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Created March 30, 2021 23:27
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#!/usr/bin/env joker
(ns script
(:require [ :as cli]
[joker.os :as os]))
(def opts
[["-c" "--channel VALUE" "Choose Twitch Channel"]
["-v" "--version" "Show version information"]
["-h" "--help" "Show this summary"]])
(defn show-options
[summary errors]
(println "twitch OPTIONS\n")
(println summary)
(when errors
(println "\nErrors:")
(run! println errors)))
(defn twitch-stream [channel]
(os/sh "streamlink" (str "" channel) " best"))
(let [{:keys [options summary errors]} (cli/parse-opts *command-line-args* opts)
{:keys [help channel version]} options]
(show-options summary errors)
(os/exit -1))
(show-options summary nil)
(println "version: 1")
(some? channel)
(twitch-stream channel)
(show-options summary ["Must enter a value for --channel"])
(os/exit -1))))
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