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Created January 31, 2020 20:20
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  • Save JeffBezanson/e381ea9cbe790d6d8f9bcf473a664f8c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const CC = Core.Compiler
using Base: IdSet
# count total number of nodes reachable from a given point
function edgecount(G, from, counts = IdDict{Any,Int}())
if haskey(counts, from)
return 0
if !CC.haskey(G, from)
return 0
next = CC.collect(CC.getindex(G, from))
counts[from] = 0
counts[from] = sum(x->edgecount(G, x, counts), next) + length(next)
# sorted list of (node, count) for all nodes
function flat_count(G)
nodes = CC.collect(CC.keys(G))
sort([(n, edgecount(G, n)) for n in nodes], by = x->x[2])
# print a tree from the given starting point
function showtree(io, G, from, level = 0, seen = IdSet{Any}())
for i = 1:level
print(io, " ")
println(io, from, " ", edgecount(G, from))
if !in(from, seen)
push!(seen, from)
if CC.haskey(G, from)
next = CC.collect(CC.getindex(G, from))
for n in next
showtree(io, G, n, level+1, seen)
# print the "worst" path through the tree from a given point; i.e. at each
# level only follow the (not-yet-seen) link with the highest count.
function badpath(io, G, from, seen = IdSet{Any}(), count = edgecount(G, from))
println(io, from, " ", count)
push!(seen, from)
if CC.haskey(G, from)
next = filter(x->!in(x,seen), CC.collect(CC.getindex(G, from)))
counts = map(n->edgecount(G, n), next)
m = argmax(counts)
badpath(io, G, next[m], seen, counts[m])
Sample run:
G = CC.inference_graph;
CC.record_edges[] = true
using CSV; using REPL; @time precompile(Tuple{typeof(REPL.REPLCompletions.completions), String, Int64})
4351-element Array{Tuple{Type,Int64},1}:
(Tuple{typeof(*),T,Char} where T<:FilePathsBase.AbstractPath, 9348)
(Tuple{typeof(REPL.REPLCompletions.completions),String,Int64,Any}, 10429)
(Tuple{typeof(REPL.REPLCompletions.completions),String,Int64}, 10430)
(Tuple{typeof(REPL.REPLCompletions.completions),String,Int64,Module}, 10445)
(Tuple{typeof(REPL.LineEdit.complete_line),REPL.REPLCompletionProvider,Any}, 11980)
f = open("inftree.txt", "w")
showtree(f, G, Tuple{typeof(REPL.LineEdit.complete_line),REPL.REPLCompletionProvider,Any})
badpath(stdout, G, Tuple{typeof(REPL.LineEdit.complete_line),REPL.REPLCompletionProvider,Any})
Tuple{typeof(REPL.LineEdit.complete_line),REPL.REPLCompletionProvider,Any} 12003
Tuple{typeof(REPL.REPLCompletions.completions),String,Int64} 10453
Tuple{typeof(REPL.REPLCompletions.completions),String,Int64,Any} 10452
Tuple{typeof(*),T,String} where T<:FilePathsBase.AbstractPath 9368
Tuple{typeof(string),FilePathsBase.AbstractPath} 9030
Tuple{Type,DataFrames.SubDataFrame} 4586
Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Union{}},DataFrames.SubDataFrame} 3
Tuple{Type{MethodError},typeof(convert),Tuple{Core.TypeofBottom,DataFrames.SubDataFrame}} 2
Tuple{Type{MethodError},typeof(convert),Tuple{Core.TypeofBottom,DataFrames.SubDataFrame},UInt64} 1
Tuple{typeof(Core.convert),Type{UInt64},UInt64} 0
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