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Created July 15, 2016 13:02
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Run tmux on a server in the same subnet as Palo Alto Panorama. After a delay, tmux emulates your keystrokes to rollback the config.
which tmux >/dev/null || { printf '%s\n' 'Error: could not locate tmux.' >&2; exit 1; }
# Create session, window, pane
readonly SESSION_NAME="$(head -c 30 <(tr -d -c [:alnum:] </dev/urandom))"
tmux start-server
tmux new-session -d -s $SESSION_NAME
tmux split-window -d -v -p 10
# Configure timer:
readonly EPOCH_NOW="$(date '+%s')"
tmux set-option -t $SESSION_NAME status on
tmux set-option -t $SESSION_NAME status-interval 1
tmux set-option -t $SESSION_NAME status-left-length 70
# Start rollback 'deadman switch':
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME}:0.0 C-w;
sleep 2s
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME}:0.0 'configure' C-m;
sleep 2s
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME}:0.0 'load config from rollback.xml' C-m;
sleep 2s
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME}:0.0 'commit description "automatic rollback"' C-m;
sleep 2s
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME}:0.0 'run commit-all shared-policy include-template yes description "automatic rollback" device-group YOURDEVICEGROUPNAME' C-m;
} &
while :;
do sleep 1s;
if (( SECONDS_TIL_ROLLBACK < 30 )); then
if (( SECONDS_TIL_ROLLBACK % 2 )); then
tmux set-option -q -t $SESSION_NAME status-bg red
tmux set-option -q -t $SESSION_NAME status-bg blue
tmux set-option -q -t $SESSION_NAME status-left "Automatic rollback in: #(echo $SECONDS_TIL_ROLLBACK ) seconds.";
} &
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME}:0.1 'clear; read -p "In the top pane, SSH to Panorama as a user with \"superuser\" CLI access. Save the known-good configuration as \"rollback.xml\". From either the webUI or CLI, make the configuration changes and commit to both Panorama and the managed firewalls."; logout' C-m
# Attach to session:
tmux attach-session -d -t $SESSION_NAME
# Stop backgrounded jobs:
kill $(jobs -p)
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