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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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private enum Direction{
N ((byte)1),
W ((byte)2);
private final byte index;
Direction(byte _index){
index = _index;
public byte getIndex(){
return index;
public final class Maze {
Stack s_stack;
Random rand;
public int MSizeX;
public int MSizeY;
public int MSizeZ;
public int[] maze_base;
public byte[][] maze_data;
private int iSmooth;
// --- Generating ---
public void GenerateMaze(int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeZ, int seed, int smoothness){
iSmooth = smoothness;
MSizeX = sizeX;
MSizeY = sizeY;
MSizeZ = sizeZ;
maze_base = new int[MSizeX * MSizeZ];
maze_data = new byte[MSizeX][MSizeZ];
s_stack = new Stack();
rand = new Random(seed);
cMazeState state = new cMazeState(rand.nextInt() % MSizeX, rand.nextInt() % MSizeZ, 0);
analyze_cell(state, rand);
void analyze_cell(cMazeState s, Random r){
boolean bEnd = false, found;
int indexSrc, indexDest, tDir = 0, prevDir = 0;
if (s.dir == 15){
while (s.dir == 15){
s = (cMazeState)s_stack.pop();
if (s == null){
bEnd = true;
if (bEnd == true) break;
try {
prevDir = tDir;
tDir = (int)Math.pow(2, r.nextInt() % 4);
if ((r.nextInt() % 32) < iSmooth)
if ((s.dir & prevDir) == 0)
tDir = prevDir;
if ((s.dir & tDir) != 0)
found = true;
found = false;
} while (found == true && s.dir != 15);
s.dir |= tDir;
indexSrc = cell_index(s.x, s.z);
// Dir W
if (tDir == 1 && s.x > 0){
indexDest = cell_index(s.x - 1, s.z);
if (base_cell(indexSrc) != base_cell(indexDest)){
merge(indexSrc, indexDest);
maze_data[s.x][s.z] |= Direction.W.getIndex();
s_stack.push(new cMazeState(s));
s.x -= 1; s.dir = 0;
// Dir E
if (tDir == 2 && s.x < MSizeX - 1){
indexDest = cell_index(s.x + 1, s.z);
if (base_cell(indexSrc) != base_cell(indexDest)){
merge(indexSrc, indexDest);
maze_data[s.x + 1][s.z] |= Direction.W.getIndex();
s_stack.push(new cMazeState(s));
s.x += 1; s.dir = 0;
// Dir N
if (tDir == 4 && s.z > 0){
indexDest = cell_index(s.x, s.z - 1);
if (base_cell(indexSrc) != base_cell(indexDest)){
merge(indexSrc, indexDest);
maze_data[s.x][s.z] |= Direction.N.getIndex();
s_stack.push(new cMazeState(s));
s.z -= 1; s.dir = 0;
// Dir S
if (tDir == 8 && s.z < MSizeZ - 1){
indexDest = cell_index(s.x, s.z + 1);
if (base_cell(indexSrc) != base_cell(indexDest)){
merge(indexSrc, indexDest);
maze_data[s.x][s.z + 1] |= Direction.N.getIndex();
s_stack.push(new cMazeState(s));
s.z += 1; s.dir = 0;
catch (Exception e){
// --- get voxel data ---
public boolean[][][] GetMaze(int xS, int zS){
int i, j;
int xSize = xS / MSizeX;
int zSize = zS / MSizeZ;
boolean[][][] VoxelMaze = new boolean[xS + 1][MSizeY][zS + 1];
for (i = 0; i < MSizeX; i++){
for (j = 0; j < MSizeZ; j++){
if ((maze_data[i][j] & Direction.N.getIndex()) == 0){
// draw voxel vertical line.
int startingPointX = xSize * i;
int EndingPointX = xSize * (i + 1);
int zPos = zSize * j;
for (int _x = startingPointX; _x < EndingPointX; _x++){
for (int _y = 0; _y < MSizeY; _y++){
VoxelMaze[_x][_y][zPos] = true;
if ((maze_data[i][j] & Direction.W.getIndex()) == 0){
// draw voxel horizontal line.
int startingPointZ = zSize * j;
int endingPointZ = zSize * (j + 1);
int xPos = xSize * i;
for(int _y = 0; _y < MSizeY; _y++){
for (int _z = startingPointZ; _z < endingPointZ; _z++){
VoxelMaze[xPos][_y][_z] = true;
return VoxelMaze;
// --- Cell functions ---
int cell_index(int x, int y){
return MSizeX * y + x;
int base_cell(int tIndex){
int index = tIndex;
while(maze_base[index] >= 0){
index = maze_base[index];
return index;
void merge (int index1, int index2){
int base1 = base_cell(index1);
int base2 = base_cell(index2);
maze_base[base2] = base1;
// --- Maze Init ---
void MazeInit(Random r){
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < MSizeX; i++){
for (j = 0; j < MSizeZ; j++){
maze_base[cell_index(i, j)] = -1;
maze_data[i][j] = 0;
void LogError(final Exception e){
MazeGen.getInstance().getServer().getScheduler().runTask(MazeGen.getInstance(), new BukkitRunnable () {
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String message = e.getClass().toString() + ": " + e.getMessage();
StackTraceElement[] traceArray = e.getStackTrace();
String trace = "";
for (StackTraceElement element : traceArray){
trace += element.toString() + "\n";
MazeGen.getInstance().getServer().broadcastMessage(message + "\n" + trace);
public final class cCellPosition {
public int x, z;
public cCellPosition() {}
public cCellPosition(int xp, int zp) {x = xp; z = zp;}
public final class cMazeState {
public int x, z, dir;
public cMazeState(int tx, int tz, int td) {x = tx; z = tz; dir = td;}
public cMazeState(cMazeState s) {x = s.x; z = s.z; dir = s.dir;}
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