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Jonas Everaert Jomy10

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nowl / perlin.c
Created February 15, 2011 19:04
Perlin Noise in C
#include <stdio.h>
static int SEED = 0;
static int hash[] = {208,34,231,213,32,248,233,56,161,78,24,140,71,48,140,254,245,255,247,247,40,
FredEckert / framebuffer.c
Created August 22, 2012 13:15
Paint Pixels to Screen via Linux FrameBuffer
To test that the Linux framebuffer is set up correctly, and that the device permissions
are correct, use the program below which opens the frame buffer and draws a gradient-
filled red square:
retrieved from:
Testing the Linux Framebuffer for Qtopia Core (qt4-x11-4.2.2)
gitaarik /
Last active July 16, 2024 09:42
Git Submodules basic explanation

Git Submodules basic explanation

Why submodules?

In Git you can add a submodule to a repository. This is basically a repository embedded in your main repository. This can be very useful. A couple of usecases of submodules:

  • Separate big codebases into multiple repositories.
roachhd /
Last active July 18, 2024 07:24
Basics of BrainFuck


BrainFuck Programming Tutorial by: Katie



samrat / sdl2_stbtt.c
Last active September 4, 2023 12:30
Drawing text into a bitmap w/ stb_truetype
#include "SDL.h"
gcc -g --std=c99 -o sdl2_stbtt sdl2_stbtt.c `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lm
./sdl2_stbtt /usr/share/fonts/TTF/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf
notozeki / Makefile
Last active March 22, 2023 16:27
An example Ruby extension written in Crystal
CRYSTAL = crystal
UNAME = "$(shell uname -ms)"
LIBRARY_PATH = $(shell brew --prefix crystal-lang)/embedded/lib
LIBS = -levent -lpcl -lpcre -lgc -lpthread
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup
TARGET = crystal_example_ext.bundle
$(TARGET): crystal_example_ext.o
$(CC) -bundle -L$(LIBRARY_PATH) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
cjonesy /
Last active July 12, 2024 23:40
Installing Ubuntu on MacBook Pro

Macbook Pro - Ubuntu Install


2 USB drives > 2GB


Create bootable USB drive

  1. Grab the latest Ubuntu Desktop iso image
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
/// A thread-safe array.
public class SynchronizedArray<Element> {
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.zamzam.ZamzamKit.SynchronizedArray", attributes: .concurrent)
private var array = [Element]()
public init() { }
chriseidhof / goroutines.swift
Created February 16, 2018 12:36
import Foundation
protocol Channel: IteratorProtocol {
func send(_ value: Element?)
/// A blocking channel for sending values.
/// `send` and `receive` must run in separate separate execution contexts, otherwise you get a deadlock.
final class BlockingChannel<A>: Channel {
cmer /
Last active December 31, 2023 15:34
Gem In a Box basic authentication & authorization rackup file
# This is a simple rackup file for geminabox. It allows simple role-based authorization.
# roles:
# - developer
# - upload
# - delete
# - admin (can do anything)
# For example, a developer who can access the service and upload new gems would have the following roles: `%w(developer upload)