtered here.
codeMap = wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'blocks.syntax.addCodeMode', codeMap );
let codeMode = codeMap.find( ( obj ) => obj.codemirror === mode );
codeMode = codeMode.prism || mode || '';
return <pre><code className={ 'language-' + codeMode }>{ content }</code></pre>;
} );
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