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Created December 12, 2020 23:03
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Some simple analysis of updateable help
filter Get-HelpInfo {
Get a ((list of) en-US culture-specific?) HelpInfo details (the URL and version number) for modules
Get-Module Microsoft.* -ListAvailable | Get-HelpInfo
[System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]$Module = $((Get-Module WindowsUpdateProvider -List)[0])
$Path = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
if (!([string]$Url = $Module.HelpInfoUri)) {
Write-Warning "Can't update help for $($Module.Name). There's no HelpInfoUri in it's manifest $($Module.Path)"
while($Url) {
Write-Verbose "$($Module.Name) HelpInfoUri: $URL"
try {
Invoke-RestMethod $URL -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $Path
} catch {
Write-Verbose "Response: '$($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)'"
if ("Redirect","Moved" -contains $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode) {
$Url = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.Location
} elseif ("NotFound" -eq $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode) {
# Make sure it's non-terminating
Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -CategoryTargetName $Module.Name
$Url = $Url.TrimEnd("/") + "/$($Module.Name)_$($Module.Guid)_HelpInfo.xml"
try {
Write-Verbose "$($Module.Name) HelpInfoUri: $URL"
Invoke-RestMethod $Url -OutFile $Path
} catch {
Write-Warning "Can't update help for $($Module.Name). Got Status '$([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode) $($_.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase)' from '$($Url)'"
if ($Raw) {
Get-Content $Path
Remove-Item $Path
} else {
[Xml]$Xml = Get-Content $Path
Remove-Item $Path
foreach ($Culture in $Xml.HelpInfo.SupportedUICultures.UICulture) {
$Culture.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "HelpContent")
PSTypeName = "HelpInfo"
ModuleName = $Module.Name
Culture = $Culture.UICultureName
Version = $Culture.UICultureVersion
HelpContentURI = $Xml.HelpInfo.HelpContentURI
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