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Last active August 20, 2022 17:17
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Building GNU Radio 3.10 on macOS 12
/opt/homebrew/bin/pip3 install packaging mako PyYAML
/Users/jay/forks/gr-lora/build (master *=) $ brew list
==> Formulae
abseil				fftw				hicolor-icon-theme		libtasn1			numpy				readline
adwaita-icon-theme		flac				hiredis				libtiff				oniguruma			ripgrep
aften				fmt				hub				libtool				open-mpi			scipy
atk				fontconfig			hwloc				libunistring			openblas			six
autoconf			freetype			icu4c				libusb				openssl@1.1			snappy
automake			fribidi				isl				libuv				opus				soapyrtlsdr
bash				gcc				jack				libvorbis			orc				soapysdr
bash-completion			gdbm				jpeg				libx11				p11-kit				spdlog
bat				gdk-pixbuf			jpeg-turbo			libxau				pandoc				sqlite
bdw-gc				gettext				jq				libxcb				pango				trash
bear				gflags				libepoxy			libxdmcp			pcre				tree
berkeley-db			giflib				libevent			libxext				pcre2				uhd
boost				git				libffi				libxrender			pixman				unbound
brotli				glfw				libidn2				libyaml				pkg-config			vde
c-ares				glib				libmpc				llvm				portaudio			volk
ca-certificates			gmp				libnghttp2			log4cpp				protobuf			webp
cairo				gnutls				libogg				lzo				py3cairo			wget
ccache				gobject-introspection		libpng				m4				pybind11			wxwidgets
ccls				gperf				libpthread-stubs		mpdecimal			pygobject3			xorgproto
cmake				graphite2			librsvg				mpfr				pyqt@5				xz
coreutils			grpc				librtlsdr			ncurses				python@3.10			zeromq
cppzmq				gsettings-desktop-schemas	libsamplerate			nebula				python@3.9			zstd
diff-so-fancy			gsl				libslirp			nettle				qemu
dtc				gtk+3				libsndfile			ninja				qt@5
elixir				guile				libsodium			nlohmann-json			qwt-qt5
erlang				harfbuzz			libssh				node				re2
cmake \
--log-level=verbose \
-GNinja \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.5_1/ \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/jay/.local \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/homebrew/bin/python3 \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/homebrew/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers \
-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.9/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/libpython3.9.dylib \
-DQWT_INCLUDE_DIRS=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qwt-qt5/6.2.0/lib/qwt.framework/Headers \
-DQWT_LIBRARIES=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/qwt-qt5/6.2.0/lib/qwt.framework/qwt \
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