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Last active September 14, 2020 10:55
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Bonus Argument Completers For Azure
using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Collections
class SubscriptionNameCompleter : ArgumentCompleterAttribute {
# PowerShell expects you to write IArgumentCompleter and register them with this syntax:
# [ArgumentCompleter([MyIArgumentCompleter])]
# Or to use scriptblocks with:
# [ArgumentCompleter({ code })]
# Here, we combine an override for Argumentcompleter with the second syntax, meaning this can be used like:
# [SubscriptionNameCompleter()]
# Or as a parameter to RegisterArgumentCompleter, like this:
# Get-Command -Module Az.* -ParameterName SubscriptionName | % {
# Register-ArgumentCompleter -Command $_.Name -ParameterName SubscriptionName -ScriptBlock ([SubscriptionNameCompleter]::GetCompleter())
# }
SubscriptionNameCompleter() : base([scriptblock][SubscriptionNameCompleter]::GetCompleter()) {}
[scriptblock] static GetCompleter() {
return {
param([String]$commandName, [String]$parameterName, [String]$wordToComplete, [CommandAst]$commandAst, [IDictionary]$fakeBoundParameter)
# This test ensures this tab completer doesn't crash when the assembly dependency isn't loaded
if (($Provider = "Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider" -as [Type])) {
# In this tab completer, we're relying on the stuff inside the Azure module for tab completers...
# Note this is NOT the normal Where method, it's a LINQ filter (thus, $Args[0] instead of $_)
($null -ne $args[0]) -and
($args[0].ExtendedProperties["Account"] -eq $Provider::Instance.Profile.DefaultContext.Account.Id) -and
($args[0].Name -Like "*$wordToComplete*")
$ListItemText = $_.Name
# For extra credit: Highlighting the ListItemText for the default value makes it sort first!
if ($_.Id -eq $Provider::Instance.Profile.DefaultContext.Subscription.Id) {
$ListItemText = "$([char]27)[96m$($ListItemText)$([char]27)[39m"
# More extra credit: The tooltip (and the ListItemText) show up in PSReadLine's Ctrl+Space UX:
$Tooltip = ($_ | Format-List Name,
@{N = "Account"; E = { $_.ExtendedProperties["Account"] } },
@{N = "Environment"; E = { $_.ExtendedProperties["Environment"] } },
@{N = "Enabled"; E = { $_.State -eq "Enabled"}} | Out-String -Stream).ForEach("Trim") -join "`n"
# The actual things we output are CompletionResults
[CompletionResult]::new("'$($_.Name)'", $ListItemText, 'ParameterValue', $Tooltip)
}) | Sort-Object ListItemText
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