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Created June 11, 2015 01:36
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Example of combining Observables and Actors for a workflow.
package com.ornithoptergames.psav
import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.beachape.filemanagement.RxMonitor
import com.ornithoptergames.psav.FrameInfoLoader._
import com.ornithoptergames.psav.Messages._
import com.ornithoptergames.psav.RxMessage.Implicits._
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.beachape.filemanagement.Messages.EventAtPath
import com.beachape.filemanagement.Messages.EventAtPath
class FileManager(implicit system: ActorSystem) {
// fileWatcher will monitor a path and emit the file when it's modified.
val fileWatcher = RxMonitor()
// When we see a new file, change fileWatcher's watching path.
newFile.subscribe { file =>
// Registration is "bossy" by default here: don't have to worry about unregistering old paths.
fileWatcher.registerPath(ENTRY_MODIFY, file.toPath())
// When fileWatcher sees a reload, publish an updated file.
fileWatcher.observable.forwardTo(updateFile, (event: EventAtPath) => event.path.toFile)
implicit val timeout = Timeout(15 seconds)
val loader = system.actorSelection(system / FrameInfoLoader.actorName)
// When a file is updated or the frame-name exclude list changes, publish updated frames.
.pipeThrough(loader, updateFrames, { case t => t.printStackTrace() })
// When a new file is selected, publish new frames.
val mostRecentFrameFilter = new MostRecent(frameFilter) => Load(f, mostRecentFrameFilter.get))
.pipeThrough(loader, newFrames, { case t => t.printStackTrace() })
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