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Last active April 26, 2024 16:29
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Python script to extract Disco Elysium passive checks, updated for the Final Cut update
import json
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
Difficulty checks are coded in the following format:
0 Field data
1 string title = "DifficultyPass"
1 string value = "2"
0 int type = 1
1 string typeString = "CustomFieldType_Number"
0 Field data
1 string title = "Actor"
1 string value = "386"
0 int type = 5
1 string typeString = "CustomFieldType_Actor"
The value under the "DifficultyPass" sets the difficulty of the check
The value below "Actor" sets the skill which is checked, in this case "Suggestion" (see ACTOR_DICT)
#mapping of actor codes to in-game skills, note that there are 5 different perception checks!
#('normal', smell, hearing, taste, sight)
389: 'Conceptualization',
390: 'Logic',
391: 'Encyclopedia',
392: 'Rhetoric',
393: 'Drama',
394: 'Visual Calculus',
395: 'Empathy',
396: 'Inland Empire',
397: 'Volition',
398: 'Authority',
399: 'Suggestion',
400: 'Esprit de Corps',
401: 'Endurance',
402: 'Physical Instrument',
403: 'Shivers',
404: 'Pain Threshold',
405: 'Electro-Chemistry',
406: 'Half Light',
407: 'Hand-Eye Coordination',
408: 'Reaction Speed',
409: 'Savoir Faire',
410: 'Interfacing',
411: 'Composure',
412: 'Perception',
413: 'Perception',
414: 'Perception',
415: 'Perception',
416: 'Perception',
#map of DifficultyPass values to in-game difficulty
0: 6,
1: 8,
2: 10,
3: 12,
4: 14,
5: 16,
6: 18,
7: 20,
8: 7,
9: 9,
10: 11,
11: 13,
12: 15,
13: 17,
14: 19
#in-game skill order
'Visual Calculus',
'Inland Empire',
'Esprit de Corps',
'Pain Threshold',
'Physical Instrument',
'Half Light',
'Hand-Eye Coordination',
'Reaction Speed',
'Savoir Faire',
#highest check value is 14
# extract check counts from game code #
#check count arrays
passive_checks = {k: [0] * HIGH_CHECK for k in ACTOR_DICT.values()}
antipassive_checks = {k: [0] * HIGH_CHECK for k in ACTOR_DICT.values()}
# Open and read in dialogue JSON data (I extracted it using AssetStudio by Perfare)
with open("Disco Elysium.json", encoding="utf-8") as disco_data_json:
disco_data = json.load(disco_data_json)
# Go through each conversation.
for conversation in disco_data["conversations"]:
# Go through each piece of dialogue within a conversation.
for dialogue in conversation["dialogueEntries"]:
# Construct a dictionary of this dialogue block with the dialogue's speaker
# and, if it has them, difficulty and antipassiveness.
# (We do this as dialogue entries are weirdly formatted and difficult to
# manipulate otherwise).
dialogue_field_dict = {}
dialogue_field_dict["Antipassive"] = False
for dialogue_field in dialogue["fields"]:
if dialogue_field["title"] == "Antipassive":
dialogue_field_dict["Antipassive"] = True
elif dialogue_field["title"] == "Actor":
dialogue_field_dict["Actor"] = int(dialogue_field["value"])
elif dialogue_field["title"] == "DifficultyPass":
dialogue_field_dict["DifficultyPass"] = int(dialogue_field["value"])
# If this dialogue block is a skill check, add it to the count(s).
if "DifficultyPass" in dialogue_field_dict:
if dialogue_field_dict["Antipassive"]:
antipassive_checks[ACTOR_DICT[dialogue_field_dict["Actor"]]][dialogue_field_dict["DifficultyPass"]] += 1
passive_checks[ACTOR_DICT[dialogue_field_dict["Actor"]]][dialogue_field_dict["DifficultyPass"]] += 1
#Write result tables #
# Write a table of tallied difficulty checks for both passives and antipassives for each skill.
for tup in [('Passive Checks', passive_checks), ('Antipassive Checks', antipassive_checks)]:
# The table will have the skill's name and sum of checks as first two columns.
header = ["Skill", "Total"] + list(range(HIGH_CHECK))
data = []
title = tup[0]
checks = tup[1]
for skill in DISPLAY_ORDER:
# The +2 is for the skill name and sum of checks.
skill_checks = [0] * (HIGH_CHECK + 2)
skill_checks[0] = skill
skill_checks[1] = sum(checks[skill])
for i, value in enumerate(checks[skill]):
skill_checks[DIFF_MAP[i] - 6 + 2] = value
# Write to file.
with open(title + ".csv", 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Plot results #
#skill grid dimensions
X = 6
Y = 4
#chart colours
ROW_COLOURS = ['skyblue', 'orchid', 'indianred', 'gold']
BG_COLOUR = 'black'
SPINE_COLOUR = 'white'
for tup in [('Passive Checks', passive_checks), ('Antipassive Checks', antipassive_checks)]:
#unpack tuple
title = tup[0]
checks = tup[1]
#setup all Y*X subplopts
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=Y, ncols=X, sharex=True)
#set figure title, size and, background colour
fig.suptitle(title, color=SPINE_COLOUR, fontsize=22)
fig.set_size_inches(24, 13.5)
#go through all skills
for y in range(0,Y):
for x in range(0, X):
#skill being drawn
skill = DISPLAY_ORDER[x + X*y]
#calculate total number of skill checks and find highest skill check
count = sum(checks[skill])
max_skill = max(map(lambda dc: DIFF_MAP[dc], [ j for (i,j) in zip(checks[skill], range(15)) if i > 0 ]), default=0)
#style chart
col = ROW_COLOURS[y]
ax[y, x].set_title(DISPLAY_ORDER[X*y+x], color=col)
ax[y, x].set_facecolor(BG_COLOUR)
for spine in ax[y,x].spines.values():
ax[y, x].tick_params(colors=SPINE_COLOUR)
#allow max of 5 y ticks and only use integer values
ax[y, x].yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5, integer=True))
#remove y ticks if there is no data
if count == 0:
ax[y,x].tick_params(axis='y',which='both', left=False, labelleft=False)
## else:
## ax[y,x].set_yscale('log')
#draw bar chart
ax[y, x].bar(list(map(lambda d: DIFF_MAP[d], range(0,15))), checks[skill], color=col)
#add stat data
ax[y, x].text(0.75, 0.85, f'Σ={count}', color=SPINE_COLOUR, transform = ax[y, x].transAxes)
ax[y, x].text(0.75, 0.75, f'M={max_skill}', color=SPINE_COLOUR, transform = ax[y, x].transAxes)
#save figures with max window size
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
fig.savefig(title + ".png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), transparent=False)
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RikCost commented Apr 26, 2024

Where i can find Disco Elysium.json?

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