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Forked from maedoc/
Created April 1, 2016 14:29
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from tvb.simulator.lab import *
import threading
import numpy
import time
import sys
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
class SimThread(threading.Thread):
def set_sim(self, sim, **kwds):
self.sim = sim
self.kwds = kwds
self.t = -1.0
def run(self):
"Convenience method to call the simulator with **kwds and collect output data."
tic = time.time()
ts, xs = [], []
for _ in self.sim.monitors:
for data in self.sim(**self.kwds):
for tl, xl, t_x in zip(ts, xs, data):
if t_x is not None:
t, x = t_x
if t > self.t:
self.t = t
for i in range(len(ts)):
ts[i] = numpy.array(ts[i])
xs[i] = numpy.array(xs[i])
self.results = list(zip(ts, xs))
self.wall_time = time.time() - tic
def formattime(eta):
m = 60
h = m*60
d = 24*h
msg = ''
if eta > d:
msg += '%d day(s), %d hour(s)' % (eta/d, ((eta/h) % 24))
elif eta > h:
msg += '%d hour(s), %d minute(s)' % (eta/h, ((eta/m) % 60))
msg += '%d minute(s), %d seconds(s)' % (eta/m, eta%m)
return msg
def pbpct(p=1e2, eta=None, walltime=None):
i = int(p/2)
msg = '\r[%s%s] %d %%' % ('.'*i, ' '*(50 - i), p)
if eta:
msg += ', ETA: ' + formattime(eta)
elif walltime:
msg += ' Wall Time: ' + formattime(walltime)
def run_sim_with_progress_bar(sim, simulation_length, polltime=1):
tic = time.time()
ar = SimThread()
ar.set_sim(sim, simulation_length=simulation_length)
while True:
prog = ar.t
pct = prog*1e2/simulation_length
toc = time.time() - tic
if pct > 0.0:
time_per_centile = toc / pct
centiles_left = 100 - pct
pbpct(pct, centiles_left * time_per_centile)
if hasattr(ar, 'wall_time'):
pbpct(100.0, walltime=ar.wall_time)
return ar.results
cortex = cortex.Cortex(load_default=True)
def multiview(data, suptitle='', figsize=(15, 10), **kwds):
cs = cortex
vtx = cs.vertices
tri = cs.triangles
rm = cs.region_mapping
x, y, z = vtx.T
lh_tri = tri[(rm[tri] < 38).any(axis=1)]
lh_vtx = vtx[rm < 38]
lh_x, lh_y, lh_z = lh_vtx.T
lh_tx, lh_ty, lh_tz = lh_vtx[lh_tri].mean(axis=1).T
rh_tri = tri[(rm[tri] >= 38).any(axis=1)]
rh_vtx = vtx[rm < 38]
rh_x, rh_y, rh_z = rh_vtx.T
rh_tx, rh_ty, rh_tz = vtx[rh_tri].mean(axis=1).T
tx, ty, tz = vtx[tri].mean(axis=1).T
views = {
'lh-lateral': Triangulation(-x, z, lh_tri[argsort(lh_ty)[::-1]]),
'lh-medial': Triangulation(x, z, lh_tri[argsort(lh_ty)]),
'rh-medial': Triangulation(-x, z, rh_tri[argsort(rh_ty)[::-1]]),
'rh-lateral': Triangulation(x, z, rh_tri[argsort(rh_ty)]),
'both-superior': Triangulation(y, x, tri[argsort(tz)]),
def plotview(i, j, k, viewkey, z=None, zlim=None, zthresh=None, suptitle='', shaded=True,, viewlabel=False):
v = views[viewkey]
ax = subplot(i, j, k)
if z is None:
z = rand(v.x.shape[0])
if not viewlabel:
kwargs = {'shading': 'gouraud'} if shaded else {'edgecolors': 'k', 'linewidth': 0.1}
if zthresh:
z = z.copy() * (abs(z) > zthresh)
tc = ax.tripcolor(v, z, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
if zlim:
tc.set_clim(vmin=-zlim, vmax=zlim)
if suptitle:
ax.set_title(suptitle, fontsize=24)
if viewlabel:
plotview(2, 3, 1, 'lh-lateral', data, **kwds)
plotview(2, 3, 4, 'lh-medial', data, **kwds)
plotview(2, 3, 3, 'rh-lateral', data, **kwds)
plotview(2, 3, 6, 'rh-medial', data, **kwds)
plotview(1, 3, 2, 'both-superior', data, suptitle=suptitle, **kwds)
subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
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