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Computer Information:
Manufacturer: Unknown
Model: Unknown
Form Factor: Laptop
No Touch Input Detected
Processor Information:
CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel
CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8705G CPU @ 3.10GHz
CPU Family: 0x6
04/23 09:13:59 [RenderSystem] Determined driver version for graphics adapter 0 [output 0] 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060': 32767.65535.65535.65535
04/23 09:13:59 [RenderSystem] Loaded video settings config from 'cfg\video.txt'
04/23 09:13:59 [RenderSystem] Graphics Device changed, resetting video config
04/23 09:13:59 (17): Setting setting.cpu_level to 1
04/23 09:13:59 (9): Setting setting.mem_level to 2
04/23 09:13:59 (14): Setting setting.gpu_mem_level to 2
04/23 09:13:59 Video Card dxsupport (1002 : 67df)
04/23 09:13:59 (21): ADD setting.defaultres = 1900
04/23 09:13:59 (21): ADD setting.defaultresheight = 1200
04/23 09:13:59 (21): ADD setting.gpu_level = 3
04/24 21:09:04 WARNING: CDirWatcher not implemented
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Enabling instance extension: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Using VK_EXT_memory_budget set texture memory budget to 4069 MB.
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (0): using transform constant buffer: false
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (0): supports shader clip distance: true
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (0): using secondary command buffers: true
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Using VK_EXT_memory_budget set texture memory budget to 4696 MB.
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (1): using transform constant buffer: false
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (1): supports shader clip distance: true
04/24 21:09:04 [RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (1): using secondary command buffers: true