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Last active April 6, 2024 20:12
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  • Save JeffreyWay/5112282 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JeffreyWay/5112282 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Want to send a DELETE request when outside of a form? This will handle the form-creation bits for you dynamically, similar to the Rails implementation. (Requires jQuery, but doesn't have to.) To use, import script, and create a link with the `data-method="DELETE"` attribute.
<a href="posts/2" data-method="delete"> <---- We want to send an HTTP DELETE request
- Or, request confirmation in the process -
<a href="posts/2" data-method="delete" data-confirm="Are you sure?">
(function() {
var laravel = {
initialize: function() {
this.methodLinks = $('a[data-method]');
registerEvents: function() {
this.methodLinks.on('click', this.handleMethod);
handleMethod: function(e) {
var link = $(this);
var httpMethod ='method').toUpperCase();
var form;
// If the data-method attribute is not PUT or DELETE,
// then we don't know what to do. Just ignore.
if ( $.inArray(httpMethod, ['PUT', 'DELETE']) === - 1 ) {
// Allow user to optionally provide data-confirm="Are you sure?"
if ('confirm') ) {
if ( ! laravel.verifyConfirm(link) ) {
return false;
form = laravel.createForm(link);
verifyConfirm: function(link) {
return confirm('confirm'));
createForm: function(link) {
var form =
$('<form>', {
'method': 'POST',
'action': link.attr('href')
var token =
$('<input>', {
'type': 'hidden',
'name': 'csrf_token',
'value': '<?php echo csrf_token(); ?>' // hmmmm...
var hiddenInput =
$('<input>', {
'name': '_method',
'type': 'hidden',
return form.append(token, hiddenInput)
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I've made Javascript Vanilla version of this:

no longer depend on jQuery anymore 😄

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kohlerdominik commented Jan 22, 2018

This is a nice way for links. But for forms, in my opinion it's better to change the form attributes (and the "_method"-field if necessary). I couldn't find any solution for this, so i made my own script. It's built very like Jeffreys code.


<input type="submit" value="Submit to alternative action" data-submit-action="/new-target">
<input type="submit" value="Submit to alternative target" data-submit-target="_blank">
<input type="submit" value="Submit as delete" data-submit-method="delete">
<input type="submit" value="Submit with confirmation" data-submit-confirmation="Are you sure?">
 {{ Form::submit('Submit alternative', [   'data-submit-action' => '/new-target',
                                        'data-submit-target' => '_blank',
                                        'data-submit-method' => 'delete',
                                        'data-submit-confirmation => 'Are you sure?'  ]); }}

I uploaded the full script to my own gist:

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If the event is not firing it is probably because document is not ready yet. Try this:

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a1iraxa commented Jul 4, 2018

This would even work in bootstrap-modal and dynamic inserted button.

Return response must be:


Inspired by:

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How would I then send any data that is outside of the form to the form, if the form is appended to the body?

i.e. I have multiple checkboxes in a table. How would these get sent to the form so they can be deleted?

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Here's a Vue version -

turn your <a href="MY_PUT_URL" class="button">Go!</a> into <method-link href="MY_PUT_URL" method="PUT" classes="button">Go!</method-link>

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eemr3 commented May 18, 2020

Nice one Jeffrey, Thanks!

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rodrigoespinozadev commented Aug 1, 2020

Thank you @JeffreyWay just what i needed you rock!

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Here's a simple update that uses vanilla JS and a default confirmation message:

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atulmahankal commented Oct 5, 2022

add <meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}" /> into head
Change below code

        'name': 'csrf_token',
        'value': '<?php echo csrf_token(); ?>' // hmmmm...


        'name': '_token',
	'value': document.getElementsByName('_token')[0].value,

else it gives 419 | PAGE EXPIRED Error

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