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John-Michael Reed JohnReedLOL

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package ice4j_stun_tutorial;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
// I'm trying to understand this code...
import shapeless._
import shapeless.PolyDefns._
import nat._
import poly._
import syntax.std.traversable._
import syntax.std.tuple._
import syntax.typeable._
val times2 = (x: Int) => x*2
type toExtend = shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int, Int]
// These are the same
object doubleObj1 extends (Int -> Int) (times2)
object doubleObj2 extends (->[Int, Int]) (times2)
object doubleObj3 extends ->[Int, Int](times2)
object doubleObj4 extends shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int, Int](times2)
object doubleObj5 extends toExtend(times2)
I sent you that blog post of mine and you can see from the comments many other sex-repulsed asexual women feel similarly that in general all sexual attraction directed toward them "feels creepy" to think about. While most aces I know are more frank talking *about* sex and the nature of sexual attraction than allosexuals, and many aces are comfortable with sexually explicit discussions - though not all, for some aces sex-repulsion does extend to feeling uncomfortable in these conversations - it is certainly complicated to judge what the average ace would find "creepy". Creepy is a word with complicated connotations
> I'm sorry. I just replied without looking up what "sex repulsion" actually means. I guess sometimes I can feel discomfort or repulsion from a particular person (even people who are arousing), and I assumed that was what you meant by "sexual repulsion". I'm not in the mood to fully comprehend what it means right now, I'm sorry.
See this Twitter thread btw:
> I liked the little YouTube video you
The attitude of most developers toward JavaScript is shameful. JavaScript is THE language of the web. The fact that most developers don't want to put in one day to seriously study it is shameful. And no matter how much you prefer Scala or Swift of C#, you cannot build a frontend without JavaScript.
I mean yes, if you want to be a die-hard anti-Javascript person, you can do your IOS app in native Swift and your Android app in native Java and find some language that compiles into JavaScript and use that for your web page, but you still need some JavaScript because when you have a bug in your [insert language that compiles to Javascript], you still have to look at the JavaScript. Plus having to learn like three different languages to get around having to learn Javascript is ridiculous.
To put it simply - you cannot call yourself a fronted developer if you have no clue how to program in JavaScript..
JohnReedLOL / publish.txt
Created September 25, 2018 02:42
pos published to sbt bintray
JohnMichaelsAir:5.0 user$ sbt
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/user/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/user/Downloads/scala-trace-debug/5.0/project
[info] Set current project to pos (in build file:/Users/user/Downloads/scala-trace-debug/5.0/)
> + package
[info] Setting version to 2.11.12
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to pos (in build file:/Users/user/Downloads/scala-trace-debug/5.0/)
[info] Updating {file:/Users/user/Downloads/scala-trace-debug/5.0/}root-5-0...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.14.3 ...
JohnReedLOL / Healthcare Spending
Last active December 27, 2018 03:15
US Healthcare
Healthy capitalism consists of multiple businesses competing with one another to provide lower prices or better services for their customers. Unhealthy capitalism consists of one business milking it's customers because it can. Any industry where customers cannot shop around or make decisions based on price is not capitalist. It is monopolist.
The US healthcare system is not healthy capitalism. It is theft. For example, take this $153,000 hospital bill for a rattlesnake bite: . Until the prices for a given procedure do not vary depending on who is paying for it and until hospitals and health insurance companies make it possible for anyone to instantaneously look up a price or range of prices for any procedure or service, the hospital system will not be a healthy capitalist system. If I had the power to do so, I would give all hospital and health insurance company employees and executives in the entire industry a choice. Either publish all prices
When George Washington became President, he surrounded himself with advisors. The fact of the matter is that there is no way for me (or anyone, really) to have expertise in everything, so I would need advisors. Listening is a great skill as it allows one to take in information from others. I believe that a President should be guided by the best and the brightest. By people of the highest expertise in their area. From economics to education, from foreign policy to war, and on all major issues, a president should be guided by the best and the brightest in their area, and not by sycophants.
Appointments should be based on merit and expertise. If I were to ever become president, I would strive to surround myself and be guided by people of the highest expertise in their respective fields. The best economists, educators, scientists, and generals. Donald Trump's notion of a "loyalty oath" and the notion of choosing people based on political cronyism is not a practice that I want to pervade my office.
Dear Elizabeth Warren,
Hi. My name is John Michael Reed and this is my Twitter:
There is one thing that I am doing that I would like for you to do. I am going after the #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain people. If you go to my Twitter and click on "Tweets & replies" you will see that I am going after the very far right people. Facists like Steve Bannon, Trump supporting Evangelical leaders like Dr. Michael Brown ( ), and even NRA people ( , ) . And amazingly enough a couple of the #MAGA people have even liked and retweeted some of my content. Instead of running away from them or thinking that you can win without reaching these people, I want you to convert or win over these voters. Me personally, if I see some crazy guy wearing a white hooded robe and holding a burning cross, I think to myself
These are my current policy opinions. They are subject to change over time.
In general I think that if something is too convoluted or non-sensical to explain to people, it's generally not a good idea. I think that our policy decisions should be guided by and advised by really smart people who understand the underlying problem or issue, and I believe these people exist in every major industry. I believe that experts in the various fields should be consulted when creating policies, and that when it comes to selecting experts, we should not limit ourselves to only people from a certain locations, backgrounds, or political parties.
I have come to the realization that I am not as far left as I thought I was, and I honestly do not want the country to suddenly veer to the very far left or far right. These are my opinions on various issues:
On the issue of guns, I have received a handgun safety certificate from an NRA class and I believe that qualified, non-criminal people should be able to buy guns. We should not