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Created February 28, 2021 17:01
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Autorun Synology Hyper Backup and Integrity Check with Email Notifications
# This script is to be used in combination with Synology Autorun:
# -
# -
# You need to change the task_id to match your Hyper Backup task.
# Get it with command: more /usr/syno/etc/synobackup.conf
# I like to keep "Beep at start and end" disabled in Autorun, because I don't
# want the NAS to beep after completing (could be in the middle of the night)
# But beep at start is a nice way to confirm the script has started,
# so that's why this script starts with a beep.
# After the backup completes, the integrity check will start.
# Unfortunately in DSM you can't choose to receive email notifications of the integrity check results.
# So there's a little workaround, at the end of this script, to send an (email) notification.
# The results of the integrity check are taken from the synobackup.log file.
# In DSM -> Control Panel -> Notification I enabled email notifications,
# I changed its Subject to %TITLE% and the content to:
# Dear user,
# Integrity check for %TASK_NAME% is done.
# This way I receive email notifications with the results of the Integrity Check.
# Credits:
# -
# -
# -
task_id=6 # Hyper Backup task id, get it with command: more /usr/syno/etc/synobackup.conf
task_name="USB3 3TB Seagate" # Only used for the notification
/bin/echo 2 > /dev/ttyS1 # Beep on start
startTime=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") # Current date and time
device=$2 # e.g. sde1, passed to this script as second argument
# Backup
/usr/syno/bin/synobackup --backup $task_id --type image
while sleep 60 && /var/packages/HyperBackup/target/bin/dsmbackup --running-on-dev $device
# Check integrity
/var/packages/HyperBackup/target/bin/detect_monitor -k $task_id -t -f -g
# Wait a bit before detect_monitor is up and running
sleep 60
# Wait until check is finished, poll every 60 seconds
/var/packages/HyperBackup/target/bin/detect_monitor -k $task_id -p 60
# Send results of integrity check via email (from last lines of log file)
while read line
# Compute the seconds since epoch for the start date and time
t1=$(date --date="$startTime" +%s)
# Date and time in log line (second column)
dt2=$(echo "$line" | cut -d$'\t' -f2)
# Compute the seconds since epoch for log line date and time
t2=$(date --date="$dt2" +%s)
# Compute the difference in dates in seconds
let "tDiff=$t2-$t1"
# echo "Approx diff b/w $startTime & $dt2 = $tDiff"
# Stop reading log lines from before the startTime
if [[ "$tDiff" -lt 0 ]]; then
text=`echo "$line" | cut -d$'\t' -f4`
# Get rid of [Local] prefix
text=`echo "$text" | sed 's/\[Local\]//'`
if [ -z ${title} ]; then
done <<<$(tac /var/log/synolog/synobackup.log)
# Hijack the ShareSyncError event to send custom message.
# This event is free to reuse because I don't use the Shared Folder Sync (rsync) feature.
# More info on sending custom (email) notifications:
/usr/syno/bin/synonotify "ShareSyncError" "{\"%OUTPUT%\": \"${output}\", \"%TITLE%\": \"${title}\", \"%TASK_NAME%\": \"${task_name}\"}"
# Sleep a bit more before unmounting the disk
sleep 60
# Unmount the disk
exit 100
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gersteba commented Jan 17, 2024

For further discussion on my adapted script please subscribe here:

@Jip-Hop: Sorry for any inconvenience.

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